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Communicating with Executive Presence

Does your presence positively impact a diverse range of stakeholders ? Can you command
attention and connect with others ? Perhaps you already have great presence in your current role
but are now ready for the next one?

In this thought-provoking course, you will develop skills in raising your credibility, confidence and
connection. You will analyse your reputation and learn strategies for raising your profile. You will
learn how to build and communicate your brand in person and online. You will also practise
techniques for projecting confidence, remaining calm and credible in challenging situations and
developing authentic connections with diverse audiences.

During the programme, you will develop greater awareness of your unique value, fine-tune your
strengths and evaluate areas for growth. You will reflect on case studies and receive feedback on
how you communicate.

Who should attend?

Anyone who is a proficient English speaker and is looking to refine their existing skills to improve
their presence with stakeholders or transition into a managerial or leadership role.

After this course, you should be better able to:

• Pinpoint how to build presence through credibility, confidence and connection

• Project a credible confident image when communicating with others
• Make authentic connections with diverse audiences

After this course:
• Participants will be better able to leave positive lasting impressions and build
more authentic connections with a diverse range of people
• Stakeholders will benefit from developing valued and trusted professional relationships
• Organisations will benefit from improved performance and an enhanced professional
Course Outline

Executive presence: the Fundamentals

• Communicating strengths and achievements
• Defining executive presence
• Assessing and enhancing your presence

Executive presence: building your brand

• Establishing your brand
• Communicating your legacy
• Delivering a personal pitch

Executive presence: demonstrating credibility

• Analysing your reputation
• Raising your profile
• Contributing to a discussion

Executive presence: inspiring confidence

• Developing your voice
• Projecting a confident and credible image
• Delivering a pitch with impact

Executive presence: creating a connection

• Emotional awareness
• Showing you care
• Connecting with diverse audiences

Executive presence: managing challenging situations

• Recognising your challenges
• Staying composed
• Influencing challenging situations positively

Online executive presence

• Defining the online context
• Interacting virtually
• Raising your online presence

Executive Presence: mini-clinic

• Assessing your unique presence and goals
• Action planning
• Supporting others to find their executive presence

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