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Die Vervielfältigung dieser Seite ist für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. © 2018 Cornelsen Verlag GmbH, Berlin.

Für inhaltliche Veränderungen durch Dritte übernimmt der Verlag keine Verantwortung. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Adjectives Nouns & Verbs Context Definitions Verbs Pictures Opposites German/ English

Vocabulary Action Sheet

You look so value – Did you see that job the cloth that jeans I sometimes drink like – Frisur

are made of: tea, but I actually
ful (to) v a u h
– are you worried in the newspaper? d p coffee.
about something?
Better not tell my difference – I have only two days a person who writes I don’t think I could strong – Wunsch, Verlangen

parents you’re gay left to poems:
– they are very (to) d
c with
w d
c my
p all the stress in your
Illustrator: Roland Beier, Berlin
Erarbeitet von Dominik Eberhard, Bonn
English G Access | 6 Vocabulary Action Sheets

c . presentation. job. b
He’s not gay. He’s (to) represent – They have just a normal, fixed way She kept looking at tidy – trotzdem, dennoch

completely discovered a new of doing things him, but he tried to
r s
regularly: u y
s .
of insect in Asia. r i her.

Come on. We all (to) marry – “IT” stands for someone who You’re so funny – legible – Vergleich (Stilmittel)

know you love her information teaches a practical you always
– it’s so m skill or sport: i s
o ! t .
i m me laugh!

This dog is so (to) pay – Don’t try to a local office/shop Mirrors existent – Mittel; Gerät,

belonging to a large Apparat
a !
p d what company: r images. n -
He always tries to
bite everyone. you did – I saw you!
b d
Socks aren’t a very persuasion – What is your cat’s a way of seeing or That’s the best thing equal – Erziehung

thinking about you can do – if you
o (to) p s something: u u
idea for a birthday ? – Female.
c the
present. p options you have.
Your goal to win the (to) record – Listen, everybody! the area where all You decide – I don’t (to) send a letter – Kursivschrift

marathon is quite Can I have your the planets and stars want to
r a ,
are: (to) r i
a .
please? s i you. a letter

Are electric cars (to) repair – Everybody should a regional form of a You should complex – Stellungnahme,
really better than make a positive language: Meinungsartikel
8 c r c s o

the first line of each
to society.
d paragraph.
Die Vervielfältigung dieser Seite ist für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. © 2018 Cornelsen Verlag GmbH, Berlin.
Für inhaltliche Veränderungen durch Dritte übernimmt der Verlag keine Verantwortung. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Nouns (N) &
Adjectives Definitions Context Small words Verbs Pictures German/English

Vocabulary Action Sheet

Adjectives (A)
I’ve only had one a program that Where did you You work too much Can you t N: curl – kürzlich, vor
year of French, so searches the Internet – you should take Kurzem; in letzter
1 it’s still b . for information: h some time .
on your computer
with all ten fingers?
A: c Zeit
s e your hair cut? It
looks great! r
I have a very good a set of letters in a I’ve typed in all the The government has Some cultures don’t N: patriotism – was … betrifft/
particular style: text, but I still need
anbelangt, …
v memory – called an r A: p
f to f W
Illustrator: Roland Beier, Berlin
Erarbeitet von Dominik Eberhard, Bonn
English G Access | 6 Vocabulary Action Sheets

it. women as full

I never forget a face. end to the fighting.
members of society. c …

We’re so hungry! We sb. who advises My parents allow me You need more facts He wanted to come, N: pain – ständig, dauernd
people on their to do quite a lot – but he didn’t
3 need a p to back
personal problems: they’re very
your main A: p l c
meal, not just a statement. s up.
snack! c l .
I can’t take your idea the office, room, etc. I don’t know why We just can’t find a She had this terrible N: athlete – Mittelpunkt,

seriously – it’s just where people work: he’s forgotten – he’s pain, so she asked a
so r . usually very solution doctor to A: a
w this problem.
r . e her.
First, describe the money paid as a You should be I’m back! Have you When I get angry, I N: passion – leider,
punishment: tidied your room often bedauerlicherweise
5 g idea before
you go into detail. f
dressed, so no suit the r my
A: p
and tie, please. meantime? voice.
I didn’t want an a short, interesting Electric cars are Women make Some metals A: clear – Menschheit,

answer – it was a story about sth. real:
menschliche Rasse
r c to more r when they N: c
a be the future. than half of the get in touch with
question. population. water. c h
Her voice is very a brief but intense The police are just Ants are quite strong If nobody buys our N: i – Erstaunen
shaking of the checking the man’s car we’ll have to
7 e
and emotional – it
earth’s surface:
i . relation to their size. r the
A: important
sounds wonderful. e price.

In Greece, there are American English Almost the The film appeals Teachers should not N: fact – Aufregung,

still lots of for ‘garden’: Begeisterung
e city d A: f
a y was destroyed in the people of all ages. against any student e
monuments. war. in their class.

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