IE5050 - MUC - Mini Project - 2024

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Mobile Ubiquitous

Computing IT5050

MSc in (IT/IS/IM)

2024 – Semester 1

Individual Assignment


Mini project guidelines and Marking scheme

The assignment will be in the form of a mini- project. Students are expected to use the mobile
Ubiquitous computing knowledge acquired in the module to analyze contemporary issues
facing society or the country at large using the knowledge acquired in their study. This approach
is meant to assist students in practically applying the mobile ubiquitous computing
knowledge acquired to address real- world issues.

Background to the project

Students need to address mobile ubiquitous computing solutions for one of the following
listed topic areas.

-To Secure, Manage and control information of Internet of Things (IoT)

-To Auto control and configure intermediate devices of Networks
-To increase the Quality of Service (QoS) of MANETs.
-To increase the Quality of Service (QoS) of Web browsing
-To increase the Quality of Service (QoS) of Network Security
-To have a Smooth the fuel distribution in Sri Lanka
-To verify and identify fully vaccinated individuals (Covid 19)
-To learn Software Defined Networks
-To learn Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence
-To implement a smart home for a family with toddlers
-To make FTTH and FTTC efficient and fast
-To pay utility bills
-To facilitate Project scheduling
Select one topic area and write a report according to given guidelines
A. Report (Use SLIIT accepted Format)

The mini-project report should follow the following Sections:

1. Introduction (10 Marks)

• Discuss briefly an overview of the sector background to
the topic/problem
• State the objectives of the proposed title
• Summary of the project/case scenario
2. Literature Review (6 pages) ( 15 Marks)
• News articles, Internet resources, if available research publications
and journals, or any relevant document, etc. related to the topic
• What other scholars have written about the topic (citations)
3. Proposed Methodology and proposed design to the mobile App
(15 Marks)
-The plan/methodology of carrying out the project-
interviews/questionnaires/secondary data (referring Internet Resources) , interface
design to get information anywhere and any place.
4. Discussion of the proposed solution (20 Marks)
• use of graphs, tables, pictures are essential
• Designed Interfaces of the Mobile Application
5. Conclusions and Recommendations (10 Marks)
6. References-Use IEEE Referencing style. (5 Marks)

B. Presentation (25 Marks)

Criteria for evaluating presentation.

1. Structure:
Understandable, Appropriate
Is the transition from point-to-point smooth? (4 Marks)
2. Slides/ transparencies: well design , graphics ,spellings, grammar (4 Marks)
3. Timing (3 Marks)
4. Style: Is the level of treatment appropriate (not too detailed or too general)? Is the
presentation energetic, enthusiastic, and clear? Is the volume good? (4 Marks)
5. Handling of Questions: How the student responds to the question-and-answer session. (10 Marks)

Important Points:

1. Documentation (Report) Submission (UPLOAD) Deadline : 25th April 2024

2. Students are needed to propose mobile Ubiquities Computing solutions to identified
challenges in the real world.
3. The students should have to submit the Presentation slides on or before 30th April 2024
4. Report contributes 75% and presentation Contribute 25 %

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