Origin Fanfiction 3

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Origin Fanfiction III

Shun Kenzaki X OC

Elliot stared at the heart rate monitor, seeing no abnormalities in it. Rey is doing fine. She was still
pale and hot to the touch but at least now she was no longer bleeding. Venisha, the older woman
had also conveniently changed the injured woman into clean clothes. She will make it through.

“How’d you find her?” Venisha voices, her gentle eyes gazing at Elliot.

“She was at the cell 50 where the man on the radio had told us. Out cold and bleeding.” The younger
woman supplied, adjusting the IV connected to Rey.

“How was she injured? And where is the man?” Venisha’s follow up questions.

Elliot wasn’t sure if it is right to tell her what exactly happened. About the thing that boarded the
ship and caused all the fiasco. It wasn’t something that can be simply taken in. The others are
already out of their wits as it is and if they were to find that there was actually a foreign life form
that enters people and make them lose their mind and attack others. They’ll go beyond hysterical.
She doesn’t want to lie to her as well but maybe just toning it down, hiding it under a false
reassurance would.

“We found him, there was an accident that happened in there while we were all asleep. Rey took the
worse whereas the man…he’s fine just a bit disoriented but he’s with Lana and Shun.” She supplied.

It had somewhat satisfied Venisha as she nodded in understanding while running her hand along
Rey’s head soothingly. Then they both jump a bit, startled when a crackling followed by a woman’s
voice sounded from somewhere in the room.

“Hello. Can anyone hear me?” It was Lana speaking in a radio. The device was lying on one of the
desks and Elliot immediately grabbed it to respond. “Lana. This is Elle.”

Lana’s next words put Elliot on edge.

“Elle, you must make sure no one finds out about Rey.” Elliot glanced at Venisha with wary eyes then
down to Rey. “We think she might be in danger. We’re on our way now. Just keep her secret, Okay?”
At this another wave of numbness run all over Elliot. “I’m afraid some already have seen her.” She
wasn’t just referring to Venisha, there was guy 2 who she had found out from the older woman to be
Logan, red hair girl – Katie and Arab guy – Baum. The latter had already left to go back to the others.
“Shit.” Elliot heard Lana cursed under her breath.

“I’m sorry Lana…” Elliot attempted to apologize but then the woman cut her off. “No, no it’s fine.
Just, keep an eye on Rey. No matter what, keep her safe. We’ll be there soon.” She then cut off the
connection before Elliot could even throw more questions to her. She gripped the radio tightly and
looked at Venisha. The older woman looking confused and anxious.

“Alright…” Elliot began as she runs her hand over her head, feeling practically stressed on what was
happening. But she tried to be calm as best she could, she doesn’t want the other woman to feel
way more paranoid. “We need to move her somewhere more secluded.” She suggested to Venisha,
the latter nodded in agreement but before they could do so much as push Rey’s bed the alarm
suddenly blared loudly causing the two women to jump out of their wits. Red lights flashing and in
the black glass walls, big capital letters are projected. FIRE.
“What are we supposed to do?” Venisha asked with trembling voice. Elliot looked around,
contemplating over on what to do. There are no computer terminals that would give her any
information with the ship’s status. She had checked the machine earlier and it only had several data
about the med-bay and security controls for the doors within the area. Whether the alarm was
global or it was only within their ring. She needed to secure every area around, put out the fire
wherever it is.

“You wait here and keep watch on Rey.” Elliot ordered to Venisha and the woman protested.
“What? Where are you going?” Elliot responded. “I have to clear this ring in case the fire was in here
or it will be not just Rey that will be in trouble.” She explained but Venisha seemed to be still
objecting the thought. “Please, Venisha. I must hurry.” At this the older woman nodded despite

Elliot immediately bolted out of the room and into the main hallway. Checking every accessible room
but finding no fire. She rushed near where the door leads to the shuttle then doubled back when she
caught sight in her peripheral view – broken glasses lying on the floor. Her eyes traced where it came
from until it stopped at the sight of a red button planted against a gap on the wall, pieces of some of
its glass cover was broken. It’s the fire alarm and someone had set it off on purpose. There was a
faint sound from the distance, like a door opening. She turned to its suspected direction but found
no one in there. She then turned back to the alarm button only to be again startled when suddenly
Shun and Lana appeared in front of her.

“Why aren’t you with Rey?” Lana questioned and Elliot responded. “The alarm. I thought there was a
fire.” Shun then followed up a response. “There’s no fire.” As she fearfully thought so.

“We have to get to her.” Lana didn’t dally and went running to the medical area, Shun and Elliot
following behind. It was a set up. How can she fall into such trap? She left Venisha in there, she
trusted the older woman won’t do anything. But if something is going to happen to Rey or to the
older woman then all the blame would be on her.

They rounded few hallways until they reach the one that leads to the medical area; however, the
glass door was locked. Beyond the door and across the hallway, they could see where Elliot had laid
Rey. Standing over her was not Venisha, it was a man. One of the man earlier Elliot doesn’t know, his
hands were on Rey, the latter was hitting on his arms. He was choking her.

“There’s someone inside!” Lana voices then screamed – “Rey!” catching the man red-handed. She
tried to push through the glass door to no avail. Shun tried to pull away the door open but that
didn’t work either. Elliot quickly rushed to the console on the side and inputted the code Rey has
given to her. Still remembering it clearly, the door slid open and they rush in hurriedly.

Elliot saw Rey stab her attacker with something that made him yelp in pain, causing him to let go of
his victim. He reached to his back and found it bleeding. He then noticed the three of them coming
to Rey’s rescue and he immediately exited the room.

Lana, Shun and Elliot tried to run after him but they lost him in the shadows and at the moment their
concern was Rey. They ran into Venisha’s prone body near the door, a gash on her head and
unconscious. Elliot rushed to her aid. Shun and Lana coming to Rey. “That man, he came out of cell
50.” The latter rasped between heavy pants. She knew him. Meanwhile, Venisha finally came to and
Elliot help her to sit up.
“He’s gone. He’s gone.” Lana tried to console Rey but she interjected her as she continued to speak.
“No. no. He’s infected.” This made them all pause for a moment, though except for Venisha; the rest
of them knew exactly what Rey meant.

“Shit.” Lana cursed as she pointed her gun at the shadows within the room to catch the assailant or
anything he had left behind as he escaped. They needed to find him. Suddenly two more other
passengers came in there. It was the dark-skinned man with bald head and the youngest girl among
them. “Henri. Abigail.” Venisha muttered recognizing them.

“We came here to give help to the crew you’ve found; said she was dying.” He stated and trailed off
as his eyes regarded Rey’s disoriented state. “What happened here?”

“I was hit on the head before I could even see the person.” Venisha spoke while trying to mend her
injured forehead. Abigail was quick to come to her side, asking her if she was doing fine.

“You can start by helping us finding him.” Elliot inputted. “He had fooled me, attacked Venisha and
my patient; I’m not letting him get away.” She muttered vindictively under her breath but she knew
the others had heard it. She stood and grabbed a bone cutter that was conveniently lying on one of
the desks. Her protectiveness ties something from her past. From a certain patient she had failed to

Henri nodded and Shun lead the way out of the room. Elliot and Henri followed him whereas Lana
decided to stay with Rey, Venisha and Abigail.

They quickly found a trail of Eric, he left quite a track of blood and it led to the recreation area. The
trail of blood stopped near a small pool. The 3 of them examined the area, trying to retract his trail
all the while Henri spoke to Shun. “Are you going to kill him?” His voice was wary whilst glancing
down at the Japanese man’s gun held in his hand. Shun was unable to respond when the silence was
once again interrupted with someone shouting ‘help’ – a man and followed by a scream of a woman
from somewhere near within the area. They quickly left the room and rushed to the direction of the
sound, finding Logan and Katie around a corner. The former was on the floor with blots of blood on
his face and looking like he’d just seen a ghost.

“Where is he!?” Shun asked the two, his attention on them while Elliot has her eyes over the yonder
connecting hallway to the left. The dim light was enough to illuminate the man’s form. “Shun!” She
called out to Shun, pointing a finger to the direction. Shun immediately draw his gun and shoot to
the man who Henri recognized as Eric, but this fortunately juked the bullet by completely rounding
the corner. They bolted after him and found him crossing the bridge connecting to the shuttle. Eric
rushed to its doors but just right on when he boarded the lift, Shun hit him on his right shoulder.
Shun shot more but the door of the shuttle had already closed and descended to the lower levels of
the ship.

Henri attempted to stop the shuttle by pressing on the switch but it didn’t do anything so they
waited for it to ascend back. And once it did, they boarded it and set it to ring 10. Their heavy pants
and the humming of the lift were all that heard yet all the while, Shun has his eyes on Elliot. She
glances at him for a moment then looked away, finding the changing of floors distracting. “You
should have stayed with the others.” The Japanese man suddenly spoke. Was he concerned? Or he
just wanted to spare himself from the trouble of saving her if the need arises? She doesn’t want to
acknowledge the latter. “Strength in numbers.” She simply stated. It was an overused statement but
it always works. Although she knew, he had heard her earlier.
The shuttle at last stopped at the exact floor and again, Shun lead them. The smeared blood near the
shuttle’s doorway was connected to another one on the catwalk leading to cell 50. When Elliot
stepped outside, she immediately caught sight of Taylor’s body lying on the side of the catwalk.
Motionless with gunshots in his chest. They had killed him. And as if Shun had read her unvoiced
questions in her mind. He spoke.

“He was infected. He attacked me and had to put him down.”

Henri went near to the body, finding something curious on Taylor. Shun and Elliot watched him all
the while, the former saying ‘let’s go’ as every second is critical. But Henri was persistent and asked
them to wait, he knelt down near Taylor’s head and began examining it. As Elliot looked upon closer
to what had caught Henri’s attention, she then noticed it. There was something poking out from
Taylor’s left eye. Under the upper eyelid. It was like an over grown strand of eyelash. Dark, yet
thicker than an eyelash and long.

Without even making second thoughts, Henri reached his fingers to it and grabbed it but then it
slowly moved back under the eyelid. Shun and Elliot drew sharp breaths, it was like an insect’s leg
and alive.

“What the fuck is that thing?” Shun questioned.

“I have no idea.” Henri replied. But Elliot already has an idea, tons of them but no way is she going to
do something about it. Just the sight of the insect-like leg already made her skin crawl. Not even the
most gruesome innards of human body can be compared to it. She felt even way worse to Henri’s
next words.

“We need to cut him open.” His eyes landing on Elliot’s bone cutter which she immediately hid
behind her.

“What?” Elliot blurted in disbelief. “We are in space. We don’t know what that thing is and what it’s
capable of. I’m sorry but I object.” She said dejectedly, feeling all over repulsed at the thought of
getting that thing out of Taylor’s head. If Henri wanted to play scientist now is not the perfect time.
Does he even know what he is about to do? Elliot would prefer picking ringworms out of one’s eye
than an alien lifeform.

“Trust me on this.” Henri said with resolute but Elliot was ready to counter it. “We cannot afford to
waste any more second while that man is out there. Who knows who will be his next victim? Logan
had already been in a close call.” She dignified and saw Shun nodding his head, agreeing to her

“I know that but studying this…” Henri stated while gesturing a hand down on the corpse. “As long
as we stick together, keep each and every one guarded together and not separate. He will not be
able to get any of us.” He reasoned and Elliot let out a heavy sigh, feeling aggravated.

Henri said more, his voice was hesitant but he didn’t stutter and his words are certain. “I am a
geneticist. I need to find what this thing is and understand it. Once we understood what it is, we will
know how to deal with Eric. Please trust me on this.” Elliot doesn’t know if he’s completely out of his
rocker or if he was being honest of claiming the said title, yet still a bit screw-loose.

Elliot for the second time sighed, planting her palm against her sweaty forehead. She looked at Shun,
trying to confirm to his opinion on this but he only stared back at her if only not a bit just as
“Okay, we’ll do it in an isolate room. Who knows what it’ll do once it’s out.” She stated as a matter
of fact.

Henri nodded then asked them to help him haul Taylor’s body. They brought him to the upper ring,
at the laboratory area and informed the others that they needed their audience while they perform
dissection on Taylor. They had also relayed the whole event to the others to make them understand
the situation more and put in their minds that whatever is going on, is nothing they should just
regard with ignorance.

“So this is the guy Rey crippled and Shun killed because he was infected with whatever made Eric
crazy?” Baum began while standing with the others in the observation area within the laboratory.
“Just wanted everyone to hear that out loud.”

At this, everyone shared worried glances. Elliot stared at Henri who was also wearing just as the
same face expression as the others but there was also determination on his eyes. They are inside the
isolation room together with Shun as a safety precaution just in case things might suddenly get out
of hand. Elliot had also very well reminded them to wear proper lab gear to avoid getting any
infectious matter while they perform the procedure.

“They both came out of cell 50…” Henri stated, referring to Rey and Taylor. “Everyone else in there is
dead.” Elliot nodded at this for full confirmation.

“Just racking up the corpses, aren’t we?” Baum muttered loud enough for all of them to hear.

All of them fell silent for a moment but Henri began, nodding his head at Elliot while reaching his
hand for her to hand-over the bone cutter. She stared at his hand and up to his eyes, getting second
thoughts if they should actually do this. But Henri cannot be persuaded anymore and she handed
him the equipment. He tested the tool by cutting a finger on Taylor then moved up towards Taylor’s
head. His body is settled in a sitting position to let others clearly see what they will be doing.

“You’ll gonna cut him open?” Lee, the dark-skinned woman with braided locks questioned looking
wary and this set others on edge.

“Wait, what?” Logan shot at Henri, the latter man defended himself. “I need to look inside.”

“Do we have to be here?” Katie followed.

“It’s safer if you stay with us while Eric is out there.” Elliot explained and Logan scoffed at this.

She glanced at Henri and still the man is determined as he motioned her to keep Taylor’s head still.
She was reluctant but she followed on him regardless, holding Taylor’s chin and head to keep it from

“Don’t get her fingers.” Shun suddenly stated catching the other a bit in surprise but particularly
Elliot. He gave her a hard gaze when she looks at him then diverted his eyes at Henri. “I will be
careful.” Henri assured and he readied the tool on Taylor’s head. Shun gave Elliot one last hard look
before the latter looked away and focused on the task at hand.

Then Henri began, his hands were trembling but he was doing his best to be careful. Subtle gasps
and repulsed groaning can be heard from the others at the observation area. Blood started to ooze
out from the cut section, bone crunching as Henri carefully make his way around the skull. Then
something came out from it, sticky substance like goo, black and rancid even with them wearing face
masks. It smelt like a decomposing flesh.
“God what is that?” Abigail questioned, looking completely disgusted although she couldn’t smell
the odor that comes along with the goo. Lana who was with them in the observation room answered
it for her.

“We saw it in cell 50. The whole place was covered in it.”

A few seconds later, Henri was done. Elliot took a sharp inhale when he places his hand over the
head preparing to remove that upper skull. She immediately pulled away not wanting to be in
contact to whatever they may find inside the head.

“1, 2, 3…” Henri counted then pulled Taylor’s cut skull off, the others began gagging while they
watch him do it. Elliot who was nearest, has her face distorting in utter disgust as she recognizes the
foreign thing that was attached on Taylor’s brain. It was black, slimy like a vein. And its several
tendrils were attached all over the tissues. Faintly pulsing.

“What the fuck is that thing?” Baum decided to voice out what everyone has on their minds.

“Jesus Christ! Is it still alive?” Logan said.

“No, I think it’s decomposing.” Henri said and Baum interjected incredulously. “You think?” The
questioned man didn’t reply and proceeded to poke a tendril off from the organism.

“Wait, what are you gonna do?” Katie held up and Logan added. “We gotta blast the body into
space. Right? Get rid of it.”

Elliot had to admit, she agrees with Logan’s practical thinking and even so Shun did when he held on
her arm and moved her further from Taylor. She complied to him and they both stood by the corner
near the exit of the room.

“Do you understand what this is?” Henri began. “We’re looking at first contact.” Logan raised his
voice. “Fuck first contact! One of those things tried to squirm inside my head!” He was completely
rattled. Elliot couldn’t hold that against him, she even now starts to regret agreeing on this Henri’s
idea. Instinctively, she turned to Shun and saw him giving her a sideway glance. He didn’t have to say
it but she already had the feeling that he was just as well regretting going along in this as well.

“If we destroy it, we lose all capacity to understand…” Henri tried to reason again but Shun
interrupted him. “We don’t need to understand it. That sent Taylor homicidal and there’s a live one
in Eric. What we need is to kill it.”

“We have no idea what this creature is capable of. Or how it dies.” Henri said and this time it’s Elliot
that interjected. “You said it is decomposing and by its way of releasing such rancid odor, it could
mean the former one or it could mean something worse and we’re just sitting ducks here. The way I
see, it made Taylor harmful and even Eric. The thing even fooled me by breaking the fire alarm to
divert me away from Rey and attacked her. Meaning it is smart in a cognitive level, smart enough to
make its own decisions and set up plans beforehand.” She ended it there enunciating every word to
bury it into their minds.

She felt a bit bad seeing the almost betrayed look on Henri’s eyes but she cannot afford to play
scientist anymore now that thing was just as smart as them. What if while they administer
experiments on the creature, it was also studying them? Make them believe things, strip them off
their guard then it’ll strike? One should always take heed on the saying ‘Curiosity killed the cat’. It
might be somewhat blasphemous on her end considering her line of work but right now this is not
some kind of a thesis they needed to solve before the deadline. Their lives are at stake here.

“Bullets worked with Taylor…” Shun said and opened the door of the room, making his way outside
while cocking his gun. “I’ll hedge my bets.” Lana rushed after him.

“I’m coming with you.”

“No, you’re not.” Shun objected.

“I wasn’t asking.” She countered.

“No use to me on this, Lana.” Shun said pointedly, sidestepping around Lana as he continued walking
towards the bridge. The woman reached him and grab his arm.

“I made the wrong call with Taylor. I won’t this time.” She said, glancing at Elliot perfectly knowing
she has it as well to her. Elliot wanted to come along with them but she trusted Lana will be more of
use than her. Lana is just as experienced with a gun as Shun whereas her, she’s just a regular doctor
with no experience in any type of combat other than combating against human illnesses.

“You should take her with you Shun.” Elliot called from the door way, Shun regarded her with a
pensive look momentarily then he looked at Lana and continued onwards without a word. Lana
glances at Elliot, giving the younger woman a grateful smile and Elliot added. “Be careful Lana.” And
was responded with “I will.” And jogged after the Japanese man. Elliot sighed and turned back to
Henri, the others just stood on the observation area obviously looking like they just wanted to be out
of there as well.

“You all can leave now if you don’t want to see it any longer.” She stated to them, referring to the
thing on Taylor’s brain and they immediately scamper away. Abigail decided to stay behind.

Abigail suddenly entered the room.

“I wanted to help.” She said as she approached them. “Henri helped me earlier, I wanted to repay
it.” The referred man seems like he wanted to object but then he nodded his head and let Abigail
stay with them.

As Henri began poking the tendrils of the creature, Abigail voices her curiosity.

“Can you tell us anything?” Henri was more than glad to answer her question. “It’s insect-like.
Invertebrate. No indication that flesh has been eaten away. It has formed semi-permanent bonds in
the brain, reminiscent of obligate parasites on Earth.”

“English, please, Dr. Frankenstein.” Baum inputted and this time Elliot decided to explain it to them
as simple as she could. “There are species that survive or reproduce by entering a host. They can be
capable of drastically altering behavior, or at time, entirely controlling their mental faculties.”

“That’s what you said earlier right? It was what had drove Taylor mad and made him attack Rey.” It
was Katie and Elliot nodded to her. “I had my own theories already, yes. No sane person would just
randomly attack others.” She glances at Henri and this nodded to her in mutual understanding as he
added. “I’m afraid Elliot’s theories might be proven correct. This thing is definitely tapping on higher
mental processes.”

Their discovery didn’t give them any reassurance at all.

“I need to preserve his body to make further examinations in it.” Henri muttered and stares at Elliot
waiting for any opinions she might like to share. There’s no stopping this man. She sighed for the nth
time and responded to him. “The freezing room in this area has no power, I don’t know how to
operate it and neither Lee seemed to be excited in giving us assistance.” Henri look away to
contemplate momentarily, weighing their options. “I believe there’s one in the med-bay.” Abigail
suggested and this gave Henri a bit of hope as he ushered them to move Taylor to the said area.

“If we see Eric on the way, leave Taylor and run.” Henri added uninspiringly as he pushed the wheel
chair Taylor was on.

Elliot shoved the bone cutter back in her pocket as it’s the only best weapon she’d have at the
moment. Together, they helped pushed him around until they reached the med-bay without any
hitch. But when they neared the area where Rey was confined, they stopped seeing the woman was
all alone.

“I left her with Venisha.” Abigail said but the said woman is nowhere to be found and Rey was

“Then, where is she?” Elliot queried and gently woke Rey but all she could do was flutter her eyes
then fell back asleep. It doesn’t look like she’d been attacked if it had happened then Elliot doesn’t
know what she’ll do.

They looked around the area trying to find Venisha but the woman has obviously left the premises.
Where could have she gone?

Suddenly static crackling sounded from somewhere in the med-bay but Elliot knew very well what it
was. It was the radio.

“Hello? Can anyone hear us?” A woman spoke over the radio, her voice sounded trembling. It’s Lana.
Quickly, Elliot went to the device that was left on the shelf further in the room and picked it up.

“Lana? Are you alright?” She asked worriedly, she can even hear faint pained grunting in the
background. And when Lana spoke it sounded urgent and wary. “Elle, we’re locked in the morgue.
Ring 10.” Then the connection was cut. That was enough for Elliot’s anxiety to go haywire.

“I’m going to get them.” Elliot declared firmly as she deposited the radio this time in her pocket.
Retrieving out the bone cutter and readied it.

“I’m coming with you.” Henri said and Elliot added, words for Abigail. “Please watch over her.” The
youngest girl nodded.

Elliot didn’t stay any longer and bolted back to the shuttle head to ring 10. Lana and Shun are in
serious danger.

“It led Lana and Shun there.” Elliot stated as she watches the level on the screen. It just clicked on
her, the two wouldn’t just foolishly lock their selves in a morgue. Eric had set them up. No, not Eric
but the thing. “It’s truly clever.” The thought of it terrifies her so. It went to this extent just by
controlling its host.

“We’re in space it wouldn’t much surprise me that we aren’t just the supreme creatures that
existed.” Henri’s words didn’t bode to her any too well.

When they reached the level, they immediately rushed onwards but had to halt midway when they
heard a woman scream somewhere in the area.
“It’s Venisha.” Henri said in worry and it got worse with the following scream. “Help!”

They needed to help her but then so are Lana and Shun. Henri saw the torn look on Elliot’s face and
he then suggested. “You must go to Shun and Lana. I’ll go help Venisha.” Elliot nodded at this. “Okay
be careful. I mean it doctor.” She said to him, he seemed to be taken aback by the title she added
but she didn’t stay longer to find out whatever reaction he still has and run further in the area.

Elliot turned left and right, not knowing where the morgue actually is. She’s afraid she might be lost.

“LANA!” she tried to call out and thank God it was heard when she heard ‘OVER HEAR’ echoed back
to her. Elliot followed Lana’s voice until she came to a hall where a large door was tightly shut.

“Shun! SHUN!” Lana started shouting from behind the door and Elliot can’t help but be worried for
the worse. The glasses on the door were completely frozen making it impossible for Elliot to see
through it.

Quickly, she went to the console on the wall and was again thankful to find it still working, she
slammed her hand against the console so hard and the double doors flew open gusting freezing cold
air. Elliot immediately found Lana kneeling on the floor next to Shun’s prone and unresponsive body.

“Is he?” Elliot began but Lana interjected her. “He’s not breathing, he got electrocuted.”

Elliot scampered down and helped Lana pull Shun out of the freezing room. He was so pale and
freezing to the touch and his chest isn’t moving. But there was still faint pulse when she checked but
he wouldn’t last if they didn’t do anything immediately.

Instinctively, Elliot gave him a CPR. Pumping carefully in his lungs but still no air was coming through
his mouth. She pumped on his chest one more time but still no response so she resorted to blowing
air through his mouth. Still no response and she was growing extremely worried. He can’t die. He
must not die just like that.

Lana was also starting to feel hopeless as she clamped her hand on her mouth fighting a whimper,
her eyes becoming glassy. Elliot immediately looked away from her to avoid the urge of just doing
the same. She couldn’t just lose hope now. Couldn’t let him just be gone as simple as that. She
pumped and blow with much more perseverance this time. “You don’t get to just leave us like this.”
She muttered between her own heavy pants and gave one firmer pump until he finally spluttered air
out of his mouth.

He coughed and gasped, replaying his situation earlier when he exited his pod. Elliot moved a bit
away laughing but with a whimper as she watched him moved about and conscious. She gently
places her hand on his back and gave it a soothing rub as she whispers to him. “You’re all right. It’s
all fine now.” Slowly he regained his breathing and he regarded her for a moment. There was
something in the way he stares at her that she cannot point. If it was gratitude, it was a pleasure for

“Thank God, we thought we’d lost you.” Lana spoke in so much relief, tearing the Japanese man’s
attention away from Elliot. She had this face splitting grin as she looks at Shun and Elliot couldn’t
help but smile as well along her.

They decided to leave the cell for good once they had found out that Henri had actually taken care
of Eric by purging him into space but it was also tragic that they had lost Venisha. The woman had
tried to save the man – Eric. She only has good and pure intentions but she had to pay her life for it.
Elliot found herself sitting alone with Shun as she fixes his wound on his hand that he’d got earlier
where he and Lana got trapped. He tore a vent window away but also his hand’s tissue. There was
silence between them then suddenly Shun decided to break it when he muttered to her.


“Again, it’s nothing.” She looks at him but he wasn’t looking at her, finding his wound much more
interesting instead. She continued dressing his wound.

“I didn’t mean the bandages.” He spoke once more and she looked up again this time catching his
dark eyes staring right back at her although now they are in much more lighted place. She can say
now that his eyes aren’t completely dark. They are in fact brown. They looked gentle if you look at
them in such perspective. She had to look away or he might think her weird for taking too
unnaturally interested with one’s eyes.

He carried on his words. “You didn’t have to do that.”

She stared at him incredulously.

“And what, just let you die? Lana was crying I can’t have her blaming herself if we had lost you.”

“Is that really just it?” He questioned again and she paused, looking down on the dressing on his
hand she’s still working on.

“I’m just doing what is right.” She said and he remained silent as though coaxing her to add more.
She didn’t know why anything much but the way he just sat in front of her, and looking at her which
although she can’t see but can feel it was compelling her to actually say more. “I don’t know what I’d
do if…You don’t deserve to die like that.” She confessed, slowly looking up at him to find him still
looking at her.

“So, you’re saying that I should have died in a different way.”

For some reason this made her chuckle. She knew that he didn’t mean it to be something funny but
at times Elliot had the tendency to laugh over things that weren’t actually a joke. And remembering
the reason why she has such antic however led to something rather painful and she immediately
avoided the thought.

“No, silly. You would do the same thing if you were on my situation.” She said and saw Shun lifting
an eyebrow.

“How sure are you that I would do such a thing?”

Her counter was immediate.

“You wouldn’t have dragged me away from those falling barrels if you didn’t give a damn.”

Shun looked down at his injury, seemingly guilty at the fact that she pointed. She’s afraid that she
might have just stepped on a rather touché topic. But his next words however didn’t give away any
indication that it bothered him.

“Then that makes you a score higher than me now, huh.” He said with a subtle playful look in his
eyes. Elliot shook her head in disbelief.

“I don’t know why you are even making this look like a competition. But if that’s what you want then
two can play it. And we should record it on this, what this SIREN calls it…a ‘Blank Slate.’” She
responded challengingly and she was slightly taken aback when she saw a small smirk ghosted on his
lips along with his low chuckle, making his dimples she never noticed to pop out. As quick as it came,
it was gone and she had to blink several times if she had even actually seen that or had just imagined
it. It even became a bit worse remembering earlier what she had just done. She had unmindfully
kissed him. It didn’t mean anything but now that her stupid mind had started it, it was hard to ignore

“A competition then.” He muttered then she looked down on her hand when she felt his uninjured
hand grip around it. “You haven’t tended your own wounds.” He said and now noticed that he was
referring to the broken fingernails on her hands.

“It’s nothing too fatal. It’ll heal faster than yours.” She supplied as a matter of fact then he slowly
let’s her go.

“At least bandage them up as well.” He suggested as he stood and pulled his blanket tighter around
him, heading for the door to join the others.

Elliot frowned a bit. He sure is a very thoughtful person. In a very aloof way. Regardless she did as
what he said. She’d already disinfected her small wounds but if bandaging them as well would
suffice his concern then so be it.

She joined the others and saw Henri who was looking pale and troubled. She decided to sit beside
him and asked. “Are you feeling all right?”

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