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CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE. Name and Address of Customer Page Number ial [OLR Number [SCasBTESOOOOOTTEAE [Mangal Electrical Industries Pvt. Ltd [Certiicste Number aso2sotst/o1 [lob Request Number & Date ozarors1/01 & S1/012023 Plot No. E-40 to £-48 & E-46A, Date of Receipt fosroarz023 [Shree Khatu Shyam Ji Industial Area, [Calibration Date fosrozr2023 Reengus, Siar, Rajasthan - 332 404 Recommended du on en (es per customer request) [Gericate Issue Date [paroareoes Description & Identification of UG ; [Conaiten on Name [Digital micrometer ae ok lake? (Calibration Wake! | mitutoyo/299-621-30 |, _|rt2tsa64 aeration Lab Caltraton Range 025mm |iD.No. eapreren Dimension cc. O00 mm — [Lesaiion —[— Environment Condition Calibration Procedure Number FFemperature/Humidiy [202 1°C 760 10%RH ESISOPINTS based on 1S: 2067-2019 and NABL TOA) Details of Standard/ Master Equipment Used Nomenclature Sr.No, Range | Certificate No. | Validity Callbrated By aay es ta 9580 2.510 25mm | TuHisGsi007/22 | 03/08/2024 | NABL Cert. No. CO-2660 WECHANICAL CALIBRATION = DIMENSION CALIBRATION RESULTS Value on Standard “Average value on UUC Error Expanded Uncertainty (mm) (nm) (mm) (2) = 0.000 0.000 25 2.500 0.000 54 5.100 0.000 77 7.700 0.000 103 40.300 0.000 129 12,900 0.000 4.2 um 160 15,000 0.000 178 17.600 0.000 202 20201 0.001 228 22.801 0.001 250 25.091 0.001 Remarks 1. The reported expanded uncertainty is at coverage factor k=2 which corresponds to a coverage probabil of approximately 95% fora normal distribution, 2. Cottiicates shal not be reproduced oxcopt in ful, without The writen approval of Excelent Services. 3. Results relate only to the tems calbrated. +4 Readings ar token without adjustment and readings are average of 3 sets of readings. 5. All standard equipments used for calibration are traceable to National Standards. 6. UC: Unit Under Casortion. Authorized: Sai Brijesh Kuman\Singh (Technical Mahpger) Engigeer-Calibration ae wa (Faeraft 08/1/06, Rev. 00) CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE Ria ane Ran aT CUaTOM Page Naber Tar oc naar RES TESOOOOOTTEGF tanga Electrical Industries Pvt Li Certoat Naber 2s0a0 61102 lob Request Nunbor& Dae aoaiots 02 & STOTARES ot No.€40 10 £40 8 40, Bae of Reco oscaznas shee kat Sty indus Ara, Gaitraton Date oacaznas Roongus, Siar, Rajasthan 392404 Recommended SS oR apenas |(as per customer request) [Certificate Issue Date [06/02/2023 Bescon & ldentfication of UIC fame [Vemier Caliper conten on Receipt oK Tate | nutoyorsea-1@ cn. _[oortates Esireton Pred Lab range | ot0180mm ono catraton Parameter Dimension ce Coa mm [locaton [= Tiuonment Condon alban Procedure Nambor : ESSOPIMEG based IS UTP} TO AT Femperatre umiaty [201°C 60: 10% RH een Data of Standard /Mastor Equipment Used Nomenclature [Se Wumbor | Range. | Cattoato Wamber [Vl Calibrated BY Caliper Checker ner] | —Tunsccreot22 | ovoeao24 | _NABL Go No. CO 2580 MECHANICAL CALIBRATION - DIMENSION BRATION RESULTS (Value on Standard (mm)| UG Outside Measurment Error [UUC Inside Measurment (mm) Error (rum) (mm) (mm) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00) 20 20.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 50 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 100 100.02 0.02 100.02 0.02 180 190.02 0.02 150.02 0.02 Expanded Uncertainty =] 16 um 1. The reported expanded uncertainty is at coverage factor k=2 which corresponds to @ coverage probabiity of approximataly 95% for a noma distribution 2. Ceriicates shal not be reproduced except in ful, without The writtan approval of Excellent Services. 3. Results relate only to th items calibrated, 4 Readings are taken without ajustment and readings are average of 3 sets of readings. 5. All standard equipments used for calibration are traceable to National Standards, 8. UC: Unit Under Calibration Enginoer-Calibration Authorized. = Aeegmar Brijesh Kumal,Singh (Technical Mabager) (Format No. QR/M/18 Rev. 60) Excellent Services CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE Ramo nd Adrove of Customer Page Nara ra LR Wunber ccs TaTRCOTTEGT Mangal Elocbcal Industries Pt Li, Gecato Nan 0aTste8 Sb Request Number Dale [poarore1t5& STD TENE PotNo E400 648 8 464, Bae of Recet osaroes Shree Kau Shyam J InusalAea, Cabraton Date pamaroes igus, Sikar, Rajasthan - 332 404 |Recommended due loz 024 os per castor raueed an Gara eve Dao osroaaes DBassiton &lenticaon of WUC are [Pita Themometr oondion on Reet ox rata caiaon Parmed ake exec [Beno i tab fange | #0109007 ‘fDNo[weipLOTwan caivaionParaneer| Temperature ce a Envitonment Condition albraton Procedure Humber Hemperare Ram [oss'0 £02 20 ERSOPTIOS bas PS 80 and WAL TOS Deal of Standard Master Equlpment Used Tamansiatae [10 Waar Gortcate Nambor | Vaal] ——calivated By SFR naar | Serraygpar. ean. Taniaazs | ABL Go No. 0-240 THERUAL CAUIBAATION TEUPERATORE CALIBRATION RESULT [Gatbraon Range 301630070 seme | Average UUCIn | Average Sandardin Tren Tepandod Urearaiiy . °c “c °c (4) °C 1 30.1 30.117, 0.017 0.36 2 110.2 110.432 0.232 0.35 3 200.3 200.820 -0.520 0.35 7 300.0 300.644, 0.644 0.35, Renate 1. The reported expanded uncertainty is at coverage factor k=2 which coresponds fo @ coverage probebilly of epproximately 95% for a normal distribution 2. Results rolato only to the items calibrated. 3. Cenifeates shall not be reproduced except in ful, without the writton approval of Excoliont Sorvicos.. 4. Readings aro taken without adjustment and readings are average of 5 sets of readings. 5. All stendard equipments used for calbration are traceable to National Standards. 6, UG: Unit Under Calleration. Engineer-Calibration Pi dal 2. (Technical Mahiager) (Fermot ol Qa)y03 er 00) CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE [Namo and Address of Customer Page Number rors [OLR Number [CC2557250000017 STF [Mangal Electrical Industries Pvt. Ltd, (Cerificate Number '2302/0151/04 ‘Job Request Number & Date |2023/0151/04 & 31/01/2023 Plot No. E-40 to E-46 & E-46A, Date of Receipt [oaroara0es [Shree Khatu Shyam Ji Industrial Area, [Calibration Date losrozraozs Reengus, Sikar, Rajasthan - 332 404 [Recommended due on canciones as per customer request) [Cerificate Issue Date [osrozr207s Description & Identification of UUC Name [Digital Clamp Meter [Condition on Receipt OK Make’ |Meco /DT-2260- iasaiset reac IScNo. |2250-18121979 [Calibration Performed At Lab Voltage / Current Range As PerResults —|id.No, Calibration Parameter ens LC. [As Per Results [Location |-— Environment Con Cal ibration Procedure Number [Temperature / Humidity [25 = 4°C/ 35 - Te%RH ES/SOPIETIO7 based on |S:1248(part-6):2019 and NABL -120-4 Details of Standard / Master Equipment Used Toma SeNunber =| Coico Nae | Vala —[——carbaaBy Nat Preget Cobo T ssereor | ucreToeoeanzecoot | cove23 | NABLCcet No. coa7ee ELECTRO - TECHNICAL CALIBRATION causeariow nests EC ange | — SOUT ar Sandard | — Wasered Vas on WUC | nar —] Expanded Uns ay ov oar ToT ca om 20 zo 008 One 38V aa V 006 oe av aa aoe ozo oaov By 208 3087 004 wv war oorv m2 av a2 oy 8 oaooy Bov maTV ory O08 ay Surv ity os ov iy iv oH orecov ov SV ZV 074 wv may ZV 8 Engines Cabraton ; Autorced nattn Kr. Singh (Format No. QR/E7/09 Rev. 00) (Technical Mayger) CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE [cettraon Date [oaaer02s Page Number fers FResommendedave on [oaarzoze ur Number leczse72soo00017srF CALIBRATION RESULTS FAC Voreage @ 50 Range ‘Set Value on Standard Measured Value on UC. Error ‘Expanded Uncertainty ay omy oa tot oay 20v 2006 v o008V 008 a6v 3808 V 008 v 006 Ww aa2v ome O78 oov 20V 2005 7 008 EY 3610 oHOv 008 av w2v ozv 078 oaoov B00 V 2008 V Oey oor a0 3609V oa 005 75V 75 ow a8 ors0v a5 wv 1 020 ws ov av 072 [AC Current @ soKz: 4A 402A 002 028 aoa 208 2006 & 008A oa aA wet ata on WA a5 A O88 026 400A 200 A 2008 A OBA ano 360.4 Be12A 12A a0 100.8 oA aA ori 010008 500 A 468.4 2A 016 200 A 886 A Engineer-Calibration (ormot no. QR/ET/09 ev. 00) CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE [Caitbraton Date osvo2r2023 Page Number 3s ofa las partsiener eeu lozioziz0z4 JULR Number 1CC259723000001757F ‘CALIBRATION RESULT: Resistance Range | Set Value on Standard Measured Value on UUC Error Expanded Uncortainly +4) 400 010 O10 0.18 0-400 200 0) 2003.0 030 0.04 360.0) 3606.0 060 0.03) 04 ka (0401 KO (0.001 KA 020 oak 20K 2.002 KO (0.002 KA 0.04 36 KO 3.603 KO (0.003 KA 0.02, 40 401K oor Ka, 020 0-400 20 ka) 2005 KO 0.05 kA 0.04) 36 ka) 36.07 KO 0.07 Ka 0.02 40K 398 KO 12 KO 020 0-400K0 200 KA 200.5 KO 05 KO 0.05) 360 KO 3607 KO 07 Ka 0.03) oa Ma 0.402 Ma 0.002 Ma 024 ama 20ma 2.004 MO 0.004 Ma 015 36Ma 3607 MO 0.007 mia 015) ama 405 MO 0.05 MO 029 o-40ma 20 ma 20.11 Ma, oat Mo 015) 36 Mia 36.19 Ma, 019 Ma 045, Remarks 1. Tho reported expanded uncertainty Isat coverage factor k=2 which coresponds o a coverage probebiliy of approximately 195% for @ normal estibution, 2 Coriicates shall not bo reproduced excopt i fal, without The writen epproval of Excellent Services, 4, Results relate only tothe items calibrated 4. Reacings av taken without adjustment and readings are average of § sets of readings. §. All standard equipments used for calisration are tracesbe o National Stendards 6 WUC: Unit Under Catiration. Engineer-Calibration ‘Authorized. (Format wo. OR/ET/03 Rev. 00) a Brijosh Kuma\Singh (Technical Malagor) CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE [Namo and Address of Customer Page Number fort JULR Number [oc2507 7300000 758F IMangal Electrical Industries Pvt. Ltd [Cerificate Number 2s02/0751/05 [dob Request Number & Date [2023/0161708 & 9170172023 Pict No. E-40 to E-48 & E-46A, Date of Receipt fosvoarz023 Shee Khatu Shyam Ji Industrial Area, [Calibration Date [osroza023 JReengus. Sikar, Ralasthan - 332 404 Recommended due on onion (as per customer request) [Cenifeate Issue Date osroara0z3 Description & Identification of UUC Name [Vacuum Gauge [Condition on Receipt OK Maker : [Calibration Mode! rey eeiNelaelicoy Performed At ab Range 760t00 mmHg |i. No. _ |MeIPLvG.o1 Galeton Pressure Parameter ce 40 mmHg [Location [— Environment Condition Calibration Procedure Number [Temperature Humidity [23 = 5°C /50 = 10%RH ES/SOPIMI0G based on DKD-RG-1 ang NABL 125-T(M) Detalls of Standard / Master Equipment Used Nomenclature ‘Se. Number Range | Cerificate No. | Validity Calibrated By aioe leny veToo121 “Ato bar | visi22-23/T-752 | 12/08/2023 | _NABL Cert. No. CC-2605 MECHANICAL CALIBRATION - PRESSURE CALIBRATION RESULTS Pressure | Pressure Indicated on Standard] Average | Converted _] Hysteresle | Error] Expanded Applied on Gauge in (wtsmay2+ | Reading bar | (M2.81) Uncertainty () uc in bar naa to amg ut M2 TH bar, TamAg ar Tameg Bar =100 | 0.1324 | 0.1319 | 0.1926 | 0.1322 “902 0.0008 “08 0.005 -200 | 0.2687 | -0.2651 | -o2662 | 0.2665 199.2 0.0008 08 0.005 -400 | 05319 | -05314 | 05326 | -0.5910 398.9 0.0008 aA 0.005 -500 | -0.6648 | -0.6642 | 0.6053 | -0.6040 498.5 0.0006 AS 0.005 -700 9312 | 0.8905 | -o9s15 | -0.9309 6983, 0.0007 AT 0.005 ~Alreadng ae taken in bar athe time of calaion and converted to mamF Remarks:- 1. The reported expanded uncertainty Is at coverage factor k=2 which corresponds 10 a coverage probebily of approximately 95% for a normal astrbution, 2. Results relate only fo the items calibrated. 3. Centfeates shail not be reproduced except in ful, without the writen approval of Excallont Services. 4. Readings are taken without adjustment and readings are average of 3 sets of readings. 5. All standard equipments used for calibration are traceable to Nationel Standards, 6. UUC: Unit Under Calibration Enginoor-Calibration Authorized Si Vee “Singh if Format No. QR/M/33, Rev. 00 Brijesh Kumar'Singh (Technical Maneger) xcellent Services CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE [Name and Address of Customer [Page Number frott [OLR Number [ec2se72s000001759F IMangal Electrical Industries Pvt. Ltd. (Cerificate Number [230270151106 [lob Request Number & Date }2023/0161/06 & S1/012025, Plot No. £-40 to E-46 & E-46A, Date of Receipt Josioza023 [Shree Khatu Shyam Ji Industrial Area, [Calibration Date losroarao2s [Reengus, Sikar, Rajasthan - 332 404 [Recommended due on (as per customer request) peenieize4 [Cerificate lesue Date josroara023 Description & Identification of UUC Name [Pressure Gauge [Condition on Receipt OK IMeker (Calibration Mode! Houn EN Performed At ae (Calibration Range 0-15 kglem2 |ID.No. | MEIPLIPG.o1 samraien Pressure Lo. O5 kgiema _|Location Environment Condition Callbration Procedure Number [Temperature Humidity [23 + 5°C/50+ 10%RH ES/SOPIMIOG based on DKD-R6-1 and NABL 126-100), Details of Standard / Master Equipment Used Nomenclature S.No. Rango | Cortificate No. | Validity Calibrated By Digial Pressure Gauge [iy Site er ° ie Nvemteosos: | -4 to 30bar | visv22-23m-753 | 12/08/2028 | _NABL Cert. No. CC-2695 ‘MECHANICAL CALIBRATION - PRESSURE CALIBRATION RESULTS. Pressure | Pressure Indicated on Standard] Average | Converted | Hysteresis | Error] Expanded Appliod on Gauge in ((wtemay2+ | Reading bar | (M2-Mt) Uncertainty (2 uc in bar (uay2 to glioma [MA M2 TH bar Kglom2 Bar kglem? Bar, 00 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 = 20 1geo | 1985 | 1.991 1.988 2.027 0904 | 0.027 014 50 agso | 4936 | 4041 4.938 5.035 0.003 | -0.035 014 too | ogs7 | 9882 | 9885 | 92884 10.079 0.005 | 0079 014 t50__| 144¢ | 14935 | 14842 | 14.839 15.192 0009 | 0.132 ona *Alreacng ae token in bar a the tine of aloation and converod a kglem®? Remarks:- 1. The reported expanded uncertainty is at coverage factor k+2 which corespands fo a coverage probably of approximately 85% fora normal cistibuton 2. Results relate only to tne tems citrate. 3. Ceriicates shal nt be reproduced except ful without the writen approval of Excelent Services. 4. Readings a7 takon without edjustmont and readings are average of 3 sas of reaings. 5 Allsiandar equipments use fr calibration ao traceable to NatonelStandarés 6 UG: Unit Under Catbraton. Engineer-Calibration Authorized Format No. QR/IM/33, Rev 00 Brijesh Kuma Singh (Technical Mapager) CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE. am ARS aT CTE Pape Nabe Ta DLR NST SS DESTESOOOOTTEOF tanga elecicaindusties Pvt Ld Geet NonbSr as0a0TST07 Jo Requat Number @ Dale [2029015107 A TOTO ftotNo £-401E-48 848A Baa ot Rect panarazs Sree kat Shyam duties, Glbrton Dat. anazaz3 Reengs, Sar, Rajasthan -852 404 ReconaNT a (as per customer request) Pees, Getta sve Date SaaS Dascipfon leenifetion of WUC Rane [gia top Watch Condon on RECO OK ese Ieonex cn [- cairaton Peomeg A lab Range oar |iONo |NERLSWOT |CalbratonPeranctor Tine cc Toh —See oat Enronnent Conalion Gaibraon Procedure Wambo? [Temperature / Humidity [25 + 4°C / 35 -75%RH ES/SOP/ETI12 based on IS:1248(part-9):2019 and NABL -129-4 etal of Standard / Master Equipment Used omens SeMunber" | Centeate Namba Valay CalbawaBy Dia eve Cabra orsoeea | caisontez-raniet | ertva008 | NABL Cer No. COTE ELECTRO-TEGHNicaL CALIBRATION CALIBRATION RESULTS Galbraon Range upto 27 Standard Rowdy TE Resa Ener Eapanded Unceraiy (Sec) (Hrs.) (Min.) (Sec) (1/100Sec.) (Sec) @) 70088 : co 0] oF “sar ead cose 01 wo | @ “aces 00:08 5 co] 0 “2088 1900.10 % oo “0120 20sec zzoorsr | ot co co 2167 Taoist 2 00 = Dz Tose Rama 1. The reporied expanded uncertainty is at coverage factor k=2 which corresponds o a coverage probabiliy of epproximataly 99% fora normal cistbution 2. Conticates shal not be reproduced except fl without Tho wrt epproval of Excellent Services. 3. Results relate onto the items cliorated, 4. Readings are token without adjustment end readings are average of 3 sets of readings: 5. All standard equipments used for calibration are traceable to Natonal Standards. 6, Affe the Excollont Calibration Stcker/Seal en the Instrument 7. WUC: Unit Under Catraton. Engineer-Calibration rabbi er. Singh (Format No: QR/ET/06 Rev. 00) CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE [Name and Address of Customer [Page Number rot [OLR Number [cc2se72s000001761F [Cerificate Number [2goz/0181/08 [Job Request Number & Date |2029/0161/08 & 31/01/2023, Plot No. E-40 to E-46 & E-48A, Date of Receipt joaioam2023 [Shree Khatu Shyam Ji Industrial Area, [Calibration Date loavozma023 jeengus, Sik rn IReengus, Sikar, Rajasthan - 332 404 [Recommended due on eaiaiaoea (2s per customer request) [Certificate Issue Date josrozr2023 Description & Identification of UC. [Condition on Name Volt Meter (AC) Recopt 0K Maker (Calibration Mace; [Novo Isto. Jost Raima Lab (Calibration Range 0-1000V_|ID.No, eaiaineten Voltage Lc. 40V__ [Location Environment Condition Calibration Procedure Number [Temperature / Humidity 252 4°C 135-T5%RH | _ ESISOP/ETION based on IS:1248(part-9):2019 and NABL -129-4 Details of Standard / Master Equipment Used Nomenclature ‘Sr. Number. Certificate Number | Validity Calibrated By ‘Multi Product Calibrator ‘3967801 FLUICIET/08082022-C001_| 09/08/2023 | _NABL Cert. No. CC-2730 ELECTRO-TECHNICAL CALIBRATION CALIBRATION RESULTS [Calibration Points : 100, 600, 900V ‘Average Value on UUC in_] Average Value on Standard in Errorin Expanded Uncertainty Vv v v £(%) 100 100.62 -0.62 11.55 500 500.95 0.95 231 900 901.23 1.23 128 Romarks:- 1. The reported expanded uncertainty is at coverage factor k=2 which coresponds to @ coverage probabilly of approximately 95% for a normal cisibution. 2. Caicates shall nt be reproduced except in ful, without The writen approval of Excellent Services. 3. Results relate only tothe items calbrated. 4, Readings are taken without adjustment and readings are average of 8 sats of readings. 5. All standard equipments used for cairation are traceable to National Standards. 6.Affced the Excelent Caltration Sticker/Saal onthe Instrument 7. WUC: Unit Under Calibration, Engineer-Calibration : (Format No. QR/ET/O4 Rev. 09) Authorized Brijosh Kum Singh (Technical Manager)

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