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Αγγλική Γλώσσα (εξεταστές, σύμβουλοι πρεσβείας: Κατσαρέας Αλέξης ΣΠΒ’,

Παππά Ποθητή)

1. Middle East- Iran/Saudi Arabia/ UAE and the US

What in your view is the situation in the Arab world and the Middle East
after the change in US administration and the withdrawal from
Afghanistan? What about the Iranian nuclear deal? (Vienna talks)
Words: “enmity”  synonym. “cast in stone”  meaning
2. Managed/ guided democracy. What does the term “autocrat democracy”
mean? Authoritarian leaders around the world. How would you explain the
term “rigged systems”? The word “stark” (stark repression)
3. Consumerism – the behaviour of consumers has changed – Explain the
phrases “stuff-accumulating shopaholics” and “political clout”
4. Nord Stream (as part of Russo-German relations). + leaving Afghanistan
means all US attention to China. Words: “wooing” European allies,
“detrimental” and “irritate”.
5. Europe/ US relations: still strong? + Personal Question: What is your
background and what actually brings you here? (also, repeatedly asked:
“Why have you decided to enter the ministry?”
6. Climate Change/ global warming– “The human species will either become
extinct or evolve” discuss
7. Cold war/ secret diplomacy: how did it evolve, what was it about, and what
have we learnt?
Do you see future power rivalries, with new forces rising?  balance of
power coming back again?
8. History- WWII Italian telegram to Metaxas (the text was from W. Churchill)
Who was king of UK back then?
How did the UK assist Greece in the war?
9. Agriculture/ Irrigation/ Creation of the US
What is your knowledge of the US? Experience from the US? – the US
mentality and culture
10.Shipping Routes – blockade: Suez Canal / Evergreen incident – Implications
on world trade?
Describe the word “idle”
11.Population growth and climate toxicity – words: “tangible” (threats) 
meaning, and opposite
12.Can a country serve as a brand?
13.Future of work/ Tele-working – the positive aspects of digitalisation
Definition of bottleneck
14.Board games/ Rising international powers: China (the emerging power
challenging the established one) – Taiwan: discuss: “China’s credibility
depends on retaking Taiwan”; how do you define “credibility”?
15.China/ South East China Sea territorial claims – geopolitics is back
US ‘pivot to Asia’
Where was the main focus of the US before Asia?
16.COVID-19/ health crisis – the parameter of vaccination
17.Climate change – Words: meaning of “undisputed”, “mitigate” and “spoiler
18.Internet/ censorship in Chinese social media platforms (“using the users to
actually police the Internet?”)
If you were a diplomat in Beijing how would you react? What would you
report back to the ministry?
19.Balance of nature/ Intervening in nature/ ‘Control of the control of nature’
 our actions have created problems to nature, and we must be less
Gun hole meaning?
20.Afghanistan/Iran (the Taliban takeover)
21.Migration/ Asylum Seekers in Pakistan
22.Qatar, UAE, Yemen/ investments in Africa
23.US-Iran Nuclear Deal – US withdrawal during the Trump administration
What is the object of the recent Vienna talks?
24.Belarus state hijacking, ryanair incident – Migrants and asylum seekers in
Belarus-Poland border  weaponization/instrumentalization of migrants
25.Weaponization of outer space – do we have the right? – space race
26.Decarbonization of heavy industry – how to mitigate climate change
27.Turkey-relations with Middle East – Trump’s “laissez faire” approach.
Meaning of the phrase “papered over”
28.Turkey- EU. Turkey’s revisionism. Words meaning: trajectory, corrosive
29.Privatization of foreign policy  idea being that multinational companies
should import many aspects from inter-State diplomacy. Words meaning:
“Statecraft” “conducive to”

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