Implementation Morning Conference in English

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Phase Job Title Speak-up

A. Greeting Head Nurse Assalamualaikum wr wb
Good morning everybody.
First of all, let’s express our gratitude to God Almighty for his
blessing and gifts so that we can gather on this beautiful
occasion to carry-out a morning conference. Thanks to
Mr./Mrs. … as the team leader and other colleagues who have
carried-out the night shift very well.
Before starting this morning shift, Mr/ Mrs … lead the pray

B. Pray Mr/Mrs … Let’s pray in hope that today’s activities can run well without
any problems.
Praying is welcome…

C. Corporat Head Nurse corporate Core Value
e Core Value 1. Kepercayaan (3X) (dengan gerakan tangan)
2. Integritas (3X) (dengan gerakan tangan)
3. Peduli (3X) (dengan gerakan tangan)
4. Profesional (3X) (dengan gerakan tangan)
5. Efisien (3X) (dengan gerakan tangan)
6. Kebersamaan (3X) (dengan gerakan tangan)
D. Managerial Head Nurse Next, Mr./Mrs. … please deliver the managerial handover to
Handover colleagues on morning shift
Mr/Mrs … During the night shift there were
patients in total
… new patients
… patient discharged
… patient passed away
… patients planned for discharge
No risk of complain
And no malfunctioning facilities
Head Nurse Thankyou Mr./Mrs. … for the presentation
If anything unclear, please you are welcome to ask question
If there are no more questions, we will end our managerial
E. Closing Head Nurse Thanks for the night shift team that everything is under control
Once more thankyou
And we can continue with nursing care handover
Please the nurses from night shift to continue the handover
with nurses in the morning shift
I hope today’s activities can run very well without any problem,
thank you.

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