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"Philippines: Threads of Pride, Colors of Culture"

The slogan Philippines: “Thread of Pride, Colors of Culture.” Is not just a slogan but also an
invitation to people, on how Filipino’s histories are colorful and full of different cultures and belief. The
Thread of Pride” means the connection in the fabric of our colorful and meaningful culture, It’s like the
threads weaving together the beliefs, stories, tradition and especially fiesta of different cities, creating
how different places in the Philippines became unique.

The famous fiesta representing different cultures, different reasons to celebrate is one of the
pride of the nation, it celebrates every year that expressing the strength lies in the unity. In the shared
pride we carry for our diverse traditions and the “Colors of Nature”, The colors of hundred island that
will be found in the Philippines, The colors of every traditional craftsmanship that lives in every cities,
especially in province, every shades represent a story.

The slogan "Threads of Pride, Colors of Culture" explain the beauty of the Philippines, not only a slogan
but also an invitation on every tourist to appreciate the beauty of every island, To feel the warm
welcome of every Filipino in different cities, and lastly to show the true meaning of Filipino in the

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