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Material Safety Data Sheet According to



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Section 1 Identification of the Substance and the Producer/Supplier

Ground Calcium Carbonate / GCC / Limestone /atomite /
Product Name / Synonyms
Carbonic acid calcium salt / calcite / aragonite / chalk
HS 2010 Code 2517.49.00
SITC Rev.4 Code 52379
Grades See the Product Technical Data Sheet
Rubber, Paper Industry, Ceramics, Sanitary Ware, Coatings,
Application of the Product Paintings, Adhesives, Sealants, Mastics, Food Industry, and
other specialty applications where color, binder demand and
economics are of importance
Producer / Supplier Egyptian Mining Quality Co.
84 Joseph Tito, St, Qism El-Nozha,
Address Cairo Governorate. Egypt
Phone +201030228505
Inquiry Office +201030228505
Emergency Call +201030228505
Section 2 Composition/Ingredients

Chemical Composition Chemical Weight

Formula (%)
> 99.6 %
Calcium carbonate CaCo3 1317-65-3
(± 0.1%)
Silicon dioxide SiO2 7631-86-9 < 0.01 %
Iron (III) oxide Fe2O3 1309-37-1 < 0.01 %
Aluminum oxide Al2O3 1344-28-1 < 0.01 %
Magnesium oxide MgO 1309-48-4 < 0.01 %
Loss in Ignition L.O.I. ----------- 43.89 %

Section 3 Possible Hazard Risks

Classification according to directive
not hazardous
Classification according to directive
not hazardous
Classification according to (EC) No 1272/2008 not classified as hazardous
Potential health effects of inhalation are as follows:
This product contains crystalline silica, Silicosis – Respirable
crystalline silica (quartz) can cause silicosis, a fibrosis
(scarring) of the lungs. Silicosis may be progressive; it may lead
to disability and death. Lung Cancer – Crystalline silica (quartz)
inhaled is classified by IARC as a carcinogen. Tuberculosis
Silicosis increases the risk of Tuberculosis. Autoimmune and
Chronic Kidney Disease – Some studies show excess numbers
of cases of scleroderma, connective tissue disorders, lupus,
rheumatoid arthritis, chronic kidney diseases and end-stage
kidney disease in workers exposed to respirable crystalline
silica. Non-Malignant Respiratory Diseases (other than
Silicosis) – Some studies show an increased incidence in
chronic bronchitis and emphysema in workers exposed to
Material Safety Data Sheet According to 2001/58/EC

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respirable crystalline silica. Inhalation will cause irritation to

the lungs and mucus membrane
Dust or powder may irritate eye tissues. Irritation to the eyes
Eye Contact
will cause watering and redness.
This product contains small amounts of crystalline silica. Acute
Effects: short term exposure to silica may result in mild to
temporary discomfort in the respiratory tract (similar to
nuisance dust). Short term exposure to excessive amounts of
silica may cause severe inflammation of the lungs possibly
Effects of Overdose coupled with fluid in the lungs, resulting in shortness of breath
and low blood oxygen levels. Excessive inhalation of crystalline
silica in a short time is a serious health concern. Chronic
Effects: long term exposure (10 years - 30 years), may result in
pulmonary fibrosis (silicosis). Aggravates bronchitis, asthma
and emphysema.
Skin Absorption Not known
Dust or powder may irritate. Reddening, scaling, and itching
Skin Contact
are characteristics of skin inflammation.
Limestone is a common component of the earth's crust.
Danger for nature
Negative ecological effects are not known

During handling and processing of ground Limestone, respirable crystalline silica dust < 5 μm may be
generated. Crystalline silica dust < 5 μm is classified as hazardous.
Section 4 First aid measures
If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial
Inhalation respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Call a
In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water
Eye contact
for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician.
In case of contact, flush skin with water. Wash clothing before
Skin contact
reuse. Call a physician if irritation occurs.
Ingestion If swallowed, call a physician immediately.
Section 5 Fire-fighting measures
Flammability The substance is not flammable and non-combustible.
The product does not burn. Use dry power, foam or CO2 type of
Extinguishing media
fire extinguishers to fight the surrounding fire.
Above 850°C, calcium carbonate decomposes into calcium
Combustion products oxide which releases heat when in contact with water, with the
risk to fire surrounding flammable substances.
Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective
Fire-fighting procedures
clothing to prevent contact with skin and eyes.
Fire/explosion hazards Emits CO2 under fire conditions.
Section 6 Accidental release measures
Avoid inhaling dust. Avoid dust formation. In case of exposure
to dust over regulatory limits, wear a personal respirator in
Personal precautions compliance with national legislation. Keep dust levels to a
minimum, and ensure that sufficient ventilation or suitable
respiratory protective equipment is used (Section 8).
Material Safety Data Sheet According to 2001/58/EC

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Limestone is a common component of the earth's crust.

Environmental precautions
Negative ecological effects are not known.
Avoid dust development. Use vacuum cleaner. Avoid dry
Methods for cleaning up sweeping and use water spraying or ventilated vacuum system
to prevent dust formation.
Section 7 Handling and storage
Do not breathe dust. Do not rely on sight to determine the
presence of dust in the air; silica may be present without a
visible dust cloud. Avoid breakage of bagged material or spills
of material. Avoid dust formation. Means should be taken to
keep silica and dust exposure below the recommended national
TLV to avoid adverse health effects. If exposure cannot be kept
below the national TLV it is recommended to reduce exposure
levels as low as possible and substituting less hazardous
materials for crystalline silica when feasible. Provide
Safe handling advice
appropriate exhaust ventilation at places where dust is formed
In case of exposure to dust over regulatory limits, wear a
personal respirator in compliance with national legislation, or
use appropriate respiratory protection when source controls
cannot keep exposures below the recommended national
exposure level, and making medical examinations available to
exposed workers. Avoid getting in eyes or on skin. Wash
thoroughly after handling. When handling bagged material,
usual attention should be taken for bearing heavy loads.
Use good housekeeping in storage areas to prevent
accumulation of dust, and take the proper precaution
mentioned in the part of Safe handling advice. Store in a dry
place away from direct sunlight, heat and incompatible
materials. Do not store with acids. Reseal containers
immediately after use. Store away from food and beverages.
Keep in dry place. Avoid dust formation. Provide training for
Requirements for store rooms/receptacles employees about national precautions and contents of this
Do not store in common with Do not store with acids.
Section 8 Exposure Controls / Personal Protection
Respect national regulatory provisions for dust
Exposure Limit Values
(total dust and respirable crystalline silica dust)
Provide a proper exhaust ventilation and filtering where dust
Occupational exposure controls
can be generated
In case of exposure to dust over regulatory limits, wear a
Respiratory Protection personal dust respirator that is in compliance with national
legislation, air stream-helmet for heavy exposure.
Hand Protection Use approved nitrile impregnated gloves or PVC gloves
PVC gloves with impervious boots, apron or coveralls. Clothing
fully covering skin, full length pants, long sleeved overalls, with
Body/Skin Protection close fittings at openings. Footwear resistant to dust
penetration. Employees should wash their hands and face
before eating, drinking or using tobacco products.
Safety glasses/goggles with side shields as required or wide
Eye Protection
vision full goggles. Do not wear contact lenses when handling
Material Safety Data Sheet According to 2001/58/EC

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this product.
Local exhaust as needed to reduce respirable dust levels below
Ventilation Protection the national TLV and/or PEL limits. All ventilation systems
should be filtered before discharge to atmosphere.
Emergency showers and eye wash stations should be available.
Educate and train employees in the safe use and handling of
Additional protective methods
hazardous chemicals. Wear clean, dry personal protective
equipment. If heavily exposed daily, employees must shower.
Section 9 Physical and chemical properties
Shape Fine white dry powder
Appearance Color white
Odor odorless
Dry Brightness 96.3 %
True Specific Gravity 2,7 g/cm³
Refractive Index 1.59
Top Cut 12 μM
Hardness (Moh’s) 3
Packed Bulk Density 1.26 g/cm3
Value (ISO 787/5) 9
Oil Absorption (ISO 787/5) 19.5 g/100g
D.O.P. Absorption (ISO 787/5) 32.5 g/100g
pH-value 8-9
Solubility in water 0.15 g/100 mL (25°C)
Solubility in dilute acids Soluble
Melting point Decomposes > 850 °C
Boiling point Decomposes > 850 °C
Particle size range according to product datasheet
Section 10 Stability und reactivity
Stable, but decomposes at temperature higher than 850°C to
Conditions to avoid
form calcium oxide.
Calcium carbonate reacts with acids to form calcium salts
Materials to avoid
under deformation of carbon dioxide (C02).
Hazardous decomposition products Calcium and Carbon Oxides.
Hazardous Polymerization Will not occur
Section 11 Toxicological information
Inhalation: Inhalation of dust causes discomfort to the upper
respiratory tract.
Eye contact: Dust or powder may irritate eye tissues. Irritation
to the eyes will cause watering and redness.
Acute toxicity
Skin contact: Dust or powder may irritate. Reddening, scaling,
and itching are characteristics of skin inflammation.
Ingestion: LD50 oral, rat = > 5000 mg/kg
High ingestion might irritate the gastrointestinal tract.
Material Safety Data Sheet According to 2001/58/EC

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This product contains small amounts of crystalline silica. Acute

Effects: short term exposure to silica may result in mild to
temporary discomfort in the respiratory tract (similar to
nuisance dust). Short term exposure to excessive amounts of
silica may cause severe inflammation of the lungs possibly
coupled with fluid in the lungs, resulting in shortness of breath
and low blood oxygen levels. Excessive inhalation of crystalline
silica in a short time is a serious health concern. Chronic
Long term exposure Effects: long term exposure (10 years - 30 years), may result in
pulmonary fibrosis (silicosis). Aggravates bronchitis, asthma
and emphysema.
Inhalation: Inhalation of dust causes discomfort to the upper
respiratory tract.
Eye contact: Dust or powder may irritate eye tissues. Irritation
to the eyes will cause watering and redness.
Skin contact: Dust or powder may irritate. Reddening, scaling,
and itching are characteristics of skin inflammation.
Section 12 Ecological information
Limestone is a common component of the earth's crust. Negative ecological effects are not known.
Section 13 Disposal Considerations
Waste disposal should be in accordance with national and local
environmental regulations. It is not considered dangerous
substances further to 2000/532/CE concerning the list of
waste products (code 101304)
Recycle used paper and PE bags. The re-use of soiled packaging
Contaminated packaging
material is not recommended
Section 14 Transport information
Not classified as hazardous or dangerous according to transport regulations. Avoid dust spreading by using tight
tanks for powders and covered trucks for pebbles.
Section 15 Regulatory information
No EC-classification in 67/548/EC Annex 1
No EC-classification in (EC) No 1272/2008
Section 16 Other Information
Disclaimer: LIMESTONE) from Egyptian Mining Quality Co.. is a natural product. Grinding or milling procedures
are not carried out during preparation. LIMESTONE) is not hazardous. So this Material Safety Data Sheet is made
voluntarily. This information relates to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material
used in combination with any other materials or in any process. Such information is to the best of our knowledge
and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date compiled. However, no representation, warranty or guarantee is
made as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness. NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY
INFORMATION HEREIN PROVIDED. It is the user’s responsibility to satisfy himself as to the suitability and
completeness of such information for his own particular use. We do not accept liability for any loss or damage
that may occur from the use of this information nor do we offer warranty against patent infringement. The
information presented in this section describes exclusively the safety requirements for the product(s) and is based
on the present level of knowledge. It does not constitute a guarantee for the characteristics of the described
product(s) as defined by the legal warranty regulations.
LIMESTONE) are prepared natural products. All data are approximate values and do not represent any warranty.


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