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 The wordl´s greatest economic power in term sof gross domestic product (GDP) and

GDP per capita

Weaknesses of US economy

1) A chronic trade deficit

2) (debts higher, but wages stagnating)
3) Rising energy prices
4) The country´s aging popullation
5) The growing federal budget deficit


 Faming (uncluding pasture and range)

 Tobacco in the Southeast and in Kentucky
 cotton in the South and Southwest
 Vineyards and citrus groves in Californina
 the Midwest is the centre fo porn and wheat farming
 dairy herds in the Northern states
 the Southwestern and Rocky Mountains states support large herds sof livestock

The most imortant crops are:

 porn (maize)
 soybeans
 wheat
 cotton
 kapes
 potatoes
 The worlds major producer of timber
 Among the worlds largest producers of fish products. ´

Resources and power

- Biggest consumer and producer of energy

- Petroleum (37) , natural gas (32), renewable energy (11 procents), coal (11)


- Refined petroleum (South, Gulf of Mexico, Alaska)

- Natural gas (-II-)
- Coal (The Appalachian Mountains, Wyoming, West Virginia and Kentucky,
Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio)
- Iron ore in Minnesota and Michigan
- Reserves of
- Copper (Arizona, Utah, Montana, Nevada and New Mexico)
- Magnesium (The Great Salk Lake in Utah)
- Lead (Missouri)
- Zinc (Tennessee, Missouri, Idaho, New York)

Foreign trade

- The principal trading partners:

- Canada
- Mexico
- Japan
- China
- Germany
- the United Kingdom

USA and Canada = one the Worlds Closest trade partners


- Geographical prokmity
- Close cooperation in national security
- Similar levels of wealth and standard sof living
- Shared language and culture
- Shared historical and cultural heritage
- Share the longest international border

Leading exports include:

Electrical and office machinery

Chemical products

Motor vehicles

Airplanes and aviation parts

Scientific equipment

Major imports include:

Manufactured goods

Petroleum and fuel products

Machinery and transportation equipment

NAFTA = north atlantic


- United States (USD)

- Joachimstalers
- Daler, dollar

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