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A Detailed Lesson Plan In Introduction to World Religions

and Belief System

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Define what is Christianity

2. Examine the fundamental beliefs and practices of
Christianity; and
3. Create a reflection paper about the practices and belief
system under Christianity Religion.


A. Topic: Christianity
B. References: Curriculum Guide for Grade 11, Introduction
to World Religious and Belief System
C. Materials: Computer, Powerpoint presentation, and
D. Skills to be Developed: Cognitive, Affective and



Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
Everybody stand up and let us
(Everybody will stand up and pray)
2. Greetings
Good morning, Class! Good morning Sir, Marlon!

Before we start, please pick up the

(Everybody will pick all the garbage
pieces of paper, candy wrappers, and
and they will put it in the trash can)
etc. then put it in the trash can.

You may now take your seats. Thank you, Sir!

3. Checking of Attendance

Is there any absent from the class? None, Sir!

B. Review of the Lesson

Before we formally start with our

discussion, who could share what

(The students raised their hands)
he/she remember what we had tackled

or discussed last meeting?

Yes, Junel! Do you have something Yes, Sir!

to share?
Last discussion Sir, we tackled about
the core teachings of Christianity

Very good, Junel!

Anyone else? Who wants to share

something about our last discussion. (The students raised their hands)

Sir, last discussion i have learned

Yes, Bernadette?
about the holy trinity wherein God is
the father, jesus is the son of God, and
the holy spirit.

Wow! What a brilliant idea!

Sir, last meeting we have discussed
How about you, Mark Philip?
the ten commandments under
Christianity Religion.

Sir “You shall not have other God

Can you give one commandment?
besides me.

Thank you, Sir!

Nice answer, Mark Philip!

Yes, Sir! Were’ ready!

Seems you are all ready for our new
lesson. Right?

C. Motivation
Class! Before we formally start our
discussion, You will be sharing your
(The students are listening)
experiences and ideas about the
relevance of following the ten
commandments of God.
Class, are you now ready? Yes, Sir! Were’ ready!

Who wants to share his/her


Yes, Ley Isabel? Sir, for me it is relevant to follow the

ten commandments so that we could
consider ourselves as followers of
Thank you, Ley Isabel!

Who else?

Yes, Kimberly? Sir, on my experiences and ideas, i

could say that we should always
reflect and look into our actions that
we should do the right thing and
prevent ourselves from disobeying
one of the commandments of God.

Wow! Amazing answer, Kimberly!

Good job, Class! You are all

participating in sharing your ideas
with the class.

I observed that all of you participated

a while ago. And it was a pleasure to
see you ready to learn for the new Yes, Sir!
lesson that we will discuss today.

D. Lesson Proper:
1. Presentation of the Lesson
In this lesson, you will learn about
the beliefs and practices of
Christianity Religion. (The students are listening)

2. Discussion
A. Beliefs of Christianity Religion
Class! Under Christianity Religion,
we have the beliefs of this religion
that was well-known and should be
taught to everyone.

The first one, Please read Precious!

Christians believed that Christianity

Class, we are aware that God sent his revolved around the life, death, and
son Jesus Christ to save us from the the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
consequences of our sins through
crucifixion. As christians, we
believed that we should strengthen
our belief in him as a favor of what (The students are listening)
Jesus Christ did for us humans.
The second one, Please read Rap!
Christians contend that Jesus will
Who has an idea about the Second return to earth again in what’s known
coming of Jesus? as the Second Coming.

Yes, Angel?

Sir, on my own idea. The second

coming of Jesus is that he will return
Nice answer, Angel! to judge all mankind-the living and
the dead.
Class, Angel was right! Because
once Jesus Christ will return, he
would judge us in terms of our deeds
when we lived on earth. (The students are listening)

Let us proceed with the third beliefs

of Christians, The holy bible that has
important scriptures that outline Jesus
teachings which we believe and (The students are listening)

Who wants to share something about

the third one?

Yes, Edronel?

Sir, we all know that it is very

important to consider the Holy bible
as a sacred text and book wherein we
would apply it in our life to show that
Class, do you have questions before we have a strong faith to our beloved
we proceed with the fourth one? God who created us.

Alright if there is no questions, we None, Sir!

shall proceed with the fourth one
which is “The cross is a symbol of

Class, it is also important in the sense

that it can let us to remember about
the time when Jesus Christ was
crucified to save us from our sins.
(The students are listening)
The last belief is, The most important
Christian holidays are Christmas (the
birth of Jesus Christ) the Easter
(which commemorates the
resurrection of Jesus). (The students are listening)

In here Class, we should be

knowledgeable on this celebration as
a respect to ourselves as Christians.
We are Christians and there should be
a strong belief and applying it in real
life into a positive manner. (The students are listening)
Class, any question before we
proceed with the practices of
Christianity Religion. None, Sir!

Are you sure?

Alright, we shall now proceed with Yes, Sir!

the practices of Christianity Religion.

The first one is, Congregating in


Please read, Bernie!

We edify each other and have

Class, we should consider that we opportunities to glorify and worship
have gatherings in our church if we God when we gather together.
are gathered together in the sabbath
day for example so that we could be a
great and have a strong faith to our
beloved God who created us and the (The students are listening)
world that we have on earth.

The second one is, meeting halls to

worship God.

Class, through worshiping together

as a church is one of the most
powerful way that brings us closer to
God and magnifies his name. (The students are listening)

The third one is, learn the teachings

of Christian life.

Please read, Josephine!

The Christian moral code is based

primarily on the teachings of Jesus.
Alright, Class! We should always That is to love God and to love the
inculcate in our mind that we apply people around you.
the teachings of Jesus whatever
happens is we continue to show love
to our beloved God by having a
strong faith and lastly to be good and (The students are listening)
kind to our fellow people.

Let’s proceed with the last and fourth

practices under Christianity Religion
which is, Christians practiced
involvement of helping others around
them as it is part of their duty to act in (The students are listening)
a moral way.

Is it understood, Class?
Class, we should inculcate in our
mind that the practices and beliefs of Yes, Sir!
Christianity Religion will help us
know how to serve God. And how we
should live with each other with a
purpose and being a good follower of (The students are listening)

Did you understand, Class?

Yes, Sir!
Do you have questions, Class?

None, Sir!
Alright, it’s my pleasure to hear that

E. Generalizations
Christianity Religion, it is considered
as the most widely practiced religion
in the world, with more than 2 billion
followers. The Christian faith centers
on beliefs regarding the birth, life,
death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We are aware that God sent his son
Jesus Christ to save us from the
consequences of our sins through
crucifixion. As christians, we
believed that we should strengthen
our belief in him as a favor of what
Jesus Christ did for us humans.
should live with each other.
F. Valuing
Based on our discussion, why do we
study the beliefs and practices of
Christianity Religion?

Yes, Abegail?

Sir, it is because we are christians

and we should study it’s practices and
beliefs so that we could live well and
we have our basis for being a good
person in the sense that we could
Thank you, Maribelle! Very well always inculcate in our mind about
said! it’s role in our life.

G. Application
Now, i truly believed that you have
such understanding about the beliefs
and practices of Christianity Religion.
And you are ready as well to do the

Ronald, read the directions for your


Draw a symbol that may symbolize

you as a Christian and your belief in
Christianity religion. Write your
Explanation on why did you drew
Did you understand the directions, that symbol. Do it in a one whole
Class? sheet of paper.

Wow! That’s good to hear! Yes, Sir!

H. Evaluation
Class, to check on your learning
about our discussion today. You will
be having a graded recitation, i will
be asking questions based on our
discussion. The one who will answer
the question will be chosen by the
index card that you have provided. (The students are listening)

I. Assignment
For your assignment, please
have a background and
advance reading about the
related issues of Christianity

Do you have questions? Before

i end up our class?
Alright, Goodbye Class! None, Sir!

Goodbye, Sir Marlon! See you again

next meeting!

Prepared by: Marlon A. Ignacio

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