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Presented To:

Ma’am Fortunata Marzan

Presented By:
Sanchez, Ozzyri Brooke B.
Where Do
Happen? An image of the world's major plates and their
Earthquakes happen every day all over the boundaries. Notice that many plate boundaries do
world, along both tectonic plate edges and not coincide with coastlines. Used with permission
from USGS.
interiors. Earthquakes occur along faults,
which are fractures between blocks of rock Map of earthquakes that have occurred
that allow the blocks to move relative to one today (red), yesterday (orange), up to two
another. Faults are caused by the bumping weeks ago (yellow), and up to five years ago
and sliding that plates do and are more (pink). The pink dots outline major plate
common near the edges of the plates.
boundaries as well.
Plates, Motion, Faults, Energy Earthquakes Can Happen Along
Release Intraplate Faults

The Earth's crust (the outer layer of the Earthquakes can occur along faults far from
planet) is made up of several pieces the edges of plates. Although these
called tectonic plates and most earthquakes earthquakes are much less common, they are
occur along their edges. The plates under the due to the same forces that cause
oceans are called oceanic plates. Plates that earthquakes along plate boundaries.
are not under the ocean are continental
plates. The plates are moved around by the When an earthquake occurs, different types of
motion of a deeper part of the earth energy waves are generated.
(the mantle) that lies underneath the crust,  "P waves" or "primary waves" are the first
and by the weight of oceanic plates that waves to be detected. These are compressional
pulls them down below oceanic plates. waves that push and pull as they move through
These plates are always moving apart, rock and fluids.
 "S waves" or "secondary waves" are the next
bumping, or sliding past each other at about waves to be detected. These waves move only
the same speed that your fingernails grow. through rock. They move up and down or side to
Earthquakes usually occur where two plates side, perpendicular to the direction in which the
wave is moving.
are running into each other or sliding past
 Surface waves follow P and S waves. They
each other. travel along the surface of the earth and thus
cause the most damage. Surface waves can be
characterized as Love waves, which are faster
and move the ground from side to side, and
Rayleigh waves, which roll like waves on the
surface of ocean and lakes
faults show cracks where one block of rock
is sliding down and away from another
block of rock. These faults usually occur in
areas where the crust is very slowly
stretching or where two plates are pulling
away from each other. A normal fault is
defined by the hanging wall (a term that
comes from mining) moving down relative
to the footwall (where the miner would
stand), which is moving up
Types of Faults
Faults are defined by the kind of motion that
happens where they are. Normal

Reverse Faults
Reverse faults are formed where the
Earth’s crust is under compression. They
also occur where the crust is folding up
because it's being compressed by another
plate pushing against it. At these faults,
one block of rock is sliding underneath
another block or one block is being pushed
up over the other. A reverse fault is
dededefined by the hanging wall moving
up relative to the footwall, which is moving

Strike-slip Faults
Strike-slip faults lie between two sides of the
crust that slide past each other and are
common in places like California where the
Pacific Plate is moving northwest relative to
the North American Plate. In a pure strike-
slip fault, there is no motion up or down
along the fault. The well-known San
Andreas fault is predominantly strike-slip.


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 Accessibility

 Cutaway view of the reverse fault. The

earthquake starts at the focus, with slip
continuing along the fault. The earthquake is
over when the fault stops moving. Seismic
waves are generated throughout the Opportunity

Try this little experiment:

1. Break a block of foam rubber in half.
2. Put the pieces on a smooth table.
3. Put the rough edges of the foam rubber pieces together.
4. While pushing the two pieces together lightly, push one piece away from you along the
table top while pulling the other piece toward you. See how they stick?
5. Keep pushing and pulling smoothly.
Soon a little bit of foam rubber along the crack (the fault) will break and the two pieces
will suddenly slip past each other. That sudden breaking of the foam rubber is the

Seismic waves can also be caused by natural processes other than earthquakes and
by human activities. Some are geological like the Menominee Crack. When magma
moves toward the surface prior to volcanic eruptions, it produces seismic waves that
can be used to forecast an eruption. Ocean and lake wave activity, mining
operations, subway construction, and other underground explosions can cause
seismic waves, too. Nuclear warhead explosions create seismic waves very much
like large earthquakes—one of the reasons for the global nuclear test ban is that no
nuclear warhead can be detonated on Earth without producing seismic waves

Earthquakes can strike suddenly and without warning. An earthquake is a violent and abrupt
shaking of the ground, caused by movement between tectonic plates along a fault line in the
earth’s crust. Earthquakes can result in the ground shaking, soil liquefaction, landslides,
fissures, avalanches, fires and tsunamis. The extent of destruction and harm caused by an
earthquake depends on:

 magnitude
 intensity and duration
 the local geology
 the time of day that it occurs
 building and industrial plant design and materials
 the risk-management measures put in place.


Health threats due to earthquakes can vary according the magnitude of the earthquake, the
nature of the built environment (such as poor housing or urban slums), and the secondary
effects of the earthquake, like tsunamis or landslides. Earthquakes can have immediate and
long-term impacts on health.

Immediate health impacts include:

 trauma-related deaths and injuries from building collapse;

 trauma-related deaths and injuries from the secondary effects of the earthquake, like
drowning from tsunamis or burns from fires.

Medium-term health impacts include:

 secondary infection of untreated wounds;

 increased morbidity and risk of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth due to
interrupted obstetric and neonatal services;
 potential risk of communicable diseases, particularly in areas affected by overcrowding;
 increased morbidity and risk of complications of chronic diseases due to interruption of
 increased psychosocial needs;
 potential environmental contamination by chemical/radiological agents following
destruction of industrial infrastructure.

Earthquakes can also damage health facilities and transportation, which can disrupt service
delivery and access to care. Health workers may not be able to reach health facilities that are
still functional and medical supplies may be lost.
Problem 1:
Most earthquakes are predicted based on seismic
activity; that is detectors in the ground look for
movements in the earth’s crust. But we know from
many recent earthquakes like in Sumatra 2004 and
Japan 2011 that this method provides people very
little advance notice to evacuate. Both earthquakes
hit with a large surprise factor. The Japan 2011
earthquake gave residents just a few minutes
warning, and the size and location of the Sumatra
2004 earthquake was surprising even to geologists.
As result the damage to both life and property was
extensive. Earthquake predictions can be made over
small-time and large- time scales. The short-term
warnings are only helpful to save lives if people have
sufficient time to escape the epicenter. But these have
not been very successful in recent history. The better
way to escape earthquake damage is long-term

The key is to identify areas that have the potential for major damage from earthquakes based on
the history of earthquakes in that region over thousands of years. This is important because it
provides governments information to make long-term planning decision about large population
centers and infrastructure locations. For example, the government should not permit large cities
where a lot a people could be affected by an earthquake or nuclear power plants whose damage
could result in dangerous long-term pollution to the environment that is very expensive to clean
up to be located in areas prone to earthquakes.
Problem 2:
Other constructions respond well to some earthquake factors, others to other earthquake factors.
But no construction is sure that because it withstood a big earthquake it will withstand the next
one with different characteristics. Opposite each construction in the next earthquake remembers
the damage it had suffered from the previous earthquake.
There is a design problem with all constructions today and that is that they can’t prevent
Damage to structures comes from two causes.
1) From inelastic deformation
2) From rigidity.
If a structure is designed to be elastic, it will not be easily overturned, but in small earthquakes
nothing will happen, in medium-sized earthquakes it will have some failures and in large
earthquakes it can stand but it can collapse, and that depends on unbalanced factors. of the
earthquake. On the other hand, tall structures are vulnerable to a large amplitude of oscillation,
from distant earthquakes. Now what a big earthquake is and what a small one depends not on
the magnitude of the Richter scale, but on the mentioned unbalanced factors that affect the
magnitude of the acceleration and the frequency of the ground that will reach under each
If a structure is designed to be rigid and slightly elevated, it will be dynamic but will present a
total reversal of the total area of the base of the structure, or a reversal of the base of the walls.
That is, it will show either total overturning torque, or overturning torque of the walls or both.
In this phase the construction loses its support from the ground and its loads themselves break it
in two.
That is, overturning torque - reverse torque of loads due to loss of ground support = failure over
doors and windows where the weakest cross section is located.
Basically, the problem in large earthquakes is that the current seismic design cannot control the
inelastic displacement of the floors in the elastically designed structures, while in the rigid it
cannot control the overturning moment of the walls or the total tendency of the structures to
That is, when we design the construction to be elastic, we have a problem after the elastic
displacement area.
We design rigidly and dynamically, you have a problem supporting the loads because they lose
their contact with the ground, or we have the wall overturned and a great strain on the beams.
Front cliff and back stream.


They must control the inelastic displacement and overturning torque of the wall or the
overturning of the entire structure.
The solution is to apply pre-tension on the sides of the walls to avoid bending, + anchoring to
the ground to eliminate the retraction of the base of the wall and the area of construction.
Problem 3: What is it about an earthquake that causes a tsunami?
Although earthquake magnitude is one factor that affects tsunami generation, there are other
important factors to consider. The earthquake must be a shallow marine event that displaces the
seafloor. Thrust earthquakes (as opposed to strike slip) are far more likely to generate tsunamis,
but small tsunamis have occurred in a few cases from large (i.e., > M8) strike-slip earthquakes.
Magnitudes below 6.5
Earthquakes of this magnitude are very unlikely to trigger a tsunami.
Magnitudes between 6.5 and 7.5
Earthquakes of this size do not usually produce destructive tsunamis. However, small sea level
changes might be observed in the vicinity of the epicenter. Tsunamis capable of producing
damage or casualties are rare in this magnitude range but have occurred due to secondary
effects such as landslides or submarine slumps.
Magnitudes between 7.6 and 7.8
Earthquakes of this size might produce destructive tsunamis, especially near the epicenter. At
greater distances, small sea level changes might be observed. Tsunamis capable of producing
damage at great distances are rare in the magnitude range.
Magnitude 7.9 and greater
Destructive local tsunamis are possible near the epicenter, and significant sea level changes and
damage might occur in a broader region. Note that with a magnitude 9.0 earthquake, there is a
possibility of an aftershock of magnitude 7.5 or greater.

Specific Site Planning Strategies to Reduce Tsunami Risk

1. Avoid Inundation Areas: Site Buildings or infrastructure

away from hazard area or locate on a high point.

2. Slow Water: Forests, ditches, slopes, or berms can slow

down waves and filter out debris. The success of this method
depends on correctly estimating the force of the tsunami.

3. Steering: Water can be steered to strategically placed angled

walls, ditches and paved roads. Theoretically, porous dikes can
reduce the impact of violent waves.

4. Blocking: Walls, hardened terraces, berms and parking

structures can be built to block waves. He houses and household
in a wide community context such as whether it is a majority or
minority situation, the conflict situation and ownership issues.

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