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| FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES INGENIEUF FIDIC CONDITIONS OF CONTF (INTERNATIONAL) FOR ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL WOR' (INCLUDING ERECTION ON SITE) WITH FORMS OF TENDER AND AGREEM SECOND EDITION 1980 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART |, General Conditions . Table of Contents Index PART 1, Conditions of Particular Application. ©. 2 2... Form of Tender... . ‘Appendix to Tender... Form of Agreement Page vil 38 a 42 | | | GENERAL CONDITIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Clause 414 12 13 14 15 2a 22 23 24 aa 43 BA 52 53 Ba 5S 55 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION . Definitions Interpretation. Singular and Plural Headings or Notes... Cost ENGINEER AND ENGINEER'S REPRESENTATIVE . Engineer's Duties... . - Engineer's Representative . . Engineer's power to delegate Engineer to act fairly . ASSIGNMENT AND SUB-LETTING Assignment... 2 ee Sub-letting Pee eee eee eee ee CONTRACT DOCUMENTS . . Languages... . Compliance with Laws and governing Law + - Documents mutually explanatory. | Drawings... 2-2 2 ee Approved Drawings. 6. ee ee Inspection of Drawings 7 Foundation Drawings»... 2 ee Errors in Drawings. - = preeea Operating and Maintenance Instructions - =~ Mistakes in Information Errors by Contractor : Errors by Employer/Engineer Page weve a eanaan | | GENERAL CONDITIONS — Table of Contents - Continued Clause 7 72 st 92 93 10.4 102 oa wa 22 123 134 13.2 a1 14.2 143 144 145 184 152 153 154 155 156 15.7 164 162 163 164 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR... . - . - - General Obligations 2 ee Setting out. 2. ee Contract Agreement Performance Bond or Surety... . Claims under Bond Reduction of Bond Site Data eee ea bet Sufficiency of Tender . Engineer's Decisions... . - PROGRAMME . - Programme to be furnished. Pee Hse eb ebaete a Procedure and method... - s+ 7 7 Progress of Works. 5 2s ee ‘CONTRACTOR'S SUPERINTENDENCE Contractor's Representatives and workmen Notice of Objection Contractor's Equipment. © 6 2 Fencing Lighting and Guarding Electricity Water and Ges - » - - - + - Eee Employer's Lifting Equipment. ©. 6 se ee Opportunities for other contractors.» - 5 se = LIABILITY FOR ACCIDENTS AND DAMAGE . - - Care of the Works... te Damage to Works caused by excepted sks. ss +s + Damage to persons and property before taking over. = - + Damage to persons and property after taking over Damage to persons and propery trom a cause occuring betore- taking over : ae : Claims for damage to porsons or property Accident or injury to workmen Indirect or consequential damage - Foreseen damages. - - 7 Mitigation of loss» - Limitation of Liabil ee 10 10 10 10 n 4 1" 1" 1" " GENERAL CONDITIONS - Table of Contents - Continued Clause INSURANCES, REGULATIONS AND PATENT RIGHTS ATA Insurance of Works 17.2 Third Party Insurance. - + 17.3. Insurance against accident etc. to workmen 174 Remedy on failure to insure. - eae 475 Insurance by the Employer. - - - » - 18.1 Compliance with Statutes Regulations otc... - 18.2 Assistance concorning Laws and Regulations » - 191 Patent Rightsetc.- . = - Bee 49.2 Claims in respect of Patent Rights 19.3 Employer's warranty for Patent Rights GENERAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE EMPLOYER 204. Access to and possession of the Sle... . . 202 Foundations ......- - 203 Authorityforaccess. - 2...) 204 Access notexclusive . 2... ee 205 Consents Wayleaves etc. : fl 20.6 Import Permits and Licences . - HOURS OF WORK AND RATE OF PROGRESS 2A Hoursofwork 2 ee 212 Nonight or Sunday work - 218° Raleof progress... ieee 214 Clearance of Site on completion |. =. LABOUR. ©. - 224 Engagement of Labour . Beebe 222 Supplyofwater 2. 2. eee 223 Alcoholic Liquor or urugs . 224 Arms and Ammunition - 225 Festivals and Religious Customs... 226 Epidemics .- . . -- . - 227 Disorderly Conduct . ; 22.8 Observance by Sub-Contractors 229 Other conditions... . 22.10 Returnsof labour... 1. ss Page 2 2 12 2 R 18 18 13 13 13 13 4 4 4 4 4 4 “ 4 4 4 15 15° 18 6 6 6 16 6 6 6 15 6 16 GENERAL CONDITIONS — Table of Contents - Continued Clause Page WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS . 2 2-2 02) 2s 16 23. Manner of execution . Sah ‘ 6 24. Adverse physical concitions and artificial obstructions... - - . 16 25.1 Inspection and Testing during manufacture « : . 6 25.2 Dates for Inspection and Testing EEE Ea Hee 253 Facilites for Testing at manufacturer's works») ss ss 16 25.4 Certificate of Testing... . 7 16 M5 Rejection... \ 26.1 Delivery : 5 ete 7 | 262 Delayed Plant |. eee : 7 | 263 Notice of readiness for delivery... se ee 1 284 Payments forDelayedPlamt 5 eT | 26.5 Storing Delayed Plant 7 BEES Rese eee eee 8 | 26.6 Noticeto proceed . . SEER RES eee bet eit 1 26:7 Costs in sespect of Delayed Plant» |. 18 SUSPENSION OF WORKS... . - eet eT) 27.1 Order to suspend progress. . See 2 9 27.2 Payment for Plant when brogresssuspendod eee eet ere 27.3 Resumption of work... EEE eee eect 28. DEFECTS BEFORE TAKING OVER. . Le BO TESTS ON COMPLETION PEE EEE Stee eta . 28.1 Notice of Tests. ee Bete ee eae - 2 282 TimeforTests ee 20 293 Delayed Tésts . . . SR ee eee 294 Facilities for Tests on Completion. | 1 eM 29.5 Repeat Tests. : a 288 Consequences offallureto pass Tests on Completion . 2... at | ‘TIME FOR COMPLETION “ ‘ : a 30. Extension of Time for Completion - = © > 1 2 2 5 0 te Bt 31.1 Delay in Completion : + 2 312 Prolongeddelay. 2. 313 Bonus... oH EEE Eee eter st toa GENERAL CONDITIONS - Table of Contents - Continued Clause 324 322 32.3 33.4 93.2 33.3 33.4 93.5 33.6 33.7 33.8 33.9 33.10 33.11 93.12 93.13, 34. 342 34.3. 304 345, 35. 35.2 36.2 36.3 74 37.2 373 374 375 TAKINGOVER 0 ee ‘Taking-Over Certificate eet Taking over by Portions. ©... Seat Use before taking over Interference with Tests - DEFECTS AFTER TAKING OVER . . Defects Liability Period Making good defects EEStor ect it Notice of defects... EES aeeee eH Extension of Defects Liability Period Delay in remedying defects : a Removal of defective work»... Further Tests on Completion. - - . Conditions applicable Right ofAccess- © 2-0 ee ee Contractor to search. = ss : Claims for loss or damage after Defects Liability Period | Gross Misconduct - - - et Liability after taking over = 5. VARIATIONS © 2 ee Engineer's power to vary Notice and confiimation of Variations. Progress with Variations Claims for additional payment for Variations Variations exceeding 15 per cent \VESTING QF PLANT AND CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT Ownership ofPlant - 2 2 ee ee Marking of Plant. Sse be fl Removal of Contractor's Equipment . Loss or damage to Contractor's Equipment. - Other conditions i CERTIFICATES AND PAYMENT . Centificates of Payment... 2 se Application for Interim Certificates... ss = 25 25 26 26 28 26 ar BRRSs GENERAL CONDITIONS - Table of Contents - Continued Clause 976 377 378 379 97.10, ort 37.12 97.13, 38.1 38.2 38.3 39.1 39.2 99.9 ata 412 as a4 43.4 43.2 444 44.2 443 Ma 45, 46.1 96.2 Page ‘Advance and Progress Payments... 2... : Effect of interim Certificates Beer er Sei Final Certificate of Payment 5. Issue of Final Certificate. 7 Value of Final Certificate Ree Peete te Final Certificate conclusive. 5... Adjustment to Certificates 5 1 Corrections to Certificates Eat Eeee Provisional Sums reer ee Fee Ordering work against Provisional Sums. Invoices and receipts. . . 2... Nominated Sub-Contraciors. © © ee Objections to Nominations... aoe Responsibility for design in Nominated Sub-Contracts | ae Payments against Provisional Sums... eet edt Delayed payments to Nominated Sub-Contractors |... Continuing obligations of Nominated Sub-Contractor . SSSS3B BVI BISBRBBB PAYMENT CONDITIONS. 2 2... et Terms of payment... . Ia Seb ee rg eH Interest on delayed payment... He aceboy, Suspension on failure to certty or make payment... ss. Bt Termination on failure to certify ©. SH Payment in fo! ee 7 ; 31 Currency restrictions © 2. Rates of exchange eae peepeceeiecsreviet Single currency conversion. 5 2... ee 88 Multiple currency conversion. |) REMEDIES AND POWERS ©. 2. | 1... 82 Contractor's Default. | Peed 82 Valuation at date offorfeiture 33 Payments after forfeiture. 2 33 Effect on Liability for delay . 33 Bankruptcy 2 ee OUTBREAK OF WAR. ©. 88 Outbreak of War... - 2 88 Removal of Contractor's Equipment on termination in case of War | | 34 Payment if Contract terminated incase of War... . . . . . . 84

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