I Mputer Nici Re

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Subsemnatul(a) P O T C O A V A Cristina Claudia legitimat cu C.I. RD876672, in calitate de reprezentant al

societatii RCI LEASING ROMANIA IFN SA, cu C.U.I. nr. RO14378619, imputerniceste pe Tataru Andrei, in calitate
de reprezentant al CIUREA VN TAXI SRL posesor al C.I./Pasaport ZL387582, sa paraseasca teritoriul Romaniei, in
perioada 05.03.2024 - 04.09.2024 cu autovehiculul DACIA Duster, cu seria de sasiu VF1HJD40568800044,
numar de inmatriculare B-114-EED.

Precizam ca autoturismul sus mentionat este proprietatea RCI LEASING ROMANIA IFN SA, si este dat in
folosinta CIUREA VN TAXI SRL conform contractului de leasing nr. 10232753 incheiat intre cele doua societati.

In caz de dauna totala Tataru Andrei se obliga sa ia toate masurile de aducere a autovehiculului in tara si sa
suporte cheltuielile aferente. De asemenea, Tataru Andrei nu va parasi teritoriul Romaniei fara sa se asigure de
existenta tuturor documentelor de asigurare pentru autovehiculul mai sus mentionat: Carte Verde si CASCO

P O T C O A V A Cristina Claudia,
Director Operatiuni Leasing

The undersigned P O T C O A V A Cristina Claudia, identified with the Identity Card RD876672, as
representative of company RCI LEASING ROMANIA IFN SA, Unique Registration Code No.RO14378619
authorize Mr./Mrs. Tataru Andrei as representative of the company CIUREA VN TAXI SRL, holder of identity
card/passport ZL387582, to leave the territory of Romania during the period 05.03.2024 - 04.09.2024 with the car
DACIA Duster, chassis series VF1HJD40568800044, matriculation No. B-114-EED.

Mention should be made that the above mentioned car is the property of RCI LEASING ROMANIA IFN SA
and it is given to be used by CIUREA VN TAXI SRL according to the leasing contract No. 10232753 concluded
between the two companies.

In case of total damage Tataru Andrei engage to support the costs and take all the measures for bringing the
car back into the country. Tataru Andrei will not leave the territory of Romania without verifying the validity of all
the insurance documents: the Green Card and the external CASCO policy.

P O T C O A V A Cristina Claudia,
Leasing Operations Director

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