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Ngữ pháp- số: 01

Part A: Theory
I, State the syntactic functions of V-ing clauses. Give examples.
- As Subject: Listening to music is my hobby..........................................................
- As Object: We enjoy listening to music.................................................................
- As Complement: My hobby is listening to music...................................................
- As Adverbial: Listening to music, I feel relaxed....................................................
- As Appositive: Her hobby, listening to music, makes me surprised/ curious,.......
- After Preposition to make prepositional phrase: I am interested in watching
horror film.................................................................................................................

II, What are the different classes of verbs in accordance with the types of
complementation? Give examples.
There are 5 classes of verbs in.....complementation:.................................................
- Intransitive (zero complementation):......................................................................
- Intensive complementation.....................................................................................
- Monotransitive complementation...........................................................................
- Ditransitive complementation.................................................................................
- Complex transitive complementation.....................................................................


III, Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Circle your
1. ..........… verbs can be seen as compound words.
A Modal B Phrasal (bản thân nó là V+Prep)
C Complex transitive D Ditransitive
2. A complex noun phrase may contain a ..........… clause.
A nominal B relative (ở vị trí postmodifier: a beautiful girl sitting next
to me) C main D subject
3. The main syntactic function of adjective phrase is ..........… .
A subject B adverbial C modifier D object complement
4. If an adjective takes place right after the intensive V-element and serves as an
obligatory sentence element, it functions as ..........…. in the sentence.
( E.g.: She is tall)
A postmodifier B subject complement C adverbial D modifier
5. The main function of an adverb in a sentence is ..........….
( E.g.: She is having lunch now)
A premodifier B postmodifier C complement D adverbial
6. If it is integrated within the sentence structure modifying the V-element,
adverbial is classified as ..........….
A conjunct (connection: although, because..)
B adjunct (Expand the meaning of sentence (On my way to school, I met her) (On
Monday, I go outside with my friend)
C disjunct ( Express the opinion: Truly, Absolutely, Actually, Generally, Honestly,
Frankly, In my opinion, In my perspective, To my understand/ surprise,....)
D modifier
7. English Noun has no grammatical category of ..........….
A case (nominative case, accusative case, genitive (N’s) (p18): sở hữu cách)
B number (singular and plural)
C gender (đực: a boy, a man, horse, male; cái” a girl, a women, mare, female;
trung tính: a teacher, a car, a doctor,...)
D tense ( 2 tense belong to verb: past and present) (aspect: 4; mood: 3; voice: 2)
8. Any language unit that functions as a noun is called ..........…..
A adjective B nominal C adverbial D relative
9. In a noun phrase the determiner normally ..........… the head noun.
A precedes B follows C goes with D forms
10. A non-finite clause ..........…. goes with the subject of its own
A never B sometimes C often D always
Part B: Exercise
I. Underline and indicate, by S,V,O,A,C, the sentence elements of the
superordinate clause, then assign it to one of the seven basic sentence/clause
Examples: The visitors who have recently arrived often ask me many questions.
S A V Oi Od →
1. That environmental problems are getting worse and worse informed us of a
coming disaster.
S -V-O-A
2. Yesterday he asked me what you would do tomorrow.
3. We believe our chance to be good after we graduate from the University.
4. The question who will win is now beyond controversy.
5. At the start of the interview he asked me to talk about my education.

II, Use the suitable subordinators to make complex sentences serving as

examples to illustrate the statement: The non-finite clause “listening to chamber
music” can function as:
0/ object (Example): We enjoy listening to chamber music.
1/ subject:..................................................................................................................
2, subject complement:..............................................................................................
3/ adverbial:...............................................................................................................
4/ appositive:.............................................................................................................

III, One of the underlined parts must be changed for the sentence to be correct.
Identify and correct it.
Example: I always find difficult to persuade Susan, a friend of mine, to support my
Answer: find difficult… → … find it difficult…
1. He can speak both English fluently and correctly like native speakers.
Answer:both English → English both
2. I advise that Tom keep quiet when Dick with his friends come to ask him to do
Answer: come → comes
3. Wanted to be famous, my friend, an intelligent man, is now trying to deal with
many ever-existing social problems.
Answer: Wanted → Wanting
4. The given questions used to test the students’ knowledge of the language they
are learning and to get some information about the teaching method.
Answer: used → are used
5. I learn the theory of language by reasoning rather than to do it by heart.
Answer: to do → doing

IV. Show the differences in meaning between the sentences in pair, either by
explaining each sentence or by rewriting the sentences in your own words.
1. a. I do not completely understand him.
b. I completely do not understand him.
2. a. It’s raining hard now.
b. It’s hardlly raining now.
3. a. You are now speaking like a teacher.
b. You are now speaking as a teacher.

V. Combine the sentences in each group making a complex one. Make necessary
changes but do not miss any detail of given idea.
1. You once saw an introductory paragraph in this book. The job was described in
the paragraph. This is the paragraph.
2. It started to rain harder. That prevented them from going any further. They all
know that.
3. She graduated from a school of nursing. It was in Washington, D.C. She
graduated in 1917. Then she began her career. Her first position was as a private
nurse in New York City.

VI. Replace the words in italics by a non-finite clause. (15pts)

Example: I don’t remember that I met her at the party.
I don’t remember meeting her at the party.
1. When he heard a noise, he went outside to see what was happening.
2. Everyone knew that he was a man of integrity.
3. He preferred that I should say nothing about it at present.
4. I didn’t recall that he had said any such thing.
5. The police hope that they will solve the crime soon.

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