What Is Digital Marketing Importance and Benefits of Digital Marketing

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Your Digital Marketing Strategy


What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the act of

promoting products and services
through digital channels, such as
social media, SEO, email, and
mobile. It is a form of marketing
that helps businesses to reach
their target audiences, build
relationships, and boost sales
through digital channels. Digital
marketing utilizes a combination
of tools such as analytics, social
media, content marketing, search
engine optimization (SEO), search
engine marketing (SEM), email
marketing, mobile marketing, and
more to create an effective digital

Digital marketing is a powerful way for

businesses to reach their target customers
and engage with them in meaningful ways.
It enables businesses to create
personalised messages for their customers,
increasing the likelihood of message recall
and purchase intent. Additionally,
businesses can leverage digital channels to
track customer behaviour and identify
areas of opportunity. By using digital
analytics and other data-driven techniques,
marketers can better understand their
customers’ needs and preferences and
tailor their offerings accordingly. Digital
marketing also gives businesses access to a
larger audience than traditional marketing
channels due to its ability to reach people
across the globe.

From creating engaging content to delivering targeted

ads with precision, digital marketing is an essential tool
for driving business growth and success. It offers
businesses the opportunity to reach a large audience in
efficient ways while providing customers with
personalized messages that build long-lasting

Importance and Benefits of Digital

Digital marketing is an important component of any
successful business strategy. It allows companies to reach
a wider audience and create a personalized connection
with customers. It also provides businesses with an
opportunity to engage with customers on a more personal
level, creating a sense of trust and loyalty. Additionally,
digital marketing gives businesses access to real-time
analytics, enabling them to make informed decisions and
track the success of their campaigns. The benefits of
digital marketing include increased brand awareness,
improved customer engagement, lower marketing costs,
increased customer loyalty, and higher ROI. Furthermore,
digital marketing can potentially increase sales and profits,
as well as build lasting relationships with customers. By
leveraging the power of digital marketing, businesses can
effectively reach their target audience and drive growth.

Types of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing can take many forms:
Search engine optimization (SEO): This entails
increasing a website’s presence on search engine
results pages. (SERPs)

Search engine marketing (SEM): To do this, paid

advertising must be used in the search engine results
Content marketing: To attract and keep a clearly defined
audience, this entails producing and distributing valuable,
pertinent, and consistent information.

Social media marketing: This entails utilizing social media

websites to interact with clients and advertise a company.

Email marketing: This involves using email to send

marketing messages to customers and potential
Mobile marketing: This involves using mobile apps,
SMS, and other mobile channels to reach customers.

Marketing automation: This involves using software to

automate marketing processes such as email
campaigns and social media posts.

Influencer marketing: This involves collaborating with

influencers, or people with a large following on social
media, to promote a business.

Video marketing: This involves using video content

to promote a business, such as through YouTube or
social media.

Affiliate marketing: This involves using affiliates, or

people who promote a business’s products in
exchange for a commission, to reach new customers.

Each type of digital marketing has its own advantages

and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the one
that’s best for your business.

How to develop Digital Marketing


Developing a digital marketing strategy is a critical part of any

successful business. It involves research, planning, and
execution to ensure that your digital marketing efforts
effectively achieve your desired objectives. A well-planned
digital marketing strategy can help you to reach your target
audience, increase brand awareness and drive more sales.

When creating a digital marketing strategy, it is important to

consider the following steps:

1. Define Your Objectives – The first step in creating an

effective digital marketing strategy is to define your
objectives. Identify the goals you want to achieve and
decide on the metrics you will use to measure success.

2 Identify Your Target Audience – Knowing who you are

targeting with your digital marketing efforts is essential.
Research your target audience and create buyer personas to
understand better who they are and what they need

3 Choose Your Digital Channels – Different channels offer

different benefits and it’s important to understand which
ones will be most effective for your digital marketing
strategy. Consider social media platforms, search engine
optimization (SEO), email campaigns, video content, and
other methods of reaching your target audience

4 Develop Your Content Strategy – Content is an important

part of any successful digital marketing strategy. Develop a
content plan that includes different types of content, such as
blog posts, videos, infographics, and more

5 Monitor and Analyze Results – Once you have implemented

your digital marketing

B2B versus B2C Digital Marketing

Business to business (B2B) digital marketing is different from

business to consumer (B2C) digital marketing. B2B digital
marketing focuses on connecting businesses with other
businesses while B2C marketing focuses on connecting a
business with individual consumers.

B2B digital marketing has a few key differences compared to

B2C digital marketing. These differences include the target
audience, the value of the product, the sales cycle and the
digital marketing channels used.

For B2B digital marketing, the target audience is other

businesses, corporate decision-makers and professionals.
This means that the content and messaging used in B2B
digital marketing must be more tailored and focused on
providing value to the target audience.

The product value for B2B is also different from that of B2C.
B2B products are more expensive and complex, require more
research and consideration before purchase. The sales cycle
is also much longer for B2B products than for B2C products.

In terms of digital marketing channels, B2B marketers tend to

focus more on professional networks like LinkedIn, trade
publications, and industry events. On the other hand, B2C
marketers tend to focus more on social media channels like
Facebook and Instagram

Digital Marketing Tools and Channels

Digital marketing covers a wide range of activities, and as

such there are a variety of digital marketing tools available to
help you to reach your goals. From email and social media
marketing to paid search, display advertising, and more, there
are a variety of digital channels that can be used to help you
reach your target audience. It’s important to understand the
different types of digital tools and channels in order to
develop an effective digital marketing strategy.

Email marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital

marketing, and it involves sending emails to customers with
the goal of driving engagement and sales. Email campaigns
can be used to nurture leads, acquire customers, and
increase brand awareness. Social media is another powerful
tool for digital marketers, allowing them to reach their target
audiences with engaging content, drive traffic to their
websites, and build relationships with their customers. Paid
search and display advertising are also effective digital
marketing tools for helping businesses to reach their target
audiences with relevant messages and offers.

Content marketing is another important part of digital

marketing, and it involves creating content that is valuable,
entertaining or educational in order to engage customers and
build relationships. Content can be created in the form of
blogs, videos, infographics, e-books, webinars and more. SEO
(search engine optimization) is also key in digital marketing as
it helps businesses to appear higher in search engine results
pages when potential customers are searching for relevant
terms. Finally, online public relations can be an effective tool

Role and Skills of a Digital Marketer

Digital marketing requires the use of a wide range of skills and
knowledge in order to be successful. A digital marketer
should have excellent communication, creative, strategic,
analytical, and technical skills. They need to be able to
develop compelling content, create campaigns that capture
the attention of their target audience, and measure the
success of their efforts.

A digital marketer should also be familiar with the various

tools and channels available for digital marketing, such as
SEO/SEM, email marketing, social media, and other digital
platforms. Having an understanding of the fundamentals of
coding and web development will also be helpful in creating
effective campaigns. They need to stay up-to-date on the
latest trends in digital marketing and have the ability to think
outside the box when developing strategies. Additionally, it is
important to have strong customer service skills in order to
ensure customer satisfaction.

Career in Digital Marketing

Why you should choose Digital

Marketing as a Career?
Over 20 Lac Jobs in Digital Marketing by 2025
According to a combined study of CII & KPMG, over 20 Lakh
jobs are expected to be created in the Digital Marketing space
by the year 2025.

While this number would include various kinds of Careers in

Digital Marketing, the demand for a few profiles including
technical & analytics skilled professionals is always going to
exceed the available talent pool.

While a large number of brands and agencies don’t advertise

for jobs related to Online Marketing, there are over 1.82 Lacs
jobs on Naukri.com updated on a daily basis.
The number of Digital Marketing jobs on Naukri.com on an
average day is 25k+.

This marks a substantial increase in the number of jobs in just

3 years’ time.

Interestingly, ‘Social Media Marketing’ alone has over 12k jobs

associated with it.

I thought of comparing it with other popular industries and

noticed more than 7000 jobs for ‘big data’. And in the last
couple of years, this trend has only increased and will surely
continue to do so.
A Digital Marketing professional earns between Rs 15,000 and Rs 4,00,000

Given the increasing gap between the demand and

supply of Digital Marketing professionals, a Digital
Marketer commands a much higher average salary
compared to other industries.

A graduate with no work experience can expect a

monthly salary of Rs 15- 20K and a Head of Digital
Marketing in a large brand or agency can earn Rs. 2.5- 3
Lacs per month*. The median salary of a Digital
Marketing Professional is Rs. 404,777 p.a.

Here’s a rough range of Salaries associated with

titles earned by Digital Marketing Professionals
based on their educational qualification and
professional background.

This doesn’t take into consideration exceptional

educational background (e.g. IIT/IIM) or professional

Professionals working in high-growth startups or (e.g.

LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google) earn over Rs 1
Crore annual salary at a senior position.

India has crossed 700 Million+ Smartphone Users Mark

in 2022
According to the economic times, India will cross 800 million
smartphone users by 2023.

With over 4.6 billion Internet users (as on Apr 25, 2022, by
Internet Users in 2022 report by Statista), over 55% of the
world’s population is online.

India crossed the 566 million internet users mark on December

2022. 80% of these users (i.e. 400M+) have come online through
a Mobile Phone.

India took over 10 years to move from 10M to 100M Internet


It took 3 years to grow from 100M to 500 M and just 1 year to

grow from 500M to 700M.

Facebook alone has over 300 Million+ users in India.

With over 700 million+ active smartphone users in 2022, India

already surpassed the US to become the 2nd largest
smartphone market. India has the world’s second-largest
internet population.

It is also the biggest smartphone market after China.

With growing e-commerce platforms and increasing use of

social media sites like Twitter, and Facebook, the number of
internet users is expected to rise in the coming years.

Reports have forecasted that by 2023, there will be about

635.8 million internet users in India.

McKinsey also stated that internet users in India will rise by

40% and smartphones will double by 2023.
According to a news update by TOI, India has crossed 730M
Internet users.

Interestingly, over 75% of new user growth will come from

Rural India driven by Mobile Phones. India will continue to
remain the fastest-growing country in terms of internet user

Digital Media Spend in India crossed Rs 19,000 Crores in


According to Economic Times, Digital advertising growth

is at 32% CAGR and has reached Rs 19,000 crore in 2022.

The primary factors for this growth include the growing

penetration of smartphones and lower data tariffs.

Kinds of Job Opportunities in the

Digital Marketing Industry

Popular Job Profiles in Digital Marketing

As shared earlier in this article, based on your experience,
your skills (both technical and non-technical such as
communication, creativity, and analytical skills), and your
interest, you can consider the following Job Profiles:


Digital marketing is an ever-evolving and dynamic field of

marketing. As technology advances and marketing tools
become more sophisticated, the need for digital marketers to
stay ahead of the curve is essential. Understanding the
importance of digital marketing, its various types and tools,
as well as how to develop a successful digital marketing
strategy, will help any business or organization reach their
goals. Digital marketing is not just about creating content, but
also about understanding the customer journey and
developing a plan that will be effective in reaching the target
audience. In order to be successful, digital marketers must
remain agile and stay up to date with the latest trends and
changes in the field.


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