Abj Tutorial Logic Final Workshhet

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#practice questions

#true or false

1.Arguments that commit the fallacy of begging the question are normally valid
Answer =True
2.False dichotomy always involves an "either...or" statement, at least implicitly
3.The fallacy of composition always proceeds from whole to parts
4.It is possible for a single argument to commit more than one fallacy of
Answer =true
5. Informal fallacy is an error in reasoning that involves that explicit use of an
invalid form
6.red herring Occurs whenever the premises of an argument are logically
unrelated to the conclusion
Answer =true
7.The Sufficiency principle highlights the importance of having
adequate evidence and reasoning to back up the conclusion being made in
the argument
Answer =True
8. The difference between formal and informal fallacy is, while the former
commits due to irrelevan premises to the conclusion, the latter is due to
structural defect
Answer =false
9. Unlike others, highly educated and intelligent people are never victim to
10. Arguments combined by either or are always fallacious irrespective of their
truth value of the constituting premises
Answer =false
11, All informal fallacies are created because of the premises of an argument
which are logically irrelevant with a conclusion
Answer =false
11. All fallacies of relevance are committed when there is no logical connection
between the premises and the conclusion
Answer =True
12. Admission of fallibility is a positive sign of interest for fair resolution of the
Answer =True
13. Appeal to force fallacy involves a threat by the arguer to the physical or
psychological well-being of the listener or the reader
Answer =True
14. The fallacy of division falsely argues that what is true of the whole must be
true of its individual parts

#2 choice

1.What is the worst thing for a critical thinker?

A.A logical mind

B.An emotional mind
C.Reaching to conclusion too soon.
D.None of the above
Correct Answer
C. Reaching to conclusion too soon.
A critical thinker values evidence, reasoning, and careful analysis before
reaching a conclusion. Reaching a conclusion too soon can hinder the critical
thinking process as it may overlook important information or alternative
perspectives. It is important for a critical thinker to consider all available
evidence and evaluate different possibilities before coming to a final decision.

2.Person A: - "Paul is a talented teacher. His fees should be increased." Person B:

- "So what you are saying is others are not talented teachers."
1. Don't believe what Kim says about global warming. Kim dropped out of
A.Straw man
B.Ad hominem
C.False dichotomy
D.None of the above

Correct Answer
B. Ad hominem
This is an ad hominem attack because it attacks the person (Kim) making the
argument rather than addressing the substance of the argument itself. The fact
that Kim dropped out of college is unrelated to the topic of global warming, and
using this information to discredit Kim's opinion is a form of ad hominem

3. You didn't remember to take out the trash this morning. It will pile up, and
the neighbors will complain, and the health inspectors will come and take away
the kids.
A.Straw man
B.Begging the question
C.Slippery slope
D.None of the above

Correct Answer
C. Slippery slope
This is a slippery slope argument because it suggests that a relatively minor event
(not taking out the trash) will lead to a series of increasingly dire consequences
(neighbors complaining, health inspectors taking away the kids) without
providing strong evidence for such a progression. The argument implies that a
small action will lead to a chain of events with severe outcomes.
Rate this question:

4.If you can't prove that Ken had an affair with the nanny, then he's been
faithful to his wife.
A.False dichotomy
B.Slippery slope
C.Begging the question
D.None of the above

Correct Answer
A. False dichotomy
The statement "If you can't prove that Ken had an affair with the nanny, then
he's been faithful to his wife" is an example of False Dichotomy. It presents a
situation as if there are only two options (Ken having an affair or being faithful),
neglecting the possibility of other scenarios or explanations.

5.We should move to the midwest because the Wall Street Journal says the cost of
living is cheaper there.
A.Begging the question
B.Appeal to authority
C.Straw man
D.None of the above

Correct Answer
B. Appeal to authority
Appeal to Authority is when you try to make your point by attaching it to
someone whose opinions or knowledge are respected, instead of arguing it on its
own merits. An appeal to tradition is similar, except instead of authority, you rely
on what's familiar and comfortable.

6. Being overweight leads to a shortened lifespan because it's unhealthy.

A.Slippery slope
B.Ad hominem
C.Begging the question
D.None of the above

Correct Answer
C. Begging the question
Begging the question is also known as a circular argument. It means you try to
back up your point, but what you say to back it up also needs some kind of
explanation or justification.

7. Animal rights activists believe that we shouldn't keep animals captive and
make them do our will. They would have you abandon your pets in the

ASlippery slope
B.Begging the question
C.Straw man
D.None of the above

Correct Answer
C. Straw man
This is a straw man argument because it misrepresents the position of animal
rights activists. The argument creates a distorted version of their stance,
suggesting that they advocate for abandoning pets in the wilderness, which may
not be a representative or accurate portrayal of their views. The actual position
of animal rights activists may involve advocating for ethical treatment of animals,
but the statement exaggerates their position to make it easier to criticize.

8. Millions of people drink Diet Coke every year, so it must be the best soft
drink in the world.
A.The Red Herring
B.The Bandwagon
C.The Alphabet Soup
D.None of the above

Correct Answer
B. The Bandwagon
This fallacy works on the basis that something is correct, good, right or the way
you want it to turn just because a majority of people thinks the same. The
majority of people agreeing with each other doesn't mean it's right or correct,
the reality could be totally opposite

9. Which of the following is an example of the "Ad Hominem" fallacy?

A."I think we should invest in more renewable energy sources."
B."People who support renewable energy are just tree-hugging
C"Renewable energy has a lower carbon footprint than fossil fuels."
D."The scientific community overwhelmingly supports the use of renewable

Correct Answer
B. "People who support renewable energy are just tree-hugging
The Ad Hominem fallacy is when someone attacks the character, motives, or
attributes of a person making an argument instead of addressing the argument
itself. In option B, the argument against renewable energy is not based on its
merits or drawbacks but instead attacks the character of those who support it,
making it an example of the Ad Hominem fallacy.
10. Person A: - "Paul is a talented teacher. His fees should be increased." Person
B: - "So what you are saying is others are not talented teachers."

A.Straw man
B.The false dilemma fallacy
C.The slothful induction fallacy
D.None of these

Correct Answer
A. Straw man
The given answer, "Straw man," is correct. This term refers to the fallacy of
misrepresenting someone's argument in order to make it easier to attack or
refute. In this conversation, Person B is presenting a straw man argument by
falsely interpreting Person A's statement as implying that other teachers are not
talented. Person A never made this claim, but Person B is using this
misrepresentation to weaken Person A's argument.

11.not answering the question We know God exists because he made everything

B.Begging the Question/Circular Reasoning
D.Loaded Language
E.False Analogy

Correct Answer
B. Begging the Question/Circular Reasoning
The given answer is "Begging the Question/Circular Reasoning." This is because
the statement "We know God exists because he made everything" is using
circular reasoning. Circular reasoning occurs when the conclusion of an
argument is assumed in one of the premises, essentially assuming what you are
trying to prove. In this case, the existence of God is being used as evidence for his
existence, which is a logical fallacy.
____1. If I fail in English 101, I won’t be able to graduate. If I don’t graduate, I
probably won’t be able to get a good job, and I
may very well end up being jobless for the rest of my life.
Answer =slippery slope

____2."American Indians are disappearing.

That man is an American Indian.
Therefore, that man is disappearing."

_____3.The new Volkswagon Beetle is the coolest car around. It's selling like
hotcakes. You should ask your parents to buy you one.
Bandwagon argument
Answer =Bandwagon

_____4.School superintendent Kate Duncan has argued that children in public

schools should be allowed to participate in a voluntary moment of silence at the
beginning each school day. But it's wrong to allow teachers to indoctrinate
children with their own religious views. Duncan's argument must be fi rmly
Answer =straw man

_____5.Jeff and Maribeth slept together on prom night. Sleep is a state of

unconscious or semiconscious rest or repose. It follows that Jeff and Maribeth
must have spent a very restful night together.
Answer =equivocation

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