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Worksheets PDF Teaching Resources Reading Comprehension ot day Worksheets PDF Name: Teaching Resources Date: Reading Comprehension Julia is a busy student who likes to wind down in the evenings. Her evening routine helps her to relax and get a good night’s sleep. Every evening, Julia starts by finishing up any homework or assignments she has. She spends about an hour studying and reviewing her notes. After that, she takes a relaxing bath and spends some time reading a book. This helps her to unwind and clear her mind before bed. Finally, Julia turns of F all screens and electronics, and spends some time practicing deep breathing exercises. This helps her to fall asleep more easily and sleep more soundly throughout the night. Questions: What does Julia do to wind down in the evenings? 4 Worksheets PDF Name: Teaching Resources Date: Reading Comprehension Mike is a busy professional who likes to get an early start to his day. His morning routine helps him to be Focused and energized throughout the day. Every morning, Mike wakes up at 6:00 am. He spends the First IO minutes stretching and doing some light exercise to get his blood Flowing Next, he takes a quick shower and gets dressed Then, he makes himself a cup of coffee and spends some time reading the news and checking his email Finally, Mike spends about |5 minutes practicing some mindfulness exercises and setting his intentions For the day. Questions: What time does Mike wake up every day? Worksheets PDF Name: Teaching Resources Date: Reading Comprehension Sara is a stay-at-home mom who likes to stay active and engaged in the afternoons. Her afternoon routine helps her to stay produc- tive and Fulfilled. Every afternoon, Sara spends some time playing with her kids and helping them with their homework. This usually takes up about 2-3 hours of her day. After that, she takes a break and spends some time doing something she enjoys, like reading or gardening. This helps her to recharge and get some alone time. Finally, Sara spends some time preparing dinner and cleaning up around the house. This helps her to feel organized and prepared for the evening. Questions: What does Sara do in the afternoons? 1 ! Why does Sara spend time preparing dinner and cleaning up in the ' afternoons? 1 WorksheetsPDF.com_ Worksheets PDF Name: Teaching Resources Date: Reading Comprehension I I I I I I Mark is a fitness enthusiast who likes to exercise I I every day. His exercise routine helps him to stay | healthy and energized. ' Every day, Mark spends about an hour at the =I I gym. He does a mix of cardio and strength I training exercises to keep his body in shape. ' After his workout, he takes a quick shower and I I gets dressed. Then, he spends some time I preparing a healthy breakfast to Fuel his body ! for the day. ! I Finally, Mark spends about IS minutes practicing | some stretching and mobility exercises to keep 1 his muscles loose and limber. ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Questions: What does Mark do after his workout? 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 i How long does Mark spend at the gym every day? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 I ! I 1 I l I ! I l I I I ! I I I ! I ! I I I l I 1 I ! I Worksheets PDF Name: Teaching Resources Date: Reading Comprehension Jenny is a busy professional who likes to relax in the evenings. Her evening routine helps her to unwind and de-stress. Every evening, Jenny starts by cooking herself a healthy dinner. She likes to try new recipes and experiment with different Flavors. After dinner, she spends some time practicing yoga or doing some light exercise. This helps her to release any tension or stress From the day. Finally, Jenny spends some time reading or watching a movie before bed. This helps her to calm her mind and get a good night’s sleep. Questions: What does Jenny do to relax in the evenings? r I 7 1 ! I 1 I l I ! I l I I I ! I I I ! I ! I I I l I 1 I ! I Worksheets PDF Name: “Teaching Resources Date: Reading Comprehension Tom is a retiree who likes to start his day slowly and peacefully. His morning routine helps him to stay relaxed and content. Every morning, Tom wakes up at 7:00 am. He spends some time reading the newspaper and catching up on current events. After that, he makes himself a cup of tea and spends some time meditating or practicing mindfulness exercises. This helps him to center himself and start the day with a calm mind. Finally, Tom spends some time doing some light stretching or going For a walk outside. This helps him to get some Fresh air and wake up his body. Questions: What time does Tom wake up every day? r I 4 1 I ! I 1 I l I ! I l I I I ! I I I ! I ! I I I l I 1 I ! I eee PDF Name: Teaching Resources Date: Reading Comprehension Lucy is a student who likes to stay productive in the afternoons. Her afternoon routine helps her to stay Focused and motivated. Every afternoon, Lucy spends some time studying and doing her homework. She likes to break up her work into small, manageable chunks to stay on task. After that, she takes a break and spends some tirne doing something creative or artistic, like creativity and recharge her mind. Finally, Lucy spends some time practicing her favorite sport or physical activity. This helps her : to stay healthy and energized. Questions: What does Lucy do in the afternoons? Why does Lucy practice her Favorite sport or physical activity in I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I drawing or painting. This helps her to exercise her | I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the afternoons? ' I 4 1 I ! I 1 I l I ! I l I I I ! I I I ! I ! I I I l I 1 I ! I eee PDF Name: Teaching Resources Date: Reading Comprehension Jake is a busy professional who likes to wind down in the evenings. His evening routine helps him to relax and prepare for a good night's sleep. Every evening, Jake starts by finishing up any work or emails he needs to address. He likes to wrap up his work day so he can fully disconnect in the evenings. After that, he takes a hot shower and spends some time stretching and doing some light yoga. From the day. Finally, Jake spends some time reading or listening to a podcast before bed. This helps him to calm Questions: What does Jake do to wind down in the evenings? g Qa Oo oO a 2 oO = oO 3 a 8 a roa z 2 oO oO = 3 oO g = a E 2 = J g m7 ! | ! ! ! | ! ! 1 ! 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! I ! ! This helps him to release any tension or stress ' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I ! I ! ! ! I ! ! ! Worksheets PDF Name: Teaching Resources Date: I I I . . I Reading Comprehension ! Anna is a busy professional who likes to start her I day with a burst of energy. Her morning routine : helps her to be Focused and productive. ' Every morning, Anna wakes up at 6:00 am.She I spends the First IO minutes doing some light \ exercise and stretching to wake up her body. ' After that, she takes a quick shower and gets 1 dressed. Then, she spends some time preparing a ! healthy breakfast to Fuel her day. ! Finally, Anna spends some time reviewing her I to-do list and prioritizing her tasks For the day. i This helps her to stay organized and Focused on 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Questions: What time does Anna wake up every day? fae | ! I 1 I l I ! I l I I I ! I I I ! I ! I I I l I 1 I ! I eee PDF Name: eS Resources Date: Max is a teacher who likes to stay active and y onacaed in the afternoons. His afternoon routine Y reins him to stay energized and motivated. Every afternoon, Max spends some time teaching and engaging with his students. He likes to create a dynamic and interactive classroom environment. After that, he takes a break and spends some time outdoors. He might go For a walk or a jog, or simply sit in the sun and read a book. This helps Finally, Max spends some time preparing for the next day’s classes and grading assignments. This helps him to stay organized and on top of his . workload. Questions: What does Max do in the afternoons? Why does Max spend time preparing For the next day’s classes in I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I him to recharge and reset his mind. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the afternoons? ' I

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