Unit 2 Test Higher A

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Unit 2 Test | Group A

LISTENING Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Track 02 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę. Na podstawie informacji z nagrania uzupełnij luki
w zdaniach 1–5.
0 Tom thinks Selena seems upset.
1 Selena __________________________ about the danger to the environment for turtles.
2 She would like to help by __________________________ from the local beaches.
3 Tom thought that turtles only lived in __________________________.
4 One of the things Selena and Tom could do is sign an online __________________________ for an environmental
5 After speaking with Tom, Selena is __________________________ about being able to help.
___ / 5
2 Uzupełnij wyrazy w zdaniach. Pierwsza litera jest podana, a każda kreska odpowiada jednej literze.
0 Deaf people communicate in s i g n l a n g u a g e.
1 Rachel is a s _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ person. She is always sure of her own abilities.
2 I try to be p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about things – even when they go wrong.
3 Dan always does his homework and helps his parents with the housework. He’s so h _ _ _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _.
4 John was badly injured in the accident and the ambulance quickly took him to the c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ward at the nearest hospital.
5 A carer is someone who helps people with d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
___ / 5
3 Połącz słowa z ramek A i B, tak aby powstały wyrażenia. Następnie uzupełnij zdania powstałymi wyrażeniami.
A achieve give make raise survive

B a difference money the accident their goals up

0 Joe was really lucky to survive the accident. It was really bad.
1 My cousin wants to _______________ to people’s lives. He volunteers at a school for blind children.
2 A teacher’s job is to help students _______________ in education.
3 If you dream of something, you should focus on it, be determined, work hard and never _______________.
4 Joanna’s plan was to start a campaign and _______________ for the local hospital.
___ / 4
4 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika w nawiasie w czasie Past Simple lub Past Continuous.
0 The disabled man was sleeping in his wheelchair when we saw (see) him through his window.
1 Lucy sprained her ankle when she _______________ (walk) to school.
2 I was talking about my future career with my teacher when Betty _______________ (enter) the room.
3 The surgeon _______________ (not listen) to the radio in the car on his way to the hospital when the police stopped him.
4 Dan and Robert were using sign language while we _______________ (talk).
___ / 4
5 Uzupełnij zdania, używając wyrażenia used to w odpowiedniej formie oraz czasowników z ramki.
be depend do not go not watch study
0 My sister didn’t use to watch cartoons when we were little, but I did!
1 I ______________________ be curious as a child, but I’m not anymore.
2 What subject ______________________ Jane ______________________?
3 ______________________ you ______________________ well in school before your accident?
4 My dad ______________________ horse-riding, but he does now.
5 We never really ______________________ like each other.
___ / 5
6 Uzupełnij obydwa zdania z każdej pary tym samym wyrazem.
0 A This offer isn’t good enough because the price is too high.
B There aren’t enough volunteers to support the disabled.
1 A There are many people in the world who want to ______________ a difference.
B Did you use to ______________ mistakes in spelling when you were at school?
2 A A strong, determined person doesn’t ______________ up easily.
B My grandfather used to ______________ me advice on how to succeed in life.
3 A Ben has a little scar on his ______________, just under his left eye.
B You really should cover your ______________ when you cough or sneeze.
4 A Do you have what it ______________ to become a professional dancer?
B My disabled neighbour always ______________ his assistance dog to the park for a walk.
5 A Mary ______________ up with a brilliant idea while she was running in the park.
B Two volunteers ______________ to my house and asked me to donate money to our hospital.
___ / 5
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Odpowiedz na pytania zgodnie z treścią tekstu.

Snowboarding champion!
Chloe Kim is an American snowboarder. She was born in Long Beach, California, on 23 April 2000. She became famous when she
won an Olympic gold medal in snowboarding at the age of just seventeen. Chloe’s parents have always supported her so that
she could achieve her goals. Her father started her training when she was just four years old, and two years later she was
already competing as part of ‘Team Mountain High’ in California. In 2013, the US Snowboarding Team saw how talented Chloe
was, so they asked her to become a member. As part of the US team, Chloe won a number of competitions and was enthusiastic
about taking part in the Winter X-Games in 2014 and the Winter Olympics.
Chloe Kim is popular, with almost one million followers on Instagram and Twitter, and has appeared in many magazine articles.
She also appeared on a special edition box of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, which became the fastest-selling cereal box in the company’s
history. In 2019, Chloe started studying science at Princeton University. Being famous means that people recognise her a lot. She
finds it hard to stay calm and deal with the attention.
So what is in Chloe’s future? Well, she plans to start training for the next Winter Olympics. She needs to continue to be hard-
working and positive if she wants to be successful in both her studies and her athletic career.

0 What did Chloe achieve before she turned eighteen?

She won an Olympic gold medal in snowboarding.
1 Who was Chloe’s first coach?
2 What product had a picture of Chloe?
3 What did Chloe begin doing when she was nineteen?
4 What does she find difficult about being popular?
5 What does she need to do if she wants to be successful in the future?
___ / 5
8 Uzupełnij luki jednym wyrazem.
Ana: Greg, what did you think 0 of the film? Did you 1 ____________ it?
Greg: To be 2 ____________, I didn’t really like it. I thought it was a bit boring.
Ana: Really?
Greg: Yeah. And if you 3 ____________ me, the last film in the series was much better.
Ana: Didn’t you 4 ____________ that the special effects were good, though?
Greg: Yeah, they were 5 ____________. They were the only thing that I enjoyed.
Ana: Well, I’m sorry you didn’t like it. I reckon the acting was brilliant.
Greg: Yeah … but your favourite actor is in it!
Ana: True!
___ / 5

9 Obejrzałeś/Obejrzałaś wywiad z osobą, która uratowała życie innemu człowiekowi. Podziel się informacjami o tej osobie
na swoim blogu.
– Przedstaw tę osobę.
– Napisz, czym się zajmuje na co dzień.
– Opisz okoliczności, w jakich uratowała życie innemu człowiekowi.
– Wyraź swoją opinię na temat tej osoby.

Użyj 100–150 słów, nie wliczając w to wyrazów już podanych.

Today I want to tell you about a very special person.


___ / 12

TOTAL SCORE: ___ / 50

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