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Helping each other ip) x Lets help! 12) Beginning Jelping ond — one eats My feetgs ip 16 mee aim net Al the onema (2 Begining 7p aking about feelings sound Feeling: 6 i231 2 ip2e vals and where ive @pazandan = isa Beginning 3 Animal W 28 they be @ 28 f ips Me ibs 4 The World iy special plant Ol Ipp¥enaa) cha a sandpa's tomato Beginning of Plant: yo ‘pp ws next, then, finally plant ip ooking after your chill sound: i us plant p49) ipso, Funatthe beach (p52) beach 29 56nd 39, infor Sesiming the Beach 52 Sar bs ‘questions about whet (p62) Pople wont tod pall 64 Sholl We Help You? 66 Feeling Hoppy .. Fesing Sod Skills Lesso 68 Animal Worl 70 AnAmazhg Tee iE ; . : yA What I Have leamt 76 ) - Past Simple Verbs 79 i : "7 : . - ' Tockninte 2 | 1) tidy the room Swe Duckie Tim SE seen lina 2s Ton Alice | Our school has many helpers I Together we work and play er We look after our schools I ~ DiLook at the pictures. Listen and read. And each other, 7 ; Today and every day, Ata Our town has many helpers, Together we keep it clean, We pick up litter, Help others in need, ‘And work as one big team, We do chores at home We help people in need. x ilisten and read. ss & 4 UnieisaHetping Hand D)Listen and point. How can these children help Mr Brown? ‘ABINGDON “put away the books: “paint the fence a=, 63 \ 2 m Nd ‘Ditisten again and repeat. * dear the table B er a Tell your friend how you help at home and at school. At home, I clear the table and At school, I___and 6 Unit: AHelping Hand me, you, him, her, it, us, them ‘© Look and read. The children help each other at school Mary is my . friend, She Se lends me a pen. Pasi fs Jim sees Jill and I make ‘some litter. «xi, amess. Liz helps He picks it up. apo Ss us clean up. on | | We use me, you, him, her, it, us, and them to talk about people, animals and things | , When you fall down, Thelp you to get up | Ime élhepme! Ho it Hehelpsit | you you Thelp you we us —_Theyhelpus. | | he him help him. they them Thelp them | | she her _Youtelp her: | | Wizz —___ | @ Write him, her, us or them. | 1. She is my mother. [lke to read with 2. They ore librarians, We help on Fridays, | 3. He is your new teacher. Please go with __ 4. We are playing catch in the park. Come and play with __ 1 8 Unit AHlping Hond D> workbook Pract 24, ra — © Read and write how you can help at school and at home. The children write a list of the things they can do to help. = How I ean ee help at hone: : * Loan wash the abe ea dhe He Ning + We-can pubaway —* T can bake cave the books inthe sty bay library. ae XY School \ How we ean halp Aly Brown: + We ean wash car for hin. + We can tidy the room for hit, Home SS 9 Shall T help you pick up those toys? Sx No, thanks Grandma. Tom can do it Shall we buy you an ice cream, Dad? 10 Unit: Helping Hand Shall [help you fer help, we say Po eee eee cae) ' Se Yes, please. Ps ‘@Duisten again and repeat. Br —_ — © Look at the pictures. Take turns with a friend to offer help and to reply. Read and listen to the story. Let's help! Jack and Sue want to go to the cinema. They ask their mother. “Can we go to the cinema, please, Mum?” “The house is dirty,” Mum says. “don't have time to go to the cinema.” They ask their father. “Can we go to the cinema, please, Dad?" The car is dirty,” Dad says. T don't have time to go to the cinema Jack and Sue go outside. “We can't go to the cinema today,” says Sue. “Oh, yes, we can!” says Jack “Let's help Mum and Dad. Then we can all go out today.” Jack and Sue run inside. "Mum," says Jack, “shall I mop the floor for you?” “Yes, please,” laughs Mum. “Dad, shall I wash the car for you?" asks Sue. 3. “Yes, please,” laughs Dad. \ Dad looks at Mum. = A ar aa oe “Now, we have more time,” he says. \ “Shall we go to the cinema today?” =< ——— “Yes... yes ... yes, please,” say Jack, Sue and Mum. fee 12 Uta Hd » The letters cand h x 2 og together make a new _ ; beginning sound mop the floor {-) dear the table chimpanzee. paint the fence {| wash the car ‘@iisten to the rhyme. " Listen for the beginning ch sound. Red is a cherry {tidy the room [1 paint the fence And a chil too, Brown is the colour of the chocolates. The chimps eat at the zoo. |__| put away the books Ue clear the table —— @Ditisten and repeat. Si shat shop, she } together make a new — beginning sound: shoe. (o} The children are sleepy. Mum puts [b) Thelp Mum with the dishes. I like to help @Pristen to the rhyme. (€) Dad is busy. We clean the car for Listen for the beginning sh sound. She has shells of all colours, (d) We carry Grandpa's bag. He thanks = White, brown and blue. Will she share her shells with you? (e) Lam happy when Mum takes __ to the park. y tidy the room —putaway the books | (Useful Language clear the table wash the car Ps cuit 2/ Shelves mop the floor paint the fence > Yes, please. / No, thank you. / ) aS No, thanks, 1 unt aneing Hone Feelings ras- @ Look and read. When I'm happy, smile at my mum, ‘And she smiles at me: When Tm happy, Tlaugh out loud, *Ha-ha-ha! He-he-he!” laugh Trun to my dad, And then, Im glad._ ‘Ditisten and read. © Practise with a friend. Say a word from ©. Your friend does the action. 16 Unie2: Feaings v7 1 shocked re & EZ © Practise with a friend. Say how these things make you feel # School makes me feel happy _ _ O)Listen again and repeat. + shopping * Helping a friend = * Playing games Unit 2:Ftngs DY wortookPracice ond 2, pues 5-77 Talking about feelings Why ...? Because @ Look and read. © Look at @ again and read. Pam‘s mother buys ice cream for the children. ——- — 7 | | To tak about the reasons for our feelings: | We ask: Why ...? | We answer: Because Why are you worried? Because I can't find my phone. grx=x-___§ © Complete the sentences. Use words from the box. Cee JDWIWIDID, Im feel too not» Why ~—Because Because I-can't find my phone. To talk about feelings, we say I’m ... / I'm not ... or T feel ... / I don’t feel I'm happy. I’m not sad, T feel tired. T don't feel worried, To say we feel the same, we add too to the end of a sentence. Im excited too. feel surprised too. 20 una: testngs SLED 21 © Look and read. Par talks about her feelings. Wh van These people talk about their feelings. {ty a ere 1 f ) Why are you happy? | __ = F .. ey Dilisten and read. , Because there is a [robb nthe at f Why are you Because I won a worried? j new teddy bear! (wet Bram — = ‘We write a question mark ’2’ when we ask a question. Why are you surprised? * We write an exclamation mark ‘!’ to show strong feelings. | Because there is a rabbit in the hat! | © Look at the pictures. Write what the children say. Diisten again and repeat. w@ err a © Talk about your feelings with a friend. 22 Unit 2Feaings Workbook Practice 5, page 20 ED 2: =. Read and listen to the story. Ir At the cinema Dilisten and tick (/) the correct feelings. One day, Jenny took her little brother, Jack, to the cinema, Itwas a good film. Jack laughed during the funny parts He cried during the sad paris. “Be quiet!” the people at the cinema said. We can't hear the film. You're laughing and crying!” — J hen there was an exciting part. Jack jumped up and down. “Yeah! Yeah!” he shouted. He dropped his popcorn everywhere. 'BE QUIET!” the people shouted. They were angry. At last, the film ended Jenny and Jack went home. “Did you have a good time at the cinema?” Mum asked “Yes!” said Jack. “No!” groaned Jenny. Poca aa 24 vs reas as 26 th Sg hans tree thomb ‘@Ditisten to the rhyme. ™ Listen for the beginning th sound. If Thad a thousand thumbs, Icould drum a thousand drums. Thick ones, thin ones, Short ones, tall Icould thump and Thwack them all ‘@Dhusten and repeat. WwW h what, white, where ‘Dhlisten to the rhyme. ™ Listen for the beginning wh sound. Where do the whales go When it’s night? Why do the whales Whistle with all their might? Unit 2 Feeings The letters t and h together make a new beginning sound: thumb. The letters w and h together make a new beginning sound: why. —— frightened. I'm frightened __. are you worried? _ my book. } (1 thed. 1 tired | are you sad? l {e) —____ are you angry? I'm angry happy tired shocked surprised worried Tear Ican't find int go to the party angry. I'm sad, scared frightened excited Over hot grasslands == In Africa, roam ae ions and zebras, ‘Qilisten and read. Giraffes and deer * Some feed on grasses, Some feed on green leaves, fe that's And all keep wateh for a lion that’s near pase onietaes Under the sea fly in the air. And in the deep oceans, Swim whales, dolphins And colourful fish. Around them are sharks, Seals and an octopus, ‘All of them hunting for a tasty dish mm Fish and seals live High up in green trees, in the sea, Inthe rainforests, 4 soo Live orang-utan families \ Eating thetr lunch A vw Parrots and insects. Fly all around them, Looking for food they can drink and munch. ons, zebras, giraffes and utans live on land. ou © With a friend, make a list of animals. Say where they live. 28 Units: Animal Worié 29 ‘@Buisten and point. Tara and her father go to the Natural History Museum They look at the animals there. Tara's father knows ai lot ‘about animals. Tara asks him some questions. What animals live in the desert, Dad? Do ‘orang-utans lve there? No, they dont. ‘Camels tive in the desert @ what onimats live jin the mountains? Do orang-utans, birds and insects live in rainforests? * orang-utans 30 Unita: Animol Word *flamingoes LS “dolphins ‘ ~~ en i) “whales 4 Whales and fish live in seas and ‘oceans, Tara. Look! Sharks and dolphins! | Can you see an octopus? | Itlives there too, am ‘Qitisten again and repeat. B= _______ © With a friend, role-play Tara and her father. Wirkbook Present simple @ Look and read. MLL Orang-utans live in rainforests Do they eat meat? Does a whale live in seas and oceans? Does a parrot fly at night? Do camels eat grass and leaves? 32 Unita: Animal Word Tara and her father read more about animals, No, they don't. They eat fruit and leaves. use the Present simple to talk about things that are generally true. | | For one: For more than one: | Alion lives on the land. ‘Whales live in the ocedns. A\lion does not live in the sea. Whales do not live in lakes. Does an ociopusiive inthe sea? Do eagles fly in the air? Yes, it does, Yes, they do. | Does an octopus live in the desert? [Be eagles swim in the sea? No, it doesn’t. No, they don’t. eT Paneer Xe Cee aes Wrz O Write Yes, it does. / No, it doesn’t. / Yes, they do. / No, they don't. =a 1. Does an octopus live in the mountains? 2. Do sharks live on land? 3. Do butterflies live in the air? —_ 4. Do pelicans live in the sea? 5. Does a camel live in the rainforests? 6. Does a flamingo live in a lake? WrEas- © Choose an animal from ©, Draw and colour your animal. Write where it lives and what it eats. Remember to use the Present simple when writing facts. At home, Tara is reading a book about orang-utans. She writes the facts in her notebook. Do lions eat meat? ** Orang-utans lve in Do pelicans |< the rainfor eat grass? A _+ They lve in trees. A + they eatinuitandieaves No, they don't. Thay eat fsh My animal Bi: ‘listen again and repeat. @ ere) _ © Practise with a friend. Ask and answer questions about these animals. Use words from the box. [me grass leaves. meat 344 Unita Ano ons D) orkbok racic 5,poges 30 ond 31 EY ‘QeRead and listen to the information report. | ) ty Sci : a Animals at the poles ‘Listen and tick (/) the correct box. Different animals live at the North Pole and South Pole. Polar bears live at the North Pole. x P In summer, they eat fish from the sea In winter, the mother polar bear makes an ice den She gives birth to her cub there. They stay warm and sate in their den for three months, The South Pole is the coldest place on Earth. Polar bears do not live at the South Pole. Penguins live there. Inwinter, there are snow storms at the South Pole. The penguins stand close together to keep each other warm. In spring, the mother and father penguins ook after their baby penguins. They feed them fish. The baby penguins grow fast. Soon they can swim and catch Sa Unit 3: Animal World QrEx—— ‘@llisten and repeat. SE best, brown, bread ‘@Ditisten to the rhyme. ™ Listen for the beginning br sound. Brian was bold and Brian was brave. Brian went into The brown bear's cave. ‘Diisten and repeat. ===) Listen to the rhyme. listen for the beginning cr sound. Ican creep and Ican crawl Ican craw! Right up the wall Unita: Arima Wars The letters b and together make a new beginning sound: break The letters ¢ andr together make a new beginning sound: cry | | { (a) (b) STM asilpenc Idspihon (oe ca fish live in t! Coie scans the mountains? No, they alion eat meat? Yes, it (c) Crocodiles (d) {e) Awhale camels eagles deer insects live in the desert. a giraffe eat meat? No, it__. ‘orang-tans fiamingoes pelicans sharks ‘swim in rivers and lakes whales dolphins octopus, ‘ : Ries i Roman EEED- ry it © Look at the pictures in @. Match the sentences to the Te got a special little plant pictures. Write o-f. In a pretty little pot. Iputit by the window, Ta 1. Tvegotalittle plant. [b] 4. Iputit by the window. |_| Where the sun is nice and hot. = 2, Iwatch it every day 5. Twaterit Then, I sit by the window To watch my little plant grow. And I say to Mother, “Why is my plant so slow?” © Read © again. Put the pictures in the correct order. 3. Iwaitforitto grow. || 6, Ishowitto my friends. [| “You've got to wait a while, my dear, ‘Mother says to me. “Your little plant is just like you, And takes time to grow, you see.” Iwater my plant each day. Slowly, it grows and grows. Then, one day, I show my friends My lovely little rose! ‘@ilisten and read. 3k & YO Unit: The World of Ponts a @llisten and point. Qilisten and point. Mr Lee and Mr Seto are neighbours. Mr Lee has a garden ‘Mr Seto has a garden too. He grows vegetables with many fruit trees. nd flowers in his garden. Ojlisten again and repeat. O)listen again and repeat. rs Wr @ Write a list of fruit you know. Show your list to your friend. © Close your book. Name the parts of a tree and a flower. Who has more fruit on his/her list? Ask your friend to spell the words. 42 news me word of pnts P> workbook rctce Yond 2. pages 35 ond 36 oe More than one a We add -s to show more than one thing. @ Look and read. roe Sie rose—> roses Rs ery) ‘Mr Lee and Mr Seto show their children the trees and flowers in their gardens, When the word ends with s, x, sh, ch or sometimes 0, we add -es. dress — dresses box— boxes dish — dishes Con Thave a mango, branch — branches please, Dad? mango —> mangoes When the word ends with f, the -f becomes -ves. leaf — leaves When the word ends with y, the -y becomes ~ies. ily ilies Sometimes, the spelling is the same for more than one, one sheep —> two sheep Sometimes, the spelling changes for more than one. ‘one mouse — two mice © Write the words to show more than one. 1. seed strawberry tomato 2 3. 4. scarf 5, 6 YY nit tthe Wve of Ponts After we write, we check our work. Remember to check for. © copital letters full stops * spelling. © Read and help Mr Seto’s daughter, Jenny, to write about their garden. David writes about his garden, There are two big trees in my garden. The trees have many branches and leaves. There are some apples and mangoes on the trees. like my garden Bre See ie ME Unit The World of Plants ‘rLook at the pictures. Listen and read. David likes plants too. Mr Lee tells David how to grow a plant. First, put some soil into a pot Next, put the seeds in the soil Then, place the pot in the sun. Finally, water the seeds every day. now wath you sets growin | on @Diusten again and repeat. Se Cece aes Roueocemee ns © Practise with a friend. Take turns to be Mr Lee and David. IAD 7 Read and listen to the story. Grandpa's tomato plant Grandpa and Grandma want to buy some plants. “would like a tomato plant,” Grandpa said 4 He picked up a pot with a smal plant in it “like this one,” he said. © “Is that a tomato plant?” Grandma asked. “Of course it is!" Grandpa laughed. Grandpa took the plant home. He watered it every day. “Lwant to have many tomatoes,” Grandpa said He waited and waited One day, Grandma said, "Go and look at your plant. There is a surprise for you” Grandpa was very happy. “Tomatoes at last!” he said He ran to look at his plant. It was full of ... little red strawberries! Unit: The World of Pts = iE ‘DiListen to what Mr Seto tells his daughter, Jenny, to do. * Put the pictures in the correct order. ret 50 @Dhiisten and repeat. d r Spoon dress, drop | @Diisten to the rhyme " Listen for the beginning dr sound. Drip drip, Drop drop, Wish that leaky Tap would stop. @hiisten and repeat. @dtisten to the rhyme. *' Listen for the beginning fr sound. Freda fried Fresh fish for Fred, But Fred said, “Lwant fruit instead.” Unit ts The Weta of Ponts The letters d and r together make a new beginning sound: drink. The letters f and r together make a new beginning sound: friend. BY neod the sentence | (a) Grandpa gives Grandma a rose. Grandpa gives Grandma two | (b) Mr Seto is growing an orchid Mr Seto is growing five (c} There is a leaf on the stem. There are three ‘on the stem, (d) Look at that lily! Look at those (e) Here is a tomato for you. Here are ter for you. leaves root petals stem 1 Useful Language mango rose liy seeds | 2, First Next branch sunflower orchid soil (Then Finally trunk \ a We love to go to the beach Braz =— ‘And play on the sand by the sea. We love to play with a ball, N And sit under a shady tree. © Look at the picture. Write the correct word, Use words from the box. ‘like to splash in the waves Ea ‘And sit in a rock poo! with you. You like to swim round the rocks And pretend you're « big fish too We love to make sandcastles, And pile sand onto our dad. Oh, we so love to be by the sea, That going home makes us sad. ‘Disten and check. 52 Units: At the Booch ‘Duisten and point. @Bisten and point. During the school holidays, Ben and his family went to the beach. ‘beach umbrella & XN “beach towel i Ben and Jill found a rock pool. They saw many animals in it Need EeTSTyN @isten again and repeat. BrEExo O Take tums with a friend to name things people (@uisten again and repeat. take to the beach. SY Uns the Been ESI ss Mee ue or, and, but © Look and read. ‘Max and his family went to the beach too. ‘Max, do you want to swim or row a canoe? want to read a book and take some photos at the beach Tweant to play golf but I don't want to goto the beach. 56 Units: At the Seach «EEE. We use or to give a choice. Do you want to swim or row a canoe We use and to join two things, people or ideas. I want to read a book and take photo We use but to introduce different or opposite ideas. Twant to play golf but I don't want to go to the beach Bri=p-__ ‘O Write or, and or but in the sentences. 1. Ineed my bucket spade to make a sandcastle. 2. Do you want to swim in the rock pool swim in the sea? Twant a mango ‘I don’t want any strawberries. Max ‘Susan like reading. We saw some seagulls we did not see a starfish. © Practise with a friend. Talk about your weekend plans. Do you want to __ or this weekend? Iwant to__ but I don’t want to OK. Let's ___and SID 57 @ Look and read. At the beach, Susan and Max play a memory game with some friends. ‘nd a bat. Thave a ball, a Thave a ball, a bat, a _batand a spade, spade and a bucket. When we write a list of things in a sentence, we use a comma |,) | after each item. We use and before the last item. Thave a mask, a snorkel, a bucket and a spade. © Write sentences. Use and and a comma (). 1. Ben has goggles a mask sunblock. Ben has goggles, a mask and sunblock. 2. Tike mussels starfish crabs prawns. 3. Ihave a beach ball a snorkel a beach umbrella, 4, We take our snorkels masks buckets spades to the beach. Unt 5: lthe Beach Bran— Ditisten and read. What a hot day! E7~ ouch! the sand is so hot! @Disten again and repeat. Tinea eens) © Practise with a friend. Pretend you are at the beach. Talk about what you see, hear and feel. Remember to show surprise, excitement or anger. IED so Read and listen to the story. What a great idea! Ttwas a sunny afternoon. Kate wanted to go to the beach but Grandma did not. “It’s very hot in the sun!” said Grandma. “You can sit under the beach umbrella,” said Kate. “I don't like sand!” said Grandma. “You can sit on a mat,” said Kate. ‘Oh, all right!” said Grandma. “Let's go!” At the beach, there was a gentle breeze. The sand was wet and cool. Grandma smiled. She kicked off her sandals, / ran over the sand and into the sea. "Kate," she called, “come and join me.“ It’s so cool in the water! What a great idea it was, C | _—~ to come to the beach” Pelee as 60 Unit 5: Ashe Booch re Dhtisten and circle the correct picture. QrE=—__— a ‘listen and repeat. (a) Sam has a 7 The letters p and r Ly SY prawn, princess, procce } opether mara tb) Thereisa______inthe poo. "MBP brown, pincss, practice) YOgether mks sound: prize. (c) Thave a snorkel and Disten to the rhyme. i lookat the * Listen for the beginning pr sound, The princess tore a hole (e) A_____has five legs. In her pretty dress. The prince gave her a present BS | . Ofaneedle and thread, =e But the princess pricked her finger, And oe she’s bad! .*| (a) Ben has a bucket and / but a spade. (b] Tlike mangoes or / but Idon't like apples. @aisten and repeat. a (c) Tcan swim but /or I can't dive. — = The letters g andr al {0 areat, green, grape together make a (d) Lan see prawns but / and mussels in the rock pool new beginning sound: green (e) Puton ahat or /but some sunblock ®Disten to the rhyme. —_____ * Listen for the beginning gr sound. ox=— ; beach umbrella snorkel. «| Use Oh, green is the greatest colour to be ee sore | /_ Useful tangvage Tam green like the grass eee — ( Whata, ‘And the leaves on a tree. eee mu Tam green like a grape. ® ED ble Srawns \\ sucha Iam green like a frog, bucket Seagull That sits in the sun on top of a log, spade Oh, green is the greatest colour to be, mask ‘And I want all my babies to be green like me. — 62 Units Atte soo JoListén. Match the names to the pictures. Read © again. Match the offers of help to the children. i. dean up the park * children in schools 2. pick up the litter * children in town 3. put away the books * children in the city O Write offers of help. Use words from the box. ‘sweep the floor wash the desks pick up litter ut away the books — paint the fence tidy the room. Shall sweep the floor? = Shall we Children’s Helping Week. Many children are helping The answer is: “Yes, please!” in their neighbourhoods ‘Some children in schools are saying, © With a friend, make offers of help to people you know. “shall we put away the books?” Use words from the table. the cit ¥ j somneilckonsh fe cly ore saying clean paint books floors. [Mum Dad ‘Shall we clean up the park?" sweep cany windows clothes | Grandma Grandpa Some children in town are saying, i Putaway tidy shoes fence MrSeto Miss Lee “Shall we pick up the litter?” Be aS ts bas The answer is ways: “Yes, please!” So, children, come and help today. I: - Shall we paint the doors, Mum? No, thank you. Shall clean the windows, Dad? Ml nines 64 shite Lesson: Shall We Help You? 66 Diiisten. Match the names to the pictures. ei lin) Minah (@Alisten again. Write the feelings. Use the words in the box. happy sad bored 1. Roy-____ 2. Minah-_______ 3. Lin= © Read about these famous paintings. Write the names of the paintings. Use words from the box. | The Scream — Mona tisa | This is a model of the famous painting Leonardo da by Edward Munch, painted ta ve ‘The model is made long time ag of bricks, ‘Many people The painting is this painting colourful. The person because the initis screaming. woman is smiling, ‘Many people like to talk happy when th ‘about this painting, They ask, In Italy and “why is the person screaming? call the woman i How is the person in the “The Happy One’, painting feeling?” This painting is very famous. Skis Lesson: Felng Happy. Fling Sd © Read © again. Tick (/) the correct painting. ‘Mona Lisa The Scream The person is screaming, 7 [ The person is feeling happy. This is a model of a painting, Leonardo da Vinci painted it © Practise with a friend. Ask and answer questions ‘about the two paintings in ©. No, she isnt sad, She's happy. _/ ran << the woman sad? Ne 7 > Cease ses sing > © Draw a picture of a person and show how he/she feels, Give your picture a name. Then write about your picture. In my picture, there is 0 Tporsont He/She is Teaingy because _ (Qatisten. Match the animals to the places. * South America © Read about Malic’s visit to an animal park. TABI EG ERIE SE ‘Malia visited the Liwonde National Park in Malawi. She asked the park ranger questions about some gi of the animals in the park DM “Do giraffes live in the park?" she asked. “Yes, they do,” said the ranger. “Wow!” said Malia, “Do they eat meat? “No, they don't. They eat leaves from tall trees,” said the ranger. "Do cheetahs live here? asked Malia. “Yes, they do. Cheetahs live in the grasslands. They catch and eat small birds and animals.” “What birds live here?” asks Malia. fe There are many birds here. You can see pelicans, ‘eagles and owls,” said the ranger. § PROMS a SRT OAT Skil asso: Areal Wor © Read © again. Tick (,/) True or False. 1. There are giraffes at the park Giraffes eat meat, Cheetahs live in the rainforests, 2 3, 4. Cheetahs eat small birds and animals, 5 There are many birds in the park. 2 Choose two animals from the box. Write two questions about your animals, | crocodiles eagles insects tiger bear camel 1. Does it ___ 2. Do they © Write answers to your questions in ©. © Talk about the animals in © with a friend. Ces itdoes. Do crocodiles live do. An Amazing Tree Dplisten. Tick (/) True or False. True False 1. This tree grows in Africa and Australia. 2. Its trunk has a lot of water in it. 3. Monkeys eat its fruit 4. The fruit is small 5. This tree has three names. Read about the baobab tree. The baobab tree The baobab tree is a special tee that grows in Arica, Madagascar and Australia. Ttis a very big tree. People sometimes live in its trunk This special tree has many branches and leaves. When it doesn’t rain, its leaves fall off Then the branches look ike roots, so people often call it the ‘upside-down tree’ How does this special tree grow? This is how a new tree grows: * First the tree has fruit. The fruit drops to the ground, * Next, the seeds in the fruit go into the soil * Then, the seeds grow into aiitle tree, * Finally, the lite tree grows into a huge baobab tree. {ts amazing how this big tree grows from alittle seed! 70 skis Lesson: An Amaxing Toe Look at the pictures. Write the correct word. Use words from the box. litle tree fruit’ seeds leaves trunk branches Close your book. Tell your friend about the baobab tree. The baobab tree is very big This tree has many names, Choose a plant you know. Write about this plant in your exercise book. You can choose a plant from the box. mango apple banana ~—_ papaya rose lily tomato orchid 2 Tell your friend about your plant. Ask your friend to guess its name. This plant has red flowers. Tthas thorns, It's a rose plant. “Waves, Sea and Sand Listen. Tick the things Anna talks about. again. Tick (/) True or False. True False You can learn to snorkel in A Ttis easy to learn how to snot They take you to the Great Barrier Reef by plane. They give you a mask and a snorkel. 5. You can see whales, sharks and hippos Look at the pictures. With a friend, talk about what you can see and do at these holiday places. @plisten to © again. Circle the correct answers. 1, Anna lives in Australia / America 2. Her father has a snorkelling / surfing school. 3. Anna helps people put on their swimsuits / masks and snorkels Read the advertisement. fee ana Iwant to go fishing koalas in Australia. in Thailand Write what you can see and do at the places in 72 Skit Lessons Wows, Sea ond Sond Words and Useful Language cm | ‘A Helping Hand Feelings The World of Plants At the Beach tidy the room nervous leaves beach umbrella clear the table bored mango beach towel mop the floor sad branch beach ball put away the books angry trunk sunblock wash the car tired root goggles paint the fence surprised rose bucket happy sunflower spade Useful Language shocked petals mask Shall I... / Shall we ...? worried lly snorkel Yes, please. / No, thank you. / scared orchid swim ring No, thanks. frightened stem nical excited seeds cake soil prawns seagull Useful Language starfish First Animal World Next Useful Language camels Then What a eagles Finally It's sucha deer == insects orang-utans flamingoes pelicans sharks whales dolphins octopus What I Have Learnt We use me, you, him, her, it, us and them to talk about people, animals and things. me Theyhelpme Thelp you. him Thelp him. Thelp her. Thelp it. They help us. Thelp them amp To talk about feelings, we say I'm... /T’'m not ... or T feel ... /I don’t feel I'm happy I’m not sad T feel tired I don’t feel worried To say we feel the same, we add too to the end of a sentence T'm excited too. Teel surprised too. To talk about the reasons for our feelings: We ask: Why ...? We answer: Because = = Why are you worried? Because I can't find my p We use the Present simple to talk about things that are generally true. For one: For more than one: Alion lives on |Whalesiive in the land. the oceans. Alion does not Whales do not live in the sea, five in lakes. Does an Do eagles fly coctopustive in in the air? the sea? Yes, they do. Yes, it does. Does an Do eagles octopus live in swim in the thedeser!? sea? No, it doesn’t. No, they don’t. gun * We add -s to show more than one thing root — roots rose — roses When the word ends with s, x, sh, ch or sometimes 0, we add -es, dress — dresses box —> boxes dish — dishes branch — branches mango —s mangoes When the word ends with f, the -f becomes -ves. leaf — leaves When the word ends with y, the -y becomes -ies. lily — lilies Sometimes, the spelling is the same for more than one. one sheep —> two sheep Sometimes, the spelling changes for more than one. one mouse — two mice Trey: * We use or to give a choice want to swim or ‘© We use and to join two things or ideas. Iwant to read a book and tos, We use but to talk about different or opposite ideas. T want to play golf but I to go to the beach We write a question mark ?” when we ask a question. Why are you surprised? We write an exclamation mark ‘t’ to show strong feelings. Because there is rabbit in the hat! After we write, we check our work. Remember to check for: * capital letters * full stops + spelling When we write a list of things in a sentence, we Use c comma (after each item. We use and before the last item, a bucket and a spade res Simple Verbs Par) anvis are become begin bring buy can [catch _ choose _ come [do drive [rink eat fall [feet find get {give go [grow have/has hear {keep - ro | know leave [rake meet = [put read {ride met [paid {put jread lrode

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