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AJLXXX10.1177/1559827615569684American Journal of Lifestyle MedicineAmerican Journal of Lifestyle Medicine

vol. XX • no X American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine

Ingrid Elizabeth Lofgren, PhD, MPH, RD

Mindful Eating: An Emerging

Approach for Healthy Weight
Abstract: Excess weight continues healthy weight regulation. Mindful American spends $2741 annually and
to exact high costs at the individual, eating is an emerging healthy weight that the United States spends over $209
national, and global levels. regulation approach that has the billion on obesity-related illness such as
Traditional methods used to reduce potential to address the challenges diabetes, coronary heart disease, and
excess weight and promote healthy clients and patients experience cancer. Younger generations may for
weight regulation have not been with healthy weight regulation, but the first time have a shorter life
overly successful. Therefore, rigorous additional research is needed to expectancy than their parents due to
quantitative and qualitative research confirm which health outcomes will be negative health outcomes from
is needed to assess emerging and consistently affected. unhealthy, excess weight.3,4 Most
alternative approaches to determine
effective strategies to confront this
public health challenge. One such
Younger generations may for the
approach is applying mindfulness, or a
nonjudgmental acceptance of living in
first time have a shorter life
the moment, to eating. Mindful eating expectancy than their parents due to
is a nonjudgmental acceptance of
physical and emotional feelings while negative health outcomes from
eating or in an eating environment.
Mindful eating constructs include unhealthy, excess weight.
recognizing one’s own cues of physical
hunger and satiety in order to make
decisions about what food and how traditional approaches to healthy
Keywords: mindfulness; mindful
much to eat, choosing foods that weight regulation focus on which foods
eating; weight regulation
are nutritious and pleasurable, not and amounts to eat but suffer from low
participating in other activities while success rates.5,6 The practice of

eating, and knowing the consequences ealthy weight regulation mindfulness has been proposed as an
of unmindful eating. The nascent continues to challenge the emerging and alternative approach to
mindful eating literature shows domestic and global public address healthy weight regulation7-9
success in increasing mindfulness and health systems with high economic and because it takes into account
promising but less robust outcomes personal costs.1 Cawley and maladaptive responses to internal and
with anthropometric biomarkers of Meyerhoefer2 estimated that each obese external signals5 and people feel more

DOI: 10.1177/1559827615569684. From the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island. Address correspondence to Ingrid Elizabeth Lofgren, PhD, MPH, RD, 10
Ranger Road, Ranger Hall 302, Kingston, RI 02881; e-mail:
For reprints and permissions queries, please visit SAGE’s Web site at
Copyright © 2015 The Author(s)

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American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine Mon • Mon XXXX

Table 1.
Mindful Eating Is24

•• Recognizing one’s own hunger and satiety cues and following them to make decisions about when, what, and how much to eat
•• Choosing foods that are nutritious and enjoyable
•• Slowing down one’s eating rate
•• Eating as the only activity (eg, not in front of the TV or in the car)
•• Using of all of the senses when eating
•• Responding nonjudgmentally to food
•• Increasing awareness of unmindful eating and its consequences
•• Practicing meditation

in control of their food- and beverage- and recognizing the internal, physical Mindful eating is a nonjudgmental
related decisions.10 cues of when one has eaten enough.8 awareness of physical (hunger and
satiety cues) and emotional (ie, stress,
boredom) feelings when eating or in
Introduction to Introduction to
situations that have environmental eating
Mindfulness Mindful Eating
triggers.14,19 The increased awareness and
Mindfulness is maintaining a Mindful eating is an emerging and response to internal, physical cues rather
nonjudgmental, nondeliberative alternative approach to address than emotions or environmental triggers
awareness of physical feelings, thoughts, unhealthy eating behaviors, healthy partially explains how mindfulness
and perceptions in the present weight regulation,14,18,19 and weight promotes healthy weight regulation14 and
moment.8,11,12 Though its origins come loss.20 The practice takes into account better diet quality.19 A summary of the
from meditation rituals of Eastern responses to internal and external cues main constructs of mindful eating are
religions,13 one can learn and practice to reduce automatic pilot.5 Mindless presented in Table 1.
mindfulness skills5,8,14 without eating, or making food- and beverage- These constructs of mindful eating
participating in the religious related decisions while on automatic target consistently identified factors that
component.12,15 A primary goal of pilot, may contribute to overeating and contribute to overeating and therefore
mindfulness is reducing the “automatic increased caloric intake,10,21 since it weight gain. These factors include
pilot” state, or times when humans are results in a significant underestimation increased consumption norms, such as
normally unaware of life’s individual and/or no monitoring of how much one bigger portion sizes at home and when
moments.11 Mindfulness, or decreasing has eaten.9,22 In a cross-sectional study eating out,23,25,26 less monitoring of
time on “automatic pilot,” enhances by Wansink and Sobal,22 participants (n = consumption,26,27 and being on automatic
awareness of internal, physical cues that 139, 75% female, and mean age of 42.9 pilot or responding to emotional and
can optimize health8 via higher levels of years) estimated they made 14.4 food- environmental cues when eating.14
perceived control for lifestyle behavior and beverage-related decisions per day. While the terms mindful eating and
choices that result in better health However, the actual mean number of just intuitive eating are sometimes used
outcomes.11 Mindfulness programs, like food-related decisions made by interchangeably,28 there are significant
Jon Kabat-Zinn’s mindfulness-based participants was 59 per day while the differences. Though similar and
stress reduction program, have been mean number of food- and beverage- complementary,24,28 compared with
used to improve health outcomes8 of related decisions was 226.7 per day.22 In mindful eating, intuitive eating (a) does
those suffering from stress,13 chronic another study by Wansink, Painter, and not include meditation practice,24 (b)
pain,16 anxiety disorders,17 and cancer.6,11 North,23 participants served soup from encourages weight acceptance at any
Since practicing mindfulness promotes “bottomless” bowls ate 73% more than size without a weight loss focus,29 and
self-regulation,12 applying mindful eating participants who ate soup from (c) promotes unconditional eating.30
skills could help with healthy weight traditional bowls but estimated that they Intuitive eating may be another emerging
regulation through healthier food choices only ate ~5 calories more. approach to healthy weight regulation,

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vol. XX • no X American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine

since initial research has shown its which they reported that mindfulness mindful eating, contradictory to other
constructs to be helpful in maintaining a enhanced one’s feeling of control and mindfulness and mindful eating research,
healthy weight,30 as well as resulting in decision-making process with regard to there were no improvements in mindful
longer, significant weight loss compared portion size. Participants who self- eating or any anthropometric
with traditional dieting methods.29 reported as more mindful eaters as biomarkers.10
However, the differences are significant measured by the Mindful Eating The study by Miller et al19 had a more
enough and this article will deal Questionnaire, moderated their portion intensive and lengthy intervention (10
exclusively with mindful eating, though sizes better, ate less energy dense foods, sessions delivered over 3 months) than
not all the studies discussed will have and reported less emotional and stress did Tapper et al36 (intensity) or Grinnell
addressed every construct listed above eating.9 et al35 and Kidd et al10 (intensity and
for mindful eating, for example, not all Grinnell et al35 reported on a mindful length). Miller et al19 enhanced diabetes
studies incorporated mediation. For eating intervention with first-year college self-management education sessions with
additional information about intuitive students. The 3 sessions delivered over 8 mindful eating constructs and reported
eating, please see the book Intuitive weeks during a regularly schedule course significant increases in mindfulness and
Eating by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD, and introducing the students to the university weight loss and less overeating
Elyse Resch, MS, RD, FADA, and the resulted in increased mindfulness, as compared with traditional diabetes
review of intuitive eating literature by measured by the Mindful Attention self-management. Additionally, these
Van Dyke and Drinkwater.31 Awareness Scale.12 The increased changes at postintervention were also
mindfulness was positively associated observed at follow-up 3 months later.19
with self-regulation and negatively Collectively, the outcomes from these
Previous Research
associated with external and emotional cross-sectional, quasi-experimental, and
on Mindful Eating:
eating.35 Additionally, at postintervention, randomized clinical trials are promising
Highlighting Weight
those who received the mindful in light of the challenges seen with
intervention had significantly smaller traditional methods for healthy weight
Traditional weight loss and healthy waist circumferences than participants regulation. Further research on the
weight regulation methods have not who received a traditional dietary applicability of mindful eating constructs,
been overly successful; therefore, intervention.35 Unfortunately, the study’s as well as the use of valid assessment
emerging and alternative approaches are short intervention period did not permit tools, is warranted and will help inform
needed.29,32 While mindful eating has examination of more robust changes in clinicians aiming to support patients’
been proposed as one of these emerging additional anthropometric measures. weight management goals.
approaches, it is still in its infancy of Tapper et al36 examined the impact of a
robust scientific testing. However, the randomized, controlled trial of a
Measuring Mindful Eating
nascent research does provide evidence mindfulness-based weight loss
that mindful eating may be successful in intervention versus a nontreatment Identifying effective and reliable
healthy weight regulation via changes in control group in women trying to lose measures of mindful eating are critical for
mindfulness and resulting associations weight. The participants met with study researchers and clinicians.37 Currently
with negative eating behaviors and staff for 3 weekly sessions and then a available mindful eating assessments are
anthropometric biomarkers. follow-up 3 months later. While the based on surveys that measure general
Jacobs et al33 completed a cross- intent-to-treat analysis did not show a mindfulness14 as a trait34: such as the
sectional study examining the impact of significant difference in weight 15-item Mindful Attention Awareness
a 1-hour mindful eating education parameters, the efficacy analysis showed Scale,12 The Freiburg Mindfulness
session on mindfulness and food that those who attended the mindfulness Inventory (30 items and 14 items),38 and
consumption. After the training, sessions lost ~3 pounds.36 As speculated, the 39-item Kentucky Inventory of
participants reported more mindfulness changes in emotional eating were Mindfulness Skills15; or a state, such as the
(as measured by 3 different surveys significantly associated with changes in Toronto Mindfulness Scale.34 For reviews
including the Toronto Mindfulness body mass index.36 Kidd et al10 of various mindfulness assessment tools,
Scale34) and just over 85% of the completed an 8-week intervention as including strengths and limitations, see
participants had healthy food intake well, but the participants met with study Baer et al37 and Park et al.39
during the lunch provided by the staff weekly. They examined the impact One of the most commonly used
investigators.33 Though only one point in of a mindful eating program on eating mindful eating assessments is the Mindful
time, the results suggest that mindfulness behaviors, biomarkers of weight, and Eating Questionnaire with 28 items that
training can affect dietary intake and weight loss self-efficacy in urban, obese measures the major constructs of mindful
therefore may support healthy weight women. Though there was a significant eating (disinhibition, awareness, external
regulation.33 Another cross-sectional improvement in reported self-efficacy for cues, distraction, and emotional
study was completed by Beshara et al9 in weight loss among participants trained in response) and can be used in clinical

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