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Scene 1

Camera opens at two elders walking down the road to the palace as ichie odika cuts

Ichie ogazi: ehee onuowu what is this urgency for I hope there is no problem

Onuowu: my brother I don't have any idea oh I don't think all is well but not to worry when we get to
the palace we will know more.

Ichie ogazi: i hope nothing has happened this time

Onuowu: I pray biko let's hurry

Light fades.

Scene 2

Camera opens at the palace as the elders awaits the king to come join the meeting all seated
( ichie ogazi Ndukwe &Amaobi), as the entrance of the king ( cuts in all elders in greeting).

Elders: lgwee...( as the king takes his seat).

Igwe okachia: greeting my elders have your seats (the elders seats as Onuowu cuts in).

Onuowu: iEeh my king the urgency on your call got me restless hope all is well.

Igwe okachia: All is well Onuowu (as he continues) my elders you all know it has been two weeks since
our last meeting held, so that is why I called this meeting so that we can discuss on how to move the
kingdom forward but by the way there is this rumour in the air what is it all about my elders ( the king
ask as ichie Ndukwe cuts in).

Ichie Ndukwe: lgwee this is no longer news to us, that it is only man that is progressing in this village and
the people are complaining, ( cuts in ichie Amaobi).

Ichie Amaobi: igwe ichie Ndukwe is right our villagers have been suffering from abject poverty and one
man has been doing well enjoying all our wealth diabolically ( cuts in ichie ogazi)

Ichie ogazi:Ah ah Amaobi take it easy.

Igwe okachia: And who is this man if may ask

Ichie Amaobi: who else if not the obinna you know my king.

Igwe okachia ichie Amaobi you mean obinna my friend?

Ichie Amaobi? You said so my king light fades

Scene 3

Camera open at obinna on his way to Onuowu's house so as to purchase a land for his
building project.

Obinna: kpom kpom n'eba is Onuowu in onye di n'eba n'ulo ( as Onuowu comes out)

Onuowu: onye n'aku

Obinna : greeting Onuowu

Onuowu: ehee my son how are you

Obinna:I'm very well thank you Onuowu

Onuowu : have a seat my son( as he takes his seat and Onuowu continues) to what do I owe this visit
noble son of our land.

Obinna: yes Onuowu I heard you want to sell a land ( he said sitting up) I have come to buy that land
for my building project

Onuowu: Ewu odogwu nwoke ( as he praise obinna) you've done well my son I have heard allyou've
said but I will sell that land for 3 million naira.

Obinna:that is no a problem Onuowu (in igbo) Akaririm okwu mkotere ( he said as they both laughed
and Onuowu continues)

Onuowu: o kanji gaba ifu ya bu ani

Obinna: ozugbo Nge nu

(As they left for the land)

Light fades

Scene 4

Camera opens at Onuowu showing obinna the land as ichie Ndukwe and Amaobi were passing by as
ichie Amaobi cuts in.

Ichie Amaobi : Are my eyes deceiving me ( as he calls Ndukwe's attention)

Ichie Ndukwe: what is this Onuowu doing with that ritualist

Ichie Amaobi: levee it not be what I'm thinking oh

Ichie Ndukwe:stop dreaming Amaobi it's clear

Ichie Amaobi:Okay we shall see Ndukwe let's go

Ichie Ndukwe : it's high time we deal with this boy oh before he buys all our lands

Ichie Amaobi: u you are right webetter act fast before things vet's out of hand

Ichie Ndukwe Enezina kanyi n'efe( the continued discussing as the left)

Light fades

Scene 5

Camera opens at ichie Ndukwe and Amaobi plotting on what to do to obinna

Ichie Ndukwe: Amaobi I will claim that land and kill that some of no man that wants to render us
landless in this village

IchieAmaobi: I still wonder why Onuowu sold his land to that Efulefu of a boy was he under a spell or

Ichie Ndukwe: forget about that, let's find a way to eliminate this obinna silently I mean without a

Ichie Amaobi: I am still shocked at what my eye saw in fact Ndukwe that boy is a dead man ( as he
draws close.)I will tell my boys to take care of him.

Ichie Ndukwe: kai; Amaobi Aamaobi( he calls twice you 're an evil man( as the both laughed

Ichie Amaobi: And you are my co- short

Scene 6

Camera open at the empty land spotting where a charm has been buried earlier as the
assassins are going towards the land discussing.

Rascal: tobi I no fit wait to kpai this man and get my balance

Tobi; see who is talking like say I no like to collect balance

Rascal: omo if I get dis coins you see that my bebe she go hear am as money be her problem.

Tobi: make we go forget bebe we go chop bebe, bebe go chop money

Light fade

Scene 7
Camera opens as the both walks into the land sneaking so as not be caught camera rolls
following or showing the assassins fect only as they sneak into tithe land as Tobi got trapped
by the charm.

Tobi: Rascal my leg ah my waist (Tobi calls as he fell as rascal ran to check on him and was trapped

Rascal: tobi wetin happen ah my leg my chest (he fell down).

Scene 8

Camera opens at obinna on his way going to check his land, as obinna cuts in, as he saw the
young men tying unconscious

Obinna: God of our land what has happened to these men (he said touching them to know if they still
have breathe in them).

Scene 9

Camera opens at a hospital Where obinna took the young men to be treated as he sat in
doctors office so as to confirm if they are being responding to treatment.

Obinna: doctor how are those young men doing

DOCTOR : they are very fine and are due for discharge but they remaining bills must be paid before

Obinna: no problem the good thing is that they are okay now so let's get down with the bills.

Light fades


Camera open at two young ladies starts their gossip as obinna pass by they changed topic,
heading towards the stream with their gulons

ADANNA: What is this village turning into

OGE: I don't know my sister we barely see food to eat.

ADANNA: God's of our land see your children through do not let hunger dry us out like rats that are
poisoned .

OGE : I see.....(As obinna walked pass them)

ADANNA: Look at him ritualist .

OGE: Ada nwayio kwa.

ADANNA: Haven't you heard.

OGE: Heard what onye asili

ADANNA: That man has been the one draining our wealth and riches diabolically.

OGE : taa! Ada mechita Onu giah before he heard you.

ADANNA: Kai finish meziah

OGE: Wait oh...could this be the reason he lacks nothing but what could be the source of his riches

ADANNA " What else could he be doing if not blood money.

OGE: Ewoo ADANNA lekwa album ani adiro kwaya.

ADANNA: Obuzi nkew ka ya bu aji di... osukwa gi.

OGE: Let's go biko onye asili kotiiko

Light fades

Scene 11

Camera opens at the palace where the king is seated with his elders in council.

ONUOWU: Igwe the people's complaints are becoming unbearable what do we do.

ICHIE NDUKWE: What else if not the people's mind.

IGWE OKACHIA: And what is the people's mind if may ask.

ICHIE NDUKWE: Banishment of course, because it is no longer news to us that obinna has tied up all
our riches and wealth in this land and is as well enjoying it alone with his family

ICHIE AMAOBI: Igwe that man is a ritualist and his wealth never runs dry I agree with ichie Ndukwe he
must be banished.

ICHIE OGAZI: Is it not better we summon him for questioning.


IGWE OKACHIA: do you have any proof to all this accusations on this man.

ICHIE NDUKWE : No my king

IGWE OKACHIA: Why do you want me to banish a man who has clearly done nothing to you all.

ICHIE NDUKWE: EEL igwe you seem not to see anything wrong with our reports because the man in
question is your friend and for the sake of what you get from him.
IGWE OKACHIA: Watch your tongue ichie Ndukwe else you will be punished.

ICHIE NDUKWE: I'm sorry my king.

Light fades


Camera opens at Onuowu's compound with the elders holding a meeting behind the king.

ONUOWU: My elders I called us here so that we can address this issue at hand regarding our last
meeting with the king on obinna's case.

ICHIE AMAOBI : you have done well Onuowu since the king has refused to act as a king he wants us to
help him ( as he stands to leave).

ICHIE NDUKWE: Go you coward never come back who wants your opinion anyways.

ICHIE OGAZI: I agree I will never be part of this evil plots of yours the gods of our land shall judge you

ICHIE AMAOBI: Get out before I break those two legs of yours oluku ichie Eziokwu

(Cuts in Onuowu ).

ONUOWU: What do we do.

ICHIE AMAOBI: I have an idea.

ICHIE NDUKWE : Lets hearit.

ICHIE AMAOBI: Let's start from his children by ostracizing them from this village so by that way the
king will give us what we want.

ICHIE NDUKWE : Iji okwu you are on point I think that is what we have to do .

ONUOWU; That case let it be done.

Light fades


Camera opens at obinna sitting alone with his hand on his chin thinking about the
accusations and how to get solution (as his wife cuts in).

OBINNA'S WIFE; MY husband (as obinna turns around to look at his wife as she continues) what is it
this time why are you bothering yourself this much do you want to die and leave me in this wicked
world eh....
OBINNA: (Exhale )My jewel nobody is killing me and I'm not leaving you

OBINNA'S WIFE: Then what is the problem

OBINNA: NKEM I am innocent of all this accusations and now our children has been ostracized I am no
longer comfortable with all this .

OBINNA'S WIFE: MY darling husband it bothers me too , I can't buy from the market either

OBINNA: Has it gotten to that (as he kisses his teeth )

OBINNA'S WIFE :Please my husband we need to do something fast

OBINNA Don't worry my lovely wife I will find a solution to all these so I can prove my innocence.

OBINNA'S WIFE: THAT case let me get your food .

Light fades


Camera opens at obinna on his way to find solution as he meets his friend who helped him

OBINNA: (soliloquising)Does it mean that all these native doctors can not give solutions to my
problem this is very bad oh (cuts in uche)

UCHE : WHO am I seeing obiko obiko.

OBINNA: Eweeh.... uche ichie hee.. okwanu uche where have you been all these years

UCHE: What a surprise (as the the exchanged pleasantries as UCHE continues)by the way what are
you doing here.

OBINNA: My brother it's a long story ( as he wears a sorrowful look)

UCHE:Please tell me I might be of help

OBINNA: I have a problem the people of my land thinks that I am a diabolic and evil man because of
my wealth and riches they think I am a ritualist even my children have been excommunicated and my
my wife can't buy from the market

UCHE: I'M so sorry to hear all this so why are you out here all alone

OBINNA: I've been seeking for solutions I want to know why I am the only one progressing in my
land cause it bothers me a lot

UCHE: I think I can help you

OBINNA: How do you want to help because I have been to so many native doctors of the villages I
pass through if not all yet no solution

UCHE: YOU and native doctors, have u tried a man of God

OBINNA: MAN of God kwa you of all people should know that i don't believe in this man of God since
the people of my land don't welcome them.

UCHE: Don't worry there is this man of God I will take you to he will give you solutions trust me

OBINNA: Really, but

UCHE: No but, I am sure you're not going back today come and spend the night with me first thing
tomorrow morning we will go see the man of God

OBINNA: eeh if you say so ..uche...uche...uche tell me are you married now.

UCHE: That is a talk for another day let's go (as they left chattering

Light fades


Camera opens at obinna and his friend uche on there way back from the pastor's church
and obinna surprised at what he was told

OBINNA: eeh so this is why I am this rich

UCHE: I told you the man of God will give you the solution you seek

OBINNA:hee this man is powerful oh....

UCHE: You're lucky he didn't trespass he only gave you the solutions you needed

OBINNA: I'm still shocked oh..

UCHE: Calm down my friend let's go

OBINNA: At last I can prove my innocence (he said as they left chattering

Light fades


Camera opens at the villagers at the kings palace with the elders in council making decisions
on excommunicating the entire household of obinna as obinna comes in with his friend and
ONUOWU: Igwe...may your days be long it's high time we do the needful and igwe the villagers what
they want

ICHIE OGAZI: (clears throat) I think this man in question is innocent of all this claims well it seems we
don't have a choice

ICHIE AMAOBI: let us summone them for the banishment

ICHIE NDUKWE :I can't wait (as obinna his family and friend cuts in)

Everyone igwee .....

ICHIE AMAOBI You came right on time the king was about summoning you.

OBINNA: MY King I have a confession to make

VILLAGERS: (up roars in .......)hee..(as they murmured confession kwa)

ICHIE NDUKWE: I told you this man is evil

IGWE OKACHIA: silent ! What confession do you have to make obinna

OBINNA: Igwee I went on a search for solution and I found out why I am the only one progressing

IGWE OKACHIA: So what is the solution

ONUOWU:Yes tell us

OBINNA: I am they only one progressing in this village because my father sacrificed someone for me
to be rich

VILLAGERS: (They roared saying all manner of things) As the king and elders are in shock

ONUOWU: Silent everyone let's here him, Go on my son

OBINNA: I FOUND OUT that I am not the first son of my father, my father gave my elders brother for
sacrifice for me to be rich and wealthy

ICHIE AMAOBI: Abomination Alu melu

OBINNA : MY King the sacrifice was made because it was an agreement between my elder brother
and my father

IGWE OKACHIA:This is a tough one

OBINNA; MY King my elders bag to take you all to where my brother was sacrificed as a prove that I
am not cooking up this story

ONUOWU: Sure take us to the place let us see for ourselves my elders am I speaking your mind!
All elders yes Onuowu

IGWE OKACHIA: Vvery well then it's a yes let us see for ourselves as Onuowu said

OBINNA:Thank you my king we shall leave for the place tomorrow

Light fades


Camera opens on there way to the forest where the sacrifice was made as many lives was lost
including ichie Amaobi as obinna cuts in

OBINNA : Greetings my king greeting my elders greeting my people I have a few things to say please do
not touch or eat any fruit you see on your way and be focused

ICHIE NDUKWE:( Drawing Amaobi whispering )why Is he speaking this way

ICHIE AMAOBI: Ama zi kwam egwu N'atu zi kwa mu

OBINNA : I bag of you my people do not lust after what you shall see, let's go. (As the turn walking
towards the way to the forest as Amaobi &Ndukwe continues their talk)



ICHIE NDUKWE: The way this boy is talking it seems there are goodies on the way but he speaks as if
they are evil

ICHIE AMAOBI: Taa what is evil more than I am tekwa anya Ndu I've not anything as evil as I am do not
let that bother you

ICHIE NDUKWE: O bu kwa maka Ndu gi Amaobi make ndu gi oh.... Ngwanu

Light fades


Camera opens on the way to the forest as the king elders & villagers are still on the quest as an evil
spirit took the image of ichie Amaobi wife & served food for ichie Amaobi

EVIL SPIRIT: OBIM (she called out for ichie Amaobi smiling )

ICHIE AMAOBI: What are you doing here obiageli go back home

EVIL SPIRIT: Obim don't talk like that you know I've missed you

ICHIE AMAOBI: You missed me and you followed me into this forest Nwanyiah I ga ala puta kwam
EVIL SPIRIT: Obim I even brought food alongside with me

ICHIE AMAOBI : I see food you shouldn't be here o si m i brought food along

EVIL SPIRIT: IT'S your favourite Egusi soup akpu akwalu aka sie

ICHIE AMAOBI: eeh... let me see (he goes closer to open the plates and they both disappeared )while
other villagers took to their heels...causing a separation

Light fades


Camera opens at the forest where OGE and Adanna jammed themselves as a result of having
been separated by ichie Amaobi incident (the gossips) both screamed as the jammed each other

ADANNA: OGE Is that you (She picks sand to pour on her

OGE Is me don't pour sand on me again

ADANNA : Sorry I want to be sure it's you (looking around in fear )

OGE : have you seen what you've landed me into eeh I should have listened to my mother and stayed
back yet I followed you

ADANNA: You shouldn't blame me eeh whereas why did you followed me please stop all these let's look
for a way to find others

OGE : Is that all you have to say eeh Ada so that's is all you have to say

As Ada looks behind Oga's back so as to trick her and took some steps backwards and Oge noticing her

OGE What are u looking at( as she refused to turn around)

ADANNA: OGE oge( she called out as they look to their heels together)

Light fades


Camera opens at the forest where where four villagers are Bering resting from the flight

OKOYE Is it not obvious that this man is truly evil is it not clear that he brought us all here to kill us so he
can have more money

CHIDI:I totally agree with you I have always suspected something fishing about this journey but it wasn't
clear but now I can see it all
EKENE: Take a good look at yourselves are we not here to find out the truth why have you both
concluded that obinna is evil

TOBENNA: YOU all should keep talking like woman I'm out of here to be said as he left and other
followed suit)

Light fades


Camera opens at other elders asking obinna question all looking tired and stressed

ONUOWU: biko biko obinna i can't go any further how long will it take to get there

ICHIE OGAZI: I am tired too we've been on this journey for three days now yet no sign of the place of

IGWE OKACHIA: OBINNA I think we should rest for some time as you can see we're all tired and hungry

OBINNA: MY King we shall spend some time getting rest here while we rest we shall as well eat and
continues our journey

ICHIE NDUKWE : That is very thoughtfulof you (as they all Sat trouble eat and get some rest)

Light fades


Camera opens at the forest with obinna stopping as a result of having reached the place of
sacrifice cuts in OBINNA

OBINNA: My king my elders my people we have arrived at our destination this is where the sacrifice was
made behold my elder brother ( as a picture of a man on a cross was show)

VILLAGERS: Shouting and saying what a handsome young man and many more ( still murmuring) as ichie
ogazi cuts in

ICHIE OGAZI: YOU mean your father killed this young man

OBINNA yes ichie ogazi

ICHIE OGAZI: He must be heartless to have killed his own flesh and blood

OBINNA: I am happy today that the death of my brother was an agreement between my father and
elder brother As the elders looked at each other while the villagers roars

VILLAGERS : Eweeh... murmurs continues

OBINNA: Today we have seen the place of my brother sacrifice , my king I bag to take us all to where he
was buried

IGWE OKACHIA Take us there I can't wait to feed my eyes

OBINNA: This way my king my elders (he called out as they followed him

Light fades


Camera opens at a place in the forest where obinna brother was buried (as obinna cuts in)

OBINNA: MY King here is where my brother was buried

ICHIE NDUKWE who buried his son in a forest Abomination

IGWE OKACHIA : YOU mean your brother was buried here (as his guard's stands behind him)

OBINNA: Yes my king

VILLAGERS: murmuring ( as they are all surprised and buried here ressurrected after three days

VILLAGERS: Hee.... ressurrtexted kwa ( as they continued murmuring and Onuowu cuts in)

ONUOWU: Bia obinna if this is a joke stop it how can some one who has died and been buried come
back to life after three days of his burial

ICHIE OGAZI: I Wonder oh.... this has not been recorded before neither has it been heard or seen

ICHIE NDUKWE: Ewu...Amaobi eh.. you need to hear this na mu ah aghotaghi akuko Ifo Near a
n'akogheli ebea... ( he said fearfully)

ICHIE OGAZI : Ndukwe olugo

ONUOWU May his soul rest in peace . My people I shall tell you more but that will be after we are done
resting and eating I can see we all are very hungry

Light fades


Camera opens at obinna and his wife alone havingconversations

OBINNA'SWIFE: My husband I have been thinking of the words you spoke earlier today about your

OBINNA: what about it

OBINNA'S WIFE : MY husband how can the dead come back to life or did your father save your brother
from drying and claimed he died

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