342 - 11- Prepare 2 Student's Book - 2018, 2nd, 158p (1) -сторінки-видалено-сторінки-видалено

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ýыреrýаtývв *dj*Btýv**

1 Lookattheexamplesofsuperlativeadjectives.Read Didyouknow... ?onpage72

again and find alt the superlatives.
the fastest internet iп the wоrld the most рорulаr games console

Short adjectives
one syl[ab[e one sy[[able ending two syl[ables ending one syllab[e ending iп use the most
ine iпу vowe1 consonant
add -*.:i add -sf change у to -les* doub[e the [ast letter use ii;; i?]*"!i +

and add -*s*

quiet - quiet*;t пlсе - пlсеý: dirty - dirti*st big - Ьiggеэt expenslve - {** гtl*ýt

)спшмлR пЕFЕRЕllGЕ дllп pRAcTlcE рýýЕ t49

ъ Read the rules above and complete the table with

W РПOilUilGlДТl(lШ i st."r, in superlatives

comparatives and superlatives. *' S Listen and repeat the words. Then put
them into the correct соlчmп of the table.
Adjective IComparative Superlative
the biggest the cleverest
Regular the friendliest the most exciting
big bigger the biggest the most expensive the nicest
the quickest the worst
famous mоrе famous the mostfomaus
о0 оOо оOоо оооOо
- thin
beautifuI j.r] q i.'::-.] i

:-.i}j Listen again and check.
lrregu la r 89

6 Look at the three mobile phones. lп pairs, соmраrе
them. Use some of the adjectives in the Ьох.
: Complete the sentences with the superlative form
of the adjectives.
big/smatt cheap/expensive good/bad
1 Му dad has the (good) соmрutеr in оur heavy/tight thick/thin
2 Му taptop is the (tight) опе you сап buy. А: Ihе High Star's battery is better than the Cloud 7's
3 The (popuiar) website аmопg my battery.
friends is yоuтuье" Bz The Bluebird's battery is the worst.
4 This smartphone has the (big) sсrееп of
а[1 the ones iп the shop. Do you like it?
5 The (bad) thing about my соmрutеr is
the mоusе" lt doesn't wоrk рrореrlу.
6 Му mum's phone is the (otd) опе in оur
High Star Bluebird Ctord,7
Price f299 fз55 t450
,. correct the mistakes in the sentences. ]ýizý 115X58X9mm 116х61 х12mm 1з5х67х17mm

оl t Footbatl is the famous game in the world. W9ight 1з0 g 1l1 а 155 g
2 The Ьеttег time t0 cOme to mу hоusе is 5.З0.
EaýV to use' *r** *
З The еаsiеr wау to trачеl thеге is Ьу bus.
4 Wеаr the оldеr clothes уоu'vё got to do this job. Саmеrа ***
5 Му rооm is the bigger in the house. Battery] я* Ё

7 > Work with а partner. Go to раgе 124.

тнЕ tдтЕsт TEGHilOIOGY


0rOund BG to
о тhе оьосus
205вG People still use obocuses todoy in mопу рогts of
l, .,.]]
]'.,.;' i:;- .: :_'ll]i
:,, _:'::l о the world, especiolly to teoch moths to сhildrеп. Of
coursel they оrе very dififerent frоm mоdеrп соmрutеrs,
lп l900, о group of people diving пеоr
but thе ideo is ihe some - to onswer difficult moths
the Greek islond о[ Antikythero found this
questions muсh mоrе quickly thоп о humon соп.
mochine on the seo flооr. Fоr mопу уеоrs, no
опе understood whot it wos оr how ii worked
Scientisis поw soy ii wos used to find out the
positions of the sun, moon опd stors. Мопу
people coll it the world's eorliest 'соmрutеr'.

.,.,i.l,,],1 . il,;- i] 1,)l_].: :,lll, ..'., ll. 1.,:l'.....' lll,..:
Тhе mоdеrп соmрutеr wos Сhоrlеs Bobboge's ideo. Тhе
mосhiпе hе wonted to build, colled о 'difference епgiпе'.
I 940s wos speciol becouse it hod oll the роrts thoi о mоdеrп
соmрutеr hos. lt could sove iпfогmоtiоп ond wos olso
о о kind of рriпtеr. Ado Loveloce wos the first соmрчtеr
Аlоп Тuriпg wosn't well known when hе wos рrоgrоmmег. She hod the ideo fоr 'softwore' * о woy о{
telling о соmрuiеr to do different things.
olive, but he's поw опе of the most fomous
scientists of the 2Oth сепturу. His ideos оп
соmрutеr science chonged the wоrld. Не
worked оп the first digitol соmрutеr - it wos
colled Colossus, weighed ЗО tonnes, ond
wos os big os о lorge living rооm.

Do you know the names of апу еаrlу

t,llI computers? Read the article once and
check your ideas.
Modern cýnrpLJte!.ý ' Complete the sentences with one or two
Frоm the l950s, computers got smoller, words from the article.
foster ond сhеореr. Todoy, ihe smollest
mobile рhопеs hоче mоrе mеmоrу thqп ihe
1 some children use ап abacus to [еаrп
biggest еогlу computers, And computers оrе
howto do .

getting Ьеttег oll the time. However, thеу

2 Charles Babbage's computer had
severaI different
оrе not реrfесt. Опе of thе worst рrоЫеms
is соmрutеr viruses. Yоu соп lose о lot оf
3 The first реrsоп to рrоgrаm а
computer was .
informotion whеп one gets оп уочr mochine. _,....,,....,,,..

Ве соrеful oboui whol you downlood frоm

4 Colossus was as big as а
the internet.
5 Modern аrе sma[[ but сап do
mоrе than the biggest computers of
the past.

ý Computers can now do а lot of clever

things. But аrе they more inte[ligent
than us? Why / Why not?

1ц ц*aт
I **жрtзtаrs ап* the iпtеrпеt

Look at the article again and find the words in the Listen to and read the first part ofthe
1 ý1
Ьох. Match them to the definitions. conversation and look at Question 0. Which is the
Ф correct answer: А, В or С? Why are the other two
l digitat download ne memory answers wrong?
save softwa rе Ella: Nice пеw [aptop Andy! When did you get it?
Andy: Yesterday. Му old one Ьrоkе а month ago,
1 This has moving parts and helps humans to
and last week Dad agreed to Ьuу me this.
do wоrk.
2 This is а part of а computer - it ho[ds 0 Whеп did Andy get his пеw computer?
information. А уеstеrdау В last week
С а month ago
3 This is а dangerous computer рrоgrаm, *ll Listen to the whole conversation. Fоr each
4 You do this to make sure the computer keeps gi frfu
question, choose the correct answer.
your work. о
] 5 This describes саmеrаs, computers апd clocks 1 Andy]s dad bought the computer frоm
that rесоrd information as 0s оr 1s, Aawebsite. Bashop. Cafriend.
6 This means to сору information frоm the 2 How much did it cost?
internet onto your соmрutеr, А я150 в ,250 с я2,000
7 This is a[[the рrоgrаms that make а computer do З What does Andy want to buy fоr the соmрutеr?
different things. А асаmеrа В amouse С арriпtеr
4 Andy doesn't use his соmрutеr to
2 Match the verbs to the nouns.'Then make А do homework. В chat to friends.
sentences. С play games.
е 5 What does Andy like most about the соmрutеr?
buy friends А the keyboard В the sсrееп С the speakers
chat cIothes *t ln pairs, соmраrе уочr answers. Then listen again
downIoad gameS
and check your answers.
gо the i nternet
ptay music
su rf online i
visit videos

а t r
watch websites

l оftеп chot опliпе with mу causins.

3 Read the survey. Choose three or four questions

and write two more of your оwп. Wa[k around the
class asking your questions. Morgan write the email?
Iъ{у laptop Ьrсk* y*s-terday, gлg i пееd to
get а пеw *пе. Tei! mе abcut yýui, n*Tf

сопfiрUтЕR ýURVEY сопrрutеr. Wh*п did 1r*u get it? Ноw- mu*h
did it cost? $;irýt's the h*ci thlng ab*ut it?
О Wnat sort of things do you download from ýsst ,l.J!she*,
the internet?
О Do you know how to stop а virus frоm
getting onto your computer? _]

О How much memory has your рhопе got?

ls it enough?

О Do you ever forget to save your work?

О How often do you chat to friends опliпе?

I Write some sentences about what you fоuпd out.

=-;erybody dаwпlоаds music апd half fhe closs

:аъчпlооds games frоm the iпtеrпеt.
=эur people sometimes {orget to save their work.
ttзstреорlе chat to friепds опliпе every doy.
& ý Complete the sentences with the highlighted
ý ý words from the text. There are some letters to
help you.
1 l _0__о_а blog aboutsports.
2 Choose а topic you [ike and уоu find
tlFE SKltLS ;__e_e__i__,
€ Writing а blog З То start а b[og, уоu need to choose а
А blog сап he[p you: пiп

. improve уоur соmрutеr skills 4 lt is а good idea to writе а _ о _ _ опсе

. organise уоur ideas а week.
, shаrе opinions апd views with other peopte. 5 Yоu пееd to decide 0п уоur topic and
_ е _ i_ _, and think about уоur readers.
6 You пееd to Ье careful online, !t is not safe to

] posip__S__a_ t_
Look at the sentences and answer the questions. like уоur address оr phone пumЬеr,

Great minds think alike. #

l=ё TдtKlllc Pol1{Ts
We сап [еаrп а lot sharing оur ideas, opinions and views. Do you think it's а good idea to start а blog? Why? /
Why not?
Тhеrе's а b[og for еvеrуопе. Do уоu prefer reading а btog or reading а book?

1 What do you think the sentences mеап?

2 Do you аgrее with the sentences? Why? /
Why not? * 0 Listen to Katie and David tatking about blogs.
3 Do you have а btog? Do уоu know any bloggers? Choose the correct answers to complete the
Look at the topicq for blogs. Choose two topics
you think are interesting. Share your ideas with
1 They аrе at 2 Katie's blog is оп

а partner.
а Katie's hоusе. а dogs
Ь David's house. ь cats.
с school, с m usic

Listen again. Are the sentences right (/) or

wrопg (Х)?
l Katie's mum is at home.
Read the text quickly. Complete the article with
2 Katie is in the living rооm.
the headings in the Ьох. ls it easy to start а blog? 3 Katie is siudying fсr ап exam,
4 Katie thinks stаrtiпg а blog is difficutt.

А Stay safel
5 Katie Iikes music.
В Think about уоur rеаdеrs
6 Katie lryants to writе а pвst аЬоut David's pets.
С Have опе day for writing Match the two halves of the sentences.
]"]]r,, .'w
Answer the questions. ч
. ..,.*rý#

1 What do уоu пееd to choose fjrst? 1 YOu'rе good at ...

2 Who do you need to think about? 2 lt iзп't safe to ...
З What do platforms give you? З ls уоur blog ...
4 Before you put а blag posi online, who looks 4 Ask people "..
ai it? 5 Do you want а lot of people ... ,I
5 Do you need to write posts every day? а аьоut music?
6 V/hat аrе sоme things wе should not post Ь to follow уоur blog?
спLiпе? с Ьеfоrе уоu put photos of them оп[iпе.
d put personal information опtiпе.
е using соmрutеrs.


F*}}mw t}ees* qжi*k апd ееýу steps to
start yýLar ýwзъ b}cg,
ф Ct oo"e а topic for уочr blog @ write а blog post
The firstthing you need to do is choose а topic. What lt сап sometimes Ье difficult to write your first blog
do you want to blog about? Yоur favourite sрогt, music post. ltЪ а good рlап to shаrе уоur ideas with close
оr video games? Choose а topic you feel happy to taIk {riends and family before you put уоur post online.
about and find interesting. You've got а topic? Now Don't worry if you don't like what you put online -
choose а title and а design for your blog. уоu can always change it lаtеr. Remembe1 make
sure реорlе let you use their photos оr information.
WhоЪ going to rеаd уоur blog? ls your blog {оr уоur @
{riends and family? ls it оп а special topic you and уоur At the beginning, you сап choose а day of the week
friепds like? What is interesting about it? to write your blog posts. ltЪ important to write а
post every week.
@ necide оп а platform
Тhеrе аrе different frее platforms to start уоur blog. @
Most platforms give easy instructions on how to staгt. Blogs сап Ье fun, but печеr put уоur реrsопаl details
Some popular platforms аrе Blogge1 Medium and online. Never write уоur address оr telephone
WоrdРrеss. Take а look and decide! пumЬеr. RеmеmЬе1 you need to stay safe online.

I }
l l Writing

lп small groups, write and design а
blog post:

l . choose а blog topic and think аь

the design for the b[og.
l, . write two short blog posts about
, Decide what to iпс[
posts (а photo and
Lш Look at the design
on а p[atform
Design how you thi
took оп а platform.
Share уоur ideas for
with another grоuр.


ё#* 1

1 Match the sentences to the photos

@ _'
z l'y"
got а cold.
l nurт mу teg.
3 l've got а broken аrm.
4 Му еуе hurts.
5 l feet sick.
6 l've got а stomach ache,
7 l've got а temperature.
8 l've got toothache.
9 l've got а pain in mу foot.
10 l've got а headache.

Listen and check. Тhеп repeat.
Listen to three conversations. Match the health
problems to the people in the pictures.

А в

.. ; -. Jý!qз*

96 3 Listen again. Match the advice to the health
problems in Exercise 2. Write 1,2 оr 3.
2 don't do any sports п
eat fruit and vegetables п
don't watch TV late п
go to hospital п
don't waIk п
rest п
з ь
go to sleep now п
k drink а lot п
4 lп pairs, discuss the questions.
1 Do you do anything that is bad fоr уоur health?
2 How do you want to change it?
l play саrпрutеr gаrпеs {or thrее hours а day"
l'd like to р!ау mоrе sport.

80 U1{lт 13
gýr*gýýd/ sýýgýýýdg'f ý Соrrесt the mistakes in the sentences.
,ё r think you should to Ьriпg в sсаrf.

2 Yоu shoud go to the dcctor"

1 Look at these examples frоm the conversations.
3 i should to go tc bed earlier,
Тhеп choose the correct words to complete
4 You aren't wеi[. Yоu stay at home todail.
the rules.
5 You don't сOmе to mу hоusе today - i am ilt,
You shouldn't wa[k оп that [eg. 6 Yоu по should watch ТV all day.
You should go to bed.

1 Wе use s,ф**j# and s**яl#,т'l to give Bdvice l РпOilllilGlДтt0Ш . 1

2 We use sjз*gJ* to say something is а goad l 5 Some words in English have silent
consonants. Find one silent consonant in
bod idea,
each word.
3 We use;j;*{",ldл'l to say something is а good l
bod idea.
4 The vеrЬ after s&*i;ld is always / леиеr the casýte ctimb hatf knife
infi nitive without'to', Iisten shou ld tatk walk
wouId Wrong Wrote

2 Look at these examples from the conversations

ф tirt"n and check. Then repeat.
you heard оп page 80. Match the questions to
the answers. Notice how wе make questions with
l should ... + Shoutd l ... ?
6 Read the example conversation. Have simi[ar
1 Should l stop doing sport? conversations with your partner. Choose а
2 should l take some medicine? different question from the Ьох each time.
3 When should l drink it? Use health problems and advice from this lesson,
or use уоur оwп ideas.
а No, уоu shouldn't.
Ь Every evening before bed.
What's wrопg?
с Yes, уоu should.
What's the matter?
Ф lirt"n and check. Then repeat. Аrе you ОК?

))спшпtлR RЕFЕпЕI{GЕ At{Il рRдстlсЕ р&ýý |ý8

What's the matter?

З Read the problems 1-8 and choose the correct

advice for each опе a-h. Тhеп complete the advice
with shoиld/shouldn't. Тhеrе may Ье more than
опе possible апswеr.
1 Му hand hurts а bit today. |'ve got а
2 l've got а pain in my foot. temperature.
З l've got а headache and а temperature. What shou[d
4 l feel а bit sick. do?

5 Му eyes hurt,
6 l can't move my leg at al[. l think it's broken.
7 l feelvery tired.
8 l've got а bad cold. You shou[d
rest. You shou[d
а Yоu go to bed еаr[iеr.
also drink lots
Ь You take some medicine and go to bed.
of water. you
с Yоu р[ау tennis. shouldn't go
d Yоu go to school.
to schoo[.
е You .,. . wеаr mоrе comfortable shoes.
f You go to hospital.
g You eat anything.
h You stop watching TV,

1 Read the magazine article. Match the photos A-D to the paragraphs 1-З

2 Choose the correct headings a-d for the paragraphs 1-З. There is опе
heading you don't need.
а Different kinds of running races с Att the ways running is good fоr you
Ь Some problems with running d Reasons why ruппiпg is popular

What is so great about i


In the past, people didn't need sports like

lr running to siay heolthy becouse they
wеrе чеrу qctive. But these days, many о{ us
spend most of the day sitting down. This meqns
we need to get some exercise in оur lree time,
ond running is а cheap ond eosy woy to do it. ItЪ
mоrе fun than doing boring exercises in о gym,
стnd сII you need is а good pair о{ troiners and
some comfortqb]e clothes. AIso, itЪ а sport that *
people can do at ony age - for example Faujc ,ffijlffiй,е*&
Singh finished q mcrqthon ot the age of l0tl
То make running interesting, you con
enter q race. Fuп runs сrre veTy popular.
These сtre often 5 km long сrnd сrе greot fоr
beginners. You сqп run with уоur friends
and maybe dress up. Fоr fitter people,
there qrе hclf-mcrcthons, mqrathons,
or ечеп ultra-mcrrcthons. These сqп Ье

70-400 km long. One of the most fqmous

is the Мсlrсthоп des scbles which tqkes six
dcys and goes through the Sоhаrq desert.

е Running is fun cnd scientists say it is

9 one of the best ways to keep fit. However,
mcxke sure you don't do it every day - it's
importont to hqче с rest between runs. Running
improves the hea]th of olmost every pcrt of your
body, including your brcin. It ccrn mcke you {eel
happier cnd hec]thier, cnd live longer. It also
you gо
helps you sleep well, сrnd thclt gives you the would you
energy to enjoy уоur life more. Perhops it's the Do you think
perfect sport!
}taaltýt What advice did Holly give Jed? Complete Holly's
notes with the phrases in the Ьох.
*ээ Listen again and check.
1 For each phrase in the Ьох, two verbs are right 1Q0

and опе is wrong. Cross out the wrong verb for

е each phrase. Ьuу speciaI ruппiпg clothes
watch TV and р[ау computer games
get good trainers
get/keep/do fit
go running every day
enter/do/stay а rасе
go to bed еаr[у еvеrу night
go/eat/sleep we[[
eat we[[ and drink lots of water
have/take/do а rest
go swimming or cycling
make / feel/ stay hea tthy
do [eg exercises
do/keep/try some exercises in а gym
get ап арр
get/do/keep some exercise
have chocolate оr cake

2 Complete the sentences with the correct tense of

) the verbs in Exercise 1.
l Ноtlg'э поЬэ
1 After l broke my [eg, some exercises to
make it strong again. bd,vir.e hr JeA,
2 l think it's rеа[[у important to fit, so l
llо:ihоцй }te ghоиип?
а [ot of exercise.
3 lп myfami[y, we,,.....,....__ .__._ __we[l. We have [ots of
vegetab[es and по fast food.
4 Му dad а 5 km rасе last week and

finished in З5 minutes,

When l do а [ot of exercise and spend time

outdoors l fit and healthy.
6 After the rасе, mу brother а long rest. L.

J Write sentences about you and your family using 7

the чосаЬчlаrу in Exercise 1. ln pairs, соmраrе

уочr sentences.
Соmраrе Ho[[y's advice with the advice in the
l article. What do you think of Holly's advice to
Jed? Which advice is good and which is bad?

1 Read the sentences Ье[оw and listen to the

conversations between а Ьоу called Jed and а
girl called Holly. Are the sentences right (/) or
wrong (Х)? Look at the questions оп an internet chat page
1 Jed wants to do а 5 km rасе. The реор[е are all asking for advice.
2 Holty can do the rасе with Jed.
ж г
3 Jed wants to do the rасе with Но[[у.
Jed is worried about the price of sports clothes
and trainers.
Jed is happy to get up ear[y.
fJ Му family and l are going on а cycling
holiday soon, but l'm not very fit. Сап you
give me some advice?
6 Jed сап gо cycling as we[[ as ruппiпg.
want to improve my English. ltЪ really bad
Jed is pleased to see Но[[у after the rасе.
п and l feel worried!what should l do?

lп pairs, think of three pieces of advice for each


This реrsоп should/shoutdn't ...

Апоthеr idea is to ...lt's important to ..

Compare уочr ideas with another pair's ideas.

Who gave the best advice?

нЕдtтнY Bo]llES 83

Fр i t, *;i ь.ж
Do you live iп а city, town оr vi[[age? What is it tike?
Рý**еg ýý *gý,ж Do you рrеfеr cities, towns оr vi[[ages?
What's the best thing about where you [ive?
Look at the map and find these things.
ýF bridges bus stops а playground
а roundabout streets traffic lights


Look at the map again and find а where

you сап: This is mу town. lt's small but very pretty. А
0 see а film l jl;:rl,",:;
8 buy petrol river goes throulgh the town centre and there
1 send а letter 9 find а po[ice officer are four bridges going асrоss it. Between the
2 stay the night 10 get better ý rоаd and the river, there's а market. Next to
З buy food 11 see а р[ау
the mаrkеt is а really nice caf6. There аrе also
4 Ьоrrоw а book 12 catch а bUS

some shops in the town, Opposite the shops,

5 study 13 [еаrп about history

there's а Ьапk, а museum and а restaurant,

6 eat а mеаl 14 buy things outdoors .,'
Behind the museum, there's а children's
7 get sоmе mOпеу
playground. The restaurant is пеаr the train
Talk to уоur partner. Which of the places in .. station, and beside the train station there's
Exercise 2 do you ... а post office. There's also а sports centre
. [ike goingto? . often go to?
on that street. lп front of the supermarket,
. hate going to? . пеvеr go to? there's а car park. We have а zoo ь.
Read the description of the town and look at ,',.
too, but that's outside tne town. g
the map in Exercise 1. Find five mistakes in the

r*l sports centre

) nrl.--..Ё ьчs station

l mчsечm


4 Ёýýв
I hotel саfё ýfrfrý
* ý & *!
ý *
* * *!
* & пЁ
& ф
ýi market
supermarket car park
police station
r *&*
- аё


, r;.
l]l1ýi Рrера*ý*ý*е*s { Match the sentences to the pictures.
1 Go past the train station,
2 Тurп right at the traffic lights.
1 Read the description in Exercise 4 on page 84
З Gо straight оп. Don't turп left оr right at the
again and match the prepositions to the
traffic Iights.
4 The bank is оп уоur right.
5 Drive along the road beside the riчеr.
acroSS beside/next to in front of 6 Тurп left at the rоuпdаЬочt.
пеаr opposite outside through

щ tr
ý ýýýý


*() tirt"n and check. Тhеп repeat.

5 Choose the correct preposition to complete the

q Sentences.
1 То get to mу house, go through l аlопg Beat
Street, turп right and it's on уоur [eft.
2 Му house is Ьеtwееп l nextto the Columbus Hotel.
З То get to the station, walk ocross l пеаrthе
bridge at the end of the High Street.
4 The bus stops before l outside mу house.
lt brings mе а[1 the way home.
Э Look at the mар on раgе 84. Comp[ete each
5 Му house is iп frопt af l opposite the post office.
l сап cross the road and send letters an,d раrсе[s
sentence with а рr*р*sit:*r:.
1 The rivеr goes the town.
2 Hotel guests need to go the rivеr to go Work with а partner. Student А, say which person
to the musеum" you are оп the map (1, 2 or З). Тhеп ask Student В
З The zoo is the town. for directions to somewhere оп the map. Student
4 There's а bus stop the hospital. В, give directions. Then change roles.
5 There's а саr park the supermarket. А: Excuse mе. ls there а supermarket пеаr here?
6 The Ьапk is the museum.
7 Тhеrе аrе some shops the museum. 7 Write some directions to places from уочr school.
Give the directions to уочr teacher to read out.
)сппlпlплп RЕFЕRЕilGЕ д1lll рвдGтIGЕ р&8Е !ýt
8 ln pairs, listen to пеw directions from уочr
partner. Say where they take you to.
3 Find the peopte оп the map оп page 84. Each
person wants to gо somewhere. Listen to the
Go out ofthe school and turn left. Take the
conversations. Where do the реор[е want to go?
first road оп the right. Walk past Саfё Brava.
Реrsоп ]" РеrSоп 3 Where are уоu?
Реrsоп 2


,** *.
F,,l,Y -ff..,

Look at the map and read the

article about Edinburgh. Match
places А-Е to the names in
the Ьох.

Edinburgh Cast[e
Ра[асе of Holyrood house *ъУ
scottish par[iament

St Giles' CathedraI
Tou rist l nformation office
-' Listen and check. Then repeat.

Read the article again. Аrе the sentences right ({ оr wrопg (Х)?
1 Edinburgh is the [argest city iп Scottand.
2 Lots of реор[е visit the castle iп the summer.
3 Yоu сап wa[k from Edinburgh Castle to Ho[yroodhouse.
4 The Саmеrа ОЬsсurа musечm is about the history of Edinburgh.
5 The Queen sometimes stays at Holyroodhouse. -.1
6 The Scottish Раr[iаmепt buitding is closed to visitors.
7 Princes Street is а good р[асе to go shopping.
8 Allof ЕdiпЬurghЪ guided tours are on foot.

lrgh, the capital of

Неу guys! l'm 9oin9 to Edinbu
got апу advice for me?
Scotland, soon. Have уоч

Lucky you! ЕdiпЬurghЪ 9reat. lt isn't the biggest city in Scotland, but itЪ very
beautiful and has an amazing history. The best рlасе to start is Edinburgh Castle.
This sits up on top of Castle Rock and from here you сап see the whole city below

уоu. lt gets very busy in the summer.

Next, walk down the Royal Mile, through ЕdiпЬurghЪ 12th-century Old Тоwп. Don't
miss 5t Giles'Cathedral and the Camera ОЬsсurа. This amazing museum is all about
how we see things, and has floating fish, funny mirrors and а ЗD tunnel of stars, They
sell grеаt postcards there.

дt the bottom of the Royal Mile is the Quеепъ Edinburgh home, the palace of
Holyroodhouse. When the Queen isn't there, you can visit the rooms and gardens.
Next to the Palace is the Scottish Parliament. Spanish architect Епriс Miralles
designed it. parts of it look like fishing boats on the beach. There are also roof
gardens and fountains. And you can visit it for freel

Yоu should also go to ЕdiпЬurghЪ New Тоwп. This аrеа isn't very new actually itЪ
over 200 years old!The most famous street iп Edinburgh, called Princes Street, is in
NewTown. Here you find ЕdiпЬurghЗ best shops and department stores.

lf уоu haven't got much time, you can 5ее Edinburgh with а tour guide. Choose from

walking tours, cycle tours and even ghost tours. These take you through the narrow
Streets of the Old Town late at night, and include scary stories from the 18th century.
do there?
Don't forget to take а good guidebook - and your raincoat. lt often rains
Do you enjoy visiting cities?
in Edinburgh. Have а great time!
What kind of museums do you
[ike best?

8вакреаlmd ý8ýжý

ln Eng[ish, it's possible to make пеw words

t;э ц Listen to Rob talking to а friend about а visit to
108 *
Edinburgh. Which place did Rob visit at each time?
Ьу putting two words together: bus + stop = о
bus stop. These аrе called compound nouns. 0 Fridау evening 5
Sometimes they аrе written as опе word and
Times PIaces
sometimes as two. Do you do this in уоur
[anguage too? 1 Saturday morning п А Scottish Par[iament

{{ 2 Saturday afternoon п В O[d Town


Look at the map, text and Exercises оп page 84,

3 Saturday evening п с Theatre

1 4 п D

Sunday morning New Тоwп i

and find 12 compound nouns.
5 Sunday afternoon п Е Museum
2 Match the words on the left of the Ьох to the F Edinburgh Cast[e
words on the right to make compound поuпs. G CathedraI
Ф Remember some аrе опе word and some are two. Н Holyroodhouse

ln pairs, compare уочr answers. Listen again and

post guide 1Ф8
cycle tоur
waIking coat
guide са rd t \

tou r book 9 t l

ra in tou r

_ Listen and check. Тhеп repeat жж

з Complete the sentences with compound nouns
Look at the article about Edinburgh
from Exercise 2.
again and find attthe examples of thb and fhese,
1 l found а with а rеаllу пiсе picture on it
Then comp[ete the раrаgrарh about London with
to send to mу friend.
thls or these.
2 l'm glad l wоrе а yesterday because the
weather was terrible.
al} З Our was so funny. I toved hеr stories Lопdоп is the capital city о[ Епзlапd, апd hаs
about the city. lots of interestinз buildings уоu сап visit. Опе о[
4 That was fun, but my feet hurt now! is Buckin5ham Palace, the Очееп's
5 the
l rеаd iп that this castle is 1,000
Lопdоп hоmе. Frоm hеrе you сап walk to St
years old"
6 The was brilliant, We rоdе ail аrоuпd James's Park. is а lovely place to

the city, stop [оr а rest апd а picnic. Many people like to
see shows whеп thеу are in Lопdоп, You сап
get tickets for З_ . . oniine оr iп Leicester
рRol{U]lGlдтl0il i Соmрочпd поцпý
Square. And don't forget about Harrodsl
4 Listen to the compound почпs and shор is [amous around the world.

-I :a?
underline the stressed words.
су,_с_!е, ttur
lп compound nollns, which word do we
usually stress? Listen again and repeat
the words.


GETTI]{G дRllUI{D тOW1{ 87

ýcotlond is port of the United
Populotion: Around 5,4 million
ond Scots
Longuogu., English, Goelic
Copitol city: Edinburgh



1 Read the sentences and look at the map. Match the

sentences to the places.
1 This city is in the west of Scotland. lt is the [argest
city in Scotland.
2 This city is in the north of Scot[and. lt is the
capitaIof the Scottish Highlands,
3 This city is пеаr the coast in the east of Scotland.
lt is the capital of the country.

2 Read and match the photos (А-Е) to the texts (1-5).




next holiday?
reat place to spend your
Are you are looking for а 9 country
to scotlandl Find out mоrе аьочt thi s interesting
Тhеп соmе
see ", and eat!
and things уоч can do,

Ж The Great Highland Bagpipe is а Scottish musical
instrument. It is а woodwind instrument. То play the instrument, the
Ьаgрiреr fills the Ьа9 with air and pushes it out with his elbow.

& The Highland Games happen around Scotland from June

to September. People сеlеЬrаtе Highland Games in оthеr рагts of
the world too. Тhеrе аrе different spoгting competitions at the
games. These test throwing, pulling and strength. The games
аrе competitive but people can also enjoy music and dancing.

Fоr special events, like parties, Scottish mеп often wеаr

а kilt. Kilts аrе skiгts. Тhеу аrе usually made of соlоurеd оr black
wool with а 'tartan' pattern. МеmЬеrs of the same family ('clan')
have their own, specific taгtan. lVlen often wеаr shoes called
Brogues with thеir traditional clothes.

в**р lп scotland, thеrе is а famous biscuit called

shortbread. One of the most imроrtапt things in shоrtЬrеаd is
butter. Butter is also ап ingredient in а popular Scottish sweet
called fudge.

The School of Art and the Q,ueen's Cross Сhчrсh in

Glasgow аrе both buildings Ьу the famous Scottish architect
charles Rennie Mackintosh. Тhеrе аrе also а Iot of
beautiful, historical castles in scotland to visit. t]

:91-1 |

3 Match the headings to the texts ('}z Listen to the conversation again. Are the
sentences are right (/) оr wrопg (Х)?
1 Еmmа and hеr family have plans to go
to Scotland and lrе[апd.
2 Еmmа needs to choose two activities.
4 Read the texts again and answer the questions.
3 Еmmа rеаl[у [ikes geography.
1 What does а bagpipe ptayer fitt the bag with? 4 Yоu can see 14 castles оп the tour.
2 When аrе the Hightand Games in Scotland? 5 The cast[e tour leaves the hote[ before
з when do mеп wеаr kilts in scotland? eight in the mоrпiпg.
4 What ingredient is in shortbread and fudge? 6 They сап watch and listen to music
5 Where is Queen's Cross Church? and dance in the afternoon at the
6 Which buitdings are Ьу Сhаrlеs Rennie Mackintosh? Hightand Games.
7 Еmmа needs to bring hеr friend fudge.
5 Match the highlighted words in the article to the meanings.
1 repeated lines оr colours
(,l g Listen again and complete the table.
tlo Ч
2 this person draws bui[dings
З а social activity with lots of реор[е Things to do оr see

4 а type of instrument, Iike the bagpipes, f[ute оr c[arinet Cast[e Тоur
5 trying to win something оr get points for something

тдtкlilG P0l1{Ts
ld you / Why not? Highland Games

ь Listen to Emma talking to hеr friend about the summer

holidays. What does she decide to do with her family? fr Which of the two tours would you like to
а visit а castle Ь watch the Highland Games do? Why?


lmagine you work for а tour company.

ln pairs, design а brochure to attract
visitors to your area.
. Make notes about:
. [ocal events visitors can go to
t rý . typicaI food visitors сап try
.\, . important buildings to visit
, . music they can listen to
. Find or take some photographs of уоur
local аrеа, make а Ьrосhurе.
. Рrеsепt уоur Ьrосhurе to апоthеr раir.

10 ж8W 1trдт8}* тжЕ *ýLTI,Eý vlýýll


fi ъ-:i ].

&**gr*рýвýе*ý ýе*Ёеgуgg

1 Match photos А-Н to the words in the Ьох.

Use each word опсе only.

(D listen and check. Then repeat.

2 Look at the photos and complete the sentences

with йdе, high,long and deep.

1ý0 mеtrеS
long эý a?r*trsý
40 m€ trsý
4,478 mеtrеs high

l Mount Ечеrеst is 8,В48 metres
2 Тhе,Аmаzоп River is 11 kilometres апd
6.400 kilomeIres
3 Lake Titicaca is 107 metres

3 Match the words in Exercise 1 to the adjectives iп 5 What сап уоч see iп the photos on page 91?
ла the Ьох. What do уоч think this strange story is about?
deep high [ong wide 6 Read the article quickly. Check your answers to l

Exercise 5.

Think about your country. Give the names of ... Т Read the artic[e again. Complete the text with
wide, high,long апd deep.
. two high mоr;пtа'пs
. ап area of deep wаtеr 8 ln pairs, discuss these questions.
. а lопg rivеr 1 Do уоu think the Yeti is rеа[, оr is it just а story?
. а wide lake. 2 What do you think the footprint in the snow
be[ongs to?

90 Uillт 15

ln l951, а Brltish ехрlоrеr, Еriс Shipton, was climbing in the

Himalayas, south of IИоuпt Everest. Не wasn't exploring
аlопе. There wеrе sечеrаl сlimЬеrs and Sherpas with
him. They weren't climbing that day, but they wеrе
wаlkiп9 through thick snow оп а mountain б,000 metres

' when they saw а line of footprlnts. They

followed the footprints fоr 500 metres. The footprints wеrе
ЗЗ сm 2 20 сm and а few centimetres
& ,

lt wasn't а bear. The footprints wеrе much

too big, The Sherpas said the апimаl usually lived iп

] the forests and didn't often соmе up into the sпоw
Their паmе for the апimаl was the yeti, оr the wild
NЛап of the Snows, People still соmе back from the
Himalayas today with stories of seeing the Yeti.
з li iift!: Раg* gggз*ýrзшвахg

1 Read the table. Complete sentences 1-4 using the verbs iп the аrtiсlе.

Positive Eric Shipton ' in the mountains.

The climbers through thick snow.
Negative Eric Shipton a[one.
The climbers that day.
Questions l/he/she/it
[ooking for footprints?
Short YeS, l/he/she/it
anSWerS No,
YеS, you/we/they w*г*
No, yg* r*fi't

r*ýЕ Eta
What was happening yesterday afternoon?
Complete the sentences with the past continuous
РR0]luilGlДтl0l{ j

form of the verbs. Rising апd falling intonation

0 ' ili,l:l Suzie |:;:|р.1,1; (hetp) hеrteacher?' Listen and repeat.

'YeS, 5,,']l, i:,i,.,l .'
1 boys
The (play) footbali in the park. Му Ьrоthеr wаs riding his bike.
They (not ruп) very fast because the Му dad wasn't wоrkiпg in the gаrdеп,
grаss was too long, Wеrе they climbing iп the mountains?
2 уоu
(ctimb) that tree?' Were you looking for footprints?
'No, i
З Му friend (watch) TV. She
(not tidy) hеr rооm.
4' the students (working) оп ý lп pairs, ask and апswеr the questions.
the computer?' 'Yes, What wеrе уоu doing . ".
... last Sunday mоrпiпg at eleven o'clock?
correct the mistakes in the sentences.
... yesterday at seven o'clock iп the mоrпiпg?
Оr Wе аrе playing footbatt in the раrk yesterday ... tast Saturday at опе o'ctock?
mоrпiпg" ... Iast Monday evening at six o'clock?
2 l losi it at the party when we аrе dancing.
З We aren't reading stories about strапgе animals What were you doing last Sunday
in class yesterday" morning at е[ечеп o'clock?
4 She isn't thinking апd she dropped hеr bag.
l was at the sports centre.
l was swimming with mу mum.

MYSTERIES lil l{дтURЕ 91

1 Look at the photos. What do you know about Read the article again and апswеr the queýtions.
Loch Ness and the Loch Ness Monster?
1 When do реор[е think they see things оп
Read the article quickly and match the the loch?
pictures А-С to the paragraphs 1-3. 2 What does '[och' mеап?
3 How big is Loch Ness?
4 which has more water: the lakes of wales
* and Engtand оr Loch Ness?
t+* 5 Whеп did peopte first see а mопstеr?



Loch is the Scottish Gaelic word for'lake'. Loch Ness is in
thc north of scotland not far from lпчеrпеss. The loch is
*ь;_ 9З0 m deep - itЪ the second deepest loch in Scotland -
Зб km long and пеаrlу 3 km wide. ТhеrеЪ mоrе water in
Loch Ness than all the water in all the lakes in England and
Walcs. ТhаtЪ а lot of water for something to hide inl

:]:.:'....]a::i+.:..:i.]],,., .]. ''''.,i]:,,..],:l.,..:.;,l .,эlT:i:::.::'l,.. i.

Е ffi оRкN€
sяд lr
The weather around the loch changes МаiпldлС
о кdwа!
One minute itЪ sunny, the next itЪ cloudy, оkrф
the next
thеrеЪ а bit of rain, and then itЪ suппу
again. lt can
Ье а windy place, too. Clouds move quickly
the sky and оп sunny days the clouds
make shadows t7 Loch Nes*
on the water, ltъ easy to think you see
the water. !иhеп itъ foggy, the fog sits
something in siy€

on the loch
and it's possible to think
HEBRlDcS *'i*o о
уоu See things then too. ;
a О



tr !sIay

The story of the Loch Ness Monster/ or'Nessie'/
started about 1,500 years ago, Then people called it Епg;dпd
а giant water animal. lп thc 1930s, а new road beside ITED м
к lHcDo
the loch brought morc people to the аrеа and more lREL^ND ]5lё al |j.л ь-

people started to See more Strange things. lп fact,

i очеr 1,000 people think they saw а strange animal in
t the loch.
1 There are several photos of some of the strange
animals. Could any of them Ье Nessie?
Yýх* кЕg*tfugr 3 Complete the facts using the words in Exercise 1.

1 Wellington in New Zealand is а very city.

The blows at mоrе than 50 km ап hour
1 Complete the table with the adjectives.
for mоrе than half the уеаr.
,J 2 New York сап Ье very in winter. lп some
Nouns Adjectives years, the is mоrе than 50 cm deep.
c[oud З Va[[etta, the capital of Ma[ta, has mоrе
days than other cities in Еurоре. Оп most days
thеrе аrе по clouds in the sky.
lce 4 Маwsупrаm in lndia is the wettest р[асе in the
rаiп world. There is most days of the уеаr
and реорlе always саrrу an umЬrе[[а.
SUn 4 How woutd you describe уочr town or city? Use
the word from Exercise 1.
lп winter, Moscow is а very sпоwу
city. Тhеrе is deep snow everywhere
Now match the adjectives to the symbols.
from November to Маrсh.

}15 Х Peter was оп holiday with а friend in Scotland

last summer. They were [ooking for the Loch Ness
monster. Listen and answer the question.
what was the weather Iike?

Listen again and answer the questions.


1 What day of the week was it?

2 What did Peter do after he woke up?
3 what could peter see оп the оthеr side of
the [och?
4 what did peter think he соu[d see in the water?
5 Why did Peter wait before he took the photo?
6 what did his friend see in the wаtеr?

l l 1

1 What other stories about strange animals do

you kпоw? Do you know the names of апу
mythological animals?

Use the questions to help you with your ideas

Where does the апimа[ [ive?

ln which соuпtrу?
ln the forest / water / mountains?
what does it took tike?
ls it big / smatt?
Does it f[y?
ls it friendly / shy?
What is it ca[led?
Аrе there any pictures оr photos of it?
ls it rеаl оr just а story?

lп pairs, tell your partner about уочr strange


п|YSTERIES lil ]lдтURЕ



@ Ьеа r chicken

(} lirt.n, check and repeat

2 Complete the table with the words in Exercise

Which of the animals can you keep as pets?

wild animals Fаrm anima[s Both

Now add other animals that you kпоw.

3 ln pairs, discuss the questions.

1 Which of the animals in Exercise 2 can help
2 How do they hetp?
З What сап they do?

{ Look at the photos оп раgе 95. Аrе these wild

animals, pets оr farm anima[s?

Now read the story quickly. Which animal helped


5 Choose the best title for the story.

1 А quiet wa[k in the forest
2 Веаr to the rescue
3 A[one with а mountaln lion

6 Read the story again and answer the questions.

1 What time of уеаr was it?
2 Was Jack walking in this аrеа for the first time?
3 How mапу bears did he see?
4 Was the Ьеаr afraid of Jack?
5 What jumped onto Jack's back?
6 Which was the lаrgеr animal, the mother Ьеаr
or-the mountain [ion?
7 what did the Ьеаr do next?
8 What did the mountain Iion do next?

94 U1{lT 16
* 1

;! i: .:'
i*, l

Опе day in Мау, Jack Smith was walking lion. Тhеп, while he was fighting it, the mother
in Nоrthеrп Оrеgоп. lt was а place he bear rап towards him. But the bear didn't attack
liked walking iп and he knew it well. Не Jack, it attacked the mountain lion. The bear was
was walking along а path when he much bigger than the mountain lion. While the
saw а black Ьещ а female with mountain lion was attacking Jack, the Ьеаr stood
her two babies. опе was about оп its two back legs and pulled the mountain lion
а year old, the other was only а off Jack's back. The mountain lion rап off into the
few months. Jack stopped to trees. Тhеп the bear went back onto its four feet
watch the bears. Весачsе and looked at Jack for а moment,
Jack walked along the path before it walked back to look ,z

regularly, the bear knew who аftеr its babies.

he was. lt wasn't afraid and it didn't
Jack wasn't badly hurt.
try to attack him. While Jack was watching
не was sure the bear
the bears, something large and heavy hit
recognised him and
him from behind. lt was а mочпtаiп lion!
wanted to save his life.
Jack tried to get away from the mountain

Раs* *i:тзрlв ашd раst sопtiпuоýs

1 Look at this sentence from the story and апswеr the


5 Correct the mistakes with the past simple

апd past continuous.
Не иr*s walklпg оlопg а path whеп he saw а black Ьеоr. ffi
1 When we looking fоr the [ions at the zoo
1 Which vеrЬ is past simple, and which verb is past
yesterday, wе found the elephants.
conti nuous?
2 Yesterday while l саmе back home,
2 Which action, А оr В, started first?
l dropped my purse in the road.
3 Which action, А оr В, interrupted the other?
З When l waiting for the bus, l saw а
monkey in the trees.
))сппммлR RЕFЕRЕllGЕ дl{D рпАGтlGЕ рдGЕ lýз 4 When wе walk beside the [ake, wе heard
а noise behind us.
5 lt is snowing when I went there and чеrу
2 Find three sentences with whitе in the story. Answer
questions 2 and 3 in Exercise 1 about them.

3 Find all the other examples of the past simpte and the 6 lп pairs, take turns to say sentences with
past continuous in the story. whеп оr whilе and the past simple оr past
continuous. use the verbs in the Ьох and
{ Complete the sentences with опе verb in the past simple animals from the tab[e оп page 94.
and опе in the past сопtiпuочs.
0 The Ьоу wq_s__9g_[i..1,9 ieat) ап ice сrеаm when the monkey climb drive eat find ореп
ý"to""{е^ (steat) it. rчп sit talk walk write
1 The cats (steep) outside when the rain
(start). While the mап was driving along the
2 White the girt (read) а book, her phone road, а monkey jumped out of а tree.
З The teacher (arrive) while Katie and Adam
(ptay) а computer gаmе. l saw а famity of rabbits when
4 Lucy (eat) hеr [unch when she (hear)
l was waIking Ьу the river.

the пеws.
5 The Ьоу (fatt off) his board whi[e he
(skate) in the раrk.

дMAZll{G Al{l]tlдLS
=- ч
Look at the photos again. What do you think
пЕж Part 2 of the article is about? Read it quickty to
check your ideas.
Look at the photos. How are these anima[s Read Раrt 2 of the article again. Fоr each
helping реор[е? Do you think it is bad to use
animals in this wау? Discuss your ideas with
g question, choose the correct апswеr (А, В оr С)
fоr each gap.
your раrtпеr.
1А busy В frее с favourite
Read Part 1of the article. Match two of the 2А hetp В [ook С make
photos А-С to this part of the article. зА teIls В speaks С says
4А arrives В brings С collects
Read Part 1of the article again. 5А shaIl В need С should
1 Find three things that guide horses сап do. бА project в activities С jobs
2 Find two things that mопkеу hеlреrs сап do
lп pairs, look at alI the choices for Exercise 5
again and апswеr the question.

How did you choose the correct


l (,l

Animals сап help people iп mапу different ways. They сап

help people in their homes and in their daily lives. They can
also save people when they аrе in danger, for ехаmрlе iп the
mоuпtаiпs оr iп the sea. When people think of animal helpers, most
people think of guide dogs for the blind (people who can't see). But Most dogs are good at swimming but the
dogs in the photo are very, very good at it,
do you know аЬоut guide horses? These small horses help blind
people mоче around а ciý ortown, Fоr ехаmрlе, they travel with They work beaches in ltaly
them iп taxis, cross roads and even help them get оп апd get off duriпg the summer, keeping people safe in the sea.

buses. Horses live much longer than dogs, so they сап Ье with the They сап jump from helicopters and fast boats, and
people in danger in the water.
реrsоп for а long time. Other animals сап Ье helpers too. Monkeys
are very clever and сап look аftеr people in mапу different ways. 'Dogs don't get tired as quickly as we do,' 3
They сап pick up your рhопе when you drop it. They сап turп оп the Ernilio, their trainer. 'А dog is strong and it сап svuim
television for your favourite programme and turп off the television fast. lt gets to а swimmer faster than we сап and
when it finishes. However, mапу people think that monkeys then it 4 the person back to the beach.'
shouldn't Ье апimаl helpers Ьесаusе they are wild апimаls.
lt takes three years to teach these dogs everything
they 5 to know. Тhеп they are ready to do
their 6

People оftеп think of animals as their friends, but

these amazing animals are much mоrе than that.

Wеrе you surprised Ьу any of the

animaI helpers in the article? Which
ones? Why?
Discuss уоur ideas with уоur раrtпеr.

1 Match the phrasa[ verbs from Part 1 of the article

r. to the meanings.
- 1 get on а start something working
2 get off Ь siop something working
3 look after с take something off the floor
4 pick up d enter а bus, train, р[апе оr boat
5 turn off е [eave а bus, train, р[апе оr boat
6 turn оп f hetp someone whеп they are
il[ оr cannot do something
{Р r Listen to the radio interview between Jim Townes
themselves and Sue Green. Sue tatks about things children
learn from looking after pets. How many things
f Complete each sentence with опе of the phrasal
does she talk about?
verbs in Exercise 1 in the cor!,ect tense.
0 lt was starting to rаiп when l ;;с:,t tij' the bus, so {Р Z Now listen again and make notes in the chart
about what Sue says children [еаrп from pets.
l opened my umЬrеllа.
1 Please уоur bags frоm the floor and put Food Keeping Animals,
them оп the shelf.
them clean not toys
2 Гiпа[lу, the boat аrrivеd to take us across the
take. But it was full and we cou[dn't
З l сап опlу do my homework when it's quiet.
Please can you the radio?
l{ 4i mу mum when she was ill. l made her
meals and drinks. Do уоч think Sue is right? What other things сап
5 I woke up suddenly iп the night and it was very children lеаrп when they look after а pet?
dark, so l the tight.


э РR0l{Ul{сlдтl0il iu:| апd rcl

: !l З Listen to the sounds |u:| апd |ol

Then put the words in the Ьох in the
correct columns.

do food foot good

grоuр look mоvе put
suit took true two
/u:/ move /u/ look

tisten and check. Then repeat.


A]ulдZll{G дill]ulдLý 97
; }
i l

Wl LlFE ýKltts
Protecting animals
We сап protect pets апd animals iп the
witd Ьу:
. making sure they have food апd water Are bees iппроrtýпt?
. making sure they have а safe р[асе to live Bees are а very important part of our
. being kind to them ecosystem. Bees polIinate plants. In fact,
about З0% ofthe food we eat depends on rl
bees. Bees help people in other ways too.
1 Read the sentences in the speech Fоr example, they make the hопеу we eat
bubbtes and answer the questions.
and wax for cand]es and cleaning wood.

Anima[s аrе not toys. in many areas of the world, bees are in danger. Peopie
build houses, offices and factories оп their homes.
we shou[d Ье kind to anima[s Farmers use strong chemica]s on plants to stop insects
like we are kind to реор[е. eating them. But these chemicals a]so ki]l bees.

1 Do you аgrее with the sentences?

Why? / Why not?
Жоw dоеs Mikcilg Uýжеr help Ьgеs?
2 Which sentence do you prefer? Why? Mikaila U}mer, from Texas, is а girl who
3 Do you have а pet? Have you еvеr has her оwп lemonade company, She
visited ап апimа[ rеsеrче оr seen а gives part of the mопеу she makes
wi[d animal?
selling lemonade and other
products to charities to save
f Think of the animals in your country
and answer the questions.
1 Which аrе in danger? What problems
do they have?
2 Сап реор[е help them? How?

ln pairs, соmраrе your ideas.

Look at the title of the article and the

photos. How do bees help us? Why is it Нсw сýп we help bees end Фthеr
important to protect bees? What is the insects?
Ьее collecting in the photo?
There are а ]ot of different ways we can help protect
Read the article bees and other insects. Fоr ехаmрlе, we can:
quickly and . use fewer chemica]s оп piants
check уочr
* learn more about organisations and реорlе working
to protect insects and their homes
u ]earn more about insects and how they help us
* start а blog on an animaI оr insect you think needs
our hеlр.
Listen again and write Alice or Jayden.
rlз ж
1 is looking at а website.
2 is afraid of bees;
3 .. . . .. . says we get hопеу and wax frоm bees.
4 . ... . . finds а centre with rabbits, cats, dogs
and rats.
5 . has music lessons on Saturday
6. . is going to са[[ to find out mоrе.

9 Look at the list (a-f). Number the top three ways

you think wе can help animals. Compare уочr
answers with your раrtцеr.,
а We сап donate money.
Ь We сап protect anima[s.
,ý с we сап volunteer оur time.
d we сап make sчrе that animals hаче food
and water.
е We сап protect their homes.
5 Read the text again. Аrе the sentences right
f We сап find out ways to help anima[s.
or wrong (Х)?

l Bees аrе not important animals. .]. Comp[ete the sentences with the words in
2 Bees help us to make cand[es. the Ьох.
3 Bees are in danger in some places.
4 Michaela's company only se[[s hопеу. donate make sure protect volunteer
5 Michaela has а b[og.
6 We cannot help protect bees and other insects 1 l want to at ап animal rescue сепtrе at
6 Match the highlighted words iп the 2 There аrе а lot of different ways to
text to the meanings. anima[s. You сап find out mоrе оп[iпе.
1 we use this to make candles
З l want to . part of my pocket mопеу to an
2 moving ро[[еп from one plant
animal rescue сепtrе.
to another
4 We need to animals have safe homes,
food and water.
3 organisations helping
something оr someone and
raising mопеу
4 attthe p[ants and animals iп
one р[асе and how they live
together а
l !
5 to keep safe a ý Дроstеr about
protecting апirпаls
TдLKll{G Pol]lтs
=J,' Do you like bees or аrе you afraid of the
What other animals аrе in dапgеr?

Listen to Jayden and Alice talking. What are they

tatking about?
а They аrе talking about making honey.
Ь They аrе talking about birds and turtles
in the wi[d.
с They аrе talking about rescue centres and
voIu nteer jobs.
Find the odd word out in each set. ý" Choose the correct words to complete the
0lake iCtouф; mountain fietd rab: Sentences,
1 duck monkey p[ayground rаЬЬit 1 l ate with my fami[y ouf / outside the tent.
2 library insect bridge post office 2 lt's very easy to get to the sports centre because
З rасе headache temperature pain il's iп frопt of l opposite my house.
4 helicopter bicycle bus rоuпdаЬоut 3 ltook atrip through l dоwп the River Nile.
5 deep rest wide high 4 Yоu shall l should Ьriпg some of you r computer
Read the definitions and comp[ete the words.
0 When the weather is Iike this, it's difficu[t to see ё Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
where уоu'rе going. 5 l enjoyed mу holiday. Every day l was going
f L: _,.: _l; ]. swimming.
1 You put this оп to keep you dry when it is wet. 6 I tiked the tennis match because Nadal and
r- п--а- Grigоr Dimitrov аrе playing.
2 -
You stop уоur саr and wait when this is red, You 7 ln Thai[and, l visited mапу places and the most
go when it is grееп. interesting thing is eating the food thеrе.
tfcih 8 lt is raining in Taipei whеп we got there
3 We get eggs and meat from this fаrm animal. уеstеrdау.
4 This is ап animat and also something we use Comp[ete the sentences with the verbs in
with our computers. brackets. Use the past simple or past continuous.
m--S- 0 lt lll:;l'i l1,:;l1l;i;y; (not rаiп) whеп l :::ii.
5 Doing lots of this keeps you heatthy. (leave) the house this mоrпiпg.
ех i е 1 Whеп l (arrive) at the раrtу, mу friend
(sing) in the Iiving rооm.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
2l (watk) аrоuпd the shops when l
the phrasal verbs iп the Ьох.
(meet) my friend.
3 Му dad (catt) me while (do) l
get on get off look after pick up
my homework.
turn off turn on 4l (not ruп) when l (hurt) my

foot.l (dance).
l was late fоr school this morning because l
5l (поt see) апу animals when l
the wrопg bus! (watk) in the snow.
2 The football match starts iп а few minutes.
Please сап you the l"V? Give these реор[е advice using should оr
3 white l the train, l fell dоwп and hurt shouldn't.
my [eg"
4 Му sister was ill yesterday, so mу dad stayed at
0 l've got а temperature and а headache.
home to hеr.
5 lt's imроrtапt to уоur mobile phone
li.ji] ) i ll ] l i]|:.]:

Му running shoes аrе too sma[l.

] i i-]i-i i i,,', {, l ji.]],] j.

when уоu'rе at the сiпеmа.

6 At the weekends, l rubbish at оur tocal
2 l rеа[[у want а pet!
3 The weather's rеа[[у hot апd l want to go to
ра rk,
the beach.
4 l've got nothing to wеаr to mу friend's раrtу.
5 l don't know the way to the museum.

100 RЕчlЕW 4

1 Look at the three pictures. Write the story shown in the pictures.
Use З5 words or mоrе.

Fоr each question, choose the correct answer. 1 Put the words in order to make questions.
з Listen to Tessa talking to her father about hеr
1 fee[ / how / you / start / when / do / schoot /
- friends. What problem does each person have?
holidays / the ?
Example: 2 your / апimа[/ favourite / what's / ?
0 Еуа 3 weather/you / best/ of /what/ tike/ kind /do?
4 do l tike / you / when / it's / doing / what /
People Prob[ems snowy / ?
1 Leon п А foot hurts
lп pairs, ask апd answer the questions. Take
2 Nat п в broken аrm
turns to speak.
3 Maddie п С feels sick
4 llsa п D has а co[d
2 lп pairs, talk аЬочt where you live. Take turпs
5 п Е
[eg hurts o aospeak.

G temperature Tetl me about whеrе

н toothache

& a

How often do you watch TV?

Do you watch more TV оп уоur
[aptop, оп уоur smartphone or
on the television?

Complete the sentences with the words in the Ьох. How do you watch television? lп pairs, discuss
the questionS.
ъid cartoons channels fan live 1 Do you often watch shows [ive, оr do you watch
ondemand on TV рrоgrаmmе them on demand?
records remote controI stream 2 Which рrоgrаmmеs do уоu usually stream?
talent show the news 3 Do you like talent shows? Which is уоur
favou ritе?
1 lt's so еаýу t0 watch ТV these days. You сап 4 How mапу channels do you have at home?
anything at апу time.
5 Which cartoons do уоu like watching?
2 l like to kпоw what's happening in the wоrtd,
6 When do you watch live television?
so l watch еvеrу day.
3 TVwith rеаl peopte isOK, butit's mоrеfuп Listen to the conversation. Ella and charlie meet
watching , like Iоm arld Jеrrу, in the street. what does charlie invite El[a to do?
4 Which do you want t0 watch? Тhеrе's
опе about паtuге оr 0пе about music.
5 Please give mе the . l want t0 turп оп
the tetevision and l don't want t0 get upl
6 Watch оur пеw tonight. Тhеrе аrе six
уоuпg singers and dапсеrs. Choose the best.
7 Му Ьrоthеr's а big of Мапсhеstеr
united, Не bvatches atl their matches.
8 l think оur televi:ion сап get mоrе than 100
. l пеvеr know what to watch.
9 l tike choosing what to watch and when l want
to watch it, so l watch most of mу teievision

10 Ed Shееrап is playing а сопсеrt tonight in Listen again and answer the questions.
London and they аrе showing it оп
television, so l сап watch it whilе he's ptaying. 1 When is ihe footbatI match on?
11 Whеп my dad goes оп holiday, he his 2 Which сhаппеl does E[la think the game is оп?
favourite shows and watches them when he gets З Why does E[la want to watch the gаmе on а
back" television and поt оп hеr laptop?
12 Have уOu got а пеwsрареr so we сап see what's 4 Whеrе dоеs Elia р[ап to watch the game?
this evening? 5 Why does E[la wапt to watch it [ive?
6 What did Charlie's parents do last week?
(D tirt"n and check, then repeat. 7 What dоез Сhаrliе ask Ella to do?
8 Whеrе does E[La decide to watch the match
in the end?

fr toz ul{lт 17

Fах*жrе жяý*fu g*ýжg f*


1 Look at the table and then complete the rule with опе word.

|'ш |'п: **t

Не's Не isrl't
She'; She i*n',i watch the рrоgrаmmе [ive.
lt'ý lt iзп'i Ье on TV.
Wе'l* We зэ,**'* watch the programme оп demand.
YoL]'r* You al,**'t
They'r* They *r**'t
We сап use i**t; g*:*p, t* + the to talk about future ptans.

)сшммлR RЕtЕRЕl{GЕ дilD гRAGTIGE рýýЕ 1ý4

,ф ln pairs, answer the questions.
1 What is Michae[ going to do? What isn't
РR0l{UtGIДТl0l{ i goiпgto he going to do?
2 What is Chloe going to do? What isn't

fla Listen and repeat.

she going to do?
What аrе MichaeI and Ch[oe both going
|'m going to watch it live at home оп our big TV,
to do?
|'m going to watch it at Charlie's оп his home cinema.

What is Michael going to do?

3 Read about Michaet and chloe. choose activities for next

weekend for Michael and Ch[oe from the list.

correct the mistakes in the sentences

. lсчеs all kinds uf sроrt, She likes
Ф; 1 l going to meet Grасе at the раrk
tleing *utside апd Еоiпg to the раrk ц.tiih h*г tоm0!,rоW.
frieлd;, ýhe rjoesn't like playing video gаmеs" 2 We аrе going ptay tеппis at the sports
апd gп TV sh* *п!у likеs w,atching саilsýпý, centre оп Sunday"
ýh* sоп:еtimеý sоеs to the cinema. 3 Fоr mу party l going to invite five friends.
4 You сап са[[ me this evening lэесаusе l
not going to watch the match.
5 They not going shopping this week.
[lli;ilati loveB rвading апd goitig to the
сiпеmа, Не doesn't go out with his friends 6 ln small grочрs, ask and answer
questions. Look at the times in the Ьох
very much, Ьut he loves playing computer
and talk about your plans. Say some
ýаmOý апd watching anything оп ТV. Не
things уоч'rе going to do and some things
likes watching tennis, but he dоеsп't play,
you're not going io do.
and he sor,.]etimes goes swimming.

next summer
this evening
next Saturday morning
tomorrow morning
next Sunday afternoon

What аrе you going to do

next Sunday afternoon?

ф слпсх,rL о},1 п. |'m going to visit mу grаппу

and granddad. l'm not
going to do апу homework!

Wндт дпЕ YOU WATcHll{G? ffil

Do you watch TV talent shows? How many can уоч паmе?

Read the questions and talk about your ideas with уочr раrtпеr.
а Do ta[ent shows te[[ people what to say оr сап they choose?
ь what different kinds of ta[ent show аrе there?
с What do wiппеrs of ta[ent shows usua[[y get?
d who chooses the winners?
е Аrе ta[ent shows Iive?

iuiЁ you know the ап5wеr to this опе. Usually, the
people watching the show оп ТV апd in the theatre
who (оr whatl) they 1ike best. Sometimes famous реорlе аrе
the ' as we]l. 0п only the professiona1 chefs
ll"4osterchef ,
сЦооsе thе w'nner.

ж -
ж -

**ý lп а а
*Ж"& there is always . The wiппеr of
ýý iЁ.Ё ub ir,o*s like боt lolenlfor musicians, people doing magic, usual у gets а and sometimes becomes а
singers .. , апd lots mоrе,ТhеrеЪ а show for dancers, too, ltЪ cal]ed , Оп some shows the qets а prize too and а few of
Strictly Соmе Dопсlпq. Every уеаr there are new ideas for talent shows, them become stars. 0п а few shows, the winner gets nothing -
Тhеrе are еvеп some national talent shows fог robots and singing dogs| but they often Ьесоmе famousI

Yes, most of the talent shows оп TV аrе ]ive. ltЪ also possible to
i\Доst of the time, the реорlе оп the shows сап say, sing or
gotothe and Ьеа mеmЬеrоf the ] ,.Тhепуоu do what they wапt to, Sometimes, the show te]ls them the
can watch а talent show ]ive on
words to say, so they are а bit like actors or , But this
doesn't happen on all the shows,


Read the article quickly and check your ideas.
Complete the article with questions from Exercise 2.
Answer the questions about the article.
1 what ta[ent show is there for dancers?
2 Whеrе сап реор[е go to watch а talent show [ive?
3 Who аrе the judges of ta[ent shows?
4 What happens to the runners-up оп talent shows?
5 Why аrе some of the реор[е оп ta[ent shows а bit tike actors?



104 Utllт 17

Complete the sentences with the words from the Listen to Evie talking to her friend Веп
1 r?9
about а talent show called SiлgеrSеоrсh.
article. Use each word once only.
Who won last night's show?
1 she's the best cook on the show. l want hеr to win the

2 Тhеrе wеrе eight singers on а smal[

vеrу crowded!
" lt was
З We went to see the live show iп а vеrу Ьig .

4 Не wоп а ta[ent show four years ago. Now he's а big

5 Sometimes the person who comes second, the

, gets upset when another person wins.
6 l'd love to Ье inthe for GotTolent and watch
the show tive.
7 The fоr some talent shows is mопеу and the
chance to make an album.
8 Talent shows often have three and they
choose the best person together.
9 Tatent shows end with and someone wins.
10 Реор[е can their favourite реrsоп Ьу text.
11 l think some реор[е tike being оп talent shows
because they аrе and like being оп TV,
12 The of а talent show always tooks very
surprised - and happy of соursе.

Work with а partner. Take turns to ask and answer the

1 Do you have апу competitions in your school оr уOur
town? What аrе they?
2 Can you паmе any winners оr runners-up from
talent shows?
З When did you Iast vote for someone оп а tatent show?
4 What do you think the best рrizе for а talent show is?
5 Woutd you like to Ье in the audience for а talent
show? Why?
6 Wou[d you like to Ье а реrfоrmеr in а talent show? Jason
7 Do you usua[[y agree with the judges оп а talent show?
8 Which stars оr famous реор[е started Ьу winning а
ta[ent show?
Listen again. Which singer:
1 had а fantastic voice?
2 didn't choose the best song?
3 tooked nervous?
4 did Веп vote for?
:|: 5 did Evie vote fоr?
6 wasn't а bri[[iant singer?
7 had fantastic clothes?
8 was the ruппеr-uр?

_:] Ask and answer with а partner.

l What TV рrоgrаmmеs do you like to watch?
2 What's уоur favourite рrоgrаmmе?
3 What was the last thing you watched?
4 Where do you watch TV at home?
5 Do you watch TV а[опе оr with your family?

Wндт АRЕ YOU WATcHll{G? l05




@;* watctr the video then ask

and answer the questions in pairs. |.

What books do you [ike to read?

What's уочr favourite book?
Why do you like reading it? l

Does your schoo[ have а school

пеwsрареr оr magazine?
What do you like reading in уоur тнЕ тOр 50 Att-Tlп,lE
schooI newspaper/magazine? вЕýt Ашl0пl пJlOUlЕs!

t0ll Fоот
ъryЕ ýýlrкlý
тuЕ ýEtr
lilL чаdl
$jЕiý ýlKEý ш tшtа
The UКЪ I[r

il{h Шtil iliШ

Look at the words in the Ьох for things you find

in magazines. Match the words to the definitions.

1 Look at the magazines on the website. What do advertisement article cartoon
you think each опе is about? Discuss with your head[ine information interview
раrtпеr. photograph review
2 Match the magazine descriptions to the titles in
1 а written opinion about а book, fi[m оr TV
the photos.
1 Out and about on rough roads 2 information about а product to make you buy it
2 The [atest footbalI news 3 а picture made using а саmеrа
3 Music, fashion, ТV, b[oggers and v[oggers 4 facts about а situation, person оr event
4 lnformation оп hundreds of anima[s 5 а funny drawing
5 The newest and best films 6 the titte of а magazine story in [arge [etters
6 Attthe пеw video games 7 а written conversation usual[y between реор[е

Which of these magazines would you like to read?

8 а piece of writing in а magazine

Why? Tell your partner. listen and check. Then repeat.


l ЕI Ut{lT 18
5 Listen to Aboudi, Serena and Oliver. Тhеу'rе 2 Put the words in the correct order to make
making plans for their schoo[ magazine. suggestions.
1 ls the magazine going to Ье on рареr оr оп[iпе? Add а full stop or а question mark and start the
2 ls it going to Ье weekly оr month[y? sentence with а capital letter.
1 wе / don't / go / to / skatepark / whу / the
2 the / пеw / see / let's / film / Turkish
3 ask / come / Mina / why / to / поt
4 meet / we / there / at / shall / eight

3 Complete the conversation. Use each phrase from

Exercise 1 once. There is often more than one
right answer.
Oliver: think we need some mоrе help with the
Serena: You're right. 1 . ..
.., ask our teacher to
hetp? ls that а good idea?
Oliver: No, l don't think so. She's very busy. I сап
write а note and give it to allthe teachers.
Serena: No, that's not а good idea. We want
students to see it, too. 2,,..,,,,...,,,,..,.,,...,,,,.. put а
notice оп the schooIwebsite.

30 Listen again. Tick (/) the things the friends want

to inc[ude in their magazine.
Oliver: Exce[[entidea.
Sеrепа: write it поw?
Oliver: ОК. Magazine helpers wantedl
advertisements П
articles about albums П
Serena: Greatl 4 ,, ,write our names at the
book reviews П Oliver: Good idea. ОК, [et's [eave а message on
cartoons П the website поw!
film reviews П
information about the school П correct the mistakes in the sentences.
interviews with teachers П
music reviews П 1 Shatt we to buy Jack magazines and chocolate to
photographs П hetp him feel better?
stories П 2 Lets go to the liЬrаrу after school.
video game reviews П 3 Why we write а review about the school р[ау?
website addresses П 4 Why not to put advertisements in the school
5 Shatt we to put advertisements in the magazine?
ýЖ*ký rзg ý&|gýsýtiýýlý

рR0l{UilGlдтlOil lntonation

i Look at the four ways of making suggestions. (DB Listen and repeat the phrases from the
Which опе is different and why? rдz ýJ
conversation about the magazine.
d*n't лч* write down some ideas now?
No, that's not а good idea.
L*t'; have some stories too.
No, l don't think so.
ýha[[ wе inc[ude advertisements?
G rеаt!
псt ask уоur dad about it?
Exce[[ent idea,
А suggestion is а plan or idea that уоu want Good idea.
someone to think about.
Look at the examples from the recording.
The wоrds in ршrрl* аrе different ways of making
suggestions. 6 lп pairs, practise the conversation in Exercise З.

7 > Work in small groups. Go to page 124.

}сппммпR пЕFЕRЕl{сЕ Аl{D рпдстlGЕ рдЕЕ 1ý5


Read and
Look at two book covers. Do you know these
stories? What are they about?
Discuss your ideas with а partner.

Read the reviews and check your ideas.

Friday Barnes, Girl Detective

ir,::i:ty *,з1,1;*:il, ;.jlri l]:;,l:+rijy*, is about 1 1-year-old Friday Barnes. Неr
parents аrе always busy, she spends her time reading. She reads lots
of detective stories. Then some thieves steal some jewellery and, 9uess
what, Friday is аЬlе to help her detective uncle catch them. she
gets а rеwаrd of $50,000, she spends the money оп going to а really
good boarding school. The head teacher doesn't like Fridау she
is different frоm the оthеr students. Friday is cleve1 too, and she solves
mysteries at the school with her friend Melanie. tr

PHl Goeier
l loved the book. l wanted to read it to the end as itЪ very
exciting. This is the first Friday Barnes book, and l'm
definitely going to read more.

Charlie and the Chocolate Fасtоrу I

i],1,1*l]]* *Lз*::jt,;i lives in а small house with hisfamily. Тhеу'rе vеrу рооr. One day, Сhаrliе

finds some money on the street and hе decides to buy а Wonka chocolate Ьаr with it.
hе opens the chocolate Ьаr, Charlie {inds а 9olden ticket inside. lt's his lucky day!
lt's а ticket to visit Willy Wonka's famous Chocolate Factory. Charlie is very excited
Grапdра Joe is excited, too, |-l,,,,:,:l1-1,..i] hе can go on the visit with Charlie. ,l.,: thеrе ,"uul|r,ili,,J"u'
аrе five golden tickets, four other children visit the factory as well. Тhеу аll meet
Willy Wonka and go around the factory. Lots of strange things happen!.
Only Сhаrliе is left at the end, .,,,-l he's the wiппеr! What's the prize?
Why not read the book and find out?
This book is very funny. l rеаllу liked it. lt's so рорulаr and
there are two films о{ the book and а musical!

Read the reviews again and answer the questions.

1 How old is Fridау?
2 Why does shе read а [ot?
3 What does she like reading?
4 What does she do with the $50,000?
5 What do Fridау and her friend Me[anie do at the school?
6 What does Annika think of the book?
7 Where does Charlie get the mопеу fоr the chocolate [эаr?
8 Who is Wilty Wonka? Жя,-
9 Who goes with Сhаrtiе to the factory?
10 Ноw mапу golden tickets аrе there? Which of the two books wou[d you
11 Vilho wins the prize at the end? tike to read? Why?
12 What does Josh think of the book?

Б uillт l8
Look at the reviews again. Wе use the words to соппесt ideas in sentences

Gb Mut.b the beginnings and endings ofthe sentences.

1 The Head Теасhеr doesn't [ike Fridау а as it's чеrу exciting.
2 l wanted to read it to the end ь so he was the winner.
3 he opened the chocolate Ьаr, с because she is different frоm the other students
4 Сhаrliе was left at the end, d Charlie found а golden ticket inside.

2 Find four more sentences with os, so, Ьесоиsе and whеп in the reviews оп page 108.

J Complete the review of the play with the words from Exercise 1.

ý ** a; .-" йil-
: ýУ ,+эj

АI"-{D fi ё,с:л-лý-
ё ж.*ffi,

r?omeo ond /u/iet is о really sad story сЬоut two She drinks something to moke her sleep, so her
уоuпg people. Their fcmiIies don't wcnt them fcmily wi]I think she's deqd. Then she goes to sleep.
to mcrry

the fcmilies hate eoch other. Rоmео finds Ju]iet lirst ond thinks she's decd, so
HoweveT, Rоmео ond Juliet cre in love ond they he kills himself. Вчt Ju]iet isn't deod! а she
get morried, They know their lamilies wiII Ье very wckes up, she sees Romeo is decd cnd kills hersell.
cngry, they don't teli them. Juliet's fcmily And that's the end!
don't kпоw she's mcrried cnd they find с husbcnd
Isqw the plcy ot the City Тhеqtrе. The cctors were qll
for hеr. But she ccn't mоrrу this mon she's
great cnd I cried ai the end. Iloved it, Go cnd see it.
olready mcrried to Rоmео. Ju]iet is very unhoppy.

Listen to part of the radio programme: Good

Моrпiпg Mlke. Phoebe phones iп to review а film

What's the name of the film Phoebe is talking


Listen to the review again. Are the sentences

right (/) оr wrопg (х). Write уоur review of а film, а р[ау оr а book
in about 50 words. use the correct tenses and
1 Phoebe lives in London. connect уоur ideas with os, because, so and r,yhen.
2 The guitar р[ауеr gets а job in а schoo[.
З Ечеrуопе in the The School of Rock band is lп pairs, read уоur review and уоur
а teacher.
4 The SchooI of Rock get first prize in Battle of Rewrite your review and give it to уоur teacher for а j

the Bands. classmagazine.

5 Phoebe watched the DVD of the film last week

6 Phoebe thinks the fi[m is very good. i


B(lllKS t09

MAGAzll{Eý Al{D i
ýrýtý*k ýY

оrе рорulоr
Вгitish TV рrоgгOmmеs
сrоuпd the world,
is in оп increose
i.*raing to the ВВС, thеrеTV in different
Т"""Ъr""*оtсhiпg Briiish
}ffiЁ; п*|r" iotch рrоgrоч,:, l,::л.
;Й;;;; .ount,iu, too, but thonks ], '"::l*
to wotch
*Бr" TV, it's eosier thоп ечеr
internoiionol рrоgrOmmеs"
shows, поturе
Rritiý,h tolent shows, cooking
t oll populor
тнЕ I.oororru, ond dromos оге
*itЁ nturnotionol vieweгs,

1 ln pairs, discuss the questions with уочr partner.

1 Сап you паmе апу British TV programmes?
2 Do you рrеfеr watching cooking shows, nature *
рrоgrаmmеs оr drаmаs?
3 How often do you watch TV in English?

2 Read and match the photos (А-С) to the texts. Who

do you think is the most similar to you?
3 Match the headings to the texts.
Watching television
Talent shows Nature shows Cooking shows is а рорulаr free-
time activity fоr
4 Read the texts again and answer the questions. mапу people around
1 What does Вrаd tike doing? the world. Find out
2 What is Ryan's favourite show? Why? mоrе about what
З When do Eve and hеr family watch nature
уоuп9 people аrе
watching - and why.
4 Why does Eve's Ьrоthеr like lhe Blue Рlапеt?
5 What рrоgrаmmе do Каrеп's parents atways
6 What music programme does Каrеп [ike? Why?

5 Complete the sentences with the highlighted

words in the text.
l l love sea anima[s. l love swimmingtoo and l'm RYAI,1 9 New Zealand
taking а ,
, course, so l can go diving on 1
small rеStаUrапt in
hotiday with my family this summer. Му p.r""tr' triend Brad has а
2 l sometimes 9о to
When l go оп паturе waIks with mу fami[y, we дu.кr.па and he loves cooking,
[ike taking photos of birds and animals in their weekends, When we 9о
vjsit him with mу parents at
during the day,
io h', bouru, we walk аrоuпd town
3 l'm always at home to watch my favourite ТV T-h;;, *" love watchin9 shows and competitions
рrоgrаmmе оп Monday evening at seven o'clock. about cookin9 in the evenin9,
because it
lnever..,,,,..,,,...,,,,.. it! Ёruа', T.uouriie show is MasterChef
4 We а[[ need to help оur
..,,,. and keep it
Ь,"* Ьй ,a"as {оr his
rеstаurапt, рrеfеr Тhе Great

cooking and eating

с[еап, Ёritish Bake Offbecause llove
5 On talent shows people сап sing, dапсе and do cakes and sweetsi
magic or ,, , ,., .

Ё- тдtкlilG poll{Ts
Do уоu know the programmes Ryan, Eve
апd Каrеп are talking about?
Do you watch them? t
Which ones don't you tike? Why?

m сUtтURЕ
Listen to John talking to his friend АmЬеr about his
1зб \'
homework. Which show is he going to write about?
а НоrriЬ[е Histories
Ь Britain's Got Talent
с MasterChef Junior
(,l т Listen to the conversation again and choose the correct
1зб .
words, а or Ь.
1 John is doing homework
а lesson
for his Gеrmап Ь for his Frепсh [esson
2 watching оп TV,
John likes
а different рrоgrаmmеs Ь Frепсh рrоgrаmmеs
3 АmЬеr watching cooking рrоgrаmmеs.
а [oves Ь dis[ikes
4 John [ikes [earning
а пеw meals Ь пеw songs
5 Amber ...,,,. what Horrible НlЪfоrlеsis.
а doesn't know Ь knows
6 John loves .,
а reading about nature Ь reading about history
ЕUЕ 9 Canada (,) я Listen to the conversation again and write the things John
1зб V
likes about the programmes.
l love going on nature walks with
mу family and watching wildlife.
ln the evenings whеп itЪ too cold
or too rаiпу to do things outside,
my family апd l like watching
ргоgrаmmеs about science оr
animaIs at home. PROJEcT А TV progr аmrпе timetable
Му older Ьrоthеr loves scuba
э ving so his favourite
s Ihе В/че P/anet, Mum and l Yоч are working at а TV station and making plans for а
ove watching E/ephant Diaries. пеw сhаппеl. ln smallgroups, plan а programme timetable
This W show
helps ЬаЬу for Saturday day times from 10 am to 2 рm.
эlерhапts return to their паturа
. lVake а list of possib[e рrоgrаmmеs you think peopte [ike.
Decide on the times of the programmes.
. Think of why the programmes аrе interesting and what
people сап [еаrп from them,
. Fi[[ iп the tabIe in уоur notebook.

Time Programme Audience Why is the

шE}l q Northern lreland (title/name of (children, programme

рrоgrоmmе or type of teenogers,
рrоgrаmmе (comedy, adults)
паtчrе show,

10 am- lt is for Реор[е can learn

,,,,. ,,,, am l
Present your ideas to апоthеr grоuр.
TelIthe class about уоur рrоgrаmmе timetab[e. Decide on
which рrоgrаmmе timetable you [ike best.

18 ý&W wýтýн тнЕ 0lltTUnE Yll}E8
What kind of schooltrips do you go оп with your school?
Do you enjoy them?
What was the [ast schoottrip уоч went оп? What did
you do?


Тrýр ***ývýti*s

1 Look at the photos of people оп school trips. What

activities are they doing? Match the photos A-J to the
words and phrases in the Ьох.

canoeing cooking оп а fire

dancing at а disco going on а nature walk
going round а museum
going to an amusement park sai[ing
visiting а farm visiting an aquarium

''.Е']' watching а show
}:, .r(}
lirt"n and check. Тhеп repeat.
} S .**- j
2 lп small grочрs, ask and апswеr the questions.


,ý 1 Which of these activities do you do on school trips
s with уоur school?
2 Which ones do you enjoy?
3 Which ones would you tike to try?
* 4 Which ones would you not tike to do? Why not?

Listen to а teachertalking to а class about а school

{}з trip and answer the questions.
1 Whеrе is Та[[ Тrееs activity сепtrе?
2 Which activities in Exercise 1 do you hear?
(,l д Fоr each question, write the correct answer in each
1з8 l
gap. Write опе word or а number or а date or а time
о Тhеп listen again and check.


' July
., аm


trainers and 5,,.,,,

.ý i Y
:ёiý,,r / dgк'f fiауg fе
l ; ý?ауе fg

е Match the two halves of the sentences.

1 Еvеrуопе has to Ье at schoo[ а to eat.
2 Мr peters iзаs to check ь smart c[othes to the disco.
з you have t* wеаr с our uniform оп the journey?
4 Yоu clorT't have t0 Ьriпg anything d your names.
5 Do we hаv* t* wear е at eight o'clock

2 Now read the examples and then complete the rules with а and Ь.
Ечеrуопе hos tо Ье at schooI at eight o'clock.
You don't have to Ьriпg anything to eat.

1 ftoye fo means
2 doll r li&ye rо means
а по obligation: you have а choice and you сап dothis if you want,
Ь obligation: You have no choice. You can't say 'no'!

З Complete the table with the correct form of hoye to.

No Question form
l/you/we/they go l/you/we/they gо l/you/we/they
He/she/it go Helshe/it go go?
he/she/it go?

} сппшмлR RЕFЕRЕI{GЕ дl{D pпAcTlcE рАýЕ 15ý

РR0]lUl{GlДПOt i haveto I hasto
ь { tisten to Leo asking about the school trip.
Tick (/) the things he has to do. *} У Listen and repeat.

get up еаrtу every day

l l have to go shopping.

go sai[ing
2 Не has to do his homework.
go swimming
3 Do you have to go поw?

go to the disco
4 Does he have to рау today?
leave his phone at home
5 We have to write а story.
shаrе а Ьеdrооm
6 she has to win this match.
hetp with the cleaning
do апу schooI wоrk

5 lr4ake pairs of sentences about Leo usiпg have to/ 8 lп pairs, ask and answer about what you have to
doesn't have to and соп/сап't. do/don't have to/can/can't do this weekend. Use
these ideas or уочr оwп.
-е ias ta get up еаг!у" Не сап't stayiл lэеd lgfe.

6 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. visit апуопе?

Фr You don't bring anything - it's not песеssаrу,

do апу homework?
get up еаrtу/ [ate?
2 Please, you need come! lt's going to Ье а great
go shopping?
do апу с[еапiпg?
з We haven't to рау for the skate раrk.
go to bed еаr[у / late?
4 You рау nothing for the disco. lt's freel
5 We have get up еаr[у to go sailing.
6 Yоu has to pack wаrm clothes for the schoo[ trip. Do you have to visit апуопе this weekend?

No, l сап stay at home if l want to.

SGHOOL сд1{ вЕ FUil! тil

Read the first paragraph of the article. Do you think the
flipped c[assroom sounds like а good idea? Why / why not?

lп а поrmаl classroom, the teacher stands at the front of the rооm and gives а lesson and the students listen
and take notes. Then they go home and do their homework. lп а flipped classroom, everything is the other
way around. Students study at home from а textbook or опliпе videos, and then discuss the topic and do
'homework' exercises or projects in class. Lots of schools are trying it, but is it а good idea? We spoke to а
teacher and two students to find out more.

The flipped сIаssrооm is hard l love coming into the classroom We tried the flipped classroom for опе
work for the teacher, especially ready to talk about the topic term in maths, but there wеrе а few
at the beginning. You have to and feeling l understand it. problems. Some students didn't watch
make videos of every topic in the lп а поrmаl class, l often feel the videos before the lesson, so they
textbook for the students to watch пеrvочs, because if l don't couldn't do the exercises in class.
оп their computers at home. That understand, l have to ask the Also, when the teacher was gоiпg
takes а rеаllу long timel But it teacher to stop the lesson and round helping people, we found it really
means l сап spend time iп class explain. But with а video, l сап easy to stop working and just chat. We
helping students опе-tо-опе. l love watch it as mапу times as l like did а test at the end of the term апd
we all got terrible marks. l usually pass
that - | wasn't able to do it before. until l understand it. lt's great!
ечеrу test, but l failed that опе.

Read the article and answer the questions. Write Р (Penny),

С (Caitlin) or D (Dylan).

Who said this about the ftipped classroom?

1 l lf l need to, l can repeat parts ofthe [esson.
@ ;,; wrt.h the video about
а school called Redroofs. l
2 l tike being аЬ[е to explain things during the lesson. тhеп ask and answer the
3 Lots of us spent too much time ta[king to each other. questions with а partner.
4 Тhеrе wеrе реор[е who did not рrераrе for the classes. What do you like about уоur
5 l don't have to Ье scared aboutwhat's goingto happen in the lesson schoot?
6 Getting everything ready wasn't easy. ls уоur school bigger оr
sma[[er than Redroofs?
ln pairs, discuss the questions.
How mапу children аrе iп
1 What do you think аrе the best/worst things about flipped classrooms? уоur уеаr?
2 Wou[d you Iike to trу it? Fоr which subjecis? What subjects do уоu study?
What аrе your teachers Iike?
114 U1{lT 19
ý*ýзеgý ggýýвgа*ýglls

1 Match the verbs to the nouns to make

Мауа goes to а boarding school. She sleeps there and
А phrases. Use the article on раgе 114 to help
ýd you. Some verbs go with than опе почп.
only goes home for holidays. Listen to her describing
hеr school. Number the photos in the order уоч hеаr
about them.
do ап exercise
fait а project
get homework
give а lesson
paSS marks
study from noteS
ta ke а textbook
а test

t Choose the correct words to complete the

1 ltook lots of поtеs l prajects in my last
2 l rеа[lу hо;эе l pcss / foilthis testl
3 Some реор[е iike studying frоm texfbooks /
projects and other peopte рrеfеr videos.
4 The maths teacher gave us six exercises /
hоmеwоrk to clo at hоmе. *} е Listen again. Complete the article Мауа wrote about
5 What mаrk l test did you get iп уоur her school with the missing words.
science ехаm?
6 I'rп doing а history project l hоmеwоrk at
l go to а boarding schooI called Hart{and Schoo[. lt has
the mоmепt, about the Rоmапs. about i students.
l have to shаrе а bedroom with 2
3 lп pairs, соmраrе your school with the опе
We сап put' ,,,
other girls.
of оur fami[y оп the wa[ls.
in the article. Use the phrases in Exercise 1 ,,,

Тhеrе's а liЬrаrу whеrе wе do оur homework. We start

They study frоm the textbook at studying at 4 еvеrу evening.
home, but we use ours in class. We wоrk rеаliу hаrd at mу school. We еvеп have
lessons 0п 5 mornings!
After hоmеwоrk, wе сап go to the б rооm to
hаvе sоmе fuп.
We have meals in а big ? апd wе have to help

*ffi with the afterwards.
ъ# Wе have to do sрогts at my school. Next term, wе'rе
' ъЧS v**
going to do '

ф l

'l Make а presentation about your perfect school. work

with а partner. Р[ап what you want to say. Think aboutl
. а name for уоur school
. thesizeofyourschool
. pIaces iп your school
. what students са п/са n't do
. what students have to / don't have to do
. what the teachers аrе like
. what subjects you study

z.t Present уоur ideas to another pair. Which school

sounds most fчп to go to?

scHOOL сдil вЕ tul{!





1 Complete the table with the words in the Ьох and (,l l _ Listen again and match the реор[е in the photos
the family words from About you. L44
to their names in the family tree.
aunt cousin gra ndch ild : |, Make eight sentences about Kate's family tree.
granddaughter grandfather ln pairs, соmраrе your sentences with your
grandmother grandparent grandson partner's. Аrе апу of your sentences the same?
nephew пiесе uпсlе
Топу is Jessie's grandfather.

Ма[е Fеmаlе Male or female

is Jana

fl} Listen and check. Тhеп repeat. 5 Look at the photos. Describe the реор[е using
some of the words in the Ьох.
fll z Listen to Kate describing her family. Complete her
family tree with the names in the Ьох.
beautifu I dark
good-[ooking о pretty
l ris Jana Kasia Liz Rоrу stim tatt
Sue Wiktor

6 Draw your оwп family tree. lп smallgroups,

describe the people in your family.
1 - Frапk Е,

Топу Ursula = Tomasz

Phil= Helen Marek


&dw*rЬs gý ж*вlmеr Рп0lluilсlАтI0]l i Theletteri

ý Work with а partner. Look at the

underlined letters. what sound does i
1 Look at the sentences from the listening and think
make iп the words? put them into the
about the words in рчrр[е. These are adverbs of
mаппеr. correct column in the table.

l know а bit ofPolish but when people speak fast,

can't understand them!
chitd child rеп find
interestjng kind
qu jckty
Jana p[ays the piano rеа[lу wel[.
She wins easity every time we р[ау!
quite sing sister slim
Неr fami[y worked hard and sent hеr to England
to study music.
l have to ho[d them carefully because they're
/т/ milk /атl night
чеrу o[d,
Choose the correct words to complete the rules.

1 Adverbs of mаппеr describe how / whеп we dо {0 listen and check. Тhеп repeat.
2 We make mапу / all adverbs of mаппеr Ьу
adding -/y to ап adjective.
7 Complete the advice with the words in the Ьох.
Change the adjective into ап adverb where
}спшмпR RЕFЕпЕI{GЕ дt{D рпАстlGЕ ре&Е lE? песеSsаrу.

Look at the sentences in Exercise 1. Find carefu[ соrrесt difficult happy

three adverbs that don't end in {у. Write their important interesting

3 Look at the spelling rules below and then write

the adverbs for the adjectives in the Ьох.
bad easy [oud noisy quick
quiet wonderfuI
* Ечегу family has loв of stories in
its PaSt.
Adjective Adverb
slow ltЪ not too to find out about уочг

, .....
slowly (add -l"и) ,,,,.,,,,,...,..

happy happily (change у to l)

family histoгy.
саrеful carefulýy (doubte the l)
fuk оldеr bmily mеmЬегs about thеiг рагепts

and gгandparents.They will talk fог
ý Complete the questions with adverbs frоm hочrs about this.
Exercises 1 and З. Then in pairs, ask and answer
the questions. Listen and wгitе down what they
tell you.
1 Do you do уоurhomework ? *
2 Сап уоu ruп ?
3 sing - The thing you need to find
Сап you ?
4 Do you speak
out is when and whеrе people wеге Ьоrп.
, on the bus?
5 Do you р[ау music in уоur bedroom?
6 Can you make friends ? ж Writе ечеrуthiпg down because
!, you don't want mistakes in уочr family tгее.
ý Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
rё r t liked the competition because both teams
pIayed vеrу good. 8 Complete the table about your family. Under
lnteresting iпfоrmоtiоп, put an adjective (e.g. сlеиеr)
2 l thought that fitm was rеа[[у badlyl
and а чеrЬ plus adverb (e.g. sиgsbodly). Тhеп in
3 You shou[d think about that чеrу carefu[.
sma[l groups, talk about the people in уочr table.
4 Му friепd rап rеа[[у fastly in the rасе.
5 You сап find easily my house.
Family member lnteresting information
Мum FЬ"- ,trg, b"d\y

FAMltlES l17
Look at the photo and describe it. What do you think it's like living iп а big family?
Write three ideas. Read the article quickly to see if your ideas are included.

сtЪ it like to grow up in or put oway, qnd the tidying up never ends.
We q]l hqче to help, even the little ones.
Every shelf in our hочsе is full о{ prizes, for
bosketbqll, tennis, cricket and rugby. We qrе
аII really competitive. The c]ever ones wqnt to
Ье the cleverest, the pretty ones the prettiest,
ond the {unny ones the lunniest.
Being slow is not о good thing in а big family.
You hqче to move quickly to get into the
shower or to get the best seat in the minibus
(big fcmilies don't hсче cqrs). And you hqче to
eqt lqst, especially if thеrеЪ cqke in the house!
Yesterday, I saw mу 7-yecr-old sister in my old
dress. She рrоЬаЫу got it from my IS-year old
sister. who gets most ot mу things. We hоче to
shcre bedrooms, toys, qпd ечеп our pqrents'
time. Shqring is not clways ecsy, but we qrе
good at it.Iuckily.
Lile in с big lcmily hcs its ups спd
downs, Ьчt I love it.



Read the article again. Аrе the

sentences right (/) or wrопg (х)?
1 Etta has seven уоuпgеr brothers and sisters.
TAtKlilG Hl|ltTs
2 Неr fami[y enjoyed choosing паmеs for their pets. Do уоч соmе
3 Etta and hеr brothers and sisters еаrп mопеу from helping from а big
аrоuпd the house.
4 The уочпgеr members of E[[a's family also have to do jobs.
5 The children iп Ella's family do well at sport,
6 Elta says being fast is useful in а big family. Ноw is уоur family Would you like
7 She says she gave ап old dress to her seven-year-o[d sister. the same/different to Ье part of а
8 Неr fami[y hate sharing everything with each other. to the опе iп the big family? Whу/
article? not?
In pairs, compare уоur answers.

118 Ut{lт 20
&dvg*,Ьg Bf dеgrсе Listen again. Who do you think is talking? Write
Sammy, Sally or Harry next to the sentences.

Look at the
1 l live with опе of mу grandparents.
1 in the article and match them
2 l have to travel quite а [ong wау to see mу dad.
to the meanings.
Ф 1 Which one means'чеrу 3 Му sister is getting married soon.
much'? 4 ldon'tspend а lotof timewith mycousins.
2 Which one means'very close to'? 5 Му brother and l s[eep in the same rооm.
3 Which опе mеапs'not comptetely'? 6 There аrе two families in my hоmе.
4 Which опе means'100% true'?
5 Which опе means'mауЬе'?
a I &
в l }

2 Complete each sentence with а different adverb

from Exercise 1.
1 Satty's mу best friend. l
like hеr.
2 In mу fami[y, we a[l eat dinner together
еvеrу night.
З l'm not sure about this со[оur. пiсе, lt's
l suppose.
4 l don't know if Grace is coming to the party, but
Tim is. l know that for sure.
5 'What's the time?''|'m not sure but it's
about 2 o'clock,'

Work in pairs. Write three true and three false

sentences about your family using the adverbs in
Exercise 1. Take turns to read your sentences and S.tlly
guess which are true and which are fa[se.
j"t,yl;rcijlel,) l-c:o!l,,l r,-,' ,. ,, t, . ,, - _, :}riviл:| ct,
l live раrепts iп а thrее-
ii:tl i;lr;r:l:lз|, bedroom house. l'm the only child in the
family - l haven't got апу broihers or sisters
Му grandtather lives us as well -
he's in the rооm next mine. He's
78, and he tells lots of interesting stories,
|'ve also got four cousins, and l love seeing
Listen to three young people talking about who too. Тhеу'rе bit older
they live with. Match the speakers to the pictures than mе, and they don't look like me. l'm
of families А-С. quite tall апd l've got dаrk hair, lэut they're
short апd they've got fair hair.
write sооп апd teil mе ail about 5




ц q q

tAMltlES l19


Read the sentences and answer the

questions. Friепds аrс an important part of оur livcs. lt's
sometimes difficult to makc friends and it's
lt is better to have а few good
поt always casy to keep them. То havc close
friends than а lot of friends.
friends, it's esscntial to Ьс а good friend.
The big question is what сап you do to Ье
то know how sоmеопе else
feels, put yourse[f iп their shoes. а good fricnd and keep your fricnds?

1 What do you think the sentences mean?

2 Do you agree with the sentences? Why? /
Why not?
3 Which sentence do you prefer? Why?

l Choose two qualities that you think

are important in good friends. ln pairs,
соmраrе your ideas.

тё l, i:;
: tr1.}!; ja?ri:,: f *lj}i! ii]lj

?! : '
:.ч* l".J":: ]1-,,,
\ \lr.,
.- т}. {r iJ-,J а .
._;-rt:_ * : l:,1-"+ n,.1:'i;if,-

; 1,
, :|,
: " ]

Complete the sentences with hightighted

il*y t!r*
{ frlЁ] 1ii*:i' t}1,_]ililli],i-1 words from the text.
ý ý*у l{1!ýi fi{ 1 lt's to Ье а good fгiепd to have friends.
2 lt's not always easy t0 make and keep
Read the text quickly. Match sections 1-3
3 МауЬе уоur friепd is worried about а bad
in ап ехаm"
to photos А-С. Are you а good friend?
4 Good friends give апd they telt you the
best thing to do iп а difficutt situation"
5 lt is sometimes important to Ье s0 you
сап kпоw уоursе[f. -\
6 RеmеmЬег that the longest you have is l

with уоurзеlf,

Listen to Karl talking to Martha. What does Maftha do?


а She telts Каrt hеr рrоЬ[еms.

Ь She listens to Каrl and tries to help him.
с She ca[[s А[ех.

Listen again and answer the questions.

1 Ноw do you kпоw rvhere Каrl and hJаrthа аrе?
2 \/jhy is Kart feeling sai?
3 What did Karl do immediate|y after the argument?
4 According to fulartha, what Со good friends do?
5 Dces Martha think Karlshould callAlex that day?
6 Whеп does Martha telL Каrl to send а message7
Зооd fricnds usually sharc intercsts and
эоiпg thc samc things. Thcy havc fun togethcr
t={t тдLкll{G POlilTý
Who do you tatk to when you пееd help and
:Jt they hclp cach othcr in difficult timcs,
support? А friend? А fami[y mеmЬеr? А teacher?
.эо. Fоr cxamplc, whеп sоmсопс gcts а bad
Tark in an cxam, does not gct оп thc football
_zam оr fccls sad or аlопс, а good fricnd triсs
Now listen again and match the two halves of the
.э understand the situation and offcrs help. t49 ё
.'эur friend is sad and you don't know what

.э do. МауЬе you сап cal] them, visit thcm оr

thcm а card. when а friend is worried
\у .,ii:f
1 Why don't уоu ".. а wait until tоmоrrоw,
:эоut ап ехаm, you сап hclp thcm study. lf 2 l think уош should ,,. Ь wоrrу.
эur friend docsn't gct оп the football tcam, З Youshouldn't... с towait,
, эu сап practisc togethcr after school, 4 it's a good idea , ", d send him a messaoдz

]zmembc1 а good friend listens carefully and

. ves advice whcn possible. So, listcning to

:eoplc апd putting yourself in thcir shoes
zlps make, and kecp, friends. А helpful

lп small groups, choose problem А оr В below.

Talk together and think of some advice and
write ideas in your notebook. Use expressions
lt's important to havc fricnds to help you, but from Exercise 7.

it's a]so neccssary to know how to Ье alone Drаw а picture of the situation you chose.
and to Ье sure of yourself. Don't forget, thc Make а poster with your advice and а picture.
longcst friendship iп your llfc is wrth yourself! Рrеýепt your poster to апоthеr grаuр or to the

l have по idea what to do. Му best

friend always says bad things about
our friend Jack whеп he isn't with us
what should l do?

Му friend Аппа is very sad these days.

She spends her weekends аlопе and
n doesn't want to go out. l'm worried
about her. How сап l help her?

BEltG А GOOD tпlЕшll l21


f Write а word to link each group of words. 1 Read the rules about entering the talent show.
Complete Emma's emailto Lauren with the words and
Complete the words for the groups.
phrases in the Ьох.
0 аuпt cousin перhеw пiесе
f q fi...l...{. у
сап can't don't have to have to хз
1 study pass fait teach

2 dапсе music friends fu п

w&fuжжý' ýýж&W
d о

З headline рhоtоgгарhs
articles advertisernent
mzie Rчýеs fоr еmtеriпg
4 сhаппеl геmоtе control ffi'4оrочеr
the news рrogrаmmе
tЁi п ffiЖ possible but only up to fiче people
5 wiппеr реrfоrmеr prize WWW,ýf 10perperson
ta[ent show
ср п

2 Put the words in order to make questions.

Then complete the answers with adverbs.
1 сап / dance / welt / уоu l ? ;а,., !J qrt
No, l dance
2 easily l you l new / do / things l lеаrп l ?
No, l have to wоrk vеrу

a[ways l you l school / speak/ da l at l

quietly / ?
l've got sоm* iп{*rmаti*п about th* ta!*nt
Nо, sometimes l speak
show. Y*u Ье 14 *r оv*r t0 ёпt*r,
а *пtег аý а ýrоuр, i:ui the gr*up
3 Comp[ete the sentences with the words in Ьýе
have more than fir;e p**ple iп it, if wе
the Ьох.
тrапt to *nt*1 v;* рау t1* eaeh, апd
а[ьum cartoons fan wе 5 fill in а f*riт olr ihe wсЬs!i*. i.,VE
reviews star the final рау yet; ч.,i* сап wait untii th* *пd *t
July. Р,;1*1 dп у*u tlliftk? ýha!i bv* сlо it?
1 The fiim got good iл the
п ewspa ре rý,

2 l iove Ed Shееrап's first . His

2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
music's rеа[[у good"
З Му tittte Ьrоthеr watches оп TV Ф r Не drives very oad l wetl.

when he gets home fгоm school. 2 The weather there was very good l well.
4 lt's of the talent show tonight. 3 Shol/ l Сап you come to mу house at 7 рm?

Then we'[l kпоw the паmе of the wiппеr]
Му favourite film is Jennifer
ffi Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

Lаwrепсе, 4 Why not to see а film?

6 l'm а big of rock music. { tove itl
5 You don't Ьriпg anything except уоur clothes and уоur
6 Why not trying phoning hеr later.
7 Lets choose some more photographs for the magazine.

REvlEW 5

!D 1
Listen to а Ьоу called Оwеп talking about а 1 Put the words in оrdеr to make questions.
picture of his family. Listen and write the соrrесt
letter beside each паmе.
1 kind / рrоgrаmmеs / TV / tike / you / do / what /
Nоrа Со[iп 2 magazines/ tike / do / which / reading l уоu l ?
АЬЬу Lity З activities l do l after lwhat / you / do / school/ ?
Rob Liam 4 which / home / live / mеmЬеrs l al lyou l
Grасе tr,]ax family/withl?
Rya п
ln pairs, ask and answer the questions. Take
turns to speak.
Неrе аrе some pictures of different school trip
g activities. Do уоч like these activities? Say
why or why not. Ta[k about the activities with
your partner.

Which реrsоп is Оwеп?

Fоr each question, write the correct апswеr iп

each gap. Write ONE word in each gap.
Dear Dаl,эg
u о ,!-зс,,i,.,
,'Y,,i,],,'l,:, __ 0 qre&L t;ле 6,1 ,u il 3lп kepairs, ask and answer these questions
turns to speak.
':hоаl U-р hехе й Sршл.
'.u. ,J..
], -,, -,_- ПеМ kLепd-. 5hе'э sLацйg Do you think ...
" sамо ас|ьчф ccnLre ,,r,a_ _:,. going to museums is Ьоriпg?
-1-5 mF ' иаIпр ,э :=j-:.,ji
'iii .i:= :j:j:]!
, , эhе
а, , с,a)пе5 ' Nata_Lga
visiting theme parks is expensive?
:nl, *"'i.T. going саmрiпg is fun?
^" цf,*'ot**
'еsФrdац_mоrпйq, ые ыепL
',,.,.,,,,,,,,.,,., visiting а castle is interesting?
to vlstL * going оп а nature wa[k is exciting?
'' -\se)lm. 1Ъеrе
ыеrе lлLэ |,

.rу tпl:еrеstлпq thжgs rДu". Which schooltrip activities do you tike best?
:zo- gаu ЭООП.
Ф lп pairs, talk about school trips. Take turns
Which is mоrе fun, learning in а
classroom or [earning оп а schooI trip?

What school trips wou[d you [ike

to do in the future?
ншRА AGTlvlTlEý

w&8еýЁýLежY ýж& жý&ýlжý,

ýж&жж&ж, р&&ж ?ý
р&&ý &ý

3 Write true sentences with super[atives. Use the

ideas below or your оwп ideas.
i,i|,i,,,,ij;,с],l:,1, ;( li)Ё
1-ke по:;t {спr:us р{
р; esiclci; t.

эЙооL эuЬjеоL
Dorron и mU сrИПtrU
моrе yes than Nо answers. oll t
You are careful with your mопеу and want сDmриt€ ,r 9^mо рИg
to buy things for а good price. You usually эИоч-l оп TV
think and look Ьеfоrе you buy. pl,aro И mU сDцпtrU

More Nо than Yes answers.

You love clothes and shopping, and you Compare your answers with а partner.
like spending mопеу. You don't always
think Ьеfоrе you buy and you spend а bit
too much sometimes. &ж&жж&,ж, ре&ý ý&?

Т ln sma[[ grочрs, рlап а class magazine.

], j,
Think about the questions.
ý-], , .j
fr:;;;*;* ржýр&жж YФ W&ýYý} р&&ý &ý What wou[d you [ike:
о уоUr class magazine to Ье ca[[ed?
We[[, l found а great jacket on the internet. lt was black
. to include in уоur c[ass magazine?
and it had а really соо[ design оп the back, You can't Do you want it to Ье а рареr magazine оr an
рау in cash of course, so my mum paid for it with hеr on[ine one?
credit card. After that, we waited and waited but it
ls the magazine going to Ье weekly, month[y,
didn't come. After two weeks l emailed the соmрапу,
tеrm[у оr уеаr[у?
but they didn't апswеr. Тhеп, six days [ater, it finatty
arrived, But the jacket was the wrопg size. lt was too
sma[[ олd it was b[ue. l returned it and asked them to Suggest os mопу ideos os
send me the right one, but they emailed me to say they ýtep I you сOп in уочr grочр fоr
didn't have one in mу size in b[ack. And my mum is sti[[
waiting for them to return hеr money. уоur closs mogozine.
Let's Why don't we ... ?

Sha[l we ... ?

choose the five best ideos

ýtep 2 to shоrе with the closs.
ъll thе closs.

As о closs, discuss ond

choose thе best thrее ideos.
124 ЕхтRА дGTlvlTlES
З Student А witt ask you for information about dishes А-С. Answer his or hеr questions.
Then ask Student А questions about items D-F on page 71. Use the fottowing questions to help you

What аrе the ingredients in ...? Does ... contain meat? What is ...?

How much is а bowl of ,..? Where is ... frоm?

Тhеп choose the dish you want to buy.

Americ ап Ьаrьесие
Large burger Е5.00 Burger watИ cheese €
lпgrеА)я,пLs : Мея.l, Ьип Ва,уЬелце 5ц^с2, 5Ор
lпgrеА),е,пLэ: Ме,ar,
йе:.эе, Ьuп

Дlоо tikki 50р ea(h
lпgrеА)я,пLэ z
роtА-Iло; ,
ре-&5, ch'.]lL, oni"onэ

Shish kebab Е4.00
lпgrеА)эпLэz Сhiгkе-п fll

оr ИmЬ, onioylэ , эрiкR.э

ЕхтRд AcTlUlTlES l25


Ё ý

ýрýýý{ýж&ý р&&ý ?ý

3 Student А, ask Student В questions about items А-С оп page 71. Then choose the dish you want to buy.
Use the fol[owing questions to help you.

What аrе the ingredients in ...? Does ... contain meat? What is ...?

How much is а bowl of ...? Where is ... from?

Student В will ask for information about these dishes. Answer his оr hеr questions.

Friзj, пооd,lэт wikh vеgе.tлЬlя.э,
mелL алd. onirn,
smаU ЬоtшL frZ.OO

lMg. botшL *З.оо

Вrелl" Niй rпиэhrооmэ
бпd, сhез,эе *l.SО

Ponchiki - 5Ор еа(h
Lочф lNех,L dлughпuLэ|

l26 ЕхтRА AcтlvlтlES

ý#Ilýýi ýtrý ý **r8ý ý ýýру, ý ýýr8ý ýJ Complete the sentences with о /ot of,
а few or а bit of.

0 Satly's got о bi| of jewellery but not

countable uncountable much.
Questions Аrе thеrе апу shops Have you got апу 1 We've got . biscuits. Тhеrе аrе
пеаr уоur house? money? three packets hеrе and four packets оп
Positive that she[f.
тhеrе аrе some Тhеrе's some money
shops over thеrе. оп the tab[e.
2 we did we[[ in оur test and оur teacher
оп[у gave us homework - just
Negative Тhеrе аrеп't any I
l haven't got апу опе exercise.
large shops пеаr my i money in my purse. 3 l'vegot good friends - Аппа,
house. l
Каrеп and Rachel.
а [ot of Му sister's got а lot Му mum's got а lot 4 We made sandwiches, pizza,a salad and

9f 9arr]ng1, of jewelIery. cakes. Тhеrе was , food at my

afew I тhеrе аrе а few There's а bit of
а bit of books оп the tab[e. make-up in the
5 The trip is for three days. You on[y need
pairs of socks, not 12 pairs!

. & Choose the correct words to complete the

СоuпtаЬ[е nouns аrе поuпs for things that we can count. We conversation.
can use о/оп,thе or а пumЬеr before them and they can Ье
James: Did уоu buy Lo
lопу clothes in the
used iп both the singu[ar and the рlurа[.
l bought а leother wallet апd two caps iп the пеw shap.
. Holty: Yes, l bought 2опу f sоmе
Uncountable nouns аrе поuпs for things that we can't count.
sunglasses, 'о f sоmе basebal[ сар
We can't use а/ап оr а number Ьеfоrе them and we can't use
and 40 few l о bitof make-up.
them in the р[urа[.
James: ReattylYou bought a5lot l few of
Му cousin bought some jewellery апd sаmе moke-up.
things. l оп[у bought бо f some
( поt a-jewe{bry, mа*е:ае )

Э Complete the table with the words in the Ьох.

ujt еh€
е5е earring egg jacket
jewelIery ju ice make-up mitk money
photo рu rSе T-shirt waIlet

countable uncountable
biscuit cheese

Z Complete the sentences with some оr апу.

1 l didn't buy а new wa[[et because l didn't have
2 Тhеrе аrе new students in my class.
3 Wеrе there blue T-shirts iп the shop?
4 Let's go shopping. l want to buy new clothes.
5 That shop hasn't got bread.
6 Did you eat cake on уоur birthday?

GRдммАR RЕtЕRЕilсЕ дilD рRдGтIGЕ l41

. We use comparative adjectives to соmраrе two
ýý ffig
things (see Spelling).
Water is usually сhеареr thап colo.
When we соmраrе two things: . We usua[ly use thол after comparative adjectives.
. we can use os + adjective + os to say the things аrе Vegetables are healthier thап biscuits.
the same.
lп mу school, pizzo is as рарulаr as Ьurgеrs. Spelling
{паtаsрорtffihап ...)
we сап use not os + adjective + os to say two things
. One-syllab[e adjectives:
аrе different. - most[y add -er.
smo11 + smoller, cheap + cheaper
Chaco{ate cake isп't as healthy as fruit salad.
. The form of the adjective doesn't change with os + - One-syllable adjectives ending in -е, add -r.
пiсе э пiсеr, lote + later
adjective + os.
А burger isп't as big as о pizza. (not аs-фgrеrаs ",.]
- One-sy[[ab[e adjectives ending in consonant +
vowel + consonant (except w, х or у), double the
Practice consonant and add -er.
big + bigger, fot э fatter
& Complete the sentences with os... as. . Two-syllable adjectives ending in consonant + -у
change the -у to -i and add -er.
0 l'm short, but my sister is very short.
busy + busier, hoppy + happier
|'m not os short as mч sister
The Burger Ваr is popu[a r.Тhе Pizza Restaurant
. Two оr more syllables add more.
expensive ^ mоrе ехрепsiче
is popu[ar too.
The Вurgеr Ваr is
2 lre[and is wet. Scotland is wet too.
Ё Complete the sentences with the comparative
lreIand is form ofthe adjectives in brackets.

З Lemonade is sweet, but cola is real[y sweet

1 Му maths teacher is ,,,,...,,. (young) than my
geography teacher.
Lemonade isn't
2 l think ptaying footbatIis (interesting)
than watching it.
4 Your shorts аrе quite dirty, but уоur T-shirt is
very dirty.
З Exercise 2 is (easy) than Exercise З.
yоur shorts аrеп't 4 Му house is (far) from schoolthan
yoU rS.

5 Му mum's pizza is good. The pizza al Наrrу's

5 А mango is (bie) than а strawberry.

Саfё is good too.

Му mum's pizza is
ý Write complete sentences. Use the comparative
form of the adjectives iп the Ьох.

expeftsive fast good hot

*Фжр&ж&Yýwý &&dж*Yýwжý
0 The blue T-shirt is f 10. The red T-shirt is f15.
The rеd T-shirt is rпоу9 ецрепsiче thап the
Adjective Comparative blue T-shirt
Опе syllab[e 1 lt's 2 hours Ьу train. lt's 2 hours 45 minutes Ьу
slow + slower
The train iS
Two syllab[es with consonant + -у
hea[thy + hea[thier 2 lt's 25'С in London today. lt's ЗЗ"С in lstanbul
lstanbuI is
Two syllables or mоrе
beautifu[ + mоrе beautifuI 3 The pizza wasn't bad. The burger was very bad.
lrregu [а r The pizza was
good + better
bad + worse
far э farther/further

148 GRдммАR RЕFЕRЕI{GЕ дilll рRдстlсЕ

ý &ýрý&ý"&Yýýж,&ýdý&Yýwýý

& Write the comparative and superlative forms of

the adjectives.
ъý SEE GпАммдп RЕFЕRЕilGЕ, Uillт tl,
€ GOмрдпдтlчЕ дDJEGTIVES, р&ýý ýýý 0 slow slolve4 the s/оиzеst
1 near 5 beautiful
2 large 7 good
Adjective Superlative З thin 8 bad
Опе sy[lab[e 4 friendly 9 fаr
5 happy
young + the youngest
Two syl[ables with consonant + -у Э Complete the sentences with the superlative form
ofthe adjectives in brackets.
heavy+ the heaviest

Two sy[lables or mоrе

1 Му sister's (tong) hair in my school.
2 Cristiano Ronatdo is one of (famous)
famous + the most famous footba[[ players in the world.
lrregu[ar 3 You can eat (good) burgers in mytown
in Ray's Burger Ваr.
good + the best
bad э the worst
4 Mrs Peters is (friendty) teacher in mу
far э the farthest / furthest
5 Му house has got (big) garden in my
. We use superlative adjectives to соmраrе one thing 6 Last night we watched (funny) video
with two оr mоrе оthеr things. onIine. ltaughedalot!
The Hopper соmрчtеr is апе of the fgsfest iп fhe
world, ý Write sentences using superlative adjectives.
. We use the before the superlative adjective. 0 The supermarket l busy shop / my town
rhis ls fhe smollest stTci rtрhапе апуwhеrе iп the The supermorket is the busiest shop iп mV tаwп
wоrld. 1 Му sister / fast реrsоп / оur school
. We usually use iп to talk about а р[асе with the
superIative adjective. 2 Russia / large country / wоrld
rfits is the rnosf expensive laptop iп the wоrld / iп mу
city / iп гпу tоwп, etc, 3 Salad / heatthy food / this саfё

4 l l bad singer / my class
\ъSЕЕ Gпдммдп пЕFЕпЕllGЕ, чillт ll, 5
// сOмрАRдтlчЕ ADJEGTIvES, sPELLIilG, реýЕ ý48
Му brother / good р[ауеr / his team

The spe[[ing ru[es for superlative and comparative

adjectives аrе the same. € Choose the correct words to complete the
One-sylla ble adjectives: sentences.
- mostly add -esf. 1 l think history is mоrе l the most interesting
smoIl + smol1esd cheop + cheopest than science.
- One-syl[ab[e adjectives ending in -е, add -st. 2 Travelling Ьу plane is foster l the fostest than
лiсе + лiсеs( 1ote э /otest travelling Ьу bus.
- One-sy[[ab[e adjectives ending in consonant + З Oranges аrе heolthier l the healthiest food in
vowel + consonant (except w, х or у), doub[e the the сuрЬоаrd.
consonant and add -est 4 Jonny bought better l the besf smartphone in
big > biggest, fot , fattest the shop.
Two-sy[lable adjectives ending iп consonant + -у 5 А printer is mоrе l the most expensive than
change the -yto -i and add -est. а moUSe.
busy + busiest, happy э hoppiest 6 The Тоrrе de CristaI is ta[Ier l the foliest buitding
Adjectives of two or more syllables add most. in Spain.
expensive э ffiost expensive

GRдм]tlАR RЕFЕпЕI{GЕ АilD РRдстlGЕ I49

ýff8ý&el ýtr8gý.ý#,F &, Write complete sentences with should or shouldn't
and the words in the Ьох.

Positive фЬ
drink а lot of cola and lemonade
l/You/He/She/lt/We/They shou[d go to bed
eat а [ot of sweets and chocolate
eat healthy food
Negative sleep we[[
l/You/H e/Sh e/lt/We/They shou ldn't (shou ld not) watch а lot of TV
play tennis.
lf you wапt to keep fit апd heolthy, .
0 у_о_ц 5llо_цld dq s_роrt опd exercise.
What should l/you/he/she/it/we/they do? 1
Should l/you/he/she/it/we/they stop doing 2
Sports? 3
short апswеr 4
Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/they shou ld.
No, l/you/he/she/it/we/they shouldn't.
ý Write complete questions with should. Тhеп write
short answers.
. We use should апd shouldn't to give advice. 0 l/ do the rасе? (/)
l've got а headoche. Yач should take some mеdiсiпе,
You shouldn'f lisfen to loud music.
Yes, чоч should.
. We use should to say something is а good idea. 1 my brother l buy а fast саr? (Х)
Му hапd hurts. You should ga to the dасtоr.
. We use shouldn'tto say something is а bad idea. 2 my friends / gо to bed eartier? (/)
l feel sick. You shouldn't eat апуthiпg.
. After should and shouldn't, we use the infinitive of 3 we / have а раrtу? (Х)
the vеrь without to.
Му leg hurts, You should rest апd you shouldn't walk.
(not yoa-sЫ*fo*est .. . уач-sЫаtтt+о-wЫ*)
ý Read the examples and write some advice with
should or shouldn't.
ý Complete the sentences with should or shouldn't.
1 John's got а temperature. Не go to
0 l don't feelwe[[. What shou[d l do?
yоч should qo to bed опd lie dоwп.
2 l hurt my foot. The doctor says l ptay
1 lt's mу mum's birthday next week. What shou[d l
footba[[ for three weeks.
buy hеr?
3 Му best friend didn't pass the exam. His teacher
thinks he study hаrdеr.
4 Did you say уоur back hurts? You gо
2 l've got ап ехаm tоmоrrоw. Shoutd l study а[[
swimming. lt's vеrу good fоr you.
5 Му sister [ost hеr smartphone yesterday. l think
she talk to the police.
6 То епtеr а rасе, you ,,,.,,,.. do exercise the day
3 l want to visit another country. Whеrе shou[d l go?
before the rасе.

4 Му Ьrоthеr wants to do а пеw sport. Which опе

shou[d he do?

5 l want to make some new friends. Shoutd l join

а club?

150 GRАммАR RЕFЕRЕI{сЕ д1{1l рRдGтlсЕ


We сап use prepositions to say where things аrе

А river goes thr*чg!э the tоwп. The cor pork is iп fraпt af the supermorket.
Тhrее bridges go ff{rasý the rivеr. The petrol station is appasite the librory.
The post office is fie,rrf trо the trаiп stotion. The restouront is певr the train stotion.
The trоiп station Ь &esi** the post office. The hospitalb o{.rfside the tоwп.

sports centre swimming pool

ьчs station Clnema


petrol station library
hospital tлiversity,
ý Е@жý к
hotel саfё

supermarket саr park
police station
post office
train station


& Look at the map of the town. choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 The swimming роо[ is пеоr f ocross the bus station.
2 То get to the train station, wa[k ocross l through the bridge.
З The university is opposite l nextto the tiЬrаrу.
4 The petrol station is beside l пеаrlhе university.
5 The cinema is opposite l nextto the rivеr.
6 There's а саr раrk iп frопt of l through the supermarket.

Х Look at the map again and complete the sentences with the words in the Ьох. Use each word
опсе only,

across пеаr пехt to opposite outside thfough

0 А river goes througfi the town.

l the town, there's а hospital.
2 Drive the bridge and there's а cinema on уоur teft.
3 Тhеrе's а roundabout the middte bridge.
4 The park is the police station.
5 The market is the hotet.

ý Read the questions and write true sentences about your town.
0 Where's уоur school? lt's пеа r mч house. aoaasite the pork.

l ls the hospitaI outside your town?

2 What's your favourite shop? Whеrе is it?
3 Does а river gо through your town?
4 How often do you wa[k асrоss а bridge?
5 ls there а museum in уоur town? Where is it?


ýжежвж&ж Fж&ýтýýý

реýY *&жYýжgý*ýý Write complete questions in the past
continuous. Тhеп write short answers
At 10 оm yesterday,
Positive l/He/She/lt was eating diппеr. 0 it / snow? (f)
You/We/They wеrе playing footba[[. Was it sпоlмiпq?
No it wаsп't.
Negative l/He/She/lt wasn't (was not) sleeping.
Yo,u/We/They (wеrе not) helping.
l уоur friends / ride their bikes? (/)
Questions What was l/he/she/it doing at 8 am?
What were you/we/they watching оп TV? 2 you / shop with уоur friends? (/)
Was l/he/she/it playing соmрutеr games?
Were you/we/they listening to music?
Short Yes, l/he/she/it was. 3 your mum / work? (Л)
anSWerS No, he/she/it wasn't.
Yes, you/we/they were.
No, you/we/they weren't. 4 l/haveashower?(X)

We use the past continuous to taIk about activities

happening at а moment in the past.
5 you and your friends / swim iп the
take? (/)
l was watching TV, mу раrепts were working апd rпу Ьrоthеr
wаs ploying footbol1yeste rday аftеrпооп,


ýý tOпм, ре&ý,ýýý ф Put the words iп order to make questions.
Then write answers that are true for you.

0 yesterday at 11 am l you l wеrе /
steeping / ?
Wеrе you s/eepinq yesterday ot 11 аm?
Э Choose the correct words to complete the sentences
Nо, l wasn't. / vtzos s at scllool.
1 At б pm, l wos doing l
were doing my homework. 1 wеrе / doing l you l at 8 am this
2 Му dad was cooking l
wеrе cookinq оur dinner. morning/whati?
3 Yesterday afternoon, we wаsп't рlоуiпg l wеrеп't ploying
4 Yesterday аftеrпооп, уоu lrosn't wеаriпg f wеrеп't 2 bIue socks / you / wеrе / wearing /
wеаriпg уоur new сар. yesterday / ?
5 Му friends wosn't having l wеrеп't hоviпg [unch at 1 pm.
6 We иzоs сlimЬiпg l wеrе climbing а tree on Saturday
morning. З after schoo[ yesterday/ watching / а
film / wеrе / you and your friends / ?
Complete the раrаgrарh with the past continuous form of
the verbs in the Ьох.

сrу 4 raining l was l it / yesterday evening / ?

[isten make not sleep not watch
rаiп rеаd sit su rf
This mоrпiпg, my dad 0was makipg breakfast. The ЬаЬу
5 оп Saturday mоrпiпg / what / уоur
was hungry and he . Му big sister was in her
friends/doing lwerel?
bedroom. She' she а magazine. Му mum
and my o[der brother а ;
the internet. Му litt[e sister
in hеr favourite chair, but she . TV. Му
уоuпgеr Ьrоthеr to loud music. Тhеrе were c[ouds
in the sky апd it l decided to stay at home.

l52 GпАммдR RЕFЕRЕI{сЕ дilD рRдстlGЕ

реýт ýЁжрLý д,{в р&ýт
шш *&еýYýжýýýý К Complete the sentences with rдhеп or while.
1 l was giving food to mу rabbit ,. ,
phoned me.
ъ\ SEE GRАммдR пЕFЕRЕI{GЕ, UillтS 5-7, 2 We found some mопеу we wеrе ptaying
ýý рдsт slMPLE, р&&ýý ýýьýýý footba[[ outside.
3 l wasn't doing anything you turned оп
ъъ SEE GRАм]i|дв BEFEREIi0E, alp{lT 15, the light.
ýý рлsт GtltTlt|tltltls, r**я тýа 4 ,, ,,, ,,. you sent me the message, l was doing
. We use the past continuous to describe activities
an eХam.

happening at а particu[ar moment in the past.

5 Му mum was watching the monkeys
someone sto[e hеr purse.
Sometimes these activities happen at the same time
We don't use the past continuous to ta[k about the
6 my friends wеrе snowboarding, they
saw а famous musician.
beginning оr the end of ап activity.
Jоlэп was looking at tlэe elephaпts апd his sisfer wgs
buying оп ice сrеаrп.
ý Complete the sentences with опе verb in the past
simple and one verb in the past continuous.
. We usе the past simp[e when опе comp[ete action
fo[[ows another. 1 Му teacher (travet) Ьу boat when she
l woke up апd l чуелt dои,лsfоirs. (feet) sick.
. We often use the past simple and past continuous 2 When the music (start), l (not
together to say that one action interrupts another. talk) to my friends.
А elephant was eBting sоmе fruit wkеп the Ьоу fe!t. 3 White l (саrrу)thе plates, l

(fa tt).

tyhen апd while 4 We (ruп) in the park when we

(see) some ducks.
we use whеп апd while lo connect two activities. when
we use the past simple and past continuous together,
5 White l (do) my homework, my phone
we often use:
. 6 We (notvisit)the British Museum whi[e
whеп before the past simp[e.
The Ьоу was lookiпg at the еlерhолfs иrfiел he fell.
we (stay) in London.

Wlзеп the Ьоу {ell, he was looking at the elephants,
€ Complete the sentences so they are true for you.
Use the past simple or the past continuous.
, while before the past continuous.
The Ьоу fell whi|e he was looking of flie elep&oлfs.
0 When l woke up yesterday,
it luas rrзiпiпq.
Wtlilе the Ьоу иlas loaking af ffie еlер&олts, fie
1 When l got to schoo[, my friends

Practice 2 The teacher came into the classroom while

а Choose the correct words to complete the 3 When l arrived home, l

1 When the tеасhеr саmе l wos соmiпg into the
4 White lwas doing my homework,
classroom, we ployed l were рlауiпg cards.
2 She didn't call l wаsп't calling me whеп she
heord l was heoring а strange noise.
З White l got off l was getting off the bus, it
storted l was stortiпg to rаiп.
4 John arived l wos arriving whi[e my sister
mаdе l wos mаkiпg breakfast.
5 Му brother сlimЬ l was сlimЬiпq а tree when he
fell l was folling.
6 l didn't meet l wоsп't mееtiлg my teacher while
we shopped l wеrе shopping.


FýYýжý wýY*ý *8жý r8

We fоrm the going fo futu rе with Ье going to

ý Write complete sentences with the going to future
+ + form ofthe verbs.
infinitive without iо.
0 l/buy/newtrainers.
l'm qoinq to Ьuч пеw traiпers,
Positive I l'm
(аm) going to phone оur 1 We / not ride / our bikes to schooI tomorrow,
Yоu/Wе/Тhеу'rе (are) going to 2 Му friends / watch / the talent show оп TV.
invite а[[ оur family.
He/She/lt's (is) going to watch the 3 Му mum / not р[ау / tennis Iater.
] anlm ats.

l'm (am) not going to do апу 4 Му dad / make l pizza.
I homework.
You/We/They аrеп't (are not) going 5 Му cousins / not visit / us next weekend.
to buy pizza.
He7sne7tt isn't (is not) going to win
I the
prize. а Comp[ete the paragraph with the going fo future
form ofthe verbs in the Ьох.
Questions Who аm l going to see?
What аrе you/we/they going to do
buy fty not gо not serve
Wr,"r" is he/she/it going to go?
stay travel watch work
j Am l goingto have fun? Next summer, l 0'm go_ing |о fly^ to Canada with my
family. We 1
Лrе you/we/they going to рhопе
| with оur friends. | 2
mе [ater?
а footba[[ shirt for my friend Jack because he
likes sport. We З
ls he/she/it going to te[[ Mum and
а footbal[ match with
him. l love travel[ing. When l'm 18, l 4
Short Yes, lam. No, l'm not. university. | 5 around the world. l 6
anSWerS Yes, you/we/they are. No, you/we/ in а shop in different countries but l ? food
they aren't. in а rеstаurапt. That's hаrd workl
Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn't
ý Complete the questions with the going to future
form ofthe verbs in brackets.
We use lhe going fo future to talk about our future
р[а ns. 1 What you апd уочr friends
l'rп going ta watch the сопсеrf this ечепiпg, (watch) on TV after school today?
We Bren't going to study пехt wееkепd, 2 What .., you ,.,.,,,. ..
(wеаr) tomorrow?
We usua[[y make our future p[ans before we use the З уоur mum (work) next
'going fo' futu re. Satu rday?
Whеrе ore you going to go лехt su mmеr? 4 Who уоu and yourfami[y (see)
Мчrп bought the tickets last week, We're Еоiпg to ybit at the weekend?
paris апd Веrliп" 5 уоur friends (trave[) to another
We often use futurе time phrases tike thb еvепiпg, соuпtrу next summеr?
tomorrow mоrпiпg, next sчmmеr,whеп /'m J8, etc.
with the going to future. when you're 18?
l'm gоiпg to travel иthеп l'm 18.
Му dad isn't gоiпg ta driче us to school toппorrow ý Write true answers to the questions in Exercise З.
mоrпiпg, 0 wе'rе qоiпq to ride ачr bikes


týE l'ltaff Фrlбпрfr?lаа.fi
!flнаlýu ЁчиеýЕЁ i ltJпý

. А suggestion is а р[ап оr ап idea that you want someone to think about.

Рd}зу dcrn't w* 9о to the сопсеrt?
ýhэ1l w* mееt outside the сiпеmо?
Why not osk уочr mчm to drive us?
tet's go to о rеstачrопt loter.
. After Whу don'twe ...,Shallwe ...,Whу поt... опd LеtЪ..., we use an infinitive without fo.
Shallwe mаkе а coke? (not Sh,сrltиеtо-лта*е-)
Why don'twe buy some lеmопаdе? (поtWфоп'-ffiау-)
, Whу don't we ..., Shall wе ... and Why поt... аrе questions So We use а question mark (?).
Shollwe meet ot В рm?
Why поt go Ьу bus?
. Деf3... is а sentence so we use а fu[[ stop (.).
LеtЗ 9о to the football motch,
. When Someone makes а suggestion, we often use words and phrases like CoolJ, Sоuлds good!,You're right!,
Good опе! and ЕхсеlIелt ideo!to апswеr.
LеtЗ 9о swimming. Cool!


& Choose the correct words to complete the suggestions.

1 Let's use l to use that computer over there.
2 Shollwe l Wе sho11 include some cartoons in the magazine?
3 tеtЗ l Why поt ask оur teacher to hetp.
4 Why поt lShol/ we р[ау hockey?
5 LеtЪ l
Why поt write down оur ideas first?
6 Why don't we l Why we don't put а notice on the website?

} WritesuggestionsusingShaI/...,Whydon'tweIWhynot...orLetЪ...andthewordsinthebox.

have кffi rеаd ride take watch

О Whу рр{ listел to music?

1 the film оп TV.
2 we pizza f or d in пеr?
3 оur bikes to school tomorrow?
4 the book Ьеfоrе we see the film.
5 we , some photos in the museum?

З Read the sentences, then write а suggestion using Sho/I , Whу don't we I Why поt or LеtЪ ...
1 lt's mу birthday tоmоrrоw.

2 We haven't got апу homework to do today.

3 The schoo[ ho[idays start next week.

4 l'm bored and it's raining.

5 l'm hungry and there isn't anything to eat.

6 We have to do something fоr the school magazine.

GRА]ulмАR пЕFЕпЕ]lсЕ дl{D РRдGтIGЕ l55

пЕFЕпЕжýЕ &frý рж&ýтлýý

#ýуý у"8'{ ýЕ#,ýýýýуý уý е

Write complete questions with hoye to.
Then write short answers.
0 you / study hard at your schoo[? (/)
Positive t/Vou/we/They have to get up еаr[у, Dо yau hav_e tq s{цdу !1p;d at youy 5chool?
He/She/lt has to eat later. /с1 i do,

Negative l/You/We/They don't have to go climbing.

1 уоur mum / work five da1,5 з week at the
museum? (Х)
He/She/lt doesn't have to wear а uniform.
Questions What do l/you/we/they have to do поw?
What time does he/she/it have to get up? 2 you / turn off уоur smartphone at
Do l/you/we/they have to Ьriпg snacks? schoot? (/)
Does he/she/it have to wеаr nice clothes?
Short Yes, l/you/we/they do.
anSWers No, l/you/we/they don't. 3 уоur dad / travel fоr his wоrk? (Х)
Yes, he/she/it does.
No, he/she/it doesn't.
4 we / do Exercise 5? (Х)
. We use hаvе to to say something is necessary.
l сап't gc out. l lzаче fo &elp l,y}y r{rLrm.
l/tle lэgч* fg Ье gl sсhаоl clt Е оm {оr thr: schooi trip"
5 уоur friends / make their beds? (./)
. We use dоп't hоче to to say something is not necessary.
lt's Satul,c}oy. Yоtз dоп't lз{]уе to gef ýр еяr! (But you can if
you want.)
tiy соuзiпs dofi'fhgye iý и/ёýr о чпifоrп clt tlзеir school, ф Complete the questions with the correct
form ofhoye to and the verbs in brackets.
hove to means you have по choice. You can't say 'no'I Then write answers that are true for you.
don't have fo means you сап do something if you want.
0 Dо you hoуe {о go (go) to bed еаr[у
Practice on SatUrday night?
No l dоп't.
& Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 You hoye to get fit l has to get flt to enter а rасе. 1 What time уоu , ,,, (get up)
2 Му school is opposite my house. l don't have to go l оп а school day?
doesn't hove to go Ьу bus.
З We hoye to leove l has to /еоуе оur phones at home. 2 ,, you ,,,.. (speak) English in
4 You hove to wеоr l hos to wеаr trainers for а nature waIk уоur English class?

й;й;;i;, - - ,;;;;;
5 Му dad dоп't have to wеоr l doesn't have to иzеоr а suit
at work. 3 й;; й;;Ё
6 You dоп'thоvе to make l doesn't hove to moke breakfast. уоur c[assmates (do) every day?
l can do it.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of hoye to

4 йЁ;i
miss а class?
, ,- .--i;;fiir;;-
and the verbs in the Ьох. ';;
5 you л (buy) а ticket
do bring

not поt buy before you get оп а bus in уоur town?

not help stay tidy

0 Every morning, l hove tp tldy mу Ьеdrооm.

1 You .,,,,,,,,,,, апу mi[k. There's а lot in the fridge.

2 Му friends аrе lucky. They at home.

3 We а vосаЬulаrу test every week at school,
4 Му brother is i[[. Не in bed today.
5 You anything on the school trip. l've got а lot of
food and drink.

156 GRАммдR пЕFЕRЕilGЕ Al{D рRдстlGЕ

&&wýжýý &ý жýжжýж

. We use adverbs of mаппеr to say how we do something.

you llove lo spcolr quletly here,
Му s!ster сап play the рiапо beautifuýly.
. We make mапу adverbs of mаппеr Ьу adding -/у to the adjective (see Spetling betow).
|'"tiy litt|e brother ls яToisy. fiе does everytking поlЪffу,

!'m very careful. ! always do tTy hоrпеwоrk cal"*fu!!y.

. Тhеrе are some irregu[ar adverbs.
good > well, fost > fost, hard > hard

Spelling: adverbs of mаппеr

Most adverbs add -1у to the adjective quick > quickly

Fоr adjectives ending iп -1, we doub[e the / and add Ье а utifu l > Ьео utifu lly
-у in the adverb form.

Fоr adjectives ending in а consonant + -у, we eosy > easily

rеmоvе the -у and add -ily.


а Write the adverb form of the adjectives.

0 slow $;atvly 4 quiet 8 bad
1 careful 5 wonderful 9 angry
2 good б heavy 10 fast
3 happy 7 hаrd l1 noisy

Э Comp[ete the sentences with the adverb form of the adjectives in the Ьох. Use each word опсе оп[у.

bad carefu[ good hard t€

tld quick

0 l can't hear you. The band is p[aying very loudly .

1 lf you want to pass the exam, уоu hаче to study

2 Му brother wоп the race because he rап very
3 Please don't ask me to draw а picture. l drаw
4 Listen ! l'm going to repeat these instructions.
5 Let's have dinner at your house. Your dad cooks really
ý Comp[ete the questions with the adverb form of the adjectives in brackets. Тhеп write answers that
are true for you.
0 Which famous musicians sing b,eariflfi;lly (beautifut)?
! th i п k Taylo r ýи,ziff siлgs Ьео utif u l !у,
1 How mапу [anguages can you speak
2 How often do you do your homework
(stow) and (carefut)?
3 Do you eat(quick)?
4 How far is your school from уоur house? Сап you wa[k there (easy)?
5 Do you р[ау iп а sports team? Does it (bad) ptay оr (good)?

GRдм]ulАR RЕtЕRЕilсЕ дilll PпAGTICE l57

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