Investigatory Project Unfinished

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Holy Cross High School i.


Jynel Luiz Salvanera

Andrei Phillip Caterial

Yuuki Krischelle Baliwis
John Dave Dollete
Jamal Ladra

A Research
Presented to
The Science teachers of Junior High
In Holy Cross High School
Camp Phillips, Agusan Canyon, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon

A. Background of the Study

Shampoo is a hair care product, that is typically in the form of liquid. Less
commonly, it is used by applying it to wet hair, massaging the shampoo into their hair, and then
finally, rinsing it out. Some users even follow up by using conditioner. Our product is just like
shampoo, only in a bar form. We conducted this study, and chose it because we found out that
liquid shampoos are usually made with synthetic substances like paraben and silicones that can
be harmful for the scalp. A solution for this is shampoo bars, since they are more natural and
healthier. It interests us that shampoo bars are better than liquid shampoos, since liquid
shampoos are more common and advertised, but after discovering what I stated in the previous
sentences, shampoo bars are overall healthier, especially if they are organic.

A. Review of Literature

According to various studies about creating shampoo using oranges, they highlight the use of
citrus fruits, including oranges, because these are rich content of vitamins, antioxidants, and
natural acids. Citrus, especially oranges, are known for their potential in helping the hair to be
healthy and look nice, a really good cleanser. If you don’t know already, oranges are a great
source for vitamin E and antioxidants that provide it with deep conditioning properties for your
hair. Furthermore, theyprotect your hair from any kinds of damage, thereby strengthening your
hair strands.

There were also previous student who have mad an IP similar to ours, and they figured out that
oranges are rich in nutrients and vitamin C in collagen synthesis, which is important for the hair
structure and health. The antioxidants fight off free radicals, which can prevent hair damage, and
boost your hair growth. According to “My Hair Doctor” Vitamin C is
one of the most effective ways to strengthen hair. Additionally, it contains vitamin B12 and E,
which helps repair damaged hair! This is what we look forward to with our product, which is
B. Definition of Terms

Orange – An orange fruit of various citrus species in the family of Rutaceae.

Shampoo – It is a hair care product that usually comes in the form of liquid.

Vitamin – Organic molecules that are essential to an organism in small quantities for proper
metabolic function.

Nutrients – Substance that provides nourishment, essential for hair growth.

Citrus– Tree of a genus that includes citron, lemon, lime, orange, and grapefruit.

Cleanser – A substance that cleanses something

Product – An article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale.

(All definitions from Meriam Dictionary)


A. Experimental Design

The research is a qualitative study and will employ an experimental design. The finished
product from this research will be Orange Shampoo, and using Oranges as the major material.

A. Background of The Study

Many people around the world are having struggles about their hair being
unhealthy, not looking beautiful, or not strong enough because they fall apart too easily.
This is why I, along with my group members, have decided to create a product that can
help with hair growth, beautification of hair, and strengthening hair. What other thing can
help with hair other than shampoo? Shampoo is a really common and great hair
cleanser product that many people use. We paired this up with oranges, since oranges
are known for helping with hair because of its vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamin
B12, which helps repair your damaged hair! Or vitamin C, which is important for hair
structure and health.

Furthermore, some of our classmates are really having troubles with their hair
such as things like dandruff, which develop yellow or white flakes of deceased hair, Dull
hair, which is caused by dandruff that makes your hair look dull, and oily hair, which is
caused when the scalp produces too much natural oil called Sebum. The right cleansers
can help with that, and were looking forward to creating an amazing cleanser.

Our orange shampoo, which we call “OraNelle”, aims to be able to help with hair
problems such as what I have mentioned on the previous paragraph, because way too
many people suffer from these problems. We know this journey will not be easy, but we
think it’s a great opportunity to know our limitations, learn more about creating products,
and last but not least, about oranges and shampoos.

B. Statement of the Problem

1. What are properties of oranges that can help treat our hair?
2. How long will the effectiveness last on our hairs?
3. How can we benefit from the orange shampoo?
C. Significance of The Study

The significance of the study is to let many people with hair problems, or just want to
make their hair look extravagant, gain what they wanted. They could use this DIY
shampoo on a daily basis if we figure out if its good for the hair or not.

D. Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study will be conducted inside of Holy Cross High School, and inside our own
homes. This research focuses on what the outcome will be to the users hair, and what
we can do to make it better, usable, and importantly, help with hair struggles.

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