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Abdulrahman Fathy

- Lexicography, the art and craft of dictionary-making,

is as old as writing.

- After the death of the Prophet Mohammad in 632

A.D., Moslem scholars were in need of understanding
certain verses in the Holy Qur’an and some of the
Prophet’s oral tradition and sayings.

Abdulrahman Fathy

-Two general approaches are distinguished in the craft

of dictionary-making:
1- The semasiological like ( the synonym dictionaries
and the word finding dictionaries)

2- The onomasiological like (all dictionaries that are

used for finding a word from an idea)

Abdulrahman Fathy
Lexicology and Lexicography

- Lexicology, on one hand, takes care of the vocabulary items

in so far as their meanings within a specific language.

- On the other hand, lexicography in essence involves a five-

step procedure in tackling lexical items as representative of a
 collecting information and facts,
 selecting entries,
 arranging them in accordance with a specific system,
 writing the material,
 and eventually coming up with the final product which is the

Abdulrahman Fathy
Arabic Lexicography

 Arabic had the chance to enjoy from its very early

stages the compilation of many different dictionaries
when many thereof had protective purposes as well
as pure academic ones.

 Of course, the great number of dictionaries prepared

for a single language would definitely imply a
variety of procedures and principles in their

Abdulrahman Fathy
Typologies of Arabic Dictionaries

 ‫ نصار‬viewed Arabic dictionaries as having the

following trends:
 (School of Phonetic Arrangement and
Permutation) .
 (School of Grammatical Arrangement or
Arrangement as to Morphological Patterns).
 (School of Word-Rhyme Alphabetical
 (School of Word-Beginning Alphabetical
Abdulrahman Fathy
Typologies of Arabic Dictionaries

 Haywood (1960) saw Arabic dictionaries as

being of three trends:

 (Dictionaries of Permutation).
 (Dictionaries of Word-Rhyme Alphabetical
 (Dictionaries of Word-Beginning Alphabetical

Abdulrahman Fathy
Typologies of Arabic Dictionaries

 ‫ عبذ انتىاب‬stated three types of dictionaries:

two were those of general purpose
dictionaries, and the third was that of
specific purpose dictionaries:
 (Dictionaries Arranging Words According to Place of
Articulation and Permutation).
 (Dictionaries Arranging Words Alphabetically).
 (Dictionaries Arranging Words According to

Abdulrahman Fathy
Typologies of Arabic Dictionaries

 ‫ شرقاوي أقبال‬made a comprehensive classification of

all Arabic dictionaries. He recognised eight
types of dictionaries:
 (Dictionaries of Dialects)
 (Dictionaries of Subjects)
 (Dictionaries of Permutation and Replacement)
 (Dictionaries of Derivation)
 (Dictionaries Compiled on the Basis of Particles)
 (Dictionaries of Grammatical (Morphological)
 (Dictionaries of Meanings)
 (Dictionaries of Anecdotes)

Abdulrahman Fathy
Typologies of Arabic Dictionaries

 ‫ خهيم‬distinguished four major schools of

Arabic dictionaries:

 (School of Phonetic Arrangement)

 (School of Alphabetical Arrangement and
(Morphological) Patterns)
 (School of Rhyme-System Arrangement)
 (School of Dictionaries of Subjects)

Abdulrahman Fathy
Schools of Arabic Lexicography

 1-The Onomasiological School )‫)مذرست انمعاجم انمىضىعيت‬

 The earliest forms of Arabic lexicographical work were
those treatises collected by informants and linguists from
pure native speakers (Bedouins) around the period from
the end of the first century A.H. till the end of third century
 These were vocabulary lists associated with a specific lexical
field (subject)
 for instance, dictionaries (specifically, vocabulary lists)
about horses, camels, trees, plants, wells, humans, etc.

Abdulrahman Fathy
Schools of Arabic Lexicography

2- Semasiological Schools
1- ‫مذرست انعين‬
 The father of this school, as well as of all systematic
Arabic lexicography, was ‫انخهيم بن احمذ انفراهيذي‬He compiled
the dictionary of ‫انعين‬.
 ‫ انعين‬was the leading representative dictionary of this
school; its principles were adopted in preparing other
dictionaries, such as ‫انبارع‬by ‫ البى عهي انقاني‬.
 There were two systems : ‫أبجذي‬and ‫أنفبائيا‬.
 ‫انفراهيذي‬adopted neither one. Both seemed not pure
enough .

Abdulrahman Fathy
Schools of Arabic Lexicography

 1- ‫مذرست انعين‬
 Alternatively, he considered the place of articulation of
the sounds representing the letters of the alphabet. He
began with the throat-farthest point of articulation of
pharyngeal sounds and moved forward to the nearest
point of the bilabial sounds.
 Characteristics of ‫انعين‬:
- It considered the place of articulation as a point to
arrange the letters of the alphabet.
- It made use of word-rhyme in arranging the entries.
- It made use of the derivational nature of Arabic.

Abdulrahman Fathy
Schools of Arabic Lexicography

2- ‫مذرست انجمهرة‬
 ‫جمهرة اللغة‬was prepared by ‫أبى بكر محمذ بن انحسن‬.
 He made use of the morphological patterns or roots as
being the basis of Arabic words.
 The elements of a root would be permutated so as to create
new words or lexemes.
 He classified these roots into categories (‫ )أبىاب‬following the
alphabetical (‫ ) أنفبائي‬order.
 The dictionary was characterised by following the alphabetical
(‫ ) األنفبائي‬system in the arrangement of the entries, not the
phonetic system. And, like that of ‫انعين‬, the radicals of a root
would be permutated so as to recognise the used words and
neglect the unused ones within the language.

Abdulrahman Fathy
Schools of Arabic Lexicography

3- ‫مذرست انصحاح‬
 The dictionary ‫(تاج انهغت وصحاح انعربيت‬known as ‫انصحاح‬for
short) adopted a system of entry-arrangement which
made one of the most well- known approaches to the
dictionary-making craft at that time; still, some of its
follow-dictionaries are fashionable among different
users. The pioneer in the design of this approach was ‫أبى‬
‫نصر اسماعيم بن حماد انجىهري‬.
 ‫ انجىهري‬announced the fact that he collected herein in the
dictionary what seemed to him the very authentic of the
Arabic language .
 That method was based on the recognition of the
importance of the word-ends, or word-rhymes.

Abdulrahman Fathy
Schools of Arabic Lexicography

4- ‫مذرست أساس انبالغت‬

 This dictionary was compiled by ‫أبى انقاسم محمىد بن عمر‬
 It adopts a system which considers the radicals of a
root, which certainly yields words, as they appear
originally, and no permutation is made thereof.
 This system of entry-arrangement is easy to deal
with: words are entered within a dictionary as they
are originally written; derivatives of a certain root
would be included there-under only, and no
permutation whatsoever is inserted.

Abdulrahman Fathy
Comparison between history of Arabic and English

Arabic Lexicography English Lexicography

 not only did Arab  The beginning of English

lexicographers, from the very lexicography associated
beginning, devise their own
systematic principles in the itself.
compilation.  It had no independent
 As in the case of ‫انعين‬ existence, but it then
 but also they had intended took such an
their works to be inventories independent form .
of the language, which in turn
would have protective  to provide so systematic
purposes of the means powerful dictionaries,
whereby the Quranic such as those published
message was revealed. by Bailey and Johnson.

Abdulrahman Fathy
Comparison between history of Arabic and English

Arabic Lexicography English Lexicography

 In Arabic, the initiative  The call of English

steps towards the
production of a thesaurus- onomasiological
like reference book began thesaurus word-books
scattered among the very was only implicitly
large number of treatises
covering specific subjects, made in 1668 by
which were then collected John Wilkins, and was
into bulky volumes having only complied with in
a full coverage of a
language's lexical items, as 1852 by Peter Roget via
in ‫ المخصص‬. publishing his
Abdulrahman Fathy
Comparison between history of Arabic and English

Arabic Lexicography English Lexicography

 As for Arabic, the approach is

captured in a wider range of  The semasiological
production. Some dictionaries approach in English is
had a phonetic articulatory
basis in arranging their entries, manifested in
as in ‫انعين‬. As well, others took alphabetical arranged
care of the alphabetical (‫) انفبائي‬ dictionaries only
order in arranging their lexical
items, a state of affairs reflected
in either the word-beginning
as in ‫جمهرة انهغت‬, or word-
rhyme as in ‫صحاح انهغت وتاج‬
‫انعربيت‬where permutations of
Abdulrahman were made use of.
Comparison between history of Arabic and English

Arabic Lexicography English Lexicography

 The variation in the ways  Accordingly, this

the entries were arranged concept of derivation is
in Arabic dictionaries
might be ascribed to the totally different from
derivative nature of that operating in
Arabic. Newer words are English where suffixes
derived by adding to, and prefixes are, in
deleting from, or almost all cases, only
making permutations
of the radicals of a root. added or deleted.

Abdulrahman Fathy
Comparison between history of Arabic and English

Arabic Lexicography English Lexicography

 Despite such a limited range

 Unfortunately, Arabic, of alphabetical arrangement,
the very rich from its English lexicography had the
very early stages in this merits to enjoy the
respect, has now only a compilation by James
shattered vision of a Murray and his team in
dream, represented in (1928) the monumental A
‫انمعجم انكبير‬, never New English Dictionary on
Historical Principles, which
coming true.
is now the Oxford English
Abdulrahman Fathy


Abdulrahman Fathy

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