Speakout 3e A2 SB

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Welcome to the third edition of our best-selling eight-level general

English course for adults – Speakout. Developed in association with

BBC Studios, this new edition has been completely revised based on
feedback from Speakout users from all over the world.


Speakout 3rd Edition offers new content, all new video, and a
fresh new look and feel, all underpinned by e ible components for
in-class, online and hybrid use.

Student’s Book and eBook

• Built on the Global Scale of English, providing clear objectives for every
stage of a lesson
• All-new BBC video, including clips from popular TV programmes, street
interviews, and vlogs for ma imum e posure to authentic English as it is
spoken around the world
• Innovative speech recognition for out-of-class speaking practice
• Enhanced pronunciation strand with recording feature
• Integrated skills for employability, including mediation lessons and ‘future
skills’ training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work
• Mapped to e ternal e ams, including the enchmark est and earson
English International Certificate

Student’s Book and eBook with Online Practice Also available

• Student’s e ook with Online ractice
• The eBook brings the Student’s Book to life with interactive Access Code
activities with instant marking, video and audio
• Workbook
• Online ractice provides Workbook activities with instant marking
• Split editions

Speakout 3rd Edition is fully accessible on your computer, tablet and mobile phone
so that you can enjoy the full functionality of your course wherever you are.
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Student’s Book

F01 Speakout 3e CB A2 59526 Title.indd 1 25/02/2022 13:37




e nd VLOGS | Who are you?

1A Hi! re e t i e: I, you, we, they Jobs and studies e r i i : do you

1B ame but di erent re e t i e: he, she, it ver hr e Thir er -s

e - e e t
1C Let’s meet. t e tive r ee i ti e t ti t h i tere t
e e ti hr e

e - e e t
1D amily and friends Possessive ’s, s’ iy


i e t e VLOGS | What food do you like and dislike?

2A an t live without it t e t e Food and drink The e /ə/ : a, an, some
a, an, some, any

e - e e t
2B our lifestyle and ver hr e Everyday activities i i
you frequency

2C ating out t e t r t r ite i t ti

r er e i re t r t
2D he ndian elay like, hate, love -ing


e VLOGS | Do you ever have visitors staying in your home?

3A ome in this, that, these, those here, Rooms and furniture / / and / /
3B oo much stu have got e tive Sentence stress

e - e e t
3C hat can bring t i hr e hyth i hr e
e i vit ti er

3D our neighbourhood there is, there are


t i rd VLOGS | Do you enjoy quizzes?

4A hat a decade t i e be: was, were Ti e hr e te e tr :
was, were
4B ife in numbers how much, how many t er t ti t he
how + adjective er t i

4C here can get t h h i i i

et he i h
e - e e t
4D akura time should, shouldn’t i er tive e ther e


F02 Speakout 3e CB A2 59526.indd 2 09/05/2022 13:28


er t e e tr e t t rite er r fie e
i tr i ther e e y r e it etter
e rti e tt i T t rie r iy
r ther h re very member
i ere t

er t te t e e e e ti
et ee rie
e ree-ti e t ether

Street Interviews T t e ei y r ie e ri e five e ei

t e e their i ie y r ie

er t e et i T t h i rite i e e t e
about food e ti h it i i r : and, but, or

e i e ty e i i h ti i rt ti
y r ie

e rti e t i e r er e i re t r t MEDIATION SKILLS

h t e e e er t
i e

Programme T t e i eve t Describe an event

Mountain: Life at the Extreme

er t e et i rite e ri ti h e
t their rt e t r e ite e
e th t y T t e ri e
ye t tter e t i y rh e

Read and do a questionnaire e t i vit ti MEDIATION SKILLS

th t e e t Give advice to a friend about
your country
i re i i ity
Street Interviews T ty r re rite e i ty r
t here e e ive re

i te t t t T t ti e i y r ie rite t e i ti e
eve t i the e ti e hr e
e rti e ith t er e ti
about numbers t r er t

er t te t e e et he i h e h
et ee rie
B y ethi r rie
Programme T t ti e rite e i t the e t
Springwatch in Japan to visit time to visit

F02 Speakout 3e CB A2 59526.indd 3 09/05/2022 13:28



t e t VLOGS | When you were a child, what was your favourite thing/place/food/music? Why?
5A hen and now t i e: re r ver Ti e hr e -ed e i re r ver

5B hat went wrong t i e: irre r ver Life events rre r ver

wh- e ti
5C orry m late t e yi the ti e t ti r i i
i e ee e

5D y weekend was e tive ifier


t nd t VLOGS | Where do you spend time when you are in town?

6A eet me in town Present continuous the e r e Weak form of are

6B y way r tive e tive e tive Sentence stress

tr rt ti
6C etting around t e Stress to correct information
ive ire ti

6D ities nature s re iti ver

new wild of movement


r VLOGS | What job would you most like to do?

7A dd jobs rti e : a, an, the er i itie e r : a, an, the

e - e e t
7B n e tra day re e t i e re e t hr ver e te ee h the /t/
continuous sound

7C m calling t h i rie yi t ti
to check h e ri r ti

7D ould you like to Verbs and to i fi itive


tr e er VLOGS | What place in the world would you most like to visit?
8A rip advice er tive e tive e ri i e -t i er tive

8B urprise travel be going to Tr ve tivitie Weak form of to

8C t a hotel t te e h te r The tr ti ’ll

e re e t er
i h te

i re i i ity
8D rctic cademy Adverbs of manner



F02 Speakout 3e CB A2 59526.indd 4 09/05/2022 13:28


e rti e t i ie i y r i e the
h e
er t e et i e ri e i rt t ie rite i i- i e i i
t eve t th t e t r event r : after that, then, next
e h rt rti e t i e ee e
e e i the i it e
i re i i ity
e rie t te t ry
Street Interviews T t t ee e Write about a recent activity
t h t e e i t the
ee e

Understand someone e ri e e e h t rite e ri ti r

e ri i er they re i i i t re h t
e rti e t i r ey y i ere t
y t et t r r tr rt
e e et t i ive ire ti MEDIATION SKILLS
e r e
Programme T t e erie e rite t e erie e
Cities: Nature’s New Wild

e rti e t T t th t fit e e
i tere ti i y r

i te t t t i h ev teer rite t e
v teer r jobs e e e

r ti
Understand an automated h et r r ive MEDIATION SKILLS
e e information ive e e the
i r ti they ee
Street Interviews Do a survey Write a summary of a survey
t e e i

Read a discussion forum T t ity t vi it

t tr ve the e t thi t there
er t t t tervie e e rite e ri ti tri
r ri e tr ve e t tri r the e i i r : so, because
e rti e t h te e re e t er i
e t e ti h te
i h rt t ry

Programme T t i t tri rite t tri

Arctic Academy


F02 Speakout 3e CB A2 59526.indd 5 09/05/2022 13:28

VOCABULARY REVIEW question words
3 A Choose the correct word to complete the questions.
1 A Work in pairs. Put the words in the box in the 1 How’s / What’s your name?
correct group.
2 Where / Who are you from?
17 G notebook purple the UK Thursday 3 How / Why are you today?
4 What’s / Who’s your favourite actor?
1 everyday objects:
5 When’s / Where’s your birthday?
2 colours:
6 Why / What are you here?
3 countries:
4 numbers: B Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions.
5 days of the week:
C Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.
6 the alphabet:
pages 96–97 GRAMMAR BANK
B Work in pairs. Add three or more words to each group.

C Check your ideas in the Vocabulary Bank. classroom language

pages 130–132 VOCABULARY BANK
everyday objects, colours, nationalities and 4 A Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
countries, the alphabet, days of the week,
again How mean page understand
numbers 1–100
1 A: What does ‘singular’ mean ?
B: It means one thing, not many, for example ‘a car’
GRAMMAR REVIEW not ‘two cars’.
2 A: do you spell it?
subject pronouns and be; object pronouns B: s – i – n – g – u – l – a - r.
and possessive adjectives 3 A: ‘Work together?’ I don’t .
B: It means work with another student.
2 A Look at the photos. Complete the sentences with the 4 A: Sorry, could you say that , please?
words in the box. You do not need three of the words. B: Yes, the homework is Exercise 7.
5 A: Sorry, which is it?
Her He’s him his It’s She’s them They’re
B: Thirty-five.

B L.01 | Listen and check. B L.02 | Listen and underline the main stressed word
in Speaker A’s sentences.
C Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.
C L.02 | Listen again and say Speaker A’s words with
pages 96–97 GRAMMAR BANK
the recording.

A a singer. B name’s Greta. C She’s married to .

D in Egypt. E from Italy.


F03 Speakout 3e CB A2 59526.indd 6 25/02/2022 13:41

me and you
1A LISTENING | Understand people introducing other people:
jobs and studies
Introduce and talk about yourself: present simple: I, you,
we, they
Pronunciation: weak forms and linking: do you
Write a personal profile; use capital letters

1B READING | Read an article about twin brothers who are very

different: common verb phrases
Talk about a friend or a family member: present simple: he,
VLOGS she, it

Q: Who are you? Pronunciation: third person -s

1C HOW TO … | make suggestions: adjectives for feelings and

1 Watch the video. How many
time phrases
speakers say their nationality?
What nationality are they? Pronunciation: intonation to show interest

2 Watch again. How many 1D BBC STREET INTERVIEWS | Understand street interviews
speakers say Friday is their about people and their families: family
favourite day? Talk about people in your life: possessive ’s, s’
Describe five people in your life

M01 Speakout 3e CB A2 59526.indd 7 25/02/2022 13:47

Unit 1 | Lesson A

1A Hi!
GRAMMAR | present simple: I, you, we, they
VOCABULARY | jobs and studies
PRONUNCIATION | weak forms and linking: do you



1 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the present simple: I, you, we, they
3 A Complete the sentences with one word.
favourite 1 A: you know Gabriele?
café nationality
favourite B: No, I .
music What’s your …? colour
2 A: you work with Pietro?
B: Yes, we together.
name favourite day job
of the week 3 A: How do you each other?
B: Our children to the same school.
A: What’s your favourite café?
B Choose the correct phrase to complete the rule.
B: The Tea Tree. What’s your job?
We use the present simple when we talk about things
A: I’m a waiter. What’s your nationality? that are always true / happening now.

2 A Work in pairs. Look at the photos and discuss C Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.
the questions.
1 Where are the people?
2 Are they friends?
B 1.01 | Listen to two conversations. Match the
conversations (1–2) with the photos (A–B).
4A 1.02 | weak forms and linking: do you | Listen
and underline the main stressed word. Notice the
1 pronunciation of do you /dəjə/.
1 How do you know each other?
C 1.01 | Listen again. How do the people respond 2 Do you have a minute?
to the sentences (1–3)? Write two answers for
B 1.03 | Listen and write the questions. Then listen
each sentence.
again and underline the main stressed word in
1 How are you? each question.
2 Nice to meet you.
3 How do you know each other? C Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the
questions. Remember the pronunciation of do you.
D Work in pairs. Student A: Say a sentence from Ex 2C.
Student B: Say one of the answers.
A: Nice to meet you.
B: And you.

M01 Speakout 3e CB A2 59526.indd 8 25/02/2022 13:47



6 Work in groups. You are at a party. Introduce yourself.

Hi, my name’s Dan.

Hi, I’m Anita.
Where do you live?
What do you do?

7 A Work with the class. Make a list of all the famous

people you know.

B Work in groups. One student: Choose one of the

famous people. Other students: Ask yes/no questions
to guess who.
Student 1: Are you a man? A: Yes, I am.
Student 2: Do you come from … ? A: No, I don’t.
Student 3: Do you work outside? A: Sometimes.
Student 4: Are you a football player? A: No, I’m not.

write a personal profile; use capital letters
jobs and studies
8 A Work in pairs. Look at the website form. Answer
5 A Complete the word webs with the words in the box. the questions.
1 This website is for people who want:
driver player manager student worker
a a new job. b new friends.
2 The form asks for information about:
football hotel bus university law
a contact details. b favourite places.
3 In the bio/interests, you write about:
a your address. b your life.

business train taxi art

New in town?
football tennis hotel Join Group-Chat
and meet new people
Complete your profile to get started!
basketball e farm
full name
B 1.04 | Listen and find the jobs you hear. Then listen username
again and repeat the answers.
C Work in pairs and discuss the question. Which jobs in
Ex 5A would you like to do? Choose three. Instagram

A: Which jobs would you like to do? location

B: I’d like to be a train driver or a … . What about
A: Not a train driver. Maybe a taxi driver.

D Work in pairs. Write five other jobs that you know.

Check your ideas in the Vocabulary Bank.
page 133 VOCABULARY BANK jobs
B Write a personal profile. Go to the Writing Bank.

M01 Speakout 3e CB A2 59526.indd 9 25/02/2022 13:47

Unit 1 | Lesson B

1B Same
GRAMMAR | present simple: he, she, it
VOCABULARY | common verb phrases
PRONUNCIATION | third person -s

Andy, businessman Sam, actor

common verb phrases 2 A Choose two people in your family. Work in pairs.
Take turns to ask and answer the questions.
1A Complete the phrases (1–8) with the words in the box.
1 Who are the people?
get up go have live play study teach work 2 What do they have in common?
3 re they i ere t r e h ther
1 work in a theatre/for a company/from home
A: Who are the people?
2 early/at 11/late
B: My sister and my father.
3 in a village/with friends/alone
A: What do they have in common?
4 a car/a lot of money/two sisters
B: They both play tennis.
5 Italian/hard/every day
6 out a lot/to bed late/running B Look at the photos. Which phrases (1–9) do you think
7 students/at a university/English go with Sam (S)? Which go with Andy (A)?
8 the guitar/in a band/tennis 1 small village 6 Chinese language
2 teacher 7 cooks at home
B Work in pairs. Student A: Close your book. Student B:
Say a verb from Ex 1A. Student A: Say the words that 3 tech start-up 8 restaurants
can go with it. 4 h e e 9 jazz
5 gets up early
C Work in pairs. Use the verb phrases in Ex 1A to ask
questions. Find five things that are the same for you C Read the article and check your ideas.
and your partner.
D Read the article again. Are the statements True (T)
A: Do you get up early?
or False (F)?
B: Yes, I do. I get up at seven. What about you?
1 Sam has a lot of money.
A: I get up at eight or nine.
2 Sam studies for one hour a day.
D Read the Future Skills box and do the task. 3 Sam cooks Chinese food with chicken in it.
4 Andy doesn’t go out to eat alone.
5 The brothers don’t like each other.
Learn words that go together (collocations), and write
them in groups in the same way as in Ex 1A. Think of
more phrases you can make with each verb.


M01 Speakout 3e CB A2 59526.indd 10 25/02/2022 13:47


present simple: he, she, it
3 A Complete the sentences. Use the article to help you.
1 Sam in a small village.
2 He also drama students.
3 He have a lot of money.

B Look at Ex 3A and complete the rule.

We add s or t the i fi itive t e the
present simple. For the negative, we use +
i fi itive.

C Find more examples of the present simple with he in

the article.

D Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.


4A 1.05 | third person -s | Which -s sound do you

Identical hear? Listen and put the verbs in the correct place
in the table.

/s/ /z/ /ɪz/

Andy writes about life as a twin

Many brothers are very different from each
other, but people think twins are exactly the
same. In fact, my twin brother Sam and I are
very different. It’s hard to believe we come from B Complete the table with the third person form of the
the same family! verbs in the box.
Sam lives in a small village and he’s an actor. fi i h it t y
He also teaches drama students at university, stop study watch work
because he doesn’t have a lot of money. My life is
very different. I’m the businessman in the family.
C 1.06 | Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat.
I have a small tech start-up company. I work
from home, from my flat near the city centre. I
think his work is crazy – and he thinks mine is!
Our day-to-day life is very different. I get up
early, usually for video calls with business
partners in Asia. Sam gets up at about eleven.
5A 1.07 | Listen and write the questions.

After that he studies Chinese for an hour. He B Work in pairs. Student A: Think about someone you
loves languages! Sam is a vegetarian and he know (a friend, a family member or someone from
cooks at home for himself. I don’t have time work/college). Student B: Ask questions about the
to cook, I go out a lot to local restaurants with person. Use the questions in Ex 5A to help you.
friends. Sometimes Sam visits me in the city, A: OK, my person is Maria.
and we go and listen to music somewhere. The B: Do you know her well?
problem is that Sam likes jazz – he plays the A: Yes, she’s a good friend.
guitar in a jazz band – but I prefer indie concerts.
B: Does she work?
The great thing is that Sam and I are really good A: Yes, she does. She’s an engineer.
friends and we often do things together. It’s
funny when we are out together. People see us C Work in pairs and discuss the questions. What do you
and say, ‘Wow, am I seeing double?’ I think this is have in common with the person in Ex 5B? How are
probably normal for all twins. they different from you?
We both like music.

M01 Speakout 3e CB A2 59526.indd 11 25/02/2022 13:47

Unit 1 | Lesson C

1C Let’s
HOW TO … | make suggestions
VOCABULARY | adjectives for feelings and time phrases
PRONUNCIATION | intonation to show interest

adjectives for feelings 3 A Read the messages and answer the questions.
1 Are they between friends or business people?
2 Are they to: a) give news b) make an arrangement
c) say someone is late?

1 A Work in pairs and answer the questions. Chat Lisa + Eva

1 What do you think the emojis (A–H) show? Hi, how are things? 09:25
2 Do you use emojis on social networking sites or
in messages? I’m all right, thanks. You? 09:25

3 If yes, which ones do you use most? If no, why not?

I’m bored. Do you want to do something today? 09:25

B Match the emojis (A–H) with the adjectives in the box.

Sorry, I can’t. Busy day at the restaurant.
all right angry bored hungry I feel really tired. What about
ill relaxed thirsty tired A tomorrow morning? 09:26

OK. Can we meet for a coffee? 09:26

C Work in pairs. Which adjectives in Ex 1B have one
syllable? Which have two syllables? Sure. Where? 09:26

D 1.08 | Listen and check.

Let’s try that new café near me, Coffee Club. 09:27

2 A Work in pairs. Student A: Point to one of the emojis. What time? 09:27
Student B: Ask Are you … ?
B: Are you tired? How about ten? 09:28

A: Yes, I am.
Sure, that’s fine. See you there. 09:28

B Read the Future Skills box and answer the question.

B Read the messages again and complete Lisa’s calendar.

Self-management Event: 1

Some phrases are different in different languages. Date: 19 March

In your language, how do you say: ‘I’m hungry’, ‘I’m Time: 2

thirsty’, ‘I’m bored’? Make a note of differences that Add people: 3

you find between English and your language.

Add location: 4


M01 Speakout 3e CB A2 59526.indd 12 25/02/2022 13:47


make suggestions
6 A Work in pairs. Look at the prompts and have a phone
4A 1.09 | Listen to the phone conversation between conversation.
Lisa and Eva. What changes do they make to
their plans? Student A
Student B
B Read the suggestions. Choose the correct word(s)
Say hi.
to complete the sentences.
Say hi.
1 Can / Do we do something this evening?
Ask ‘How are things?’
2 What do / would you like to do? Answer with an adjective
3 What about / do you think fi of feeling.
Ask ‘How about you?’
4 Let’s / Let me meet at the cinema. Say how you feel.
Suggest doing something.
C 1.10 | Listen and check. Say yes.
Suggest meeting
D Look again at the messages in Ex 3A. Find three more
and a time. Say no.
suggestions. e t i ere t ti e.
E Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank. Say yes.
Suggest a place.
Say yes.

Finish call.

5A 1.11 | intonation to show interest | Listen to the

conversations (1–6). Are the people interested (+) or B Close your books. Work with the class. Make
not interested (-)? suggestions to two other students. Arrange to meet.
1 2 3 4 5 6 Think about an activity, a time and a place.

B Work in pairs. 7 Send a message to a friend in English to arrange to

do something.
Student A: Use the prompts to make a suggestion.
Student B: Decide if you are interested or not
Student A: Is Student B interested or not interested? asking questions to make a plan
Make a free-time plan together.


ee thi er
fi at the weekend
lunch er
meet on Saturday

I’d love to!

Sorry, I can’t.
Another day?

A: Let’s meet for a coffee after class.

B: Sure.
A: You’re interested!

C Learn and practise. Go to the Vocabulary Bank.

page 134 VOCABULARY BANK time phrases

Go to the interactive speaking practice 13

M01 Speakout 3e CB A2 59526.indd 13 25/02/2022 13:47

Unit 1 | Lesson D

1D Street Interviews

Family Rob

and friends
GRAMMAR | possessive ’s, s’
SPEAKING | talk about people in your life
WRITING | describe five people in your life


1 A Work in pairs. You meet someone at 3A Watch the first part of the video. How many different countries
a party and you have one minute to do you hear?
introduce yourself. Look at the box.
What information do you usually give? B Work in pairs. What do you remember? Complete the sentences.
1 Mon Zer: I work for an engineering .
name nationality where you live 2 Rob: Hi I’m Rob. I’m a .
job family interests/hobbies 3 Rose: I’m originally from .
4 : ive i t yfi t .
B Match the sentences (1–5) with the topics 5 Marcello: I’m from the United States and currently I’m a .
in the box in Ex 1A.
C Watch again and check.
1 I’m a teacher.
2 I have two brothers and two sisters. 4A Watch the second part of the video. How many speakers
3 I’m Jack. have brothers?
4 I like sport.
B Look at the photos. Match the sentences with the people.
5 I’m from Italy, but I live in London.
Then watch again and check.
C Work in pairs and introduce yourself. 1 My sister’s name is Sarah and she lives in Hamburg.
Give information about each topic in 2 My sister is married with two kids.
the box in Ex 1A.
3 My mum’s name is Martine and my dad’s name is Daniel.
2 A Work in pairs and answer the question. 4 I’m married and my wife’s name is Rachel.
How many family words do you know? 5 I also have nine brothers and sisters.
6 My parents’ names are Daniel and Monica.
B Check your ideas in the Vocabulary Bank.
page 135 VOCABULARY BANK family
possessive ’s, s’
5 A Read the sentences then choose the correct alternative to complete
the rules.
1 My mum’s name is Martine and my dad’s name is Daniel.
2 I’m married and my wife’s name is Rachel.
3 My parents’ names are Daniel and Monica.
We use name + ’s / s’ for the possessive for one person.
We use name + ’s / s’ for the possessive for two people or more.
Q1: Tell us about yourself.
B Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.
Q2: Tell us about your family.


M01 Speakout 3e CB A2 59526.indd 14 25/02/2022 13:47


Rose Mon Zer

Stephanie Serge Katy Marcello

talk about people in your life describe five people in your life

Zoe 7 A Read the email from Jasmine to her friend Yvonne.

How many different people does she write about?

Wanda me Sandra 0 Sent 3 4

Dear Yvonne,
Enrico Dan
Let me tell you about my family.
My parents’ names are Patsy and Vince. They live about
6 A Write your name in a circle in the middle of a page of an hour from me. I have two sisters, and they live near
your notebook. Write the names of five people in your
life around your name. my parents. My sisters’ names are Marcella and Greta.
Greta’s a lawyer and she isn’t married. Marcella’s a
B Write two things about each person. Use the Key teacher. She teaches at the local school. She’s married
phrases to help you. and has one child. Her husband’s name is Marcel. (I
know, it’s funny, but it’s true!) Their daughter’s name
KEY PHRASES is Sofia, and she’s eight years old. We all meet every
Sunday at our parents’ house. It’s great!
Arielle’s my sister/a good friend/my manager.
Who is he/she/Dan? Can you tell me about your family?
How do you know him/her? See you soon!
We’re friends from work/school.
Ellen is my brother’s wife/a friend from work.
Are you very good friends?
e y eet t B Read the email again. Tick the topics you read about.
We’re in a class together.
ages children interests/hobbies jobs
married or single names where they live
C Work in pairs. Look at the questions in the Key phrases
box. Think of two more questions.
C Work in pairs. Look at the email again and find
D Work in pairs. Student A: Show Student B the names of examples of:
your five people and talk about them. Student B: Ask 1 plural possessive: s’ My parents’ names
questions. 2 singular possessive: ’s
A: Arielle’s a friend from school. She’s a doctor now. 3 contractions with ’s
B: How old is she?
A: She’s my age.
8 Describe five people in your life. Write about four or
more topics in the box in Ex 7B.
B: Is she a very good friend?


M01 Speakout 3e CB A2 59526.indd 15 25/02/2022 13:47


1 A Work in pairs. How much do you know about your 3 A Read the clues and complete the puzzle. Find the job.
partner? Complete the sentences. Use the positive or 1 My mother and my father are my .
negative form of the verbs in brackets. 2 My mother’s brother is my .
1 He/She doesn’t work (work) from home. 3 My father’s sister’s daughter is my .
2 He/She (teach) at a university. 4 I don’t have a job at the moment. I’m .
3 He/She (get) up early. 5 The boss of the hotel is the hotel .
4 He/She (play) the guitar. 6 I want to sleep. I feel very .
5 He/She (live) with friends. 7 My dad is seventy, he doesn’t work. He’s .
6 He/She (study) every day. 8 Can I have some water? I’m .
7 He/She (have) a car. 9 My mother’s sister is my .
8 He/She (go) out a lot. 1
p a r e n t s
B Work in pairs. Ask questions to check your ideas. 2

A: Do you work from home? 3

C Work in a different pair. Ask and answer about your
first partner.
A: Does she work from home?

2 A Correct the sentences. Add the words in the box. 8

about Can does doesn’t 9

know love of ’s s’ to

Can B Work in pairs. For each word in the puzzle, say two
1 Perfect. we meet at nine? related words.
parents – children, daughter
2 Sorry, I’m busy. How Monday?
4 A Complete the words in the text.
3 Yes, she. She studies Law at university.

4 e . et et ee.

5 I don’t the answer. Ask the teacher.

6 He’s at the University London.

7 I’d to, but I can’t.

Remember mood rings, the rings that change

8 Would you like have dinner?
colour with your feelings? My ring is a present
9 He have a job at the moment. from my 1grandm_ _ _ _ _ and I wear it every day.
It’s a simple ring with a coloured stone. The
10 This is the student room. They work here. colour of the stone shows my feelings at that
moment. The colour green is ‘normal’. It means
B R1.01 | Read the sentences in Ex 2A. Listen and I feel all 2ri_ _ _ . If the stone is purple, that means
write the word that is different. I have strong romantic feelings. Blue means I feel
1 nine five 3
rela _ _ _ , so when I watch a film with my
fam_ _ _ at the 5we_ _ _ _ _ or play the 6gui_ _ _ ,
my ring is blue. Finally, the colour red means
I have a positive feeling about the future or that
I’m 7ang_ _ – it’s not so clear. My ring is red at
the moment. I’m happy, but I’m 8hun_ _ _ .
Time for dinner!

B R1.02 | Listen and check.


M01 Speakout 3e CB A2 59526.indd 16 25/02/2022 13:47

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