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Electrical and Electronic Measurement Techniques

Power and Energy Measurement

Parveen Malik
Assistant Professor
School of Electronics Engineering
KIIT University

September 27, 2019

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1 Measurement of Power
Construction and Formulation
Disadvantages and Errors

2 Energy Meter
Errors in Single Phase induction watthourmeter

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Measurement of Power
Works on the principle of electrodynamometer i.e. mechanical force
exist between two current carrying conductor or coils.
Current coil carries the load current and Potential coil carries
current proportional to supply voltage.
TD ∝ I1 I2 cos φ

Power meter

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Watt-meter - Construction and Formulation

Power meter
For D.C.
TD ∝ I1 I2 ∝ V I1 ∝ Power (D.C .)
For A.C.
Let v and i be the instantaneous value of voltage and current. Let cos φ be
the lagging power factor between them.
v = Vm sin ωt
i = Im sin (ωt − φ)
Average TD ∝ Vrms Irms cos φ
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Wattmeter- Formulation
Power Measurement

For controlling effect , spiral springs are used whose controlling torque is

Tc = kθ

At equilibrium,

TD = Tc
VI = kθ (D.C.)
Vrms Irms cos φ = kθ (A.C.)

θ ∝ Power (Linear Scale)

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Disadvantages and Errors

1 At low power factors, the inductance of the potential coil causes
serious errors.
2 Stray magnetic field may affect the readings.
1 Error due to connection of potential coil circuit
2 Error due to inductance of potential coil.
3 Error due to capacitance n potential coil circuit.
4 Error due to stray Magnetic field
5 Error due to eddy currents.

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Energy Meter
Energy Meter

Energy meter works on the principle of electromagnetic induction.

Energy meter

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Energy Meter - Construction
Voltage Coil (Pressure Coil) - It is made purely inductive so that there
is 90◦ phase difference between input supply voltage and voltage coil flux
(φv ) is 90◦ .
Current Coil - It is made resistive (low resistance) so that current and
voltage phase relation across load is directly determined by power factor of

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Energy Meter - Working I

Driving Mechanism
1 The time varying flux produced by the voltage coil i.e φv induces an
emf Eep in the aluminium disc which in turn generates eddy current
(Iep ). Similarly, flux produced by the current coil i.e φc induces an emf
Eec in the aluminium disc which in turn generates eddy current (Iec ).
2 The eddy current Iep generated due to voltage (pressure coil) coil
interacts with current coil flux φc while eddy current Iec generated
due to current coil interacts with voltage coil flux φv . This interaction
leads to exertion of two forces (Driving forces) on Al disc in opposite
direction which leads to a driving torque. This Driving torque TD is
directly proportional to product of two fluxes and sine of angle
between them.
TD ∝ φc φv sin θ

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Energy Meter - Working II

Braking Mechanism
When Al disc start rotating , it start cutting the stationary flux produced
by Braking magnet. This phenomenon induces an counteracting emf and
eddy current in Al disc which tries to bring its cause i.e . Al disc speed to
zero. and a breaking torque is produced.

TB ∝ N (Speed of Rotation)

Recording Mechanism When spindle rotates, the associated gear system

with it also start rotating the counter, this counter is calibrated directly to
read the no. of energy units (in kWh) consumed.

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Energy meter - Formulation
Let V and Ic be the supply voltage and current through load respectively.
Driving Torque

TD ∝ φc φv Sinθ
φc ∝ Ic and φv ∝ V
TD ∝ V Ic Sinθ
TD ∝ V Ic sin (∆ − φ)
TD ∝ V Ic sin (90◦ − φ)
TD ∝ VI cos φ

Breaking Torque
Phaser of energy meter
TB ∝ N

Where N is speed of disc.

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Energy meter - Formulation

At equilibrium,

N ∝ VI cos φ

N ∝ VI cos φ
Ndt = K VI cos φdt

n = K × Energy

Where n is no. of revolutions and K is meter constant (revolution per unit


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Errors in 1φ energy meters I

1 Phase Error - It is due to phase difference between supply voltage

and voltage coil(or shunt magnet) flux. When there is no quadrature
phase difference , the power is not exactly proportional to speed of
Remedial - Using Cu shading band (Lag or Power factor
2 Speed Error - It is due to high or low speed of Al disc which results
in wrong calculation of energy consumed.
Remedial - Using Breaking magnet (bringing it toward centre would
increase the speed and vice-versa)
3 Frictional Error - It is due to rotor bearing or counting mechanism ’s
mechanical parts and mainly occurs at light load.
Remedial - Two short circuited coils are placed in leakage gap of
shunt magnet to add the driving torque (Light load adjustment)
which nullify the frictional torque.
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Errors in 1φ energy meters II

4 Creeping - Slow rotation of Al disc in the absence of load current

and magnetisation of voltage coil by voltage coil current . Mainly
occurs due to overcompensation of frictional errors, vibrations ,
excessive voltage supply and stray magnetic field.
Remedial - Two diametrically opposite holes are drilled inside the Al
disc which results in distortion of field and disc remain stationary
when hole comes under the one of poles of shunt magnet.
5 Voltage Variations - The voltage coil flux increases with supply
voltage which in turn increases the value of driving torque. Since
breaking torque is directly proportional to square of the flux, it effect
is much more pronounced than driving torque. So at high voltages
meter runs slow while at low voltages meter runs faster.
Remedial - Proper design of shunt magnetic circuit.

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Errors in 1φ energy meters III

6 Temperature Error - When temp increases, resistance of coil

increases and current decreases so less flux is produced . Thus it
produces less driving torque and counteracts against temperature
variation. Therefore temp errors are small in the energy meter.
7 Frequency Error - When frequency increases or decreases, reactance
of coil changes resulting in error. But this error is generally small as
commercial frequencies are standardized and constrained within limits.

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