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In today's globalized and technologically advanced world, organizational leaders face significant
challenges in maintaining quality while ensuring financial sustainability.

Dr. Anderson has recently assumed the role of district superintendent in a rural school district
that has been grappling with a variety of issues. FIRST, Student performance is low across the
board, with standardized test scores consistently falling below state averages. SECOND, The
district is also experiencing a high teacher turnover rate, with many educators leaving after just a
year or two. This instability has made it difficult to maintain a consistent curriculum and
teaching quality. LASTLY, there is a noticeable lack of community involvement in the schools,
with low attendance at parent-teacher meetings and school events.

To address these issues, WHAT SHOULD Dr. Anderson MUST consider IN ORDER TO GIVE

In the previous chapter, some leadership styles had been tackled. Each style is distinguished by
how a leader handles a particular problem in his or her organization. It is observed that whatever
style is being practiced by the leader, the issue of too much "me" is emphasized.
Collaboration is the name of the game in leadership, but why is it that the making of final
decision is reserved for the leaders themselves instead of holding first consultation with the
followers. When a consensus is reached, it will be an ideal scenario that the final decision will
now surface. To at least minimize this issue on leadership style, it is suggested that leaders
should not stick to just one style in their entire leadership term.

Dr. Anderson could adopt a transformational leadership style, which is characterized by
inspiration and motivation. By setting a clear vision for the district's future and demonstrating his
commitment to achieving this vision, he can inspire teachers, students, and parents to strive for
educational excellence.


If every leader will be patient and persevering enough to mentor and coach especially the newly
hired personnel, then work will be facilitated. But the issue is lack of empowerment! Why is that,
leaders found it threatening to impart their wisdom to a less experienced follower or group? If
coaching or mentoring will be adapted by a leader, then problems will be minimized in an
organization. In instances where the followers need clarification from their leaders, it will be a
great issue if they are denied of some enlightenment from their leaders. Therefore, as a good and
caring mentor, a leader must give answers to lead the followers to the standard set in the
performance of their tasks.

FROM THE GIVEN SITUATION, WHERE The district is also experiencing a high teacher
turnover rate, with many educators leaving after just a year or two. This instability has made it
difficult to maintain a consistent curriculum and teaching quality. SO
To address the high teacher turnover rate, Dr. Anderson could establish a mentoring and
coaching program. By pairing less experienced teachers with seasoned educators, he can ensure
that they receive the guidance and support they need to succeed. This not only improves teacher
skills but also empowers them, boosting morale and reducing turnover.

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