Writing Task 2 Farhan

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Currently, tourists are visited more national historical places such as museums and

historical sites rather than the local people itself. The main problem of this issue is local
people tend to did not care about history anymore since the majority of native are not
really nationalist anymore and they only focus on themselves rather than knowing the
past. I believe, the best solution to solve this problem is that museums and historical
places should create more appealing activities in their places so that local people will be
curious to go to these places and learn more about national historical events.

In this era, the access to learn about historical moment can be done through many
platforms, and the easiest way to learn this is through the internet because it is free and
we can access anywhere. However, this thing is really impacting museums and
historical places existence due to it will make local people do not care going to these
places anymore, especially for young generation.

In that case. I believe, with the help from all stakeholders (Government and business
partner) should make these places more interesting and fun for local people to learn
about history and go to the museums and local sites. For examples, museums and local
sites can make independence-day event more engaging, such as make a lot games,
give door prize for them, and invite a national public figure who have great literacy about
national history.

In conclusion, I believe the best way to make local people go to the museums and
historical sites is to make more appealing and fun activities so that native will be having
a great time visiting these places.

Name: Muhammad Farhan


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