Objective B

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In my product goal, critical thinking and communication, played a significant role. Critical
thinking helped me evaluate the effectiveness and safety of different skincare ingredients for my
specific skin concerns. I carefully analyzed the scientific literature, considering the strengths and
limitations of various studies, to make informed decisions about ingredient selection.

Communication skills were also essential when developing my product goal. I needed to
effectively communicate my specific skin concerns, desired outcomes, and preferences to ensure
that the personalized serum I’m creating would address my unique needs. Additionally, clear
communication was crucial when sharing my product goals and progress with others, such as
seeking feedback from trusted sources or documenting my formulation details accurately.

In my learning goal, research played a crucial role in understanding the field of dermatology in
skincare. I conducted extensive research to gain knowledge about various skin concerns, skin
types, and the benefits and mechanisms of different skincare ingredients. This research allowed
me to understand the underlying principles of dermatology and how certain ingredients can
address specific skin concerns.

For research, I have made primary and secondary reasearch.


Online interview with Cosmetics & Personal Care testing laboratory Manager, Yousef

1. What is your area of expertise within chemistry?.

2. Can you explain the chemical properties and interactions of the ingredients I plan to use
in my personalized serum?
3. Are there any potential safety concerns or interactions between the ingredients I have
4. How can I ensure the stability and shelf life of my personalized serum?
5. Are there any alternative ingredients that could achieve similar results for my specific
skin concerns?
6. Can you recommend any specific formulations or techniques to enhance the efficacy of
my personalized serum?
7. What are the proper storage conditions for the serum to maintain its effectiveness?
8. Can you provide guidance on how to accurately measure and mix the ingredients to
ensure consistent results?
9. Are there any regulations or guidelines I need to consider when creating my own skincare
10. How can I test the effectiveness and safety of my personalized serum before using it on
my face?
11. Are there any potential allergic reactions or sensitivities I should be aware of based on
the ingredients I have chosen?
12. Can you suggest any resources or references for further learning about cosmetic
chemistry and formulation?


1. Authority: The authority in this online interview is Yousef Khaleel, who is identified as the
Cosmetics & Personal Care testing laboratory Manager. While he is not a chemist formulator,
he provides general information and resources related to cosmetic ingredients and safety
concerns. Although not explicitly stated, it can be assumed that Yousef Khaleel has expertise in
the field of cosmetic chemistry.

2. Currency: The online interview took place on December 11, indicating that the information
provided is current as of that date.

3. Relevance: The information provided in the interview is directly related to the queries about
the chemical properties, interactions, safety concerns, and formulation techniques for
personalized serums. It addresses the specific questions asked by the interviewer.

4. Purpose: The purpose of the interview is to provide guidance and information on creating
personalized serums, specifically regarding ingredient interactions, safety considerations,
formulation techniques, storage conditions, and additional resources for learning about cosmetic
chemistry and formulation. There is no apparent bias in the information provided.

5. Accuracy: The information provided by Dr. Khaleel appears to be accurate and relevant to the
questions asked. He provides specific recommendations, alternatives, and guidelines based on
his expertise. However, there is no mention of a bibliography or list of references to support the
information provided.

REGULATION (EC) No 1223/2009 on cosmetic products

Cosmetic Ingredient Review: https://www.cir-safety.org/

Personal Care Products Council: https://www.personalcarecouncil.org/

Science of Beauty: A Comprehensive Guide to Cosmetics and Personal Care


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