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‫جمموعة من أسئلة واجوبة القواعد واحملادثات والوظائف اللغوية وقطع القراءة‬

‫الواردة ضمن برنامج كفاءة اللغة االنكليزية‪ ..‬للمتقدمني اىل الدراسات‬

‫العليا يف اجلامعات العراقية‪.‬‬

‫اإلصدار ‪1.4.2‬‬

‫لسنة ‪2017‬‬

‫لالستخدام الشخصي فقط وال يسمح بإعادة نشرها‬

‫او بتداوهلا او استغالهلا باي شكل من االشكال‬



Language Function ‫الوظيفة اللغوية‬

To propose ‫اقتراح‬
to blame ‫اللوم‬
to consent ‫الموافقة‬
To promise ‫الوعد‬
to condemn ‫إدانة‬
compliment ‫إطراء‬
To praise ‫إلى الثناء‬
To compromise )‫إلى حل وسط (توصل الى تفاهم‬
To console ‫المواساة‬
To wish ‫أتمنى‬
to thank ‫للشكر‬
to express regret ‫أن أعرب عن األسف‬
to express wishes ‫أن أعرب عن األماني‬
to take leave ‫المغادرة او االنصراف‬
to request )‫أن يطلب (بشكل مؤدب‬
to invite ‫دعوة‬
to disapprove ‫ عدم الموافقة‬،‫عدم االتفاق‬
To refuse ‫رفض‬
to plead ‫ التضرع‬،‫االلتماس‬
to decline ‫رفض وانكار‬
to agree ‫ يتوافق‬،‫كي يوافق‬
to criticize ‫النتقاد‬
To claim ‫لالدعاء‬
to instruct ‫إلرشاد‬
to compel ‫ إلجبار‬،‫إلرغام‬
To announce ‫إلعالن‬
To brief ‫إليجاز‬
to scold ‫لتأنيب‬
To discourage ‫ عدم التشجيع‬،‫لتثبط‬
to greet ‫لتحية‬
To comfort ‫ للترويح‬،‫للمواساة‬
To forgive ‫لتسامح‬
To encourage ‫لتشجيع‬
to introduce ‫لتقديم‬

Language Function ‫الوظيفة اللغوية‬

to advise ‫لتقديم المشورة‬
To compliment ‫لإلطراء‬
To pacify ‫لتهدئة‬
to direct ‫لتوجيه‬
To explain ‫ للتوضيح‬،‫للشرح‬
To assure ‫لضمان‬
To offer ‫لعرض‬
to accept ‫لقبول‬
To command ‫إلصدار األوامر‬
to allow ‫لكي يسمح‬
to urge ‫لكي يحث‬
to order ‫لكي يطلب‬
to inform ‫ لكي يخبر‬،‫لكي يعلم‬
To protest ‫لالحتجاج‬
To enquire ‫لالستعالم‬
to inquire ‫لالستفسار‬
to appeal ‫لالستئناف‬
To apologize ‫لالعتذار‬
to express satisfaction ‫لإلعراب عن االرتياح‬
to persuade ‫لإلقناع‬
to confirm ‫للتأكيد‬
To remind ‫للتذكير‬
To welcome ‫للترحيب‬
to volunteer ‫للتطوع‬
To express displeasure ‫للتعبير عن االستياء‬
To express disgust ‫للتعبير عن االشمئزاز‬
To express gratitude ‫للتعبير عن االمتنان‬
To express interest ‫للتعبير عن االهتمام‬
to express admiration ‫للتعبير عن اإلعجاب‬
To express relief ‫للتعبير عن االرتياح‬
To express preference ‫للتعبير عن األفضلية‬
To express hope ‫للتعبير عن األمل‬
To express condolence ‫للتعبير عن التعازي‬
To express unhappiness ‫للتعبير عن التعاسة‬

Language Function ‫الوظيفة اللغوية‬

to express sympathy ‫للتعبير عن التعاطف‬
To express appreciation ‫للتعبير عن التقدير‬
To express ignorance ‫للتعبير عن الجهل‬
to express sadness ‫للتعبير عن الحزن‬
To express envy ‫للتعبير عن الحسد‬
To express fear ‫للتعبير عن الخوف‬
to express happiness ‫للتعبير عن السعادة‬
To express pity ‫للتعبير عن الشفقة‬
To express shock ‫للتعبير عن الصدمة‬
To express anger ‫للتعبير عن الغضب‬
to express dismay ‫للتعبير عن الفزع‬
to express anxiety ‫للتعبير عن القلق‬
To express concern ‫للتعبير عن القلق او االهتمام‬
To express indifference ‫ عدم االكتراث‬،‫للتعبير عن الالمباالة‬
To express pleasure ‫للتعبير عن المتعة‬
to express approval ‫للتعبير عن الموافقة‬
to express likes ‫للتعبير عن االعجاب او لتفضيل‬
to express
‫للتعبير عن خيبة األمل‬
to express dislike ‫للتعبير عن عدم االعجاب‬
to express
‫للتعبير عن عدم الرضا‬
To express
‫للتعبير عن عدم الرغبة‬
to express surprise ‫للتعبير عن مفاجأة‬
To clarify ‫للتوضيح‬
to defend ‫للدفاع‬
To deny ‫االنكار‬
to reject ‫للرفض‬
To doubt ‫للشك‬
To bargain ‫للمساومة‬
to disagree ‫للمعارضة‬
To compare ‫لمقارنة‬
To admire ‫معجب او تقدير لشيء او شخص ما‬

Language Function ‫الوظيفة اللغوية‬

to congratulate ‫لنهنئ‬
to describe ‫لوصف‬
To hope ‫ليأمل‬
to accuse ‫ليتهم‬
to express ‫ليعبر‬
To object ‫ليعترض‬
To suggest ‫ليقترح‬
to interrupt ‫ليقاطع‬
To regret ‫ليندم‬
to approve ‫ليوافق‬
to support ‫من أجل دعم‬
to take ‫ليأخذ‬
to beg ‫يتوسل‬
to warn ‫ليحذر‬
to tell ‫ليخبر‬
to ask ‫يسأل‬
to question ‫تشكيك او استجواب‬
To complain ‫يشتكي‬
To demand ‫يطلب‬
to threaten ‫يهدد‬


You: "I agree. It would be great if there was a train or a

subway line that went through here."
Them: "That would be so great. I would definitely take the 242
………if they had it."

train car ship bicycle

They arrive ---------------- we were having dinner.

why during While for

‫األسئلة المحدثة ضمن مناهج بعض الجامعات‬

In the XXI century population on the Earth __________ to

increase. 244
that it has
continuing which continue continues

Alcohol intake, as well as any other pernicious habits

________ avoided by most people who want to feel good, be
healthy and live a long life. 245
must being which must must be must

In recent months, the final mapping of the human genome

________ the range of medical treatments and cures available
to those suffering from various diseases. 246
will have
will extend extends has extended

Intelligent life on other planets, while remaining an intriguing

possibility, ________ yet to be discovered. 247
has has been has not have

Despite being basically arboreal in nature, koalas ________ to

inhabit a specific territory and range of some 30 square miles. 248
are known knowing which know are knowing

Initially elected as a labor leader, Jimmy Hoffa _________

mysteriously. 249
vanishing who vanished vanishes vanished

Broccoli _________ best in gardens having loose, well-

composted soil, and full sunlight. 250
had grown growing grows which grows

Many of the novels of Kurt Vonnegut __________ a

remarkable skepticism about the ultimate value of
technological advances. 251
will have
display they display had displayed

Because copper is nonconductive, it __________ for housing

electrical cords and circuitry.
is being
values is valued has valued

Numerous performances of Mozart's operas __________ in

Austria long before the beginning of the 19th century. 253
had been were
perform had performed
performed performing

------------ many times, every winter in Frankfurt.

It is snow It snowed It snows It is snowing

I -------- tennis every Sunday morning.

playing am playing play am play

Don't make so much noise. Noriko ------- to study for her ESL
test! 256
try tries tried is trying

Jun-Sik ----- his teeth before breakfast every morning.

will cleaned cleans is cleaning clean

Sorry, she can't come to the phone. She ---------- a bath!

has having is having have

How many students in your class------- from Korea?

comes came come are coming

Weather report: "It's seven o'clock in Frankfurt and ------- ."

it`s snowing there is snow it snows it snowed

Babies--------- when they are hungry.

are crying cries cry cried

Jane: "What -------- in the evenings?"

Mary: "Usually I watch TV or read a book." 262
you doing you do do you do are you doing

Jane: "What ----------?"

Mary: "I'm trying to fix my calculator." 263
you doing you do are you doing do you do

Jane ------------- her blue jeans today, but usually she wears a
skirt or a dress. 264
wearing is wearing wear wears

I think I --------a new calculator. This one does not work

properly any more. 265
need needs needed am needing

Sorry, you can't borrow my pencil. I am using it myself.

was using using use am using

At a school dance:
Jane: " ---------- yourself?"
Mary: "Yes, I'm having a great time!" 267
Are you
You enjoying Enjoy you Do you enjoy

I've just finished reading a story called Dangerous Game. It's

about a man who ------ his wife because he doesn't want to
lose her. 268
is killing killed kills kill

What time ---------?

does the train is the train
leaves the train? the train leaves?
leave? leaving?

Jane: "Are you going to the dance on Friday?"

Mary: "No, I'm not. I-------- school dances; they're loud, hot
and crowded!" 270

not enjoy doesn`t enjoy don `t enjoy am not enjoying

I --------for my pen. Have you seen it?

am looking look looking will look

You can keep my iPod if you like. --------- it any more.

didn`t use doesn`t use don`t use am not using

The phone ---------. Can you answer it, please?

ring rang is ringing rings

You'd better go to bed early tonight. The plane ------- at 6

o'clock tomorrow morning so we'll have to be up by 4.30! 274
will leave leave is leaving leaves

My father ------- too much!

smokes smoking smoke is smoking

You should see the new Brad Pitt film. He plays the part of a
cowboy who---------up a lawless town. 276
is cleaning cleaned cleans clean

Woo-Jin and I -------- basketball after school today. Do you

want to play too? 277
play played are playing is playing

Oil --------- on water.

floats is floating floating float

Why ----------------? You should be listening to me!

you talk are you talking you are talking do you talk

What --------------next weekend, Yoshi?

you doing are you doing you do do you do

Jane: Do you play the piano?

Mary: No,------------ any musical instrument! 281
am not playing doesn`t play isn`t playing don`t play

You --------- into things and breaking them. How can anyone
be so clumsy?
are always
always bumps always bumping always bump

"What --------- about the plan to shorten the school holidays?"

do you think you think will you think are you thinking

Jane: "What ------------- about?"

Mary: "My summer holidays! I wish I was still lying on the
beach." 284
do you think are you thinking you thinking does he think

My father --------- me to school this week because we had an

accident and our car is being repaired. 285
don`t drive hadn`t driven isn`t driving doesn`t drive

A new hotel ------- ---------in the center of town.

is built is building built is being built

Money ----------- on trees!

didn`t grow doesn`t grow isn`t growing don`t grow

With the passing of time and the encroachment of people, the

habitat of gorillas __________ to decrease. 288
that it has
continuing which continue continues

Sugar intake, particularly that of refined sugar, ________

curtailed by most overweight people wishing to lessen their
corpulence. 289

must being which must must be must

3. In recent months, the final mapping of the human genome

________ the range of medical treatments and cures available
to those suffering from various diseases . 290
has extended extends will extend will have extendedet5et5

Intelligent life on other planets, while remaining an intriguing

possibility, ________ yet to be discovered . 291
has have has not has been

Yeast is an organic catalyst _____ known to prehistoric

humanity 292
was which was which it which

Initially elected as a labor leader, Jimmy Hoffa _________

mysteriously. 293
vanishing vanishes vanished who vanished

Early printers arranged type into _____ a small, flat

composing stick 294
the words are
words are words on words on

_____ lived on Earth for nearly 150 million years.

Dinosaurs Dinosaurs who If dinosaurs Since dinosaurs

Because of copper's conductivity, it __________ for housing

electrical cords and circuitry.
values has valued is being valuable is valued

Numerous performances of Mozart's operas __________ in

Austria long before the beginning of the 19th century. 297
perform were performing had performed had been performed

The memory of Juarez ___________ in Mexico more than that

of any other man. 298
has venerated is venerated will venerate venerates

At the railway station, the gray morning light __________ to filter in

between the heavy stone pillars upon throng of straw-hatted
peasants, Indian women carrying their burdens on their backs, and
sleepy, tired soldiers. 299

is begun begin was beginning begun

Like sentinels on guard, the slender spikes of monkshood

__________ straight and tall among the grasses and herbs of moist
mountain meadows. 300
stand was standing will be stood are stood

___________ immense chasms filled with realistic rock forms resembling Oriental
cities and castles of the Middle Ages.
Bryce Canyon In Bryce Bryce Canyon This Bryce
have Canyon are are having Canyon was had

Now a new way in tooth cleaning, different in formula and effect,

__________ in the special film-removing dentifrice.
will be
embodies is embodied had embodied

In __________, the crime rate has begun to drop due to neighborhood watch
the past few years a few years ago few years a few years since

Three responsibilities ________ are to search out, identify,

and assess patentable inventions and technologies.
to a patent with a patent on a patent of a patent
manager manager manager manager

many software companies have discovered a limited audience for ________
from the couch. 305
Web surfing Web to surf to Web surf Web surfs

Shooting stars, otherwise known as meteorites,

often fall to Earth in a pattern dictated ________ and Earth rotation
to solar winds by solar winds on solar winds which solar winds

Ink stains, commonly regarded __________ difficult stains to

remove, will not succumb to the usual array of detergents and
cleaners found in supermarkets. 307
through the
as the most to the most in the most

Examples of selective use __________ are found in

commercial leaf removal prior to harvest in the cotton and
sugar beet industries 308
of defoliants by defoliants in defoliants

Ethyl cyanoacetate is derived __________ of an alkali cyanide

and chloroacetic ethyl ester. 309
at the reaction from the to the reaction above the
reaction reaction

On the second level of mammalian evolution, that __________

mammals or marsupials, the eggs are practically yolkless.
by the
to the pouching of the pouched in the pouches

Foraging ants make a network __________ around the nest .

inside roads by roads of roads to roading

__________ its richness and varied coloring, Schubert 's

Symphony in C has enjoyed a deserved reputation among
classical music lovers. 312
Renowning by Renownable to Renowned for Renowning with

he calyx and the corona buttercups were the first to know

their own mind and to __________ their composition. 313
settle in settle with settle to settle upon

To further the important study of solar radiation ___________ long

range weather forecasting, the organization appropriated over ten
percent of its budget. 314
as relation with for relation on by relation of in relation to

Each part of the Hamilton watch is fashioned __________ the

minutest precision and perfection of finish.
at around to as

Once in China, the tourist may shop in quaint bazaars

___________ silks, laces, and jade. 316
in For on at

The first convent was established __________ 1529, only eight

years after the Spanish conquest of the region. 317
in Oaxaca in at Oaxaca on on Oaxaca by to Oaxaca since

__________ was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for his

work on the photoelectric effect. 318
That Einstein It was Einstein Einstein who Einstein

________ of Willa Catha present an unadorned picture of life

on the prairies of the Midwestern United States during the
19th century. 319
The stories who That the novels The novels which The novels

Unlike the climate of the other islands of Hawaii, ________

Kona contains 54 different temperate zones.
that of this is these are those that

With few exceptions, ________ are warm-blooded , have live births,

and are suckled with milk from their mother’s body
which mammals mammals mammals that mammals , they

Among all the scientists of the 1930s, ________

was so suited to carry out the Manhattan project as J. Robert Oppenheimer
no scientists not who was a scientist none a scientist never he

By the time of the appearance of "Paulus ", __________

was widely recognized as the most famous living composer. 323
it was Felix Mend Felix Mendelsso Felix Mendel Felix Mendelsso
elssohn hn who ssohn hn whom

_________ is as widespread in the U. S. as the grey squirrel,

an animal actually classified as a rodent . 324
No mammal Not a mammal which None mammal Not a mammal that

In the quiet of the woods, __________

sometimes hears the thrush breaking snail shells. 325
the one one ones those ones

__________ is a growing practice in cooperative farming

associations to pool and sell the fruit as a common commodity
under the brands of the association rather than to sell the 326
fruit of each grower separately .
There One It, which Why

The __________ the forest reached their highest price in the

1980s . 327
products of productions by producers to products with

__________ amazing curiosities of the northwestern topographical

area of Chile.
They are few Some There are any It is one of the

Made of white silk appliqued on maroon satin, __________, found in

the smoking room of the colonial palace, form a festive backdrop.
figure it is this figure there is a figure these figures

__________ wonders on the fair faces, delicate tissues, and

individual forms of a large variety of plant species.
There is
It is the 330
environement environment
work works
work that work

_________ were bound together by so many strong ties as those pioneer families
pushing westward across the United States in the 1800s.
None was a There were no Not many None but the
family families families family

Emma Thompson was nominated for an Academy Award as

both a screenwriter __________ an actress in 1996. 332
also or in addition, and

With neither a naturally aggressive disposition ________ particularly large size,

the mimic octopus survives quite easily because of its natural adaptations.
and a with its nor a or its

Above-ground swimming pools have ________ the flexibility

of being able to be moved from place to place but also the
efficiency of using less water than standard in- ground pools. 334
that all in addition not only

Life in the Sahara has many negative features including

aridity and high temperatures but many positive aspects
________. 335
in addition to as well coupled with plus

As a universal language, Esperanto has never really gained

widespread acceptance ________ its lack of native speakers. 336
because as a result in order to due to

Readily soluble in sulfuric and nitric acid, mercury is __________

birth defects can easily result from its ingestion by pregnant women.
such poisonous that so poisonous that too poisonous that very poisonous that

Synthetic polymers may be __________

thermoplastic or thermosetting depending on the action of tolylene diisocyanate.
both as well as but also either

Road conditions in the United States suffered a severe setback __________

the Civil War.
in spite of the fact that
as a result of because despite

__________ other mollusks, the oyster reproduces by eggs

Like As to Regarding With

The introduction of the Japanese persimmon into the United

States aroused widespread interest throughout the country
__________ the precocity of the trees and the large size and 341
great beauty of the fruit.
owing with
on account of because nevertheless

The white enamel surface is __________ to keep clean in the bathroom, or in any
other room, as porcelain.
too easy
so easy such that easy as easy

Colima's isolated, beautifully-shaped cone, is often hidden by masses

of dense steam __________, colored red at night from the spewing
lava. 343
its smoke
also smoke and smoke beside smoke

The true lilies developed their beauty __________ an evident need

for greater insect pollination.
as with
because in answer to so that

When purchasing a Valentine's Day gift, male customers, according

to all surveys, tend to lean toward either a bouquet of red roses
purchased online __________ found at a local supermarket 345
and a box of also a box of a box of or a box of
chocolates chocolates chocolates chocolates

A retailer must be aware of not only the competition from local stores but also
the vagaries of __________ and taste
both fashion some fashion nor fashion as well

I ------ two sisters.

have has his her

Many communities _____ a complex system of linguistic levels

in order to show respect. 348
use already made making it useful make use of useful

The ear is a flexible organ, _____ simply was not designed to

withstand the noise of modern living. 349
but it it but its

In 1934, chemist Wallace Carothers produced a plastic which

_____ nylon. 350
his call calling to call him he called

As _____ grows, the shell in which it lives grows, too.

a mollusk a mollusk it has a mollusk it has a mollusk

The first _____ the Civil War was fired from Fort Johnson
upon Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861 352
it was shot shot in shot shot was in

Stalactites are formed in caves by groundwater ______

dissolved lime. 353
containing it contains contains containment

By studying the movements of the Sun and Moon, even early

astronomers could _____ eclipses would take place. 354
the prediction
predicting when when it predicts predict when

Coffee probably originally grew wild in Ethiopia in the

province of Kaffe, and from there _____ to southern Arabia. 355
it was brought bringing it brought it brought with it

Alabama was occupied by the French and Spanish before

_____ to England in 1763. 356
was ceded ceded to it it was ceded ceded it

A group of winged reptiles pterosaurs is believed to have been

the first vertebrates with the power of flight. 357
called call calls is called

The population of the US is ______.

greater than
more than the
greater than that
greater than
population Canada's one
Canada of Canada

‫قم باختيار الكلمة الخاطئة‬

As a protective protein molecule, an antibody can combines with a foreign virus


The effort to determine the exact numerical value of pi has now reach 2.16 billion
decimal digits

Obsidian is formed when siliceous lava cools rapidly to

crystallized into rock- forming minerals 361

Cavemen created a large amount of early works of art using a

mixture of clay, chalk, and burned wood and bones. 362

The large collection of the Williams College Museum of Art includes

ancient and medieval art ,but much exhibits are modern or contemporary

When a bone is broke into several pieces doctors may pin the pieces together for
proper healing

Tarantulas inject a paralyzing venom into prey or with their large fangs


The sunflower, the official state flower of Kansas, and is widespread in

the prairies of the western United States

An internationally famous ballerina, Maria Tallchief demonstrated that the quality

of ballet in North America could equal those of the ballet in Europe

Vast flows of information is carried on hair-thin fiber-optic cables


The crafting of fine violins has been proceeding for several century as a secret art.





One of the most successful commercial products ever launched is said to have come about as
the result of a mistake. In 1896, Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia, was selling a nerve
tonic known as 'French Wine Cola - Ideal Nerve Tonic'. By accidentally adding fizzy water
instead of still water to the recipe a pharmacist called John S. Pemberton invented what has
today become the most popular soft drink in the world: Coca-Cola. Along with its closest
rival - Pepsi - which appeared on the market three years later, Coke has enjoyed phenomenal
success worldwide, particularly in the past fifty years. Indeed, old Coke bottles and 'limited
edition' cans can often fetch considerable sums from collectors, and there are even stores
which deal exclusively in Coke products and memorabilia.
What could possibly account for the amazing success of Coca-Cola? Howhas this
combination of carbonated water, sugar, acid and flavourings come to symbolize the
American way of life for most of the world? After all, even the manufacturers could hardly
describe Coke as a healthy product since it contains relatively high amounts of sugar

(admittedly not the case with Diet Coke which contains artificial sweeteners instead of sugar)
and phosphoric acid, both of which are known to damage teeth.
One explanation may be found in the name. The original recipe included a flavouring from
the coca plant and probably included small amounts of cocaine (an addictive substance), but
since the early part of this century all traces of cocaine have been removed. However, Coke
(like all cola drinks) also includes a flavouring from the cola tree; cola extract contains
caffeine, which is a stimulant, and the Coca-Cola company adds extra caffeine for good
measure. While caffeine is not thought to be an addictive substance in itself, there is
considerable evidence that over a period of time the consumption of caffeine has to be
increased in order for its stimulating effect to be maintained, and so sales of Coke perhaps
benefit as a result.
A more likely reason for the enduring popularity of Coke may, however, be found in the
company's enviable marketing strategies. Over the years it has come up with some of the most
memorable commercials, tunes, slogans and sponsorship in the world of advertising, variously
emphasizing international harmony, youthfulness and a carefree lifestyle. Few other
companies (arguably including Pepsi) have been able to match such marketing ploys so
consistently or effectively. As suggested earlier, the influences of American culture are
evident justabout everywhere, and Coca-Cola has somehow come to represent a vision of the
United States that much of the rest of the world dreams about and aspires to. Perhaps drinking
Coke brings people that little bit closer to the dream.

a/ Coke is quite expensive in some parts of the world
b/ collectors consider carefully how much they pay for a can of coke
c/ some collectors will only drink Coke in exclusive stores
d/ certain Coke cans are worth a lot of money as collectable items

a/ Coke and Pepsi work very closely together
c/ Coke and Pepsi are competitors in the same market
d/ Coke and Pepsi between them keep rivals out of the market

a/ the strategies are based on envy
c/ people are persuaded to buy Coke because they are envious of others

a/ stressing at different times
b/ using a wide variety of emphasis
c/ stressing at the same time
d/ using a particular order of emphasis

a/ phosphoric and acid
b/ sugar and artificial sweetener
c/ sugar and phosphoric acid
d/ artificial sweetener and phosphoric acid

a/ clothing
b/ souvenirs
c/ containers
d/ packages

112. I n the last sentence of the passage the writer implies that
a/ many people wish for a lifestyle like they imagine most Americans have
b/ most people would like to live in America
c/ drinking Coke reminds a lot of people of visiting America
d/ living in the United States is a bit like living a dream


Hong Kong Technical Institute

the variables/strategies
that affect student's learning English as a second language.
This report identifies some of the learner variables/strategies
used by two students in a Hong Kong Technical Institute.
The instruments for data collection included observation,
interviews and questionnaires. The findings are
discussed and some implications highlighted.

What makes a 'good' language learner 'good', and what makes

a 'poor' language learner 'poor'? What does this imply for the
teaching of language in the Hong Kong context? These are
the central questions of this assignment.
The existing body
of research attributes the differences
between language learners
to learner variables and learner
strategies. Learner variables
include such things as differences
in personality, motivation, style,
aptitude and age (Ellis, 1986: Chp 5) and
strategies refer to "techniques,
approaches, or deliberate actions that
students take in order to facilitate
the learning and recall of both linguistic
and content area information"
(Chamot, 1987:71). It is important to
note here that what we are
considering is not the fact that
language learners do and can learn,
but why there should be such variations in speed of learning,
ability to use the target language, and in achieving examination
grades, areas which generally lead to the classification
of students as being either 'good' or 'poor'.

Learner variables and strategies have been the focus of a

number of research projects,
( O'Malley et al., 1985, Oxford, 1989).
However, to the best of my knowledge, this area has not
been researched in Hong Kong classrooms. Since I am a
teacher of English working in Hong Kong, gleaning a little
of what learner variables and strategies seem to work for

local students seems to be a fruitful area of research.

In discussing learner variables and strategies, we

have to keep in mind the arbitrary nature of actually
identifying these aspects. As the existing research
points out, it is not possible to observe directly qualities
such as aptitude, motivation and anxiety. (Oxford, 1986).
We cannot look inside the minds of a language learner
and find out what strategies, if any, they are using. These
strategies are not visible processes. Also, as Naiman and
his colleagues (1978) point out, no single learning strategy,
cognitive style or learner characteristic is sufficient
to explain success in language learning. The factors must
be considered simultaneously to discover how they interact
to affect success or failure in a particular
language learning situation.
Bearing these constraints in mind, the aim of this
assignment is to develop two small scale studies of
the language learners attempting to gain an overall idea
of what strategies are in use and what variables
seem to make a difference to Hong Kong students.

The following sections will outline two students, identified

as being 'good' and 'poor' language learners respectively.
Section Two outlines the methodology and background to
this assignment, explaining the methods of data collection.
Section Three presents the findings of the interviews and
questions, analyzing the variables
and strategies identified
and considering their significance. Section Four discusses the
implications of the findings for teaching, leading into a brief
conclusion to the essay. Although the essay focuses only on
two individual learners, it is hoped that the findings will
have some relevance to my own teaching approach.
We will now move on to discuss the
methodology and approach adopted.

1. In paragraph 3, the writer uses the phrase 'to the best of my

knowledge.....' because

(a) she has good knowledge of this area

(b) she is not sure if the area has been researched in Hong Kong
(c) she thinks the area has been researched in Hong Kong
(d) she does not wish to take responsibility for any omissions in the

2. An abstract is:

(a) a summary of the author's opinions

(b) a summary of the article
(c) a summary of the research in the field
(d) an analysis of the author's opinions

3. In paragraph 2, 'learner variables' and 'strategies' are defined by

referring to other writers

(a) because these writers are authorities in the field and these are
recognised as important concepts
(b) because these writers are authorities in the field and these are
recognised as important definitions
(c) because the present author is not sure what these terms mean
(d) because the present author wishes to redefine the scope of research
in this area

4. In paragraph 3 , '(O' Malley et al., 1985, Oxford, 1989)' refers to:

(a) a book by a collection of authors which has been reprinted once

(b) a collection of articles by O' Malley in a book by Oxford
(c) a book by a collection of authors and a book by one author
(d) a book by a collection of authors and a book published by Oxford

5. The main point of paragraph 5 is

(a) to describe the existing research in the field

(b) to point out the limitations of research in this area
(c) to describe learning strategies identified so far
(d) to summarise the scope of the present article
6. The reference to 'Naiman and his colleagues (1978)' in paragraph 4
is made

(a) to point out the advantages of an analytical approach

(b) to point out that language learning strategies can be identified
(c) to point out that different learners learn differently
(d) to point out the uniqueness of language learning situations

7. The main point of paragraph 2 is

(a) to define technical terms SAFAA ALKINANI
(b) to define terms and the scope of the study
(c) to outline the main sections of the report
(d) to summarise the area to be covered in the article

8. According to this passage, research in this area is characterised as

(a) empirically observable

(b) often impossible to observe directly
(c) poorly defined in the research literature to date
(d) easier to theorise about than to carry out directly

9. In paragraph 1 'implications' could be replaced by which of the


(a) suggestions
(b) causes
(c) hints
(d) solutions

10. In paragraph 4 'arbitrary' could be replaced by which of the


(a) systematic
(b) empirical
(c) random
(d) difficult

11. In paragraph 2 the writer uses the phrase 'it is important to note

(a) because she wishes to emphasize that this is her opinion

(b) because she wishes to emphasize that she is concerned with why there are
variations in speed of learning learning
(c) because she is presenting an empirical viewpoint
(d) because she is presenting the results of objective data collection
12. According to the final paragraph which of the sections in the paper
is partly analytical?
(a) section 1
(b) section 2 SAFAA ALKINANI
(c) section 3
(d) section 4

13. In paragraph 6, the writer uses the phrase 'it is hoped that the
findings will have some relevance...'

(a) because she is confident the findings are relevant to her

(b) because she wants the findings to be helpful to her
(c) because of the broad scope of the study which is widely applicable
(d) because she wishes to phrase her hopes in as subjective a style as

14. In paragraph 5, 'bearing these constraints in mind' is closest in

meaning to

(a) rejecting these limitations

(b) in the context of these limitations
(c) taking these limitations into consideration
(d) with these possibilities in mind

15. The main point of paragraph 3

(a) is to define technical terms

(b) is to define the scope of the study
(c) is to explain why the writer is interested in the area
(d) is to summarise the area to be covered in the article

16. The word 'although' in paragraph 6 is similar in meaning to which of

the following?

(a) however
(b) moreover
(c) despite the fact that
(d) nevertheless


Grade 1
UP ‫فوق‬ down ‫أسفل‬
GIVE ‫يعطى‬ take ‫يأخذ‬
LARGE ‫كبير‬ small ‫صغير‬
UNHAPPY ‫تعيس‬ glad ‫سعيد‬
ANGER ‫غضب‬ happiness ‫سعادة‬
MIDNIGHT ‫منتصف الليل‬ noon ‫وقت الظهيرة‬
FAT ‫سمين‬ skinny ‫نحيف‬
BUY ‫يشترى‬ sell ‫يبيع‬
QUIT ‫ ترك‬،‫استقال‬ start ‫بداية‬
TIGHT ‫ضيق‬ loose ‫مرتخي‬
LIVE ‫حي‬ die ‫موت‬
ALIKE ‫على حد سواء‬ different ‫مختلف‬
PRETTY ‫جميلة‬ ugly ‫قبيح‬
NOTHING ‫ال شيئ‬ everything ‫كل شىء‬
OLD ‫قديم‬ young ‫شاب‬
HIGHER ‫أعلى‬ lower ‫ادنى‬
SICK ‫مرض‬ healthy ‫صحي‬
WEIRD ‫غريب االطوار‬ normal ‫عادي‬
GATHER ‫جمع‬ separate ‫منفصل‬
HORRIBLE ‫ فضيع‬، ‫رهيب‬ excellent ‫ممتاز‬
OFTEN ‫غالبا‬ never ‫أبدا‬
TINY ‫صغيرة جدا‬ huge ‫ضخم‬
PART ‫جزء‬ whole ‫ كل‬،‫كامل‬
SILLY ‫سخيف‬ wise ‫حكيم‬
DIFFICULTY ‫صعوبة‬ ease ‫سهولة‬
RUDE ‫وقاحة او قلة ادب‬ polite ‫مهذب‬
SURE ‫مؤكد‬ uncertain ‫غير مؤكد‬
VISIT ‫يزور‬ leave ‫غادر‬
DISLIKE ‫لم يعجبني‬ love ‫حب‬
SEVERAL ‫العديد من‬ none ‫ال شيء‬

FOUR IN ONE ‫هذه المادة هي جزء من ملزمة اللغة اإلنكليزية‬

SAFAA ALKINANI ‫تم اعدادها من قبل‬



Grade 2
EXCITING ‫مثير‬ boring ‫ملل‬
DIFFICULT ‫صعب‬ simple ‫بسيط‬
PLAYFUL ‫لعوب‬ serious ‫جدي‬
DELIGHT ‫بهجة‬ upset ‫منزعج‬
BLAND ‫ماصخ‬ tasty ‫طيب المذاق‬
ALWAYS ‫دائما‬ never ‫أبدا‬
HANDSOME ‫وسيم‬ ugly ‫قبيح‬
ENORMOUS ‫ضخم‬ tiny ‫صغيرة جدا‬
STIFF ‫ متصلد‬، ‫متيبس‬ flexible ‫مرنة‬
ARRIVE ‫يصل‬ depart ‫المغادرة‬
CLOSED ‫مغلق‬ open ‫مفتوح‬
BEGIN ‫ابدأ‬ finish ‫إنهاء‬
TERRIBLE ‫رهيب‬ wonderful ‫رائع‬
SHORT ‫قصير‬ long ‫طويل‬
FIX ‫اصالح‬ break ‫تحطيم‬
GUEST ‫زائر‬ host ‫مضيف‬
BUY ‫يشترى‬ sell ‫يبيع‬
ANNOY ‫تزعج‬ calm ‫هدوء‬
IMPORTANT ‫مهم‬ worthless ‫عديم القيمة‬
CATCH ‫ امسك‬،‫قبض‬ drop ‫اسقط‬
TRUST ‫ثقة‬ doubt ‫شك‬
AGREE ‫يوافق على‬ differ ‫اختلف‬
ACCOMPLISH ‫اإلنجاز‬ fail ‫فشل‬
SHY ‫خجول‬ outgoing ‫ ودود‬،‫شخص اجتماعي‬
SOFT ‫ناعم‬ firm ‫قاس‬
AFRAID ‫خائف‬ fearless ‫عديم الخوف‬
PLEASURE ‫سرور‬ pain ‫الم‬
INJURE ‫مصاب‬ heal ‫ يشفى‬- ‫شفاء‬
ENJOY ‫استمتع‬ dislike ‫لم يعجبنى‬
PLAIN ‫واضح وجلي‬ fancy ‫وهمي‬
FOUR IN ONE ‫هذه المادة هي جزء من ملزمة اللغة اإلنكليزية‬

SAFAA ALKINANI ‫تم اعدادها من قبل‬



Grade 3
CLING ‫تشبث‬ detach )‫ (تحرر‬،‫فصل‬
CONTAIN ‫يحتوي‬ exclude ‫استبعاد‬
PREVENT ‫يحول دون‬ cause ‫سبب‬
‫مشتك‬ unusual ‫غت عادي‬ ‫ر‬
SCHEDULED ‫المقرر‬ unplanned ‫غت مخطط لها‬ ‫ر‬
ARCTIC ‫قطب‬ tropical ‫إستوائ‬
PREDATOR ‫المفتس‬‫ر‬ prey ‫فريسة‬
CLEVER ‫ذك‬ stupid ‫غب‬
CONSIDER ‫يأخذ باالعتبار‬ ignore ‫تجاهل‬
ATTRACT ‫جذب‬ disgust ‫ز‬
BRIEF )‫نبذة (مخترص‬ long ‫طويل‬
BLINDNESS ‫عىم او جهل‬ vision ‫رؤية‬
UNLIKE ‫غت متشابه‬ ‫ر‬ similar ‫مماثل‬
FAN ‫معجب‬ critic ‫الناقد‬
AMBITIOUS ‫طموح‬ lazy ‫كسول‬
ORIGIN ‫األصل‬ destination ‫الوجهة‬
CERTAIN ‫المؤكد‬ unsure ‫غت متأكد‬ ‫ر‬
DARK ‫داكن‬ brilliant ‫متألق‬
METHODICAL ‫المنهج‬ random ‫عشوائ‬
OPPONENT ‫الخصم‬ ally ‫حليف‬
ADVANTAGE ‫أفضلية‬ problem ‫مشكلة‬
MISERY ‫بؤس‬ pleasure ‫رسور‬
SOLUTION ‫حل‬ dilemma ‫معضلة‬
MOIST ‫رطب او ندي‬ dry ‫جاف‬
STEER ‫قيادة او ارشاد‬ follow ‫إتبع‬
RESIDENT ‫مقيم‬ visitor ‫الزائر‬
MAGNIFICENT ‫رائع‬ ugly ‫قبيح‬
DIFFERENT ‫مختلف‬ identical ‫مطابق‬
DOWNSTAIRS ‫الطابق االسفل‬ above ‫ف االعىل‬
OBSERVE ‫رصد‬ glance ‫لمحة‬

FOUR IN ONE ‫هذه المادة هي جزء من ملزمة اللغة اإلنكليزية‬

SAFAA ALKINANI ‫تم اعدادها من قبل‬

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