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CAunON: Do ROt .pply SA-50 Si~.

4Iirectly to, or otII.. wi.. , contact witII ...........

I'0Il, or _If
fIow.n, ......., fruit tr•• I, "'acco, o,...••lItall, cot-
deIi,.w. p....ts .....ti.. to ph.ROKy Iter-
Weides or siMilar ....tena... Do ROt .._it I"., Mist
, ~

containi.. lilY•• to d~ t ......, lillCe ...n Mi ..ute turf iM fescue, not use c1 w-
stoline er-
qua ..titin ma, cause 1\,>' ue injury. Apply al a cOGne ous grasses as . Auguitillle, or centipede.
low pressure IPray, such sprays are lesl likely to drift. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Do not use on golf greens or new tllrf of any Yariety.
Do not contaMinat. or apply to" irrigation water or Silyex [2-(2,4,5-trichloropheROx,) propionic Apply, uling 1 quart in 50 to 100 gallonl of water to
water to be .11.1 for domestic purpo.... Do not store coyer on. acre (1 ~ tablespoonfulls per gallon to coyer
acid] propylene glycol (C3 1-16 0 to C9 1-1.803 ) 1000 sq. ft.>. Apply onl, in spring, after indicated
llear or co..taMinate fertilizen, seedl, or pesti.:idel. Do lutyl Ether Esten ______ ,___ - ____ - -__________________________ 67.9% weedl haye emerged and are growing yigoroully, or iOn
not store, Hildie, or apply oth.r chemicals with the
same containen or equipment used for Iilyex herbicide. ------------------"'!!""" early fall. RED r:cr'- V r:
Vaporization of this product at eleyated temperatures Do not re-treat" during the same sea so II. Do not apply
may cause i.. jury to nearby susceptible planb. Before ... Ibs. per during hot or dry periods. Do not apply to turf that
use, determine that the use and method of use con- is under stress or in conjunction with other herbicide
forms to local regulations. REACH applications.
This product is toxic to fish. Keep out of lakes, Harmful Recommended for the control of the indicated woody
streams, and ponds. Do not apply when conditions
fayor drift from areas treated.
sorbed tb,'"
and skID•.
clothln,. In cue eyel
plants in the following non-crop areas: ditch banks,
rights nf W' roadsides, and indystrial sites. F(><,f,
with water and ,et medleal attention. Wash Black" Jdck, Pin, red, White and JCrub Oaks, 1AaPlii.
This nJateHal may not giYe satisfactory control un- thorou,hly after usln,. Remove and wash eontam-
der all conditions. Timing and method of application, Inated elothln, before reuse. 'olson Ii,and wilCT"blacD»erry and certain ofhei woody
See left panel for additional precautions. species. not use .. coriffOl Ash. Spray woody growth
weather conditions and other influencing faclors in the
use of this product are beyond the control of the sellftr. up to, 6 or 8 ft. tall after foliage is fully deyeloped,
luyer assumes all risks of use, storage~ or handling Southern Agricultral Insecticides, Inc. using 1 quart to 25 gallons of water (2 tablespoonfuls
Hendersonyille, N. C. Palmetto, Fla. Boone, N. C. per gallon). Spray to cover entire plant (leaves, stems,
of this material not in strict accordance with tl. bark.) Repeat applications as necessary to control
directions and precautions given herewith. V.S.D.A. Re,. :'i'. 829-183 Net Contents Liquid I oz . new growth and re-growth.
....... .,... -- -

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JUN7 1968

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