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Benefit Illustration - Ageas Federal Life Insurance Assured Income Plan (A Non-Linked, Non Participating, Individual, Savings, Life

Insurance Plan)
(Product Unique Identification No - 135N083V04)

Personal details Quotation Number 4087448

Name of the Proposer Mr abc xyz Proposal / Application No.
Age 27 Name of the Product Ageas Federal Life Insurance Assured Income Plan
Gender Male Tag Line A Non-Linked, Non Participating, Individual, Savings,
Life Insurance Plan
Name of the Life Assured Mr abc xyz
Unique Identification Number 135N083V04
Age 27
Year 1-4.5%
Gender Male GST Rate
Year 2 onwards-2.25%
Policy Term 23
GSTIN Number- available for Proposer(Yes/No) No
Premium Payment Term 12
State of Mailing Address (Proposer) Assam
Amount of Instalment Premium 2,00,000
Location of Sale Assam
Mode of payment of Premium Yearly

This Benefit Illustration is intended to show year-wise premiums payable and benefits under the policy.
Po l i cy D e ta i l s
Policy Option Short Term Income Income Pa yout Period 10 Yea rs
Income Pa yout Frequency Yea rly Dea th Benefit (a t policy inception) 24,00,000

Pre m i u m D e ta i l s
Tota l Ins ta lment Premium
Ins ta lment premium without GST a nd ces s 2,00,000
Ins ta lment premium with Firs t Yea r GST a nd ces s 2,09,000
Ins ta lment premium with GST a nd ces s Second Yea r onwa rds 2,04,500

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(Amount in Rupees)

G u a ra n te e d B e n e fits N o n - G u a ra n te e d B e n e fits

G u a ra n te e d R e g u l a r I n co m e G u a ra n te e d Ma tu ri ty B o o s te r
Po l i cy ye a r An n u a l i z e d Pre m i u m D e a th B e n e fit G u a ra n te e d S u rre n d e r Va l u e S p e ci a l S u rre n d e r Va l u e
( p a ya b l e i n a rre a rs ) ( p a ya b l e a t th e e n d o f ye a r)
1 2,00,000 - - 24,00,000 - -
2 2,00,000 - - 24,00,000 1,20,000 1,93,142
3 2,00,000 - - 24,00,000 2,10,000 3,14,020
4 2,00,000 - - 24,00,000 4,00,000 4,53,915
5 2,00,000 - - 24,00,000 5,00,000 6,15,010
6 2,00,000 - - 24,00,000 6,00,000 7,99,954
7 2,00,000 - - 24,00,000 7,00,000 10,11,727
8 2,00,000 - - 24,00,000 8,16,000 12,53,338
9 2,00,000 - - 24,00,000 9,36,000 15,28,450
10 2,00,000 - - 24,00,000 10,60,000 18,41,014
11 2,00,000 - - 24,00,000 11,88,000 21,95,113
12 2,00,000 - - 25,20,000 13,20,000 25,95,970
13 - - - 25,20,000 13,44,000 28,14,022
14 - 3,00,280 - 25,20,000 13,68,000 30,50,415
15 - 3,00,280 - 25,20,000 11,15,720 30,06,370
16 - 3,00,280 - 25,20,000 9,11,440 29,58,505
17 - 3,00,280 - 25,20,000 7,07,160 29,06,848
18 - 3,00,280 - 25,20,000 4,78,880 28,50,589
19 - 3,00,280 - 25,20,000 2,74,600 27,89,846
20 - 3,00,280 - 25,20,000 70,320 27,23,839
21 - 3,00,280 - 25,20,000 - 26,52,536
22 - 3,00,280 - 25,20,000 - 25,74,947
23 - 3,00,280 24,00,000 25,20,000 - 24,91,008

The above table should be read in conjunction with important notes.

1) Annualized Premium shall be the premium amount payable in a year chosen by the policyholder, excluding the taxes, rider premiums, underwriting extra premiums and loadings for modal premiums, if any.
2) Guaranteed Regular Income will be payable on survival of the life insured during the income payout period.
3) Death Benefit shall not be less than Surrender Value as on date of death. Surrender Value is higher of Guaranteed Surrender Value and Special Surrender Value.

Important Notes:

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1) This illustration is for a healthy individual and acceptance of the proposal is subject to underwriting.
2) The illustration assumes the payment of all premiums on due dates.
3) Goods and Services tax and cess as applicable, will be levied as per the extant laws.
4) The values shown are for illustrative purposes only.Please read the sales literature and policy document for details.

Declaration by Proposer:
I,____________ , having received the information, with respect to the above have understood the above statement before entering into the contract.
Place :
Date : Signature of Proposer :

Marketing official's name: I,____________ , have explained the premiums and benefits under the product fully to the proposer.

Place :
Date :
Company Seal: Signature of Advisor/ Specified person / Marketing Official:

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