Assignment1 CSE353

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School of Engineering and Technology

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Academic Year: 2022-23
Subject Name: Compiler Design Sub Code: CSE 353
Assignment 1
Date of Submission: 1-3-2023 Max Marks: 30

Note: Attempt All Questions.

Q1. Define the following: (i) Finite Automaton (FA) (ii)Transition diagram [iii] Language
Q2. Define Non-Deterministic Finite Automation (NDFA) with ε Transition. [Remember]

Q3. Differentiate NFA and DFA with suitable example. [Understand]

Q4. Explain the boot strapping with suitable example. [Understand]

Q5. Discuss the lexical analysis phase of complier with suitable example. [Analyse/Apply]

Q6. Describe the phases of compiler with suitable example. [Analyse/Apply]


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