904 Unit 4

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According to section 3 of NCWA 1990

According to Section 3 of the act mandates that the Central Government shall constitute a body to be
known as the National Commission for Women.
Composition –
1. A Chairperson, committed to the cause of women, to be nominated by the Central Government;
2. five Members to be nominated by the Central Government from amongst persons of ability,
integrity and standing who have had experience in law or legislation, trade unionism,
management of an industry or organisation committed to increasing the employment potential of
women, women’s voluntary organisations (including women activists), administration, economic
development, health, education or social welfare (at least one member each from SC community
and one from ST community)
3. a Member-Secretary to be nominated by the Central Government, who is an expert in the field of
management, organisational structure or sociological movement, or an officer who is a member
of a civil service of the Union.

Sec 10 Power and Functions of NCW :

The section outlines the functions, reporting mechanisms, and powers of the Commission for women:

1. Functions 10(1): (14 functions)

- Investigate and examine matters related to women's safeguards under the Constitution and other laws.
- Present reports to the Central Government on the status of these safeguards.
- Make recommendations for their effective implementation and suggest legislative amendments if
- take up the cases/look into complaints take suo moto notice of violations of women's rights and non-
compliance with laws and policies aimed at women's welfare.
- Conduct studies on discrimination and atrocities against women and propose strategies for their
- Undertake research to promote women's representation and identify barriers to their advancement.
- Participate in planning socio-economic development for women and evaluate progress.
- Inspect places of custody for women and take corrective measures if needed.
- Fund litigation on issues affecting women and make periodic reports to the Government.
-take up any other matter which may be referred to it by the Central Government.

2. Reporting 10(Subsections 2 and 3):

- Reports are submitted to the Central Government, which lays them before Parliament along with
explanations on actions taken or proposed.
- Reports concerning State Governments are forwarded to them for presentation to the State Legislature.

3. Powers of the Commission 10 (Subsection 4):

- The Commission, while investigating any matter, has powers similar to a civil court, including:
- Summoning and enforcing attendance of witnesses.
- Requiring the discovery and production of documents.
- Receiving evidence on affidavits.
- Requisitioning public records.
- Issuing commissions for examination of witnesses and documents.
- Any other matter prescribed.

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