Chapter 10

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p e r t o

recovery and ádàp daequate

improved level
tocompensate and reach
Training too hard
p s

of fitness.
much, Effects of loads on sportsperson's a n d

If the training load is not

R e s e a

If the
there is little or no compensation. sportsperson to have problems with w a r m

load is too much, it will cause
and he may not return to the
by overtraining.
level of fitneSs. "This Condition
reCovery a n

a c

main aim of training

process 1s
As a matter of fact, the
aim is not so simple. In fact. it is
performance. However, to attain thisstimuli (exercise) which results
repeating in


a process of intentionally
adaptation. while avoiding over-training. recoVery. othe


Meaning of Warming-up
Warming--up is usually performed to do an activity in most refined and efficient Com

way. It is a short-term activity and it is done prior to any competition training te

It helps the sportsperson to prepare physically, mentally and physiologicall

for any type of training or competition. In fact, it is necessary to prepare We
muscles. which are involved in that specific activity, sport or game. If proper M
warming-up is done, muscles become ready to respond efficiently. lt is a proCeSs ha
in which muscles are warmed-up by running, jogging and indulging in some be
free hand exercises prior to the training or competition. This preparation betore st
competition or training is called warming-up. The following definitionsmay heip to
to know more aboutwarming-up. t
1. "Warming-up is a practice in itself."
2. "Warming-up is done to tone up the body so as to meet the ensuing activity."
3. "Warming-up consists of a series of preparatory exercises either before a
training session or competition."
10.6 Health and Physical Education
-up is a
Warming-up process of heating the whole body by running and
performing exercises prior to the activity or
Warming-up isa
a preliminary exercise of physical and
mental preparation
for a strenuous exertion,"
,Warming-up s a process by which human machine is brought to a
oondition at which it safely responds to the nerves impulses of the person
for quick and efficient action,"
. De Vries concludes in his research study that
warming-up increases
temperature of blood; and muscles improve the performance.
8. Hill says that "f normal temperature of body is decreased slightly, the
reaction time will be increased, contractile time willalso be increased and
extension of muscles will be less and if body temperature is increased than
normal temperature, then contractile force and speed of muscles will be
It can be concluded that warming-up includes certain exercises, which are
performed before training or competition to prepare well physically, mentally
and psychologically.
Research scholars and physical educationists are divided on the issue of
warming-up. Some of them hold the opinion that warming-up before performing
an activity is not essential. They advocate that warming-up
before an activity
well as time.
is useless and further aver that it is merely a wastage of energy as
peak performance.
They also say that warming-up lays obstacles in the way oflimited. But on the
The number of persons whothink along these lines is
educators who are of
other hand, there are a number of scholars and physical
sport is essential. They
the opinion that warming-up prior toan activity, game or indiscriminate warming
say that warming-up is valuable in many ways but
be specific to the activitv being
up is wastage of energy. Warming-up should warming-up is not done before
performed. It can be easily observed that if proper
damaged. It further leads to
competition or training, the muscles are torn and
disability. Such incidents usually occur
temporary or permanent inefficiency and
play fields. For example, if we take part in triple jump without warm-up.
serious injury, such as ankle injury, knee injuryor leg injury, ete.
We may face players of football, hockey, basketball.
is also observed that all the
Most often, it some exercises for getting warmed-up
handball, tennis, badminton, etc., perform
gamne. This shows that warming-up helps in the beginning
before the start of the
games. It is also seen that if a basketball player tries
Stages of theirrespective without proper warming-up, he/she may miss the
OShoot the ball in the ring the chances of making mistakes in the game.
rget. Indeed, warming-up physical educators arein favour of
most of the scholars and It enhances the
Therefore, before participating in any
event, game or sports.
warming-up of the sportspersons.
performance 10,7
T'vpex ofWarmtn
"asive Warnng p ionnoth oly
to lompornturs
igse amof
The mainualhhvaicaltivity
panniVewmingInpmanive wntmingp, the
hyetemnl eaneHeh nn by wenrg henvy niforn,IMInAAIrn, wilhm
rwmingAnY l'ewlorinH pnniv wnrm p
Nunbght, hot drnkn, ete
expeliro of oneryy in th
by the
hot wate,benehcalbeuse theein h0 eOnnNry for gotting yood
wrmDg up in
meanN I
Mowerer, ative reanlta
Wr1 up.
nlong with pass\e
Active Warming up takos part in Vnrious physical
In acuvr warmng
wp, a
his/her working oficioney. MuscloA4 nro nctivitieg
temperatue of body
These aetivities increases up to the roquired level. Jogging and stretching
type of warming-up. Methe
exerises NIe included in such general warming-up and ane
of' activewarming-up, viz.,
There ar wo types below.
warming up. These are described Gener
1. General Warming-up: General warnming-up 18 Usually
in all types of activities. This type of warming-up includes jogging Gener
running. jumping, stretching, calisthenics, striding, wind sprinta 1.
and other general exercises. It increases coordinative abilities, and
flexibility of muscles and joints. It also improves muscle tone. The
duration of general warming-up depends upon the nature of work
to be performed. 2.


1.Stretching exercises
2.Calisthenic exercises 3. Joggin8

2. Specific exercises of warming-up

Specific Warming-up: In specific exercises are done
withthe activity to be
implements. Special exercises are performed which have direct relationshp 4.

the activities of done. These specific exercises are performeddifersater

from activity to general
activity orwarming-up.
game to Specific
game. Fortype
example, a up
of warming- may
take few starts and run
for short competition.A 5
basketball player may practise for lay-up shots or free throws beforethe
distance before the actual
competition. This type of warming-up improves the coordinative abilities
In fact, in
10.8 warming-up, the main stress is laid down on thecation-XI
skills to be performed in the game. The exercises, which are
Usuallyperformed in specific warming-up, are described according to
Ia) Cricket: Bowling. catching, batting, fielding, etc.
(6) Badminton:Forward, aideways, backward bending, body twisting
exercises, etc.
(c) Basketball: Dribbling, shooting, lay up shots, shuttle run,
dodging. free throws, etc.
(d) Lawn Tennis: Wall, service practice, passing shots, knocking.
(e) Shot Put: Shifting the shot from left hand to right hand and vice
versa, standing throws, putting the shot with both hands, gliding
practice with or without shot, etc.
) Hockey:Dribbling, rotation of stick, stopping the ball with stick.
short passes, long hits, scoop, etc.
Methods of Warming-up
There are following methods of warming-up which are generally used.
General Method
General method of warming-up consists of following sequences and points:
1. Jogging: Every athlete should perform jogging or slow running for 5 to 10
minutes to increase the body temperature. For young ones it may be for 3
to 5 minutes.Jogging should be started out slowly and then gradually the
speed should be increased to its completion.
2. Simple Exercises: After jogging, simple exercises should be done from
relaxed position. The exercises should be performed from simple to complex.
It means that simple exercises should be done first and complex exercises
3. Striding: It means covering a distance with long strides. These
strides are long, i.e., the steps should be stretched out but not
too much. Knees should go high, body should lean forward and
arms should be in running position. The distance of running
should not be more than 50 metres. Four to eight repetitions can
be performed.
4. Stretching Exercises; Stretching is one of the most critical parts of warm
up and of an athlete's performance. A more flexible muscle is stronger and
healthier. A stronger and healthier muscle responds better to exercise and
activities and helps in preventing athletic injuries.
5. Wind Sprints: This is the last part of warming-up. It is usually done
with spikes on. In wind sprints, the distance of 25 to 30 m may be covered.
There can be 4 to8 repetitions depending on age, sex and experience of the
and Doping in Sports 10.9
Warming-up with Warm Water
usuallv done in developed
Warm-up with warm water is
shower is also used for getting prepared
for swimming, Countries.
waterpolo and diving.
Warm-up through Massage
was used in Indig
This method is an old method of warm up. It by wrost\era,
get warmed up. This met hod of massage was good for curing some
muscles, However. it is not applicable ow.
By Hot Drinks
Some people take a cup of tea or coffee and get warmed-up.
considered a good method. As a matter of fact, it has
discarded onnhut it 1s na
the has1s
scientif1c experiments. rk
Through Sunbath
The body can be properly warmed-up through asunbath up to
in most of the sports this method of warming-up is not usually Some extent. h)
Through Steambath
The body can be warmed-up througha steambath. Energy can be
steambathing but this method of warming-up is not used frequentlv.
Importance of Warming-up
Most of the eminent educationists and exercise
that warming-up is essential for physiologists are of the
sports and games. The importance of attain1ng better performance in the opinion
feld t
1. Increases the Body warming-up are described below
the body and muscle Temperature: A proper warming-up increases
Research studies showtemperature.
So, it is benefiCial for
if the muscles have sportspersons
just before the activity, the been slightly warmed-up
before vigorous activity mayperformance is improved.
lead to tearing of muscle Failure to warm-up
the muscle is fibres. In fact. i
relaxes and thewarmed-up, the speed with which the
2. Decreasesthe
force of
contraction are all increased.muscle contracts and
of muscles. Viscosity of Muscles: Warming-up
is Research studies indicate that if a decreases the vis
irregular repeatedly,is the first few
and relaxation previously inactive musand
incomplete, contractions
often small
stronger and relaxation is After this, the are
contractions bevne
viscosity muscles. Hence, the
of complete, It occurs
due to a decrease in the
becomes faster and rate of
muscular and relaxatia
3. muscles and ligaments are
efficient. The chances of injury Or Wear andtear !
speed the
of nerve Speed of Nerve
sportof sthepersons. Impulses:
impulses, which improves lncreasesthe
Warming-upthe reaction tim:
gamesImprovement and
in all sharpens
10.10 and
sports. reaction is
time beneficial almost alway

Health and Education-

Decreasesthe Resistance in Muscle Capillaries: Research studies also
revealthat wawarming-up
decreases the resistance in muscle capillaries.
Increases the Speed of Transfer of Oxygen and Fuel to Tissues: A
proper warming-up
nereases the speed of transfer of oxygen and fuel to
tissues, lt occur's due to the enhancement of blood Mow through the muscles
the small blood vessels.This improves the functional condition
by dilating
muscle by increasing its oxygen supply.
Increases Metabolic Rate: Warming-up increases the metaholic rate
6. metabolic rate
which ultimately enhances energy level. In fact, the
inereases due to rise in core temperature. If there is an increage
per cent. If the
temperature by 0.5°C, the metabolic rate increases by 7
metabolicrate is higher, there willbe higher production of energy.
very useful in reducing the
7. Reduces Anxiety and Tension: Warm-up is
time of competition.
anxiety and tension of sportspersons,especially at themotivational levels of
increase the
It is als0 advantageous as it helps to
warming-up, the body is able
8. Enhances Cooling Efficiency: After
allow it to cool during physical
to activate certain mechanisms, which overly warmed-up
not get
exertion. It means that the sportsperson will
early at the time of practice or competition.
Research studies indicate that the
9. Reduces the Blood Lactic
oxygen are directly related to muscle
heart rate and the consumption of
higher is the consumption
temperature. The higher the temperature, the
oxygen and heart rate and, thus, the blood lactic acid is reduced.
that failure to warm-up may lead
10. Avoids Injury: Several scholars claim
Miller also support this idea.
to tearing of muscles. Morehouse and whereas without proper
Muscles remain toned up after proper warming-up
warming-up, muscles
warming-up, muscles are loosened. Without proper
danger of injury is reduced when
may cramp more frequently. "Thus, the warmed-up which inereases the
an athlete or sportsperson is completely common phenomenon
speed with which he/she is able to react. Injury is a
before training period
in those whodo not perform adequate warming-up
or competition.
Speed of muscles increases after
11. Increases the Speed of Muscles:
tearing of muscle fibres is
warming-up. Many scholars advocate that
Hamola, a physiologist found that
common without adequate warming-up.
are antagonistic to the
"Pulled muscle occurs in the relaxed fibres, those fibres do not respond
contracting fibres."Thishappens because the relaxedcontracting muscles.
the rapidly
to the pull suddenly placed on them by
Increases Flexibility: Warming-up increases flexibility but, if proper
12. flexible. After warming-up,
warming-up is not done,then body willbe less(distance).
maximum reach
We can exert the force up to
l3. Increases Strength: Warming-up inerenses Htrength
the whoreaH
heating does not increase strength rather it deereases
Ae mAny studies that indiente that atrength cnn be
extent by proper warming-p.
14. Inereases Endurance: Some eminent physiologists hold
warming-up does not inerease endurance and speed. But,
hand, authentic research studies indicnte that certain type ofon opinin
inereases both speed as well as endurance. Thompson
that formal warming-up exercises improved swimming
concluded that vigorous warming-up improved performance i
in found wa
endurance.thermin g,
run. So we can enhance the endurance if we do proper oneMangadmil,
to training.
15. Increases Explosive Power: Some well-reputed warming:up prior
that warming-up increases explosive power. It is a psychol ogists
well-known Connote
can befact
warm-up increases speed and strength. Due to this fact. it
that warm-up enhances explosive power that
upon speed and strength.
because explosive averred
power depends
16. Improves Specific
Skills: If specific warming-up done, then L.
sportsperson or player gets warmed-up through
There are some basic skills of a
up, skills can be specific game. fundamental
Using exercises,
such type of warming
improved lot.
17. Improves Neuro-muscular Coordination:
muscular coordination. If a basketball player Warming-up improves neurm.
ring without wants to shoot the ball in the
warming-up, there will be more chances of missing, but, after
warming-up, his/her neuro-muscular
will lead to more
accuracy. coordination will be improved and
Improves the Level of
changes, after a completePerformance: itOwing to some physiological
improves the level of performance. warming-up,
All the
has been observed that it
force with the highest muscles involved exert maximum
speed. This is applicable
19. warming-up.
only after a complete
reaction time can Decreases Reaction
be decreased Time: Ater a thorough
with fast speed. up to some extent. because warming:u
decreasing Neuro-muscular
reaction time. coordination also muscles contra
plays important rOC
from adjustment Brings
of Second Wind More Readily:
on them as a
the body systems to the Second wind replaced
the supply catches up increased activity. When
with increased
additional demands
second wind is reached
not feel second wind comes easily anddemands., That is why, afterathletes
10.12 promptly and sometimes
Health and Physical Education-
aningof)Limbering Down
down/limbering down is also called warming-down. To bring the body
state after any competition or training is called cooling down. Cooling
allowsthe body to transit gradually from an exertional state to a resting
ner-restingstate. In fact, cooling down is a necessary activity after training
rmpetition It involves a specific procedure to bring the body to a normal
ANON.So, after any workout
of training or competition, we should not stop
mOvements of our body immediately. For appropriate cooling down, we
should perform jogging as
wellIas walking for 5to 10 minutes. "This will help
decreasing the body temperature and removing the waste
products from the
stretching exercises should be performed
working muscles, After that, static appropriate to cool down as they help
n 10 minutes. Static stretehes are more
alsore-establish their normal
ascles to relax, and muscle fibres torealign and
major muscle groups which you
ange of movement. Youshould stretch all the The stretches should be held for
have used during the training or
seconds. The repetition of stretch should be done at least 2 to 3 times.
10to 20
Limbering Down
Major Stretching Exercises of Muscles for
major static stretching exercises, which are significant for appropriate
cooling down, are mentioned below. directly
Hamstrings: Lying on your back, raise and straighten one leg
1. you
press the heel towards ceiling aswith
above hips. Holding the calf or thigh,
After that,do the same stretch
pull the leg back towards the chest.
the next leg.
Standing straight, interlace fingers behind your back. As you
2. Chest: towards the ceiling.
straighten out your arms, lift your chin
Lying on your back, cross right leg over bent left knee.Then bring
3. Glutes: back of your thigh, gently pressing
the left knee to chest, holding onto the
knee wide. Then do the same stretch by changing the position of legs.
right feeling
Quadriceps: Lying on your right side, pull left leg into left glute,
4. that repeat with right leg.
the stretch in front of the thigh. After
Triceps/Shoulders. Take one arm overhead, bend at elbow joint and extend
gently pulling elbow with opposite hand.
palm down the centre of yourback, gently
arm across the chest pulling at the elbow joint, to extend
Take the same changing theposition of arms.
through the shoulder. Then do it again by
Importance of Limbering Down competition, cooling down or
essential before training or
As warming-up is to bring the body back to the normal
imbering down is also equally essential
competition. In simple words, it can be said that the
POSition after training or warming usually ignored
up. However, it is underestimated
C0Oing down is as important as the
As a matter of fact, cooling down should not be
y sportspersons. advantages are mentioned below.
a the end of workout. Its
Training and Doping in Sports
1. Body Temperature becomes Normal: During high

ireducinincrtneensgasesitthey brand
strenuous training or competition, the body temperature
than 160° Fahrenheit. Appropriate cooling down helps in
2. Proper Removal of Waste Products: When a
training or takes part in competition, the waste products
acid, uric acid. phosphate, sulphates, chlorides, carbon such as
are accumulated in his body. Due to more accumulation of
products in the body, muscles cannot work efficiently.
Proper these Wast
reduces the accumulation of such waste products swiftly
from cool
3. Decrease in Tension: During training or competition muscle
under tension. Proper cooling down decreases the muscular muscles rernain
tend to relax. Along with this, mental tension is also reduced
extent after performing an appropriate limberlcooling down. up to
4. Reduces the Chances of Dizziness or
function of appropriate cooling down is to reduce the The most
chances significant
or fainting. As a matter of fact,
in the legs to expand,
strenuous exercise
bringing more blood into the
causes the
blood dizvessel
exercise is stopped spontaneously without taking legs and feet. When
limber down,the heart rate slows abruptly and time to cool down
lower body (legs and feet),causing that blood can pool in the
for serious athletes whose dizziness or fainting. The risk is greatex
can hold more blood. Proper heart rates slow down faster and whose veins
and blood does not pool in the cooling down reduces the heart rate slowir
legs and feet. It
heart through veins and continues toflow back to the
dizziness or fainting. consequently such process reduces the oi chances
5. Supply of Oxygen: During
amount of oxygen in comparison strenuous training, there is a lack in the
down helps in supplying the tO resting
blood and oxygen position. Appropriate coobing
to the position they to muscles,
becomes fast. were in before
performing restoring them
6. training. Thus, recover
Decrease in the Level of
ofAdrenaline in the
up and training, the in Blood:
increases level
the speed of blood adrenaline the blood is
During warmin
of adrenaline in the flow. Proper cooling
the body. blood, which decreases
ultimately normalises the blood tlo
Musclesdo not Remain Stiff: By
muscles not remain stiff but performing cooling down prooperls:.
straight again and muscles comegettorelaxed speedily. Muscle fibres become
become stiff.
and training. I normal
proper cooling position as they were priort0
down not
is performed. muscles
Health and Physical Education-
Rate Returnsto Initial
Stage: After performing cooling down after
stIruousWork.outor competition, the heart rate does not return to its initial
immediately but it definitely takes some time. In fact, the heart rate
initiallornormal stage approximately after 30 beats. However,
ust ometo
normalisation of heart rate depends on the physical condition of the
srtspesOn,and the sports activity in wlhich he/she was involved. In such a
onditon.thetotaldurationofeooling down should beenhanced and morestatic
stretching should be ineluded in the cooling down process.
leaning of Skill
isthe ability to perform a whole movement.
llcan be definedas the automatisation of motor
ion. Skilldenotes the level of effectiveness with
whch a movement or motor action can be performed.
<killful movements are made possible by highly
advanced control and regulation processes of motor
ordination.Askill can also be defined as any action
that is learnt for a purpose and is needed to take part
in activities. There are various skills such as shooting
nbasketball, serving in badminton squash or tennis,
passing. overhead kick in football.
Classification of Skill Askill(serving) in badminton
There are anumber of sports activities and each activity requires a set of skills.
Owing to many characteristics of skills, it is really difficult to classify them. As
a matter of fact, skills cannot be classified in a clear-cut way. So they are placed
on a continuum. Generally, there are the following skills.
1. Open Skills: The skills that are not under control and are unpredictable
are classified as open skills. Sports such as football, hockey, badminton,
lawn tennis, etc., involve open skills. For example, in badminton,
performing any skill may be affected by many different circumstances such
as your opponent's position on the court.
2. Closed Skills:Closed skills take place in a stable,predictable environment
and the performer knows explicitly what todo and when to do. These skills
have clear beginning and end. For example, free throw' in basketball and
'serving' in squash or tennis.
3. Simple Skills: The skills that do not require large amounts of
timing and decision making are simple skills. These skills have limited
physical demand and may not be dangerous. These skills are straight
forward, easy to learn and not difficult to perform. For example, chest
pass', 'under arm serve', 'push pass', 'straight jump' and flick service' in
Training and Doping in Sports 10.15
amount of
The skills that require large
4. Complex
quick thought
They are more
are called complex skills.
difficult to perform.
'handspring in gymnastics,
dangerous.'overhead kick' in football and 'smash' in badminton.
y-up maysrheotquirheein
which involve large muscle
5. Gross Skills: The skills,
movements and do
called gross skills. Theso
not have precise movements are
such as walking, running and skil s incude
many fundamental patterns
best exampleof such skills is
putting the shot.
complex precise
6. Fine Skills: These skills inelude hand-eye coordination
jumping. The
small muscle groups. Ahigh level of
movements USing
while performing these skills. A the pireaqur
snooker shot and playing
no earsn
appropriate examples of fine skills.
7. Discrete Skills: These skills are brief and have a
end. The penalty flick in hockey is an example of discrete skills
8. Serial Skills: These skills are agroup of discrete skills which
in serial to make a complex movement such as the sequence of performed
skills for the
triple jump.
9. Continuous Skills: These skills have no obvious beginning and
end. The
end of one cycle of movement is the beginning of the next and the
is repeated like a cycle. Swimming, running and cycling are examplesskillot
continuous skills.
10. Individual Skills: Individual skills are the skills that are
performed in
isolation such as high jump, long jump, etc.
11, Coactive Skills: Coactive skills are those skills
which are performed at the
same time as others but without direct
confrontation such as swimming.
running, etc.
12. Interactive Skills: Interactive skills are those skills where other
participantsor performersare directly involved such as football, netball.
hand ball, basketball, ete.
Meaning of Technique
Technigues are the basic movemnents of any
sport or event. For example, a block start
a 100 metre race is a in
of techniques are technique. A number
of movement in combined into a pattern
triple jump (running and
then hop, step and jump
phases). In fact, a
technique is the way of performing askill.
When developing a skill, a
attempt to improve the
performer will
aspects of his ga skil
10.16 Technique-the way of performing
hmgue skill can be performed by using more than one technique. For
AerVIng I8 a skill in badminton,the techniques are high serve and

involves scientific and economical methods adoptedto achieve top
prtormancein sports COMpetitions. Sportspersons select different techniques of
onthefollowing basis.,
prelerthe technique which suits to their level, they select the technique
most success and they also select that technique which is best at
time and place and is within the rules. Following examples are the
suitableexamples of different techniques for performing a skill.
skill-Shooting in Basketball Technique
no defender between you
1. Layup Shot: Layup shot is used when there is
and the basket.
yourself above a defender
2. Jump Shot: Jump shot is used to elevate
the basket.
standing in front of you to stop you from getting closer to
Meaning of Style
technique in motor action. No two
A style is an individual's expression of determine motor action.
sportspersons are alike in different factors which physical
particular psychic,
Therefore, each sportsperson due to his/her specific or
in a different way. It is called
and biological capacities realises the technique
his/her style.
Meaning of Tactics
which allows an athlete or
Tactics is an essential skill in any game or sports
talent to be effectively
player or team to develop their skills and allows the or
utilised to the best possible advantage. In fact, tactics are more simple steps
actions which are taken to accomplish the goal of the strategy.
Definitions of Tactics
Tactics may be defined as the method or pre-planned strategy by which one
a team.
win the opponent player in a game. It can be an individual or
short term focus.
Tactics are actions and decisions, which are taken with a
Tactics is a game plan made before the start or during the game to
Tactics is the actual
against opponent players' weakness to own strength.
realisation of strategy into practice. accomplish an aim
Tactics isa procedure or set of manoeuvres engaged in to
schedules you use
Or goal. Tactics are specific actions,sequences of actions, and
to ill your strategy.
an opponent,
Tactics are means by which athletes / players try to outwit
athletes players.
Iraining and Doping in Sports
actions of players and
Indeed. tactics are the decisions and
to gain advantage in the game, or
competition, e.g.. Serving to
football. Tactics may change performers
an opponent
player's weak side. dummy plss in
Cue game conditions,
Along With this, sometimes,
the last minute changesin
time in the
opponent plaver's actions and tactics
can depending
game | Seas
also be 5.
before An event. It means
Tesponse to a changing competitive
have to be
that usuallv tactics
adapted quicdeikltyet Dop
before the sport event or game,
It tactics are to be used
be fully researched in order to
implement effectively. For this purpose,cties muer

ndeos of theopponents in competition

/games can beneficial
For example, in 5000 m or 10,000 mrace, the athlete needs to think earh
In case
watchig ingr
and the ace at which he/she can run it. the athlet. me
does haverace
of the
stage not a strong finish, he/she may want to improve his/her race pACe i, Ga
trv and break away from those athletes who have a strong finish. If, on the da
away then he/she may need to
of competition, he/she is unable to break
his/her tactics.
rethink the
then the be
to be used during the gamelcompetition
I tactics are
needs to understand the tactical options in a sports and also
execute pertormer be
appropriate or suitable tactics at the appropriate time during the game
be well a st
competition. Tactics are based on the athlete's/ team's ability to te
about the situation, acquired knowledge, decision making sk1lls and strength:
and weaknesses. The effective implementation of tactics must include the C

appropriate use of skilland technique inaspecific situation. t

Strategies: Strategy is the overall plan for successful participation in a
competition. In other words, it is the plan of action designed to achieve a long
term goal. Strategy is fundamentally laying down the goal and preparing a
perfect plan to accomplish that goal. As a matter of fact, this is something ike
accompishing the goal or win the match as well as making a plan to achieve this.
such as developing a athlete's strength and selecting theright players.
Importance of Strategy in Sports
Strategy plays a significant role in sports. Its importance is described below.
1. Sports Performance: If a team has good strategy then there will be
improvements in players' performance. They will be more confident about
what is expected from them during the competition. They will be tu
motivated to put their best effort in the competition.
2. Responsibility: A good strategy is beneficial to improve motivation
players. After that each player of the team begins to feel responsib
accountable for the team. They start to feel responsibility to other
3. Analysis: By a complete analysis of the past performances. the team
become more aware of what to improve next time or the best
forthcoming competition.
10.18 Health and Physical
Muitiple Choice Questions (Carrying 1 Mark)
Choose the correct answer.
1. Which one of the
following substances is a performance enhancing
(a) Cocaine (b) Ephedrine substance
2. Which is not the (c) Amphetamines (d)
example of anabolic sterolds?
(a) Stenazolal (b) Metenalone (d) Temoxifen
(c) Drostanolove
10.24 Education-XI
Health and Physical
Which.trainingcycle is the shortest training cycle which may be for 3to 10 days?
(a)Macrocycle (b) Mesocycle (c) Microcycle (d) Ergocycle
trainingis the basic form of preparation of sports men." Whose statement is it?
(a)Harre (b) Martin (c) Matwejew (d) Hill
|dopingis a method that increases the count of.
blood cells (c) Monocytes (d) Skin cells
ialWhite blood cells (b) Red

ofthe following is a physical method of doping?

6. Which (b) Steroids (c) Gene doping (d) Diuretics
(a) Stimulants
of WADA?
1What is the full form
(a) White Anti Doping Agency (b) Wide Anti Doping Agency
lc) World Anti Doping Agency (d) None of the above
Takingof prohibited substances in the field of games and sports is called:
(a) Steroids (b) Detoxification (c) Medication (d) Doping
9. Which one of the following substances, if taken regularly, slows down the heart rate
(a) Stimulants (b) Diuretics
(c) Beta Blockers (d) Anabolic steroids
10. Owing to systematic training the resting heart rate of a marathon runner will:
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) remain normal (d) become critical
11. Sports training tends to increase:
(a) Sports performance (b) Sports injuries
(c) Waste products (d) Blood pressure
12. Diuretics may lead to:
(a) Mineral imbalances (b) Muscle weakness
(c) Irregular heart beat (d) All of the above
13. Given below are the two statements labelled Assertion (A)and Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Diuretics enhance alertness any physical activity by increasing heart rate
and breathing rates and the functions of the brain.
Reason (R): Most probably diuretics are taken by weight lifters, boxers and wrestlers.
In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A)is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
14. The systematic and scientific sports training helps in increasing in:
(a) injuries (b) performance
(c) stress and tension (d) blood pressure
15. Which one of the following drugs is generally taken by boxers, weightlifters, wrestlers and
judo players to reduce their body weight before competition?
a) beta blockers (b) anabolic steroids
(c) stimulants (d) diuretics
l6. Sportswomen, who take one of the following drugs tend to masculinize.
(a) Amphetamines (b) Diuretics
(c) Anabolic steroids (d) Narcotics
Training and Doplng in 10.25
b} National Ant Doping Agency
17. What ones Ant
Dooin Acadey (d Natonal Development
a Natona Ant Roong Assocathon
Nationa An method of doping
physical(b) Smulants
? Agenc
the foÙpwing is a
13. Which one id) Peptide hormones
ialAnatboic sterocts
c Bioo donE word Ant Dooing Agency
dguarters of ic)Quebec
whach citt the
19. in
body specialy Water)
(a Brusses from the
suttane emes the fuds (b) Anabohc steroids
20 Which (d) Beta blockers
ja Dires
fci Dente hormones correct?
foipwing statements is not
of the
Z1 *hic one ineases metaboic
aainu products
helos in removal of waste
b Limoeine
down process, is not an anti dopingre
ay part of doping control
c TamoernE delay fatigue.
Simuants increase alertness and
d down?
not the imaortanceof limbering
22 Whict is chances of dizziness or
a Redures the the blood
Deorease in the ievel of adrenaline in
b in muscles
(c inceases the tension
Removes the waste
isimportance of warming up?
23 Whct one of the foliowing (b) Increases metaboiic rste
a inceases body (d) All of the above
(c Avoids injury perfoma
"Warmina up increases temperature of blood, and muscles improve the
Wnose Statement is it?
(b) De Vries (c) Martin
becomes normal?
25. in wich activity body temperature
(a) Warming up (b) Passive warming up
(c) Cooiing down (d) None of these
in s
26. Which civity is performed before doing sports training and participating
(a) Technique (b) Skill
(t Warming up (d) Limberingdown
27. in wich activity does the body temperature become normal?
(a) Warming up (b) Sports training
(c) Running (d) Limbering down
28. in volleybali, smashing is required to score a point. Smashing is a:
(aj technigue (b) skill (c) style
29. Match List- with List-ii and select the correcCt answer from the code gvenbelow

(p) Limbering dOwn (i) Abilityto performa whole movement.
Warming up groups
(i) Precise
(r) Skill movements using Small muscle
(ii) Muscles do not remain stiftt.
(s) Fine skills
(V) Decreases the viscosity of muscies.

a) ()). (q)- (). (r) -(ii), (s) -

(v) (b) (p)-(iv), (q)-(i), (r)- (), (s)-()
ic p)).(a)-(). (r)-(v). (s) -(ii) (d) (p) -(ii), (a)-(iv), (r) -(), (s) -(i)
Warming upis
(a) To lower heat in body
()TO decrease the metabolic
ic) Toreduce the temperature of the body
(d) Toincrease oxygen supply to all the muscles of the
is a
31. Serving in badminton (c) skill (d) training
(a) style (b) technique
32. Which one of the following is not the importance Increasesof warming up?
temperature (b) the viscosity of muscles
(a) Increases body metabolic rate
(d) Increases
(c) Increases the speed of nerve impulses
Short Answer Questions-l (Carrying 2 Marks)
Homologus blood doping.
1. Differentiate between Autologus blood doping and
2. Discuss the side effects of Anabolic Steroids in brief.
3. What is blood doping? Discuss in brief.
4. Discuss about any two principles of sports training.
a sports-person? Discuss in brief.
5. How does beta blockers affect the performance of
6. Discuss the side effects of stimulants in brief.
7. Differentiate between training load and
8. What is adaptation and recovery?
skill, closed skill and open skill and
9. ldentify the below given images of fine skill, gross
write the names of the skills:

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

10. Clarify the meaning of technique.

11. Clarify the meaning of limbering down.
12. Differentiate between general warming up and specific warming up.
13. What do you mean by tactics?
14. What do you mean by strategy?

Training and Doping in Sport 10.27

3 Marks)
Short Answer Questions--l(Carrying
trainingin briet. Explairn one of them.
1. Explain the meaning of sports priniple of sportstraining?
2. What do you mean bythe traininB.
3. Explainthe concept of sports conept of sports training.
4. Elucidate the meaning and enhancing substanes.
pertormance blood doping?
5. Enlist the
autologous and homologous
6. What do you n mean by
7. What is blood doping?
8. What do you mean bygene dopig?
What do youmean by methods? Explain in brief.
9. hormones?
10. What do you mean by peptide
11. What do youmean by anabolic anabolicsteroids? Explain in brief.
12. What are the side effects of
are the side effects of stimulants and narcotics? Explain in brief.
13. What and explain any twO of them in beict
14. Enlist the performance enhancing substances
15. What do you mean by physical methods? Explain the methods prohibitedin the Held c
16. Elucidate the disadvantages of doping.
17. Explain the terms: Training load, Overload and Adaptation.
18. Discuss the major stretching exercises of muscles for limbering down.
19. What do you mean by technique and style?
20. Explain the types of warming-up in detail.
21. Explain the methods of warming-up in detail.
22. Describe the major stretching exercises of muscles for limbering down.
23. Explain the technique in detail.
24. Describe about any three skills in detail.
25. What do you mean by strategy? Explain the strategy in sports.


Short Answer Questions-ll (Carrying 4 Marks)
1. Aman was a good athlete up to
morning and evening to achieve topmatriculation.
In fact, he used to practise hard in tne
he could not achieve any position national level, But in spite of his good etos
win the gold. He got
position at national level. His
athletic coach also wanted nint
and anxiety he started taking
over his poor
performance. Due to overstress, depress
his coach came to know stimulants enhance
about this fact. He called him performance. In the medn
prohibited substance in future. Aman assured his coachand suggested not to takG
future. not to take such substance
are /CBQ
activity by increasingrelated
to a group of
heart and drugs that enhance alertness and physical
(i) Stimulants stimulate the
body breathing rates.
(i) This type of drug
(iv) improves the reaction time and and mentally.
Amphetamines and ephedrine are reduces the teeling
commonly used stimulants by
of ..........

These are taken orally, by nasal Or

Answer Questions
(Carrying 5 Marks) training.
mean by sports training?
Enumeratethe principles ofsports
Whatdo you
the term 'Doping'? Discuss physical methods.
What do you
mean by
2. explain the types of doping
Define doping and in detail
3 performance enhaning substances
Explain the
changing day by day" ustify the statement.
scenario of sports training is training. Discuss
sportspersorns followthe principles of sports
Anoroximately allthe international followed by coaches and sports persons during
training which are
he important principles of
in competitions.
raining to accomplish good resultsphenomenon". Give your valuable cornments in the light of
not a new
, "Doping in Olympics is
this statement.
the concept and disadvantages of doping in detail.
& Discuss
and recovery in-detail.
9, Discuss overload, adaptation performance enhancing substances in
doping? Discuss
10. What do youmean
types of warming-up.
11. Define warming up. Explain the Enumerate the methods of warming-up
in detai.
12. What do you mean by warming-up in detail.
13. Elucidate the importance of Explain the importance of limbering.
mean by limbering down?
14. What do you in detailthe classification of skills.
by skill? Elucidate
15. What do you mean
to perform at its best. Keeping this in point of
acceleration to body,
16. Warming up gives strong
view, justify the statement.

Multipie Choice Questions
Correct answers
1. (d) Alof the above 2. (d) Temoxifen 3. (c) Microcycle
5. (b) Red blood cells 6. (c) Gene doping
4. (c) Matwejew
7. (c) World Anti Doping Agency 8. (d) Doping 9. (c) Beta Blockers
10. (b) decrease 11. (a) Sports performance 12. (d) Allof the above
13. (d) (A) is false, but (R) is true. 14. (b) Performance 15. (d) diuretics
16. (c) Anabolic steroids 17. (b) National Anti Doping Agency
18. (c) Biood doping 19. (c) Quebec 20. (a) Diuretics
21. (0) Tampering with any part of doping control process, is not an antidoping rule
22. (c) Increases the tension in muscles23. (d) Allof the above
24. (b) De Vries 25. (c) Cooling down 26. (c) Warming up
27. (d) Limbering down 28. (b) skil
29. (d) (p)- (iüi), (a) -(iv, (r)-(0), (s)-(0)
30. (d) To increase oxygen supply toall the muscles of the body
31. (c) Skill 32. (b) Increases the viscosity of muscles

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