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Neurom interdigital

Nevromul interdigital se refera la inflamatia nervilor digitali comuni planter lateral si medial
(din tibialul posterior) din al 2-lea si al 3-lea spatiu interosos al piciorului.

It affects mainly the nerves between the second and third or third and fourth metatarsal bones.
Chronic irritation of the nerve and adjacent bursa intermetatarsophalangea may provoke a painful
pseudoneuroma and chronic bursitis.

Clinic: durere in planta cu caracter de arsura si parestezii in spatiul 2,4 si/sau 4

Mulder’s sign is performed by compressing the arch of the foot in a mediolateral direction and
simultaneously applying pointed pressure on the sole between the affected metatarsal bones.

DD: metatarsalgie, atrofia plantar fat pad, inflamatie/instabilitate placa plantara, artrita
degenerativa MTF

- Se evalueaza pacientul in picioare, cat si asezat, se palpeaza capetele metatarsienelor mici

individual pt sensibilitate si se evalueaza calitatea pielii plantare, hipercololosity arata
metatarsalgie si atrofia fat pad
- Sensibilitatea AMTF arata sinovita/ artrita/ infarct Freiberg

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