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AXE6-Sequence2: Art Everywhere

How can art on the street broaden our horizons?

Banksy’s Work

1) Describe Banksy’s work

2) What do Banksy and Montgomery have in common?

3) How do these artists illustrate that there is art for every day?

Date Infinitive Preterit Past participle French
To strike

-Lesson, vocabulary and irregular verb
+ Reading Comprehension 2
1) What is an “outdoor art gallery”? Give precise examples and include all art forms.
2) Is art always accessible to everyone?
3) Remember how street artists can have trouble with the law. Find other references to this
problem in the text
4) Find elements underlining the temporary nature of street art.
5) Think back to all the artworks and performances you’ve studied. How does art constantly
redefine both our way of thinking and our environment?

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