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Monday, February 26th, 2024

Classroom language

Raise your hand

Open your book to Page number...

Keep your distance

Stand up

Sit down

Come to the front

Can you lend mi a pencil

Ca I go to the restroom

Can you repeat that, please

Close the door, please

Excuse me



Thank you


No, thank you






How are you

I am fine

See you

Good morning

Good afternoon

Good evining

Good night

Certainly! Here’s a short story that incorporates 12 greetings and classroom language:

Title: “The Curious Adventure of Alex in English Class”

Once upon a sunny morning, Alex stepped into the bustling classroom. The air was filled
with anticipation, and the chalkboard stood ready for action. Alex greeted the teacher and
fellow students with a cheerful “Good morning, everyone!” The teacher smiled and
replied, “Hello, class.”

As the lesson began, the teacher instructed, “Please open your books to page 10.” Alex
diligently followed the command, flipping through the textbook. The teacher continued,
“Listen carefully. Work in pairs or groups.” Alex glanced at the classmates, wondering
who would be the best partner.

Suddenly, confusion struck. Alex raised a hand and asked, “I’m sorry, could you repeat
that, please?” The teacher kindly clarified, “Of course! Work with your neighbor and
write down the answers.” Alex nodded, relieved.

During a grammar exercise, Alex turned to a classmate and said, “I didn’t understand.
Could you explain that again?” The classmate grinned and rephrased the rule. Alex
appreciated the help and thought, “It’s important to ask for clarification.”

As the clock ticked, the teacher announced, “Time to begin the speaking activity.” Alex’s
heart raced. The teacher prompted, “Discuss your favorite hobbies in pairs.” Alex turned
to a friendly neighbor and shared interests. They agreed on soccer and art.
When the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson, Alex waved to classmates, saying,
“Goodbye, everyone. See you later!” The teacher added, “Have a nice day.”

And so, Alex’s adventure in English class continued—a journey of learning, asking
questions, and making friends. Each day, Alex practiced classroom language, growing
more confident. As the weeks passed, Alex even volunteered to go to the board,
exclaiming, “Can I come in?”

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