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CSM : 18


Time Allowed : 3 hours Full Marks : 100

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt any 5 (five) questions taking not more than 3 (three) questions from each Part.


1. Discuss the relationship of Anthropology with history. (20)

2. Which culture constitute the beginning of Iron Age? Discuss any two of them in detail.

3. Define marriage. Discuss the types and functions of marriage. (5+5+10=20)

4. (a) What do you mean by subsistence economy? Outline the main characteristics of food
gathering and pastoral economy. (10)
(b) Write a short essay on chiefdom. (10)


5. Write a short note on any two of the following: (2×10=20)

(a) Malinowski’s Functionalism
(b) Neo-Evolutionism
(c) Klinefelter Syndrome
(d) Genealogy

6. According to Levi Strauss, “The term ‘social structure’ has nothing to do with empirical reality,
but with models which are built after it.” Discuss. (20)

7. Write an essay on fieldwork tradition in Anthropology. (20)

8. Discuss how migration and hybridization affect human growth. (20)


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