SCIENCE 3 - 4 Q4 WK 5

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Prepared by: Marilyn A.

Cecille Latumbo
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Lesson Plans for Multigrade Classes
Grades 3__ and _4__

Subject: __SCIENCE_________________ Quarter: FOUR Week: FIVE

Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4

Content Standard Demonstrate understanding of the types and effects of Demonstrate understanding of the components of weather
weather as they relate to daily activities, health and safety using simple instruments.
Performance Standard
Express their concerns about safety measures during Practice precautionary measures in planning activities
different weather conditions creatively
Describe the changes in the weather over a period of time. Use weather instrument to measure the different weather

Day 1
Objectives Describing the weather for the day. Using weather instruments to measure the different weather
Describing the changes in the weather over a week. components.
Recording the day’s weather.
Subject Matter/Topic(s) Weather Using of room/wall thermometer
Learning Resources TG pp. 157 TG pp. 313
LM pp. 146 LM pp. 270
Procedure/s Grouping Structures (tick boxes):
 Whole Class
Use these letter icons to show Describe the parts of the lesson (for example the  Ability Groups
methodology and assessment introduction), where you may address all grade levels as one  Friendship Groups
activities. group.  Other (specify)
 Mixed Ability Groups  Combination of Structures

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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
DT Direct  Grade Groups
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
GW Group Work Let the pupils sing the song “What is the Weather Today”.
IL Independent Ask the pupils about the weather in the song.
Learning/ You can also show picture and ask the pupils to tell something about it.
Activity T G
Present a slide show about the different weather condition Form the jigsaw puzzle
A Assessment See Appendix 1 See Appendix 1
Q4/W5/D1/G3 Q4/W5/D1/G4

What did you see? What did you form?

Describe its slide.

Perform Activity 1: LM pp. 168-169 What are the weather instruments to measure the different
Group the pupils with their desired number weather components?
When do we use each of them?
Shape of the Clouds Color of the Clouds
What is the importance of knowing how to use these

Ask the following questions based from the activity Perform Activity 1: LM pp. 270-273
a. Is the sky clear? Cloudy?
b. Can you see the clouds? How does it appear?
c. Is the sun shining brighlyt? Is the sun hiding in the

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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4

Unscramble the letters to form a word. Describe the word.

1. INDW: _____________________________________

2. UNS: _____________________________________

3.IANR: _____________________________________

4. YOUDLC: _____________________________________

5. HEARWTE:_____________________________________


Day 2
Lesson Objectives Describing the changes in the weather over a week.

Subject Matter/Topic Changes in the weather over a week Use weather instrument to measure the different weather

Learning Resources TG pp. 157 TG pp. 313

LM pp. 146 LM pp. 270

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Weather Condition: (Is it sunny, rainy, windy, or stormy?) T
Clouds Characteristics Day Construct an improvised weather instrument from the materials brought
by the pupils.
1 2 3 4 5
Color: Is it white? Light Setting of standards:
gray? Dark gray? 1. Work in group silently.
Height: How far or near 2. Participate in the activity actively
3. Be careful in handling sharp materials.
from the ground?
4. Clean as you go.
Size: How big or small?
Shape: How do they
appear? Are they many?
Are they clusters? Are
they spread out from each
The pupils go out of the classroom with their pencils,
crayons, and worksheets.

Let the pupils observe the clouds and the weather following
the questions as guide:

Presentation of work by group
How are the different types of clouds and their
characteristics linked to the changes of weather?

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(The teacher presents a weather chart over a week.) Give them some inputs by showing the wind vane and
These are the weather conditions that we have over a week. perform the activity using an electric fan facing the wind
Weather Observation sock. Discuss it further as you ask the pupils about their
Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Day-4 observations.
Air (warm/cool)
ook for its color.
shape, height an
Kind of weather

1.What are the kinds of weather we have from Day-1 to

2.What kind of weather do we have today?
3.What tells you that it is a sunny/windy/cloudy/rainy day?
4.Compare all the weather from day-1 to day 4.
Does the weather remain always the same?

Day 3
Objectives -
Subject Matter

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Learning Resources

Complete the sentences in the paragraph using the following 1. Observe the weather for a day.
words in the box. 2. Record your observations in your notebook using this
Fair rainy shining shapes format.
Weather TIME
Elements 7:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 5:00
The sky is clear, the weather is____. After six hours, A.M. A.M. N.N. P.M P.M.
the clouds changed their____ but the weather is still____.
Later, the clouds cover a big part of the sky. The sky is
Wind Speed
overcast. The weather may be____.
Wind Direction
Sky Condition
1. Tell the weather of the day using the data on your
weather chart.
2. What are your bases in telling the weather
3. Why is it important to record accurate data?
Why is it important to know the weather conditions?


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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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