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Radiation and Atomic Literacy Inquiry into Radioactivity, an IBI prize–winning

module, enables students to develop
meaningful understandings of ionizing
for Nonscientists radiation through guided experimentation.

Andy Johnson

he student teams stand out- our answer is, “quite a bit!” The
side of their closed class- teacher just has to present the stu-
room door holding Geiger dents with the right experiences,
counters. Behind the door, the questions, and classroom struc-
classroom has been salted with ture. The guided inquiry approach
radioactive antiques, rocks, and is used because students develop
commercially available sources. deeper understanding of science

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Their mission: safely locate the through interactive engagement
radioactive objects and quan- methods such as inquiry (4, 5).
tify their radiation levels. Keenly Moreover, it encourages students
aware that, thus far, they have to learn more than scientific con-
only encountered background tent—students develop scientific
radiation, the team members wait reasoning abilities as a natural
expectantly, some uneasily, for consequence of learning science
this new task. Some of the team (6), and, a selfish motivation,
members are smiling, anticipat- the interaction of students in the
ing an experience something like classroom is much more engag-
a postapocalyptic Easter egg hunt. ing and enjoyable for everyone
What will they find behind the Students discuss whether apples on a radioactive antique plate will involved, including the teacher
door? become radioactive. (7).
A scene such as this is just By exploring the classroom
another day in a classroom using the Inquiry high-speed particles emitted from radioactive with cheap electromagnetic field detectors,
into Radioactivity (IiR) course materials. atomic nuclei (1). Instead, most view radio- each made from a guitar amplifier and a coil,
The topics of radioactivity and ionizing activity as its own sort of matter and typi- students in the IiR classroom discover that
radiation tend to be taught briefly, if at all, cally do not distinguish between radiation electrical devices emit a different type of
in science courses for nonmajors. However, and radioactive material. They think of both radiation that is not emitted from radioactive
ionizing radiation is becoming increasingly as something that spreads out from a source sources. By experimenting with an infrared
important in modern life. Gamma scintigra- and affects other objects in the vicinity (2). remote control, a light sensor, and micro-
phy and x-ray computed tomography scans Radiation is seen as “bad stuff,” like dirt or phones, students determine that there are
are increasingly used in medicine, indus- germs, that “contaminates things.” This gen- many different types of radiation, but only
trial uses of radiation are proliferating, eral set of ideas prevails in the United States one type is detected by Geiger counters. Stu-
and the meltdown of the nuclear reactor at and Europe among all levels of introductory dents test contamination by ionizing radiation
Fukushima has raised the visibility of radio- physics students (3), which makes it unlikely directly by taping test objects—such as coins,
active hazards. that students can reason meaningfully about pencils, or food—to classroom radioactive
A society that uses nuclear technology radiation. sources and checking their radiation counts
needs to be radiation-literate. The IiR Project However, students can understand radio- after a weekend has passed (see the first fig-
of the Center for Math and Science Educa- activity without an extensive background in ure). Many are very surprised (and a little
tion at Black Hills State University is devel- science. In order to make sense of ionizing disappointed!) that their test objects never
oping tools and techniques to raise the level radiation, students need to know what ion- become radioactive. By checking the pene-
of radiation literacy among college and high izing radiation is, where it comes from, and tration of radiation through different objects,
school students who typically avoid science. how it can do harm. Those three categories students discover three types of ionizing radi-
Most people do not know what radiation have guided the development of the IiR mate- ation—alpha, beta, and gamma—and they
is. We, like other researchers, have found rials. And, although a number of IiR activi- are surprised to find that count rate and pen-
that students and the general public do not ties, including the radioactive object hunt, etrating power are not connected.
correctly understand ionizing radiation as are fun for students, the goal of developing Part of the challenge in developing a parti-
a functional understanding of ionizing radi- cle view of radioactivity is the need to under-
ation drives everything that happens in the stand that atoms emit radiation particles but

Center for Advancement of Math and Science Education

(CAMSE), Black Hills State University, 1200 University
classroom. are also damaged by radiation via ionization.
Street, Spearfish, SD 57799, USA. E-mail: andy.johnson@ The IiR Project began in 2004 with the We found that our students initially under- question “How much can students figure stand very little about atoms, despite previ-
*IBI, Science Prize for Inquiry-Based Instruction; out about radiation by doing inquiry?” After ous education on the topic (8). Thus, the IiR years of development and classroom testing, materials explicitly focus on the structure and

436 25 OCTOBER 2013 VOL 342 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

properties of atoms and on the interaction of

ionizing radiation with matter. This required About the author
the development of new tools that enable stu-
dents to do experiments on single atoms. The Andy Johnson is associate director for Science Education at the
project designed special pedagogical simu- South Dakota Center for Math and Science Education at Black
lators that reveal the invisible behavior of Hills State University and a physics education researcher trained
atoms. These simulators give results the same in inquiry physics teaching and classroom research techniques. In
way macroscopic experiments would—phe- addition to creating inquiry-based course materials, he teaches
nomena are displayed in detail but no expla- physics to college students and provides professional development
nations are provided. Strategically designed to kindergarten through high-school teachers. Johnson received a
questions in the course materials support stu- B.S. in Physics at Colorado School of Mines, an M.S. in Physics at Ari-
dents developing scientific ideas about atoms. zona State University, and a Ph.D. in Physics Education at San Diego
We developed a special Atom Builder State University and the University of California at San Diego. Some
simulation that allows students to “build” of his students gripe about finishing each class exhausted from thinking hard, but many
every known isotope from hydrogen to dub- have also declared that the first time they ever understood science was in Johnson’s class.
nium (element 105) (see the second figure).
Students build atoms and then send them to a
test world in which ions attract and repel each IiR simulators: (i) Atom Invaders, which that cause contamination. To come to under-
other, and unstable isotopes explode, releas- allows students to shoot alphas, betas, gam- stand what radiation is, most students appar-
ing various particles. Students are drawn to mas, and neutrons at individual atoms and ently have to think long and hard about where
Atom Builder by its gamelike look and feel. molecules, and (ii) Tracks, which simulates radiation comes from and how it does harm.
They want to play with it, and in doing so, the interaction of alpha, beta, and gamma The IiR materials accomplish this by involv-
they learn about atoms. Using the Atom radiation with everyday objects at three dif- ing students in actively developing mecha-
Builder simulator in conjunction with the ferent size scales. Students use these to work nistic models of radiation, atoms, radioactive
IiR materials, students develop useful, mean- out how radiation interacts with matter. decay, and ionization. Although this requires
ingful understandings of atoms, ions, and The class gradually invents an explanation a substantial amount of class time, the effort
nuclear stability (8). Atom Builder and the that radiation particles cause damage at the results in radiation-literate students who
other IiR simulators are available at www. molecular scale by removing electrons from carry with them deeper understandings of the many molecules, often breaking molecu- world at the atomic scale.
Later, when studying the interaction of lar bonds. Developing this mechanism for
radiation with matter, students use two other the fundamental process of radiation dam- References and Notes
1. H. M. C. Eijkelhof, Radiation and Risk in Physics Edu-
age enables the unit to continue with cation (University of Utrecht, Utrecht, 1990);
lessons on how radiation can damage
DNA and cells. Additional IiR activi- Public/22/010/22010294.pdf.
ties provide information on acute and 2. R. Millar, J. S. Gill, Phys. Educ. 31, 27 (1996).
3. E. Prather, R. Harrington, J. Coll. Sci. Teach. 31, 89
stochastic radiation doses and medical (2001).
uses of radiation. 4. R. Hake, Am. J. Phys. 66, 64 (1998).
Using IiR we find that the major- 5. K. Malone, Phys. Rev. Special Top. Phys. Ed. Res. 4,
020107 (2008).
ity of students do not transition to the 6. E. Etkina et al.., J. Learn. Sci. 19, 54 (2010).
moving-particle view of radiation until 7. E. Brewe, L. Kramer, G. O’Brien, Phys. Rev. Special Top.
they investigate emission and ioniza- Phys. Ed. Res. 5, 013102 (2009).
8. A. Johnson, A. Hafele, Proceedings of the 2010 Physics
tion at the atomic scale (9). By study-
Education Research Conference, Portland OR, 21 to 22
ing the ways that students spoke and July 2010 (American Institute of Physics, College Park,
wrote about radiation and the effects MD, 2010).
of exposure throughout a semester, 9. R. Maidl et al., Proceedings of the 2012 National Confer-
ence on Undergraduate Research, Weber State College,
we discovered that many students Ogden, UT, 29 to 31 March 2012 (Univ. North Carolina,
only abandoned their ideas of “radia- Asheville, 2012);
tion as stuff ” and “contamination by entiation2012.pdf.
radiation” after they completed inves- Acknowledgments: The author thanks his student research-
tigations that revealed that the par- ers, especially A. Hafele, for crucially important assistance; his
ticle view can explain both the origin physics students for allowing him to study how they learned
of radiation in nuclei and ionization about radioactivity; F. Johnson for excellent software user
interface work; F. Goldberg for opportunities to learn about
effects. teaching physics; and the NSF for funding the IiR project. The
Our findings suggest that a brief Inquiry into Radioactivity Project is supported by NSF DUE
study of radiation and radioactivity grant 0942699. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or

recommendations expressed in this article are those of the

(over a few weeks) will not lead stu- author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.
dents to shift their thinking about what
radiation is. Regardless of the clarity
The Atom Builder simulator. In the lower frame, stron- or quality of the presentation, students Supplementary Materials
tium-90 has transformed to yttrium-90, emitted a beta, and will likely persist in thinking of radia-
self-ionized. tion as having material-like properties 10.1126/science.1230003 SCIENCE VOL 342 25 OCTOBER 2013 437

Published by AAAS

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