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Detailed Lesson Plan in Tsci 2 (Grade IV)

I- Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

1. identify the three main types of rocks

2. describe the cycle of the rock
3. appreciate the process of how each rock type is formed

II. Subject Matter

*Topic: Rock Cycle

*Materials: Laptop, LCD Projector

*References: "The Rock Cycle". National Geographic. Education National

Geographic. Retrieved 8 May 2023.

III .Procedure

Teacher Activities Pupil’s Activities

A. Daily Routine
1. Greetings Good morning Ms. Ligaya!
Good morning class!

2. Prayer
Before we start, let us all stand
for our prayer. May I request Okay ma’am. Let’s pray. In the name
_____ to lead the prayer? of the father and of the son and of the
holy spirit, amen. Our Father, who art
in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy
kingdom come, thy will be done, on
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this
day our daily bread and forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive those who
trespass against us, and lead us not
into temptation, but deliver us from
evil, amen.

Thank you ________.

Thank you ma’am!
Kindly arrange your
chairs properly.

Okay class, you may now

Okay ma’am
take your seats.

3. Checking of the

Now let me check Yes ma’am !

your attendance.
Say present if your name
is called.

Alright I’m glad that all of

you are present for today’s

How are you feeling today? We are fine teacher!

Are you all excited to learn? Yes teacher!

That’s good to hear. I hope all

of you will learn from our

4. Rules
Everybody is encouraged
to participate in our
Just raise your hand if Yes ma’am
you want to answer.
Let us speak one at a
Is that clear class?

B. Motivation
Before proceeding to our
lesson class, let’s have an
activity first.


Supply the missing letters

of each word to come up
with the answer.

1. R___KS
2. _Y_C_E
Based on the activity that we had ,
what do you think is our lesson?

Rock Cycle, teacher

Okay that is correct!

C. Activity/Lesson Proper

Show the video clip about

Rock Cycle
There are three main types of
rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and
metamorphic. Each type forms
through different geological
processes. Let's explore each type
and how it forms:

 Igneous Rocks: Igneous rocks

are formed from the cooling and
solidification of molten magma
or lava.

 Sedimentary Rocks:
Sedimentary rocks form from
the accumulation and
compaction of sediments over

 Metamorphic rocks are formed

from the transformation of
existing rocks under high
temperature and pressure

 It's important to note that the

rock cycle depicts the
continuous transformation of
rocks from one type to another
over long periods, driven by
geological processes such as
melting, erosion, and heat and
pressure changes.
D. Application

At this point, let’s have an activity

to deepen our understanding on
this lesson.

Count off by 2

Using the illustration board, I will 12…….

be giving description and pictures
of rocks, guess what type of rock
each is.


Is that clear class?

1. These rock form when hot, Yes teacher

molten rock crystallizes and

Igneous rock

2. These rocks often start as Igneous rock teacher

sediments carried in rivers and
deposited in lakes and oceans.

Sedimentary rock

3. These rock form when rocks are

subjected to high heat, high Sedimentary rock teacher
pressure, hot mineral-rich fluids
or, more commonly, some
combination of these factors.

Metamorphic rock
Metamorphic rock teacher
4. What do you think is this rock?
Igneous rock

Igneous rock teacher

5. What about this?

Metamorphic rock
Metamorphic rock teacher

IV. Evaluation

With the same group , I want you to

have a discussion with your
groupmates in order to answer this

I will be giving you 5 minutes to



V. Assignment

Look around your environment and

list what are the uses of rocks.

1. Example : construction

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