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Research Investigation 98-034 February, 2005

RDT 05-004

Wind Induced Vibration

of Stay Cables

Cable-stayed bridges have been firmly established as the most efficient and cost effective structural
form in the 500-ft to 1500-ft span range. With this widespread popularity of cable-stayed bridges
around the world, increasingly longer spans are being constructed employing increasingly longer
stay cables. The stay cables are laterally flexible structural members with very low fundamental
frequency and very little inherent damping. For this reason, the stay cables have been known to be
susceptible to excitations, especially during construction, wind, and rain-wind conditions.
Recognition of this susceptibility of stay cables led to the incorporation of some mitigation mea-
sures on several of the earlier structures. These included cable cross-ties that effectively reduce
the free length of cables (increasing their frequency) and external dampers that increase cable
damping. Perhaps due to the lack of widespread recognition of the stay cable issues by the engi-
neering community and the supplier organizations, the application of these mitigation measures
on early bridges appear to have been fairly sporadic. However, those bridges incorporating cable
cross-ties or external dampers have generally performed well.
During the mid 1980’s to mid 1990’s, a number of early cable-stayed bridges were observed
exhibiting large stay oscillations under certain environmental conditions. From field observa-
tions it became evident that these vibrations were occurring under moderate rain combined with
moderate wind conditions, and hence were referred to as rain/wind vibrations. The formation of
a water rivulet along the upper side of the cable and its interaction with wind flow have been sol-
idly established as the cause through many recent studies and wind-tunnel tests. Exterior cable
surface modifications that interfere with the formation of the water rivulets have been tried and
proven to be very effective in the mitigation of the rain/wind vibrations.
At the time of the present investigation, it was evident that the rain-wind problem had been essen-
tially solved at least for practical provisions for its mitigation. However, some further experimen-
tal and analytical work was needed to supplement the existing knowledge base on several other
stay cable vibration issues in order to formulate adequate design guidelines.

The objectives of this project were to:
• Identify gaps in current knowledge base
• Conduct analytical and experimental research in critical areas
• Study performance of existing cable-stayed bridges
• Study current mitigation methods
• Develop procedures for aerodynamic performance assessment
• Develop design and retrofit guidelines for stay cable vibration mitigation
Synthesis of Existing Information dry inclined cables was the most critical is- The results of the wind tunnel testing have
An extensive literature survey was ini- sue requiring further experimental research. significant implications for the design
tially performed to form a baseline for the Wind-Tunnel Testing of Dry Inclined criteria of cable-stayed bridges. The 2001
current study. An on-line database of ref- Cables PTI Guide Specification 1 indicates that the
erences was created so that all members of In order to clarify the dry cable galloping level of damping required for each cable
the Project Team could add or extract in- phenomenon and verify the instability cri- is controlled by the inclined galloping
formation as necessary. The database in- teria proposed by Saito1, the Project Team provision, which is more stringent than the
cludes the article titles, authors, reference conducted a series of wind tunnel tests of provision to suppress rain/wind vibrations.
information, and abstracts when attain- a full-size 2D sectional model of an in- This testing, however, suggests that if even
able, and has built-in search capabilities. clined cable. The testing was performed a low amount of structural damping is pro-
An inventory of cable-stayed bridges pri- in cooperation with the University of Ot- vided to the cable system, inclined cable
marily in the United States was created to tawa in the “Propulsion” wind tunnel at galloping vibrations are not significant.
organize and share existing records with the Montreal Road campus of the Institute This damping corresponds to a Scruton
the entire Project Team. This database of Aerospace Research, National Research number of 3, which is less than the mini-
includes information on geometry, cable Council Canada (IAR/NRCC). mum of 10 established for suppression of
properties, cable anchorages, aerodynamic During the testing, limited-amplitude rain/wind vibrations. Therefore if enough
detailing, site conditions, and observed damping is provided to mitigate rain/wind
high-speed vortex shedding excitations vibrations, then dry cable instability
responses to wind. were observed under a variety of condi- should also be suppressed.
tions. While large oscillations of the cable
Analysis, Evaluation, and Testing
occurred (double amplitudes up to 1D), it Study of Mitigation Methods
Mechanics of Wind-Induced Vibrations
is not conclusive that this was dry inclined Development of recommended
There are a number of mechanisms that can cable galloping. It was more likely high
possibly lead to vibrations of stay cables: design approaches was based on previous
speed vortex shedding. Large vibrations and current research focusing on cable
• Vortex excitation of an isolated cable or were only found at the lowest damping
groups of cables aerodynamics, dampers, and cross-ties.
ratios (ζ<0.001). Above a damping ratio Theories on the behavior of linear and
• Rain/wind induced vibrations of cables of 0.003, no significant vibrations were
• Wake galloping for groups of cables nonlinear dampers and cross-tie systems
observed. Figure 1 shows the results of were developed and compared to field
• Galloping of single cables inclined to this experiment as compared to the insta-
the wind measurements.
bility line determined by Saito. The graph
• Galloping of cables with ice accumulations presents Reduced Wind Velocity Ur vs. the Linear and non-Linear Dampers
• Aerodynamic excitation of overall Dampers are often attached to stay cables
Scruton number, where:
bridge modes of vibration involving near the anchorages to suppress vibrations
Ur = UCRIT / (f D)
cable motion (Figure 2). However, prior to the present
• Motions due to buffeting by wind turbu- UCRIT = critical wind velocity for study, criteria for damper design were
lence instability not well established. The potential for
• Motion due to fluctuating cable tensions f = natural frequency widespread application of dampers
D = cable diameter necessitated a thorough understanding of
Most types of wind-induced vibrations
tend to be mitigated by increasing the the resulting dynamic system and a set of
Scruton number (Sc), given by: accepted design guidelines.
Sc = mζ / ρD2
m = mass of cable per unit length (kg/m)
ζ = damping as ratio of critical damping
ρ = air density (kg/m3)
D = cable diameter (m)
This relationship shows that increasing the
mass and damping of the cables increases
the Scruton number and therefore reduces
oscillation amplitudes.
From the information reported on the vari- Figure 1: Comparison of wind velocity-
Figure 2: Damper at cable anchorage.
ous types of cable vibrations due to wind damping relation of inclined dry cable.
loads, it was determined that galloping of

Saito, T., Matsumoto, M., and Kitazawa, M., (1994) “Rain-Wind Excitation of Cables on Cable- Stayed Higashi-Kobe Bridge and Cable Vibration
Control”, Proceedings of Cable-Stayed and Suspension Bridges, Deauville, France, Oct. 1994.
PTI Guide Specification (2001). Recommendations for stay cable design, testing and installation. Post-Tensioning Institute Committee on Cable-
Stayed Bridges, 4th ed.
Analytical studies were performed The free-vibration analysis method was done in the past and these surface treat-
covering both linear and non-linear applied to the study of a cable network ments have been shown to be effective for
dampers. Design charts available for that was modeled after the Fred Hartman mitigation of rain/wind vibration
linear dampers were extended to cover Bridge, which has a total of 192 cables in
non-linear dampers. Results showed that four inclined planes connected at 15m in- The double helix spiral bead formations are
while linear dampers may only achieve tervals. A careful study of the solution pat- the most common on new bridges, such as
the optimal damping ratio in one mode terns showed two categories of roots: the Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge
of vibration, non-linear dampers may (MA), U.S. Grant Bridge (OH), Greenville
attain optimal performance at different Global modes, where the whole set of Bridge (MS), William Natcher Bridge
amplitudes of vibration in each mode. cables is involved in the oscillation. (KY), Maysville-Aberdeen Bridge (KY),
Therefore a non-linear damper has and Cape Girardeau Bridge (MO). As a
potential design advantages over a wider Local modes, where the maximum manufacturer proprietary item, test data
range of modes than for a linear damper. amplitudes are located in the interme- demonstrating their effectiveness is gener-
diate segments of specific cables. The ally available from the cable suppliers.
Results from field studies that are part wavelength of these modes is essentially
of other on-going projects were used to governed by the distance between two Design Guidelines
supplement the present study. Viscous consecutive connectors.
New Cable-Stayed Bridges
dampers were installed on two stays
on the main-span of the Fred Hartman This analysis shows that careful consider- 1. General:
Bridge, and data was collected for almost ation of dynamic behavior of the system A sufficiently detailed cable vibration
three years after the damper installation. must be given for the design of cross-ties. analysis (including modal analysis of the
The dampers were designed for optimal The increase in frequency in the funda- cable system) must be performed as part
performance in the fundamental mode mental modes that is usually attained by of the bridge design to identify the po-
of vibration, which should provide adding cross-ties must be balanced with tential for cable vibration. The following
adequate damping in the first several the potential undesirable behavior of the factors must be examined: the dynamic
modes to suppress rain/wind vibration local modes. This aspect might potentially properties of the cables, dynamics of the
(i.e., approximately more than 0.5%). reduce the overall benefit of enhancing the structural system, geometry of the cable
Results suggest that attached dampers performance of individual stay behavior by layout, cable spacing, exposure conditions,
render stay cables less susceptible to many a network. However, for localized modes and estimated Scruton Numbers (Sc).
types of excitation by increasing the low the vibration is confined to a selected por-
tion of the structure and the potential impli- 2. Mitigation of Rain/Wind Mechanism:
levels of inherent mechanical damping.
cations for long-term structural sensitivity At a minimum, providing an effective
Amplitudes were significantly reduced
(fatigue damage) are less relevant. surface treatment for cable pipes to miti-
across all wind speeds observed in this
gate rain/wind vibrations is highly recom-
study (up to 18 m/s at deck level).
Cable Surface Treatment mended. One common method is the use
Cross-Tie Systems The effectiveness of different surface of double-helical beads. The effectiveness
Another method to counteract undesired modifications are determined from wind of the surface treatment must be based on
oscillations is to increase the in-plane stiff- tunnel tests. No accepted methodology the tests applicable to the specific system,
ness of stays by connecting them together exists for the design of these elements. All provided by the manufacturer.
with a set of transverse secondary cables, major cable suppliers provide cable pipes
that include surface modifications to miti- 3. Additional Mitigation:
defined as cross-ties (Figure 3). Cross-ties
gate rain/wind vibrations. Several types Depending on the outcome of the vibration
effectively reduce the free length of cables,
of cable surface treatments are shown study (Item 1), the provision of at least one
therefore increasing their frequency. The
in Figure 4. Extensive research has been of the following major vibration mitiga-
connections transform individual cables
tion measures (in addition to surface treat-
into a more complex cable network.
ment) is recommended:
• Additional damping (using external
• Cable cross-ties

4. Minimum Scruton Number

Following are minimum desired Scruton
Numbers (Sc):
mζ / ρD2 > 10 for regular cable arrangements
mζ / ρD2 > 5 for cable pipes with effec-
tive surface treatment suppressing rain/
Figure 3: Cable cross-tie system. Figure 4: Types of cable surface
wind vibrations (see note)
Note: Limited tests3 on cables with dou- The visco-elastic type dampers where an quency interval (lower limit in particular)
ble-helix surface treatments have suggest- elastomeric element is permanently en- corresponding to local modes, since they
ed that mζ / ρD2 > 5 may be acceptable. gaged between the cable and the support- minimize the longest segment length.
However, it is felt that such reductions ing elements, theoretically, are free of such
should be made only for regularly spaced initial frictional thresholds. On the other Cable cross-ties must be provided with
single cable arrangements. In general hand, there are also damper designs that initial tension sufficient to prevent slack of
it is recommended to keep the Scruton rely on friction as the energy dissipation the cross-ties during design wind events.
Number as high as possible by providing mechanism and the static friction thresh- The level of tension depends on the dy-
external dampers and/or cross-ties. For old for such dampers may be higher than namic properties of the cable system and
unusual geometry or double stay arrange- for the other types. the design wind event. The initial cross-
ments where parallel stays are placed with- tie tensions must be established based on
in close proximity to one another, careful Another factor needing consideration is rational engineering analysis. Also, the tie
case-by-case evaluation of these limits are the directionality of the damper. The to cable connection must be carefully de-
recommended. cable vibrations observed in the field signed and detailed for the transfer of the
indicate both vertical and horizontal com- design forces.
5. External Dampers: ponents of motion. Some damper designs
Most dampers used in bridges are propri- are axi-symmetric and provide damping 2. User Tolerance Limits:
etary items and design details should be against cable motion in any direction. A preliminary survey on sensitivity of
provided by the manufacturer. Manufac- Other dampers (e.g. dash-pot types) pro- bridge users to stay cable vibrations has
turer warranties should be requested for all vide damping against motion only along indicated that the comfort criteria for cable
proprietary damping devices. the axis of the damper. It is possible to displacement can be described using the
arrange two or more such dampers so that following maximum single amplitudes
A damper can be tuned to yield optimal the combination is effective in all direc- (within 0.5 to 2.0 Hz range):
damping in any one selected mode. For tions. As the majority of the observed • 0.5 D (Preferred)
other modes the level of damping will be motion due to rain/wind vibrations is in • 1.0 D (Recommended)
less than this optimal value. Rain/wind the vertical direction, it may be sufficient • 2.0 D (Not to Exceed)
vibrations occur predominantly in mode 2. to provide damping against only the verti-
. cal motion. However, this has not been While this aspect may need further study,
Therefore, if a damper is to be tuned to a
particular mode to mitigate rain/wind vi- clearly established. It is recommended the above can be used as a guide when
brations, it appears logical to select mode 2. that damping be made effective against such displacements can be computed and/
cable movement in any direction. or needed as input for design of such ele-
There are many types and designs of damp- ments as dampers and cross-ties. The dis-
ers, and linear dampers have been shown to Damper mounting details may transfer placement limits need not be considered
be effective through their widespread use in lateral forces due to damper action onto for extreme events.
the past. However, recent analytical studies components of the cable anchorage. Such
show that non-linear dampers can be used forces must be considered in the design of Retrofit of Existing Bridges
to provide a more optimal condition than the cable anchorages.
If an existing bridge is found or suspected
linear dampers, as these are effective over to exhibit episodes of excessive stay cable
1. Cable Cross-ties:
a larger range of modes. In particular, the vibration, an initial field survey and in-
If used, provide clear and mandatory
damping performance of square-root damp- spection of the cable system should be
specifications for cable cross-ties. Experi-
ers (β=0.5) is independent of the mode performed to assemble the following in-
ence shows that cross-ties, when properly
number and is only affected by the ampli- formation:
detailed and installed, can be an effective
tude of vibration. • Eye-witness accounts, video footage
method for suppressing undesirable levels
of cable vibrations. Reported failures of of episodes
With some dampers (such as dash-pot
cross-ties have been generally traced to Condition of the stay cable anchorages
type), an initial static friction force must
improper details and material selection. and related components, noting any visible
be overcome before engaging of the vis-
damage and/or loose, displaced compo-
cous element. Field experiments have
The use of cross-ties creates local modes, nents.
shown the presence of this stick-move-
which must be considered in design. The
stick-move behavior associated with such A brief field instrumentation and measure-
frequency of the first plateau of local
dampers. This may effectively provide a ment program can be used to obtain such
modes should be kept as high as possible.
fixed node instead of the intended damp- parameters as the existing damping levels
Symmetric configurations of the restrain-
ing for the cable at low amplitude oscilla- of the cables. Instrumentation of cables to
ers with respect to intermediate-length
tions, and should be considered in design. record the vibration episodes, wind direc-
cables is preferred to increase the fre-

Larose, G. L., & Smitt, L. W. (1999). Rain/wind induced vibrations of the parallel stay cables for the Oresund High Bridge. Proceedings of the
1999 IABSE Conference, Malmo, Sweden.
tion, wind velocity, and rain intensity dur- The design guidelines provide a concise • Refine recommendations for effective
ing their occurrences could also provide approach to suppress wind-induced vi- and economical design of stay-cable
some confirmation of the nature of cable brations in cable-stayed bridges, and are vibration mitigation strategies for fu-
vibrations. based on the existing knowledge base and ture bridges.
further investigations performed through
The mitigation methods available for this project. While the design recom- This is the first time a set of design guide-
retrofit of existing bridges follow closely mendations are empirical, the mitigation lines have been proposed for the mitiga-
those provided for the new bridges. How- methods discussed (dampers, cable cross- tion of stay cable vibration. It is expected
ever, the application of surface treatment ties, and surface modification) are proven that future adjustments based on actual
may be difficult, not practical, or cost to be effective through both past field cable performance and advances in cable
prohibitive on existing structures. The experience and laboratory testing. Future technology may require further refinements
addition of cross-ties and/or dampers is research in the following areas clarifying to the design guidelines.
recommended. some of the remaining key issues would
strengthen the design guidelines. Recommendations for Future
A split-pipe with surface modifications Research
can be installed over the existing cable • Additional wind-tunnel testing of dry
pipe if this is found to be practical and Researcher- This study was performed
inclined cables.
cost effective. In many of the older by HNTB Corporation in coordination
bridges for cables using polyethylene (PE) • Further study of deck-induced vibra- with Johns Hopkins University, Rowan
pipes, ultraviolet (UV) protection to cable tion of stay cables. Williams Davies and Irwin, Inc., and
pipes is provided by wrapping the PE pipe Buckland and Taylor Ltd., FHWA.
with Tedlar tape. These cables require • Study mechanics of rain/wind in- Contract No. DTFH61-99-C-00095.
periodic re-wrapping as part of routine duced vibrations.
Key Words- cable-stayed bridge,
maintenance. The newer high-density
• Develop a mechanics-based model cables, wind, rain, vibrations,
polyethylene (HDPE) cable pipes are man-
for stay-cable vibration enabling the dampers, cross-ties
ufactured with a co-extruded outer shell
prediction of anticipated vibration
that provides the needed UV resistance,
characteristics. For Additional Information Contact
thus providing a split-pipe as a secondary
outer pipe has the added benefit of elimi- • Predict the performance of stay cables Harold Bosch
nating the need for future Tedlar taping for after mitigation using the model. FHWA
the UV protection.
Director of Aerodynamics
• Perform a detailed quantitative assess-
In addition, any damaged cable anchorage Phone: 202-493-3031
ment of various alternative mitigation
hardware must be properly retrofitted or E-mail:
replaced. It is recommended that the orig-
inal cable supplier be contacted to ensure • Improved understanding of inherent
the replacement of cable anchorage com- damping in stays and that provided by
ponents and that the addition of mitigative external devices.
devices are compatible with the original
design of the stay anchorage area. • Improved understanding of cross-tie

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