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Same-sex marriage is a very emotional issue for many people not only here in
the Philippines but also in other country around the world. However, when
one separates from facts, it is clear that the state has compelling reasons to
endorse the national marriage and not the same-sex marriage or civil unions.
The Philippines is a catholic country, and the people nurture for man to
woman marriage not man to man or woman to woman marriage. Social
media has democratized access to a wider range of narratives and stories on
LGBT’s. And it’s made them part of our common experiences, creating a
climate that could help dismantle oppressive stereotypes about
homosexuality. The bullying of LGBT kids in American schools, for
instance, a Canadian transgender joining the Miss Universe, the coming out
of Hollywood celebrities, and also here in our country, these have all
catalyzed conversations here. And while we know that these happened
anywhere, we have known the universal elements of these stories. Same sex
marriage should not be legalized in the Philippines because it would destroy
the institution of marriage and have negative effects on the children.

Same sex marriage should not be legalized in the Philippines because it

would destroy the institution of marriage. Marriage is a social institution of
the long established rules that provides society with the very foundation of
civilization the procreating family units in our country. Marriage is
fundamentally about children and civilization of the society now and for the
future. Equate the same sex marriage with the natural marriage, thereby
teaching citizens the socially disastrous ideas that natural marriage is no
better than any other relationship and that marriage is not a prerequisite for
the children.

Most of the homosexual are admit that they would like to destroy the natural
marriage by legalizing the same sex marriage. The homosexual person refuse
to live in the society’s standards, they will only feel validated if they beat
down those standards to the level of their own behavior. The homosexuals
can already marry privately and many of them do what they want is
government endorsement. Much of this is already happening in our country
and other countries that have government backed same-sex marriage. The
natural marriage is going to be weak if the same-sex marriage is legal. In the
state of New York recently passed a law that legalizes same-sex marriages.
That means gay and lesbian couples could marry, with legal protection
ordinarily granted to male-female couples.

Same sex marriage should not be legalized in the Philippines because it

would have negative effects on the children. Natural marriage can
consistently and procreate provide a nurturing and stable environment for the
growth and maturation of the children. It is the most basic and effective form
of the government is the natural two parent family. Children raised with both
mother and father has taught the child discipline, coming from the father’s
side. Caring, considerate side is coming from the mother’s side. It is more
likely for the child to stay out of the trouble in that way. But if a child is
raised by two mommies or two daddies, the child most likely learns one
certain thing instead of a variety of the other skills or tactics.


Some same-sex couples are fortunate enough to live in a state where they can
jointly adopt a child or where one partner can adopt the biological child of
the other through a second parent, stepparent, or domestic partner adoption.
These procedures ensure that both partners are considered legal parents of
their child. If the same sex parents adopt a child, the same sex parents nurture
and take care more the child. If same-sex civil marriage becomes common,
most same-sex couples with children would be lesbian couples. This would
mean that would have yet more children being raised apart from fathers.
Same sex marriage wants to define marriage as simply a personal relationship
between two committed parties, but marriage is much larger than the two
parties involved in a marriage. If two people of the same sex are supposed to
get marriage, there would have only been one sex created on this world. It is
constitutional zed that a man and woman are to get married, not man and man
or woman and woman.Filipino, upon hearing the word MARRIAGE, forms
in my mind an image of a man and a woman. Ladies and gentlemen, another
of the authorities of our morality is tradition. One of our traditions is that the
husband will carry the wife from the doorstep to the bed after marriage. It
gives me goose bumps to imagine a man carrying another man from the
doorstep to the bedroom. Too bad that after legalizing the same-sex marriage,
a very disturbing declaration will be done between the husband and the
husband or the wife and the wife. Let us not legalize same-sex marriage. It
will pollute our society. Let us maintain the wall between our society and
same-sex marriage. Let’s pity the children of the next generation.

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