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Running Head: CRITIQUE 1

The Intelligent Library: Thought leaders' view on the likely impact of Artificial

Intelligence on Academic Libraries

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In the article "The Intelligent Library: Thought leaders' view on the likely impact of

Artificial Intelligence on Academic Libraries (Cox et al. 2018)," the author seeks to show how

Artificial Intelligence can be used in library services. The author's statement of the problem is

short and precise and shows why the study has been conducted. The heading of the problem is

suitable for the study as it is particular that library management staff has to give its opinion of the

issue. Therefore, the researcher aims to find out what the management staff of a library thinks

about the introduction of artificial intelligence in managing a library.

The article sets three research questions that define what the article will examine through

the desired outcome. The research wants to know what library managers think of AI being used

in libraries, what the expectation from the use of AI is and how the library can accommodate AI

into the already existing system. The research question is precise and focused on the topic. They

have also defined the topic well.

The authors review the literature well, as they indicate that the need for AI has increased

immensely. It creates a good relationship to the topic by showing how industries are now using

AI to enhance efficiency. Therefore, it goes that libraries will also benefit from the use of AI,

making it adequate. The review also indicates that in 30 years, library function will have

changed, and this shows a good transition from the need to adopt AI and how it will eventually

benefit libraries in the long run. Also, the review's author is well cited from credible sources

making the information reliable.

The article uses a sample of 33 participants to examine how AI is useful in libraries. The

results finding are presented in transcripts clearly indicate what participants feel about AI in

libraries. The research demonstrates that librarians feel that AI will create a digital shift, create

better cataloging and make library activities more efficient, especially in data management.

Through predictive analysis, the researcher explains some of the things that will change due to

AI. It indicates how different changes in learning will be achieved and also says that there will be

better intelligent tools and learning experiences. The results also suggest that AI could bring

privacy of data issues where data is compromised, lack transparency, and replace human

librarians with machines. The research question has been answered systematically as the research

indicates implications, changes to be experienced, and issues that will be faced.

The research article concludes that libraries should adopt AI as an essential learning tool.

The author summarizes the research in the discussion, creating a well-rounded explanation of AI

and some of its significant features, such as chat boxes and data mining. It also highlights that

different aspect of AI are not relevant to library management, like the Internet of Things and data

mining. The complexities of AI were highly abandoned, and the main focus was put on user

experience, according to the results. The researcher clearly showed that AI should be used in

libraries as the technology addresses many new capabilities of library needs.



Cox, A. M., Pinfield, S., & Rutter, S. (2018). The intelligent library: Thought leaders’ views on

the likely impact of artificial intelligence on academic libraries. Library Hi Tech.

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