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UNIT 1: Tissue

Chapter 1: Plant and Animal Tissue


(i) A group of similar cells to perform a specific function form:
a) Organ
b) Species
c) Organ system
d) Tissue

• Organ system
Because the cells are not only similar but the function that
they perform are also same, that is why they together
become a tissue.

(ii) The small fine branches given out from the cell body of a
nerve cell are
a) Dendrites
b) Cyton
c) Axon
d) Neurons

• Axon
Because they are the elongated hair like extensions going
out from the cell body or the cyton.

(iii) Fluid connective tissue of humans is

a) Blood and cartilage
b) Lymph and plasma
c) Blood and lymph
d) Stroma and matrix

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• Blood and lymph
Because it keeps the each and every part connected on
the inside as it is mainly concerned with transportation
of substances such as glucose etc.


1. Define the following terms:

(i) Tissue: A cluster of cells which are much the same in

structure and also perform a distinct function are called a
tissue. For instance, the cells on the surface of the skin
are collectively a tissue.
(ii) Organ: A cluster of tissues that performs a distinct
function. For instance, brain, lungs etc.

2. Answer the following:

(i) What is a meristematic tissue? How is it different from

permanent tissues?

Ans: Meristematic tissues are made of cells that keep

performing active division. This helps in the growth of the body
of the plant. They are located at the growth tips of the plants
such as root tips, tips of branches etc.

Meristematic tissue is different from the permanent tissues.

Meristematic tissues divide and form tissues. The cells are thin
walled. Permanent tissues do not undergo division. Permanent
tissues perform specialized functions. The growth of permanent
tissue has either stopped for ever or for some time.

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(ii) Which living material would you to take to demonstrate
meristematic tissue?

Ans: Green gram seeds (moong) will be taken to demonstrate

meristematic tissue as the seeds grow very fast. The tip of the
roots of the seed contains meristematic tissues which enables
fast growth.

(iii) What is the function of the meristematic tissue?

Ans: The primary function of the meristematic tissue is to

produce a greater number of cells. The tissue are located at the
growing areas such as root tips, branches from where the plant
generally gains length.

3. State whether the following statements are True or False.

(i) A tissue is formed of only one type of cells: TRUE

(ii) Only one type of tissue forms an organ: FALSE
(iii) Permanent tissue is made up of undifferentiated and
dividing cells: FALSE
(iv) Meristematic tissue is found at the growing tips of a
plant: TRUE
(v) Phloem is formed of dead tubular cells: FALSE

4. Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable words from the list

given below:
Thin-walled, collenchyma, vascular, tissues, conducting

(i) A group of different TISSUES working together to

perform a function is called an organ.
(ii) Xylem and phloem form the CONDUCTING tissue.
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(iii) Conducting tissue is also called VASCULAR tissue.
(iv) Cells are elongated and thick at the corners in a
(v) Parenchyma is composed of large THIN WALLED cells.

5. Match the items given in Column A with those given

in Column B:

(i) And (d) Fibrous connective tissue and areolar tissue

(ii) And (a) Fluid connective tissue and blood
(iii) And (b) Supportive connective tissue and cartilage
(iv) And (c) ligament and connects a bone to another bone
(v) And (e) tendon and connects a muscle with a bone

6. How do you rank the following with respect to a cell,

tissue, organ, or organism?

(i) Amoeba: ORGANISM

(ii) Euglena: ORGANISM
(iii) Skin: ORGAN
(iv) Lungs: ORGAN
(v) Neuron: TISSUE
(vi) Cardiac muscles: TISSUE

7. Each of the tissue listed in Column A is related to one of

the functions given in column B. Match the correct pairs


(i) Epithelial Tissue ----protection

(ii) Connective tissue-----support
(iii) Vascular tissue------transport
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(iv) Nervous tissue------messages
(v) Muscular tissue------movement

8. Name the kind of tissue that

(i) Carries oxygen around your body—blood tissue

(ii) Brings about movement in people---muscular tissue
(iii) Transports food to different parts of the plant----phloem
(iv) Transports water in plants----xylem
(v) Supports an animal’s body-----connective tissue
(vi) Binds different tissues together----fibrous connective
(vii) Conducts messages from one part of the body to
another------nervous tissue

9. Based on the following information, identify the three types

of epithelial tissue in the figures given:

Figure (a): columnar epithelium

Figure (b): cuboidal epithelium
Figure (c): ciliated epithelium

10. Write three differences between the two principal vascular

tissues found in plants.
Ans: The two vascular tissues found in the plants are xylem and
phloem. The three differences are:

1. It consists primarily of living cells.

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2. It transports food prepared in the leaves to other parts of
the plants.
3. It allows both upwards and downwards conduction from

1. It consists primarily of dead cells.
2. It transports water and minerals that has been absorbed by
roots to other parts of the plant.
3. It allows only upward conduction from the roots.

11. Mention the main characteristic features of meristematic

tissues and where do we find such tissues in plants. Give the
function of meristematic tissues.
Ans: The characteristic features of meristematic tissues are:
(i) They are made of rapidly dividing cells.
(ii) They are undifferentiated.
(iii) Their size and shape can vary.
(iv) They are arranged in a very compact manner without
any intercellular space.
(v) They are small and generally cubical.
(vi) The cell wall is thin.
(vii) The nuclei are large.
(viii)The vacuoles are absent.

The meristematic tissues are located at the top of the stem and
leaves of the plant. It helps to increase the length of the plant.
The main function of meristematic tissue is to enable plant
growth and development.

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12. Name the plant tissue which helps in the movement of
water and minerals in the body. What are the various types of
cells present in this tissue?
Ans: The plant tissue which helps in the movement of water
and minerals in the body is the xylem. The various types of
cells present in this tissue are vessels, Tracheid’s, xylem
parenchyma and xylem fibers.

13. Which plant tissue is responsible for the distribution of

food prepared in the leaves? Name the four component parts
of this tissue.
Ans: The plant tissue responsible for the distribution of the
food prepared in the leaves is phloem. The four components
of this tissue are sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibers,
and phloem parenchyma cells.

14. Name the various types of animal tissues and state their
Ans: There are four types of animal tissues:
(i) Epithelial tissues: It forms the outermost layer of the
body and also forms the protective covering of body
a) Forms a barrier between the organ and the external
b) Protects the organism from injury and fluid loss
(ii) Connective tissue: It supports and protects the organs
and limbs. It may separate or join the different organs
of the body.
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a) Prevent heat loss
b) Joins different tissues as packing between them to
keep the organ in shape and its place.
(iii) Muscle tissue: It helps the body to make movement,
both involuntary and voluntary.
a) Helps in locomotion
(iv) Nerve tissue: It helps carry the chemical and electrical
impulses from the nervous system and the brain to the
body and vice versa.
a) Transferring the vital messages to and fro in the body
from the brain and vice versa.

15. Give the structure and function of different types of

epithelial tissues.
Ans: Epithelial tissue covers the entire surface of the body and
also forms the covering of the different body cavities and
organs inside the body. The tissue is the thin protective layer of
the cells. Its free surface is exposed to the air or fluid while
bottom surface is connected to the base membrane. The cells in
the epithelium are tightly packed. The tissue can be flat,
cuboidal, columnar, and ciliated shaped. The shape of the cells
determines the types and their functions as follows:
(i) Squamous epithelium: These are generally protective.
They are constituted of flat, thin and polygonal cells for
instance, they form the cells of the skin or the outer layer.
(ii) Cuboidal epithelium: These are generally meant for
absorption. They are cube shaped. For instance, inner
lining of the walls of kidney tubules.
(iii) Columnar epithelium: These are generally meant for
secretion. They are presented in a vertical arrangement,
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cylindrical, column or tall cells. For instance, the
internal lining of the intestines and stomach.
(iv) Ciliated epithelium: At times, the columnar epithelium
develops cilia, then it is called ciliated epithelium. For
instance, in the oviduct internal lining.

16. Draw the diagram of neuron and label the following parts
in it.
Cyton, axon, node of Ranvier, internode

Cell body = cyton

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Myelin Sheath = internode

17. Name the three main kinds of muscular tissues. Give the
exact location of each kind in an animal body.
Ans: The three kinds of muscular tissues are:
(i) Striated muscles: They are striped, voluntary or skeletal
Location: They are located at common places such as face,
legs, arms and neck. They are fixed to the bones and move
according to the desire of the individual.
(ii) Unstriated muscles: They are unstriped, involuntary or
smooth muscles.
Location: They are located at places which do not move under
the desire of the individual such as iris of the eye, and
walls of the urinary bladder.
(iii) Cardiac muscles: They are the muscles of the heart.
Location: They are also involuntary and are located in the
heart of the individual. They work nonstop during a
person’s life.

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