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This INTERNSHIP AGREEMENT entered into this 6th day of March

2024 in the City of Manila, by and between:


Communication, a corporation duly organized and
existing under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines,
with principal address at Nicanor Reyes St., Sampaloc,
Manila, represented herein by its Chair of the Department
of Communication, Mr. Herwin Cabasal, hereinafter
referred to as the “FIRST PARTY”;

- and -

Empire PH, a corporation duly organized and existing

under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, with
office address at Empire Studios, 4th floor Estancia East
Wing, Capitol Commons Pasig City, represented herein by
its Production Head, Borg G. Roxas, hereinafter referred
to as the “SECOND PARTY”.


WHEREAS, the FIRST PARTY is an institution of learning

and offers Bachelor of Arts in Communications, with tracks in
Convergent Media and Digital Cinema;

WHEREAS, the FIRST PARTY has a curricular requirement

that students enrolled in the above-mentioned program should
undergo internship/on-the-job training in two (2) internship sites
or an internship/on-the-job training in two (2) different
departments of an internship site for a total of three hundred
(300) hours;

WHEREAS, the SECOND PARTY is a duly-registered

company/organization/institution which is engaged in activities
in the communication and/or media fields;

WHEREAS, the FIRST PARTY desires to affiliate its

Bachelor of Arts in Communications students to undergo
practical learning and work experience in the

departments/offices of the SECOND PARTY for a minimum of
Three Hundred (300) hours;

WHEREAS, the SECOND PARTY is able, ready and willing

to accommodate the students of the FIRST PARTY for the
completion of their internship/on-the-job training requirement;

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the

foregoing premises, and the mutual covenants hereinafter set
forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1. This agreement is effective for the Second (2nd) semester of

School year 2023-2024 by mutual agreement of the parties.

2. The Internship Coordinator and student-intern/s of the FIRST

PARTY shall abide by the internal rules and regulations of the

3. The Internship Coordinator of the FIRST PARTY shall conduct the

necessary orientation to the student-interns on the fundamentals
of the training, and the student-interns’ actual work participation
in the internship site and all matters related to work conduct and

4. The SECOND PARTY shall provide the student-interns of the

FIRST PARTY with practical training on the job and supplement
the same with related theoretical instruments.

5. The SECOND PARTY shall deal with the student-interns of the

FIRST PARTY in a professional manner and shall not assign them
to tasks and work assignments that are risky, dangerous, or
unrelated to the purpose of this Agreement.

6. The SECOND PARTY shall immediately report to the FIRST

PARTY any complaint or problem regarding the student-interns
performance, attitude or behavior.

7. The SECOND PARTY shall issue the necessary certification after

the student-interns have completed the required number of
training hours and fill-out the necessary evaluation form on the
student-interns performance, both in practical and theoretical
aspects of the training.

8. The student-interns of the FIRST PARTY shall not receive or be
entitled to any compensation, other than those voluntarily given
by the SECOND PARTY during the training period.

9. The student-interns of the FIRST PARTY shall not be considered

as employees of the SECOND PARTY within the contemplation of
law and therefore, not entitled to the labor standards benefits
being given to the employees of the SECOND PARTY.

10. The SECOND PARTY shall allow the Internship Coordinator

or any authorized representative of the FIRST PARTY to visit the
internship site and/or conduct a virtual conference with a duly-
authorized representative of the SECOND PARTY.

11. Either party, upon proper written notice, may request the
termination of this Agreement when there is a violation, breach
or non-compliance of any of the provisions of this Agreement.
Termination of this Agreement shall take effect after seven (7)
days from the receipt of the written notices from either party.

12. All notices, demands or other communication by the parties

of this Agreement shall be made in writing which includes the
use of official electronic mail.

13. This Agreement constitutes the entire contract and

understanding between the parties and shall supersede and
replace all prior agreements and understandings, written or
verbal, relating to the matters set forth herein.

14. All disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of or in

connection with this Agreement shall be endeavored to be
settled amicably by the parties. In extreme cases when there is
failure of an amicable settlement, disputes, controversies or
claims, settlement shall be brought for resolution before the
proper courts in the City of Manila, to the exclusion of other
courts, tribunals, or bodies.

15. This Agreement shall be governed by, construed, and

enforced in accordance with the laws of the Republic of the

16. If any term, provision, or condition of this Agreement is

declared invalid or illegal for any reason whatsoever, such

invalidity or illegality shall not in any way affect the validity of
the remaining provisions hereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herein, have signed this

Internship Agreement at the City of Manila, this 6th day of March,

Empire PH

By: By: _____________________

Borg G. Roxas/EmpirePH Herwin B. Cabasal

Internship Supervisor/Company Chair, Department of


Signed in the presence of:

Ma. Carmencita Suva Alfonso/3/6/2024 Miclive Wilbur L.

Internship Adviser Student trainee



____________________________) S.S.

BEFORE ME, Notary Public in the _______________________________,
personally appeared the following persons:

Name Competent Evidence of Identity

known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed

the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed
the same as their own free and voluntary act and deed, and the free
and voluntary act and deed of the corporation which they represent,
for the uses and purposes therein set forth.

The said instrument refers to an Internship Agreement and

consists of _______ (____) pages, including this page where this
Acknowledgment is written, and the same was signed by the parties
therein and their instrumental witnesses on each and every page
thereof, and sealed by me with my notarial seal.


place first above written.

Doc. No. _________; NOTARY PUBLIC

Page No. _________;
Book No. _________;
Series of _________

FEU/COMMS.C*FRM.07* VER.00 / EFF.14 SEPT 2023

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