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Chapter 1

Background of the Study

Impact of Social Media Addiction on Academic Achievement of Senior

High School Students at Aquino Integrated School.In the era of digital

connectivity, the influence of social media on various aspects of life, including

education, has become a subject of increasing concern. The purpose of this

study is to delve into the potential impact of social media addiction on the

academic achievement of Senior High School students specifically enrolled at

Aquino Integrated School.

The integration of technology and social media in various aspects of

modern life has led to significant changes in human behavior, communication,

and interaction. With the advent of numerous social media platforms, such as

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, people, especially the younger

generation, have become increasingly engaged in online activities. These

platforms offer users the ability to connect with friends, share personal

experiences, and access a vast amount of information and entertainment.

However, the excessive use of social media has raised concerns about its

impact on individuals’ well-being, particularly in the context of academic

achievement among students.


Statement of the Problem

This study would like to check on the impact of social media addiction

in academic achievement of senior high school students in Aquino Integrated


Specifically, this study will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the life of the students before and after they experience social

media addiction?

2. How does social media addiction influence the time management and study

habits of senior high school students, and how does this impact their overall

academic achievement?

3. How does excessive use of social media impact the academic achievement

of senior high school students?

Conceptual Framework

This study begins by acknowledging social media addiction as the

independent variable. This is operationalized through quantitative surveys that

assess the frequency, duration, and types of social media usage among

students. The scale development involves categorizing students into different

levels of addiction, providing a nuanced understanding of their digital habits.

The dependent variable, academic achievement, is measured objectively

using Grade Point Average, examination scores, and attendance records

obtained from official school databases. Control variables, encompassing

demographic factors like age, gender, and socio-economic status, are

included to mitigate potential confounding influences.This conceptual

framework emphasizes a comprehensive quantitative approach to unravel the


intricate dynamics between social media usage and academic performance

among Senior High School students at Aquino Integrated School.

Social Academic
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Moderating Variable

Significance of the Study

This study is beneficial to the following people:

Students. This study will give awareness to student on the effects of

social media addiction on their behavior. Moreover, they can be enlightened

and may practice using social media in a responsible way.

Parents. This study will help the parents to understand why their

children are being addicted to social media. Through this study, they can

formulate some preventive measure to help their children not to use social

media frequently.

Teachers. The study provides educators with valuable insights into the

potential correlation between social media addiction and academic


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will concentrate on the academic environment of Aquino

Integrated School, specifically targeting Senior High School students. The

participants will be drawn from various academic tracks, ensuring a

representative sample that reflects the diversity within the school. The

investigation will encompass a range of commonly used social media

platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat,

and TikTok, recognizing the evolving landscape of online interaction.


Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarity, the following key terms are operationally

defined in the context of this study:

Social Media - is a digital technology that allows the sharing of ideas and


Addiction - is a brain disorder which have a strong need or urge to do

something or use some thing.

Academic Achievement - is a progress made towards the goal acquiring

educational skills, materials, and knowledge.

Technology - is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims

of human life

Internet - is a vast network that connects computers and gadgets all over the


Grades - is a mark or rating indicating achievement or the worth of work

done, as at school

Education - is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction,

especially at a school or university

Application - is a type of software program meant to help a computer user

accomplish a task.

School - a place where people can study a particular subject either some of

the time or all of the time.


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

The pervasive use of social media among adolescents has raised

concerns about its potential impact on academic achievements. This literature

review explores existing research on the relationship between social media

addiction and the academic performance of senior high school students, with

a focus on Aquino Integrated School.

According to study of the “'Social Media Addiction among

Students of the University of Ghana” conducted by Akua Adoasi Out and

published in the year of 2015 in the month of October. This study is a

qualitative analysis with its main purpose of indicating whether students of the

University of Ghana are addicted to social media and the level of their

addiction as well. This study therefore sought to examine addiction among

users of social media in the said university. The relation of this study with our

study is that it focuses on the level of addiction the students are being

addicted to Social Media in all platforms.

According to the study of Richtel (2010) states that lure of these

technologies, while it affects adults too, is particularly powerful for young

people. The risk, they say, is that developing brains can become more easily

habituated than adult brains to constantly switching tasks — and less able to

sustain attention. Thus, this affects the behaviors of the students on their day-

to-day life

According to the study of Al-Deen (2012), it states that within the past

ten years, social media such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube,

Flickr, and others have grown at a tremendous rate, enlisting an astronomical

number of users. Also, it explores the emerging role and impact of social

media as they evolve. The contributors examine the implementation and

effect of social media in various environments, including educational settings,

strategic communication, politics, and legal and ethical issues.

The reviewed literature underscores the need for a nuanced

understanding of the impact of social media addiction on academic

achievements, especially within the context of senior high school students in

Aquino Integrated School. This knowledge can inform targeted interventions

and strategies to promote a healthy balance between online engagement and

academic success. Further empirical research within the specific school

context is recommended to enhance our understanding of these dynamics.


Chapter 3


This chapter outlines the research methodology employed in

investigating the impact of social media addiction on the academic

achievement of Senior High School students at Aquino Integrated School.

Research Design

The study adopts a quantitative research design to objectively measure

the relationship between social media addiction and academic achievement.

A cross-sectional approach is employed, collecting data at a single point in

time to capture a snapshot of students' social media use and academic


Respondents of the Study

The participants consist of Senior High School students from Aquino

Integrated School. A stratified random sampling technique is used to ensure

representation from various academic tracks, and the sample size is

determined using a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%.

Locale of the Study

The locale of this is in Unidos , Plaridel ,Misamis Occidental. This

study will be conducted in Aquino Integrated School Senior High School


Sampling Technique

A stratified random sample technique could be used to investigate the

connection between academic accomplishment and social media addiction.

This is breaking up the population into discrete groups according to pertinent

attributes, including academic discipline or level (freshmen, sophomores,

juniors, seniors, etc.). A random sample is then taken from each stratum

following stratification. By ensuring participation from a range of academic

backgrounds and specializations, this enables a more in-depth examination of

the effects of social media addiction on distinct student populations. Using

stratified random sampling boosts the possibility of obtaining a range of

viewpoints and possible differences in the correlation between academic

success and social media use within particular categories.

Data Gathering Instrument

Data gathering for the study on social media addiction and academic

achievement can be conducted through a structured survey administered to

the selected participants. The survey should include questions related to

social media usage patterns, signs of addiction, and academic performance.

Start by collecting demographic information, followed by inquiries about the

frequency and duration of social media use, types of platforms utilized, and

specific signs of addiction, using validated scales where available.


Data Gathering Procedure

Data is collected through self-administered surveys using the Social

Media Addiction Scale. Additionally, academic achievement data is retrieved

from official school records. Participants are assured of the confidentiality and

anonymity of their responses, and informed consent is obtained before data



Griffiths, M. (2013). Social Networking Addiction: Emerging Themes and

Issues. J Addict ,Res Thar 4: e118. doi:10.4172/2155-6105.1000e118.

Richtel (2010), Al-Deen (2012), Social Media Addiction among Students of

the University of Ghana” conducted by Akua Adoasi Out and published in the

year of 2015 in the month of October.

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