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f -soe aene ee te omer) eat an = AtecrAgT PERFORMANCE and STABILITY [8ASF2 ExrerentiaL LEARNING ReeoatT on Grudy of Stabi tity Aspects of averted Toned Wing Aveeraftt Submuded poe Kartuk. A IRvi8ASo2 2D | AT Semester | flewospace aa ae OBSERVATIONS A jounedk wing Confguraliin A an Unwnventional — aurplane Configuration known since the mid - twenhes of lase Century. Tt consists A tuo Afing surfaces that are simular in tems of area and dpan. One °& the Ubeng Surface is located at the 4op or above the fuselage , whaeas the Setond is lotated ab the betm. lk is impertant to Consider that one of the Ubtag surface Ww attached frome of the airplane Com whereas the thrust Verb, in Une vot CO Mateusz LIS and Cerany G presented per « Onalysis on nverted fried wong Awcrakt. On Geaking particulerdy bout stabil, prugetd and Short period Were avestgatte for lorgludiiad Stabuy tesk and dutch roll bend spiral Fests were permed for Galerar olabi Wty - Phugeid test Should last tice as leng << me constant ce Bes as U has te complete hoo OScilatons | Ia case og +he Spiral mode tee, ku Gsentist tp climes wp b> Approximately See Since a&tkitucle dost AaALreg hese expecta tp be Syriticank . Results clotained : Single Gruse > duration SS9- 12615, Srorgy - Ahh longitadinol Cest for Shabiuy Phugoia > duvahon 4WSs_ tnergy 24-6 Oh Stet Perio > duration Svs, Err (4.2 Wh Phuagoid (flap sac’ dewn) > duralisn Aes , Cnrgy LO Iwh (akerat Stabuity beses Dukch vel > duvalien SOs, Gnargy Wy 2 Wh Dutch elt CHap sae house) oy Aivakiin Gis, Cnergy 154 Wh Spat 2 durchia Cbs, Lnrvegy, aa-s eta Spt 3 Key 41 dos) dwolion 665 Snsrg4 - 26h +6 Therefore tne propesed metods te abate tne Orrplane slaty quelitias prve thet thre ia Creugh time bs yepeak each test Adam S, Adomd, C Gaunksy G&mparect the Parameters A AX Conventions) airplane wuh thst oo invertest poured wary aoplenc Gowre) . ThE = models Aested were HigGh —wing monoplane, Rous - torng meneplane, inverted gout wong | Terman Guse vato Gnd endurance factor was . Aanatisea Te was flund that aywac has Peower tlc, Gusevahs > and endurance Pictur. WIEN Yvespect to Aongia dina! Stabuily iswac eee cee StU cGL,, fee 20 Inverted Aaa XX “4 BIN Figure 5. Cm,Cuvs a. Figure. S Shows that lKwac conRguraten & haughty Stabe and as the angle of atlack \nceascs whe Kalo dy Cecreases. Han wg Configure tien hes * lease G teeblioy » . i & Peremre eninge Mee aawAc (is beer Suited for weal Sale airplanes, Hrak operote ae Wan reynelds Number which means less Signiheant viscosity ehteckS , Due +o the Closed Congurahen ef TIwAC the tristucad Areg & Teduced. White Comparing eouh other Models U was OMREUEEE CoE We) Clic, eke foe and lows Ce range El etoc ewe Out Ce. Figuve 6. wi) CLVS Ce Curve The Crlenp vaue fer LFIwac is lessand | +he yeasen for thor \s due te the Pavlinpaken ot the nen- liking compe nants of Ane arrtrame tn Generabion A cere dun aid divag fr the Uwerted ferned Laing Conhgurahe as Compaved te the hgh ss) and | the low WNG Mone - plane . | = 4. Conciusion ve ITwac Giweratts are well Suttable whan the ce Wwange yeguivements Ave Small. +o aie oclivechonats Stubuity my TLIwac wereate DOERR DSS Ub Qala G Uae wee Ged format about Mean, Aerodynamic Cente. 3. Position ok thrust vector Slawildy , theust vecto- 4.) On compart Abects the Leng oud rok heve CO gues higher sinbhiy with Lwac weth TwAc, Tawec Greakey Se, 4 attack. Be And wider range of arate 6. Receaence Pesformance Comparision of ophmred ITWAC and Ansical Configurar avplanes. Adams, C Galuiks\, Adambd. Inverted Joined wong Scalc demonstrator presranme. . C Gali J Hajduk, M Kalinowge; , Michal wr Progress sin inverted joined worng Scaled, damonshator Programme . C. Galas, T Yayduk ,A Krakowska a Gectric propulsion Concepts for inverted Jotn ext Bed aeplene damonstrakor . C Galinksi, M Lis , J Hajduk S- Predicted performance of unverted foined ing Stator damonshator . MLis , © Aaliasks

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